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A. ICT Policy

1. Read on ACN College Student Handbook and evaluate the policy related to ICT

(like plagiarism, cyberbullying, use of school LMS, etc)

- No creating memes, No swearing or signaling, Be a leader not sarcastic.Use proper language, grammar,
and spelling. Be explanatory. Justify your opinion. Credit the idea of others. Respect privacy. Be
professional. Avoid being rude.

2. Type below the following policy you found.

- Be respectful

- Be scholarly

- Be Polite

- Be professional

3. As a teacher what policy will you add that concerns ICT in teaching and learning

here in Assumption College of Nabunturan College Department. Type below

your answer.

- Be a digital literate.
B. The availability and the use of the new ICTs also encourage new types of learning interactions:
between teacher-learner, teacher-teacher, learner-experts, and learners-computer.

In a curriculum from traditional to the new environment, where would you position your school? Place
an X mark where you think your school is.In the space below, write a brief explanation for your answer.

- For me is 7 because my school are encourage the students to use their cellphone to use as a tool to
enhance the learning of the students but some of the teachers are strict of using a cellphone during in

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