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How to guide manually claim rewards after 12 hrs in BSCscan v1.

0 (trust wallet)

Note ** will only be able to manually claim exactly 12 hrs or after last transaction time!

Step 1: go to BSCscan on another device i.e (computer on tablet)

step 2: go to contract (identified in red below)

Step 3: go to write contract (identified in red below)

Step 4: select (Connect to Web3)

Step 5: select (wallet connect)

Step 6: once you have completed step 5 a QR Barcode will appear as per below (note don’t scan this

Step 7: inside your wallet go to settings on your device step 8: go to wallet connect
Step 9: you will be able to scan the QR code on your other device one you have scanned press
connect (once connected leave other screen opened)

Step 10: a popup will appear on device press ok (identified below)

Step 11: once successfully completed it should say you have your wallet connected

Step 12: go to number 6 on your other device “6. Claim reward” and press write

Step 13: on your mobile device a smart contract call will appear press approve press approve

Step 14: congratulations you have successfully completed your write function and you may now exit
! end of tutorial !....
How to guide manually claim rewards after 12 hrs in BSCscan v1.0 (MetaMask wallet)

Note ** will only be able to manually claim exactly 12 hrs or after last transaction time!

Step 1: go to BSCscan on device i.e (computer, tablet or phone)

step 2: go to contract (identified in red below)

Step 3: go to write contract (identified in red below)

Step 4: select (Connect to Web3)

Step 5: select (MetMask)

Step 6 notification will appear on web browser (identified in red) click on it!

Step 7 the below screens will appear press next and connect and go to next steps

Step 6: a popup will appear on device press ok (identified below)

Step 7: once successfully completed it should say you have your wallet connected

Step 8: go to number 6 on your other device “6. Claim reward” and press write

Step 9: on your device a smart contract call will appear press approve press approve
Step 10: when clicked on notification it will bring up the contract call confirm this step (note if you
have bep20 funds in wallet you will be able to execute “confirm”)

congratulations you have successfully completed your write function and you may now exit ! end of
tutorial !....

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