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Virtue is a term used to describe a person's moral excellence.

Morally great people have a

character that is filled with positive traits. They are sincere, kind, courageous, forgiving, and
sympathetic, to name a few qualities. Rather than responding on emotions, needs, or desires, they
behave in accordance with values and principles. To be virtuous, one must live an ethical life, adhering
to a moral code that respects others, treats people with love and compassion, and refrains from corrupt,
illegal, or hostile behavior. The behavior, language, and communication standards of a virtuous person
will be high. A virtuous person acts good in a variety of situations throughout their lives because it is in
their character, not to maximize utility, get favors, or simply fulfill their obligations.

Since virtuousness is a positive attribute, happiness can be felt. Happiness is the practice of
virtue with a sense of proportion, or a middle way between excess and deficiency. Happiness is thus
dependent on moral character, which necessitates the virtues of bravery, generosity, justice, and
friendship. He or she is devoted to doing the right thing no matter the personal cost because of these
virtues or positive character traits, and does not bow to impulses, wants, or desires, but acts according
to ideals and principles. These are the virtues that lead to happiness and a good existence in people.

I had a life experience that would serve as a great example of how I behaved virtuously or chose
an action that led to the formation of a virtuous character. My friend had a relative who died
mysteriously when I was still in high school. His parents and my parents were good friends, so I learned
about the death quickly, and I understand how difficult the situation was for my friend and his family at
the time. My friend was constantly tagged on our group chat since the death was so intriguing. I
expected him to be bombarded with questions when he returned to our classroom the next day. So I
came up with an idea: I started a new group chat with all of my other friends and classmates, except for
my friend who was going through a difficult time. I informed them that it would be nice if they didn't
question or mourn our friend's death as soon as he walked into our classroom, because I know how
difficult it would be for our friend to move on from the incident. I also informed them that they would
find out the answer once our friend had moved on or returned to normal. Thankfully, they all listened
to what I had to say. Then finally, my friend thanked me and my classmates for not questioning him or
reminding him about his relative's death, since it took us a week to be silent and candid, and he
voluntarily told our other friends and classmates the story about his relative's death.

In these types of situations, knowing your limit or when the perfect time to make a particular
movement is essential. Curiosity and sympathy are good attributes, but they must be applied at the
appropriate time and place. As a virtuous person, we should have strong judgment or be able to read
the room and determine what is right and what is not. Virtues are significant since they are the
fundamental attributes required for our wellbeing and happiness. It will lead to improved
communication, understanding, and acceptance between us and our fellow people if we recognize the
value of virtues in our life. Since virtue becomes a way of life, the more you practice it, the more you are
capable of it. A subjectively joyful existence of the kind appropriate to being human will result from
leading an objectively sensible good life.

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