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Manideepa Patnaik

Module Three- Session Four

Writing Process

Reading and editing forms an integral part of writing process.

That was an excellent job done by Jessy. Editing makes you a confident writer.
Reading makes you a credible writer. It’s advisable to read one of your favorite
authors before you sit down to write or edit. I devote this session to reading skills.


Getting into arguments with the writer is the best way to be an effective reader.
Try to get the attitude and approach of the writer when you read a research work.

Reading is a process that involves understanding, absorbing, interpreting and

analyzing. If you any one of these features is missing when you are reading then
stop there and get back to it after some time.

Always define the purpose of reading when you read. Shifting and re-associating
comes naturally when you read on an issue that occupies your mind all the time.
Please make notes of those ideas that you get when are reading something else.
Those ideas may skip your memory by the time you finished reading. It happens
to me. You may be different though. If I don’t write down what crosses my mind
then that simply becomes someone else’s work. Recall- in research- there is no
space for throwing ideas without writing them down properly.

Reading is a dynamic activity – much more dynamic than writing. How careful
you are about comprehension and association of ideas makes you different from
the other researcher.

Few pointers to be aware of when you are reading:

 If your mind fritters away to some issues that have no relevance to what
you are reading then make immediate note of them in stead of wishing
them away as irrelevant thoughts. You can carry a small note book of
thoughts. You can write papers expanding those thoughts later on.
 Observe how well you associate all the points you read with the main idea
and notice how the author has built on the main idea. See how many
evidences he has given and in what order

 See how best you can establish cause and effect relationship between
the paragraphs.

 Every paragraph must have a question or an issue. Try to figure out that
issue and find answers as given and see what new answers you could
come up with

 Check whether the inferences are satisfactory based on comparison of


Skim and Scan

It is better to skim though the paper or the book first before you read it for
details. Select the sections you want to give importance to. Predict whether what
you had selected to be appropriate are indeed most appropriate points from the
author’s point of view or not.

Skimming helps you in quick search of information. Scanning helps to get

the details and infer about the information. Try to predict what comes next when
you scan and see whether your predictions are on the right track or not.

You must get into careful reading process if you are at the level of review of
literature phase. Add what you had expected to read but did not find. That would
give you a paper of your own or the critique of an idea.

Progress check

Find out ways to know how well you are progressing as you continue reading.
Figure out ways to make a progress check for yourself.

Important factors

 It’s usually best to figure out a time when you comprehend and envisage
the best when you read and create an ambiance for it. Reading anytime
anywhere makes reading a dragging job.
 Keep a dictionary handy so that you can look for the meaning almost
instantly and you will not have to go to another room where you have your
 If any point you notice that you are getting into re-reading a certain
section then it’s better to stop there and get back to it a little later rather
than reading it several times to force your attention to be on the text.

 Do not go for word by word reading. Go for thematic reading. Be very

determined about the purpose of reading and the expected outcome you
had fixed for yourself by the time you finished reading. Take up reading as
any other activity like taking a class, or traveling a distance or eating
lunch. Start to finish.

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