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The Representation of Urban Myths From My Home Town

Madakaripura Waterfall The Most Dominant Myths

Muhammad Syauqi Fawaid

English Literature Department
UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Representation is a theory that analyzes the ideas contained in a media, either in the form of
video or writing with signs and symbols. And Myth is an element of something that not many
people realize. How a myth is represented in a particular visual in a particular place to have /
produce meaning. In order to answer the question about the mythical representation that
developed in my hometown, that is Probolinggo Regency, the researcher analyzed the target
object using the representation theory of Stuard Hall. In addition, this study uses a qualitative
approach methodology and presents it in a descriptive form. In the results, the researchers only
focused on the theory used, namely Stuard Hall based on the video that was used as the media.

Keywords: Myths, Representation, Stuard Hall, Waterfall

Representation is one of the theories in cultural science learning that is used to analyze
an idea from the maker, especially in literary works or other media. A representation is a visual,
textual, or aural depiction of something or someone. This phrase also refers to what images and
texts imply, as well as the meanings they may convey and how those meanings are acquired.
The meanings associated with mediated visuals and narratives such as TV episodes, Articles,
films, and music. The cultural approach has a great contribution to representation theory
because it analyzes and criticizes a culture.
Based on the dictionary of the Indonesian language, the word myth has a meaning that
is a story that develops based on a nation about ancient heroes who have the content of
interpretation in the form of Human Origins, the universe, and the nation itself that contains
the meaning of the unseen. Whereas when referring to the popular scientific Dictionary, myth
is everything that has a connection between primitive beliefs with the life of the unseen.
In this analytical text, Stuart Hall's (1997) representation theory is applied to analyze
the representation of the myths found in Madakaripura Waterfall, Probolinggo, East Java.
According to Hall (1997) Representation is a system in which language uses 'signs' and
'symbols' to represent or represent ideas, thoughts, feelings, expressions, and emotions. This
means that representation is an idea that is combined with signs and symbols to be represented
to the public. . Representation theory can be used to analyze the main character, place, and
other literary elements to convey signs and symbols to determine the representation of the
author's ideas. This shows that representation is used to provide views to the audience. The
object of this research is the myth found in Madakaripura Waterfall. A waterfall is a geological
formation of water currents flowing through a rock formation that undergoes various types of
erosion and falls from a certain height. In short, a waterfall is a formation of water flow that
falls from a certain height because that is the path of the water (science
Basically a waterfall is a river or other body of water that falls from a rocky cliff into the plunge
pool below. Madakaripura Waterfall itself is called the highest waterfall on the island of Java,
and the second highest waterfall in Indonesia after Sigura-gura Waterfall near Lake Toba,
North Sumatra. Noviantoro (2020) mentions that the uniqueness of this waterfall is that it has
a height of ± 200 meters, is in the form of a tube surrounded by steep cliffs around it, as well
as natural charm that is rich in trees and cool air. Besides being famous for its beauty,
Madakaripura waterfall holds many myths that are widespread among Indonesian people who
have visited the place.
Moreover, representation theory has been completed by several researchers. The first
study discussed by a researcher was entitled "THE REPRESENTATION OF MYTH IN
Destiawan. The article states that there are many differences and similarities in cultural myths
found in the four countries, both in terms of eating, worship, and also love. Among the
representations analyzed in the article are nine images with any movie script on it, they are
Traditional Indonesian medicine, the gate of Bentar Temple, the Italian hand gesture, Fontana
de Quatro Fiumi, Ashram, Yoga, Hinduism service in India, The Catholic church and Nun, and
Christian's prayer.
However, after considering representation theory. This study aims to analyze the myths
that exist in the Madakaripura waterfall in cultural studies, especially in the representation
theory that has developed in society on the object being addressed through writings published
by several media based on the beliefs of the residents around the place. Furthermore, this study
will represent the sign or symbol to the audience.
This study analyzes the myths that develop in the Madakaripura waterfall located in
Probolinggo Regency, East Java as the object of research. This paper only focuses on
representations of existing myths based on videos. Because the articles that appear discuss facts
and myths which represent cultural identity, so this paper matches representation theory by
Hall (1997). The data collected is the result of a collection of videos that are viewed
periodically to find out what myths exist by taking notes, playing back videos, and analyzing
the meaning of the sentences conveyed. Some additional data is taken through articles that have
been published on internet search sites and also from journals. In addition, the results of data
analysis will be presented in a descriptive form.
To answer the questions contained in this research, the researcher uses a qualitative
approach and uses Stuard Hall's representation theory. According to Sugiyono (2017) method
of data analysis that reports the acquired data exactly as it is without any changes, assumptions
or generalizations. And Also a scientific investigation that attempts to explain a phenomenon
in natural social contact through the creation of a deep communication interaction between
researchers and the topic under investigation The descriptive technique is a statistical technique
(Moleong: 2007). Through the video, the researcher will begin by describing each component
that represents the myths at Madakaripura waterfall.

Finding and Discussion

➢ The representation of White Tiger Demon

Besides being famous for its beauty, Madakaripura waterfall also has a mystical
or mythical side. The first is the appearance of the white tiger which is assumed by the
people around the tourist attraction to be the guardians or guards of the waterfall. In
addition, the myth that developed in the community about the white tiger has a special
relationship with Maha Patih Gajah Mada. There are also those who say that the white
tiger is the supernatural embodiment of Gajah Mada's best friend, namely Kyai Dodo

➢ Must Have Good Intentions

In general, every place visited, especially the outdoors must have positive and
negative energy. It's the same with Madakaripura Waterfall. Anyone who wants to
come to visit the place should be careful in his intentions. Because, if someone comes
to this place with bad intentions, then that intention will bring havoc to himself and
others. On the other hand, if someone comes to that place with good intentions, that
person will receive and feel positive energy after returning from that place.

➢ Go Home Before 02.00 pm.

Another myth that is developed and believed by the local community is that
visitors are required to leave Madakaripura Waterfall just before 02.00 pm. According
to local people who have experienced this mythical incident, they say that if there are
still people or visitors in the waterfall area at 02.00 pm, there will be heavy rain
suddenly which can result in an increase in water discharge so that it can endanger the
safety of people.

➢ The Water be Able to Keep Young

The last myth found in Madakaripura Waterfall is that it is believed that water
falling from a waterfall can make a person stay young. This is associated with
community stories circulating and they believe that when the Majapahit era was still
around, royal people often traveled to the Waterfall because it was believed that the
water there was able to keep people young. This myth is still firmly held by the
surrounding community and has become a magnet for many people to visit there.


Hall's theory of representation (1997) has been used in this study, which discusses all
kinds of myths that exist in Madakaripura Waterfall, Probolinggo Regency, East Java.theory
Stuard in this study resulted in a "sign" about trust and belief. In other words, this theory
provides answers and new knowledge to the audience from what the researchers wrote.

The representation theory that the researchers found in the available data is, the first is
about the existence of a white tiger stealth, which is believed to be an unseen embodiment of
Kyai Dodo Putih, who is believed to have a special relationship with Maha Patih Gajah Mada.
The second is to have good intentions when visiting the place. In general, wherever we go, we
must have good intentions in order to get good feedback for ourselves. Likewise, the belief that
has long been trusted by the surrounding community that coming to Madakaripura Waterfall
will get good benefits from the existing energy if someone has good intentions when coming
to the place. On the other hand, the person will get a disaster if it comes with bad intentions or
intentions. The third myth is, the area must be quiet before 02.00 pm. If you do not obey the
existing beliefs, it will rain quite heavily suddenly. And the last is the water which is believed
to bring benefits to stay young. People believe that if people who come there then take a bath
or wash their faces and even drink the water, it is believed that it will add to the impression of
youth so that they do not look old or live long. Those are some of the myths found in the
Madakaripura waterfall near where I live in Probolinggo Regency, East Java.

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