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Jules Verne

Early life
● Jules Gabriel Verne was born in 1828 in Nantes,
France; the eldest son of a prosperous lawyer, Pierre
Verne and his wife Sophie. Raised in a middle class
family, Jules despised his parents constant drive to
achieve middle class respectability. Always rebeliousbut
unsucesful, Verne learned to escape into his world of
imagination. These feelings would show up in many of
Verne´s works as an adult.
Studies and work
● While studying in Paris, Verne befriended the son of the
well-know novelist Alexandre Dumas. Throught that
friendship, Verne was able to get his first play, The Broken
Straws, produced at Duma´s theater in 1850.
● A year later, Verne found employment writing megazine
articles that combinated his interest in travel, history and
science. One of this stories, “A Voyage in a Ballon”
(1851), brought together the elements that would make his
later novels so succesful.
Most famous books
● Five week in a ballon (1863)
● Journey to the center of the earth (1864)
● From the earth to the moon (1865)
● Twenty thousand leagues under the sea (1870)
● Around the world in Eighty days (1873)
Later life
● In 1886 Verne was the victim of shooting accident, wich left
him disobled. The man that shoot him pared to be a nephew
who was suffering from mental instability.

● This accident served to

reinforced Verne´s natural
tendency to toward depression.
Althought he served on the city
council of Amiens two years
later, he spend he old age in
retirament. In 1902 he became
partiatly blind and he died on
march 24, 1905 in Amiens.

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