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Lengkap lihat halaman 201 (lembar ke-205)

Bentuk tipikal kondktor
Simbol Induktor
a. Inti udara
b. Inti besi
c. Induktor variabel

Lengkap lihat mulai halaman 211 (lembar ke-215)

But from the initial conditions, v(0) = A = V0. Hence,

This shows that the voltage response of the RC circuit is an

exponential decay of the initial voltage. Since the response is due to
the initial energy stored and the physical characteristics of the circuit
and not due to some external voltage or current source, it is called
the natural response of the circuit.
This implies that at t = τ
Ketika t <0
Keadaan tunak, sehingga

Ketika t 0,
we can find the voltage across the resistor as
Assuming that i(0) = 10 A, calculate i(t)
and ix (t) in the circuit in Fig. 7.13
METHOD 1 The equivalent resistance
is the same as the Thevenin
resistance at the inductor terminals.
Because of the dependent source, we
insert a voltage source with vo = 1 V at
the inductor terminals a-b, as in Fig.
7.14(a). (We could also insert a 1-A
current source at the terminals.)
Applying KVL to the two loops results in
Since i1 = i, we may replace i1 with i and integrate:

Karena tahanan 2 dan induktor paralel, maka:

Perso’alan praktis:
The switch in the circuit of
Fig. 7.16 has been closed for
a long time. At t = 0, the
switch is opened. Calculate
i(t) for t > 0.

Ketika t <0, saklar tertutup, dan

induktor bertindak sebagai
rangkaian pendek untuk dc.
Resistor 16  hubung pendek;
rangkaian yang dihasilkan
ditampilkan pada Gambar
7.17a Untuk mendapatkan i1
dalam Gambar 7.17 (a), kami
menggabungkan 4  dan 12 ,
Ketika t> 0, saklar terbuka dan
sumber tegangan diputuskan.
Kita sekarang memiliki
rangkaian RL pada Gambar
7.17 b. Menggabungkan
For the circuit in Fig. 7.18, find i(t) for t > 0.

Answer: 2e−2t A, t > 0.

Ketika t <0
Ketika t >0
Determine i, io, and vo for all t in
the circuit shown in Fig. 7.22.

Assume that the switch was

closed for a long time.
t >0
Jawaban ada di halaman 261
Atau lembar ke-264
Jawaban ada
di halaman 266
Lembar ke-269
t=0 ➔R=?
t=4 ➔R=?

≤ 0,
0 ≤ t ≤ 4 dan

Switch S1 in Fig. 7.54
is closed at t = 0, and
switch S2 is closed at
t = 2 s. Calculate i(t)
for all t . Find i(1) and

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