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DOI: 10.

1638/2017-0194 Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 51(3): 524–536, 2020

Copyright 2020 by American Association of Zoo Veterinarians



Danilo Kluyber, MsC, Rodrigo Pinho Gomez Lopez, DVM, Gabriel Massocato, BSc, Nina Attias, PhD,
and Arnaud Léonard Jean Desbiez, PhD

Abstract: The anatomy and physiology of armadillos make anesthetic procedures and the placement of
telemetry devices challenging. From June 2011 to November 2019, a total of 73 free-living armadillos were
captured and anesthetized in the Pantanal, Brazil. Giant (Priodontes maximus), six-banded (Euphractus sexcinctus),
southern naked-tailed (Cabassous unicinctus), and nine-banded (Dasypus novemcinctus) armadillos were divided into
two groups. In group 1, 30 armadillos were anesthetized for collection of biological samples, body measurements,
and placement of a microchip tag. Anesthetic combination BDM was applied: butorphanol tartrate, detomidine
hydrochloride, and midazolam hydrochloride, each at 0.1 mg/kg. In group 2, 43 armadillos received ketamine
hydrochloride at 10 mg/kg 20 min after BDM injection, and intra-abdominal radio transmitters were surgically
implanted. The transmitter was inserted freely into the abdominal cavity. Vital signs were monitored during
anesthesia every 10 min and varied within species and between groups. Rectal temperature varied from 33.1 6
1.36 to 35.34 6 1.218C, heart rate (beats/min) from 19 6 2.14 to 84.71 6 9.25, respiratory rate (breaths/min) from
11 6 4.16 to 31 6 2.82, and oxygen saturation values (SPO2%) from 84.17% 6 2.39 to 98% 6 1.20. Both groups
received the antagonist combination NYF: naloxone hydrochloride (0.02 mg/kg), yohimbine hydrochloride (0.125
mg/kg), and flumazenil (0.01 mg/kg). Recovery varied according to intravenous or intramuscular injection from 2
6 4 to 8.08 6 2.93 min respectively. BDM protocol was considered satisfactory and provided enough time to
complete the procedures (60 6 85 to 133.20 6 9.12 min) according to the species and group. Ketamine added to
the BDM provided enough time and a surgical plane of anesthesia (97 6 22 to 137 6 39.5 min). The surgical
procedure technique chosen did not appear to have a negative impact on armadillos studied. Implantable
transmitters provide a cost-effective method for long-term monitoring of wild individuals.

INTRODUCTION fall off in a few days or weeks, due to the

armadillos’ fossorial behavior.6,13,24
Armadillos belong to the Cingulata order and Implantable transmitters can be a solution to
the family Dasypodidae, with nine genera and 20 monitor animals for which the anatomy hinders
species that range from the tiny pink-fairy arma- the attachment of external tracking devices.6
dillo (90 g) (Chlamyphorus truncatus) to the giant Nevertheless, few studies using implantable trans-
armadillo (60 kg) (Priodontes maximus).28,29,31 Com- mitters have been performed with armadil-
pared with other mammals, armadillos are chal- los.6,12,13,24 A study using implantable transmitters
in nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus)
lenging to study due to their low metabolism, low
highlighted the difficulty of finding and tracking
body temperature, and primitive anatomy. Their
animals with implants, but reported no deaths as a
anatomy prevents placement of conventional consequence of implantable transmitters.13 Re-
telemetry devices (e.g., collars) and external cently, wild six-banded armadillos (Euphractus
devices fitted on the carapace usually break or sexcinctus) were also successfully implanted.6 In
contrast, another study reported that two nine-
banded armadillos died due to the implant12 and a
From the Naples Zoo at Caribbean Gardens, 1590
Goodlette-Frank Road, Naples, FL 34102, USA (Kluyb- study that applied implantable transmitter tech-
er); from the Instituto Promar, Estrada Lagoa do nique in giant armadillos considered it challeng-
Cassange, 34-Marau 45520-000, Bahia, Brasil. (Lopez); ing due to species behavior and ecological
from the Instituto de Conservação de Animais Silvestres- characteristics.24
ICAS, Rua Afonso Lino Barbosa, 142 Chácara Cachoeira, Although previous authors6,13,24 consider intra-
Cep: 79040290, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, abdominal radio transmitters as one of the only
Brasil (Massocato, Attias, Desbiez). Present address
reliable methods for long-term monitoring of
(Attias): Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal,
Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Cidade
armadillos, they also highlight their concerns
universitária, 79070-900, Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do about performing an invasive surgery in the field,
Sul, Brasil. Correspondence should be directed to Danilo with limited ability to provide ideal antiseptic
Kluyber ( conditions, the possibilities of device failure, and


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deaths as a consequence of surgery and implants. col (butorphanol, xylazine, and midazolam) was
Hence, one of the requirements for the use of used for three captive giant armadillos and fast
intra-abdominal transmitters is the identification recovery was observed, while muscle relaxation
of safe and effective anesthetic protocols to and some short-term analgesic effects were also
perform implantable transmitter surgery in the provided.8
field. Anesthetic protocols evaluations have been The combination of ketamine, xylazine, and
described for armadillos, including both inject- midazolam for six-banded armadillos, was de-
able and gaseous anesthetics.5,6,8,10,13,19,20,26 Howev- scribed as an effective protocol combination for
er, to our knowledge, few studies were done implantable transmitter surgery, providing ade-
developing anesthetic protocol focusing on wild quate time and good immobilization for the
armadillos.5,6,9,10,13,21 procedure.6 The same authors claimed that this
Armadillo’s low body temperature, low metab- combination provided a safety margin, can be
olism, anatomy, and the ability to perform apnea, partially reversed with antagonists, and has the
are the main characteristics that make anesthesia added benefits of low volume.6 However, little is
challenging for this group. Although individuals known about the effects of these anesthetics for
of the super order xenarthra (armadillos, anteat- other species of armadillos. In this study, two new
ers, and sloths) are considered, in general, more anesthetic protocols were developed based on the
resistant to short episodes of hypoxia,19,20,30 their previously described protocols. The first anes-
particular anatomy makes it impossible to intu- thetic protocol was developed for chemical im-
bate most of the species, and a tracheostomy is mobilization and provides sufficient time for
required during emergency.2 Hence, some anes- collection of biological samples, body measure-
thetic protocols that commonly cause hypoxia or ments, and microchip placement. The second
respiratory arrest are considered impractical to protocol was developed to provide a surgical
perform under field conditions. plane of anesthesia and sufficient time for surgical
Inhalation anesthesia is highly recommended implantation of an intra-abdominal radio trans-
for several armadillo species and has been previ- mitter. The aims of this study were to: 1) describe
ously reported in nine-banded armadillos and and evaluate the safety and efficiency of two
giant armadillos.8,13,26 However, even with portable anesthetic protocols, used for two different pur-
equipment, this is not easy to perform in field poses and 2) describe and evaluate the surgical
studies and costs may be preclusive. methods to implant intra-abdominal transmitters
Ketamine has been widely used as a dissociative in four species of wild armadillos.
agent alone or in combination with a-2 agonists,
opioids, or benzodiazepines.5,8,10,13,19,20,26 Studies MATERIALS AND METHODS
report that this agent provides wide safety mar- All procedures were authorized by the Brazilian
gins, good immobilization, and increased time of Ministry of the Environment (MMA), Instituto
unconsciousness when combined with other Chico Mendes de Conservacão da Biodiversi-
agents.8,13,20,26 Ketamine provides a short and dade–ICMBio, license number 27587-1, issued
smooth induction, however it does not produce on 18 April 2011.
good muscle relaxation, especially for xenar- Ninety-five percent of the Pantanal ecosystem
thrans.8,10,16 Furthermore, there is a lack of infor- consists of private lands, and this study was
mation about its analgesic effects in armadillos. conducted at the Baı́a das Pedras lodge and ranch
Opioids and a-2 agonists, combined with (where the Giant Armadillo Conservation Program
ketamine have been used as anesthetic protocols [GACP] is based), located in the Nhecolândia
in armadillos.13 This combination is also recom- Pantanal subregion, municipality of Aquidauana,
mended for induction, reducing the dose and Mato Grosso do Sul state, Brazil (21 K 0627555
volume of dissociative agents, and hence their UTM 7870292).
side effects. Most authors also report reversal Four species of wild armadillos have been
characteristic to be a major advantage of the use included for the long-term ecology and health
of ketamine, providing rapid recovery in the assessment initiatives developed by the GACP,
field.5,6,13 and 73 armadillos were anesthetized for this
The combination of butorphanol, ketamine, purpose between June 2011 and November
and medetomidine and the antagonist agents 2019. Overall, a total of 33 giant armadillos
naloxone, yohimbine, and atipamezole, were suc- (GA; 15 males, 18 females), 26 six-banded
cessfully used for implantation of devices in nine- armadillos (SBA; 10 males, 16 females), 2 nine-
banded armadillos.13 A similar anesthetic proto- banded armadillos (NBA; 1 male, 1 female) and

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12 southern naked-tailed armadillos (Cabassous Anilhas Caprit Allflex, São Paulo, SP, 04726-
unicinctus) (SNT; 4 males, 8 females) were studied. 010, Brazil). Individuals of group 2 underwent the
Small armadillos like SBA and SNT were same initial procedures, but intra-abdominal
captured walking in an open area during the radio transmitters were surgically implanted (Te-
hottest period of the day, using long-handled dip lonics, Inc).
nets. The same method was used for NBA, but For chemical immobilization, individuals were
researchers observed from the vehicle, and cap- manually handled by team members and received
tures occurred at night. The capture method for intramuscular (IM) injections into their hind
GA was based on tracking footprints or traces (i.e. limbs. Group 1 consisted of 30 armadillos: 6 GA
recently predated termites). When a burrow was (4 males, 2 females), 22 SBA (6 males, 16
found with a GA inside (entrance completely females), and 2 SNT (2 females) and received
sealed with sand), a jequi-type trap (iron funnel the following anesthetics: butorphanol tartrate
trap) was placed in front of the burrow entrance, (Zoetis Brasil, São Paulo, SP, 04711-130, Brazil;
given that GA burrows have only a single 0.1 mg/kg), detomidine hydrochloride (União
entrance-exit. Once captured, armadillos were Quı́mica Farmacêutica Nacional S/A, São Paulo,
placed in iron-reinforced wooden crates until SP, 05676-120, Brazil; 0.1 mg/kg), and midazolam
procedures began. hydrochloride (Cristália Produtos Quı́micos
After capture, nocturnal species (GA and NB) Farmacêuticos Ltda, Itapira, SP, 13974908, Bra-
were kept inside cages overnight and procedures zil; 0.1 mg/kg), from here on referred to as BDM.
began in the morning at the capture location. Group 2 included 43 armadillos: 27 GA (11
Species considered more active during the day, males, 16 females), 4 SBA (4 males), 10 SNT (4
like SBA and SNT, were kept inside cages (for males, 6 females), and 2 NB (1 male, 1 female).
approximately 1 hr), until equipment and tents This group received BDM, and ketamine hydro-
were set up for the anesthesia. chloride (União Quı́mica Farmacêutica Nacional;
At the end of the procedures, all animals were 10 mg/kg) was given IM (hind limbs), approxi-
kept in crates until complete recovery and were mately 20 min after initial induction.
released at the same capture location. For 12 to 22 At the beginning of the anesthetic procedure
days (10 days 6 2) after the procedure, each (20 min), each armadillo was weighed using a
individual was monitored daily by the GACP portable scale (model A04, Xtrad, São Paulo, SP,
team, using a telemetry receiver (model TR-4) and 01023-050, Brazil). While animals were washed
a VHF antenna (model RA-23K; Telonics, Inc, and cleaned, physical examinations were per-
Mesa, AZ 85204-6699, USA). Telemetry was used formed including general appearance, body con-
to find the animals inside burrows (not active). To dition, hydration status, mucous membrane color,
ensure animal well-being, once the armadillo was capillary refill time, respiratory auscultation, and
encountered, camera traps (model WR6 1080P presence of scars or wounds. During anesthesia
HD; Reconyx, Holmen, WI 54636, USA) were maintenance, physical examinations were per-
placed in front of the burrow to observe individ- formed to evaluate health status and detect
ual general health condition (e.g. weight loss), pregnancy (palpation), and only adult individuals
skin suture healing, and behavior. Individuals in good body condition with no detected health
were recognized in photos by skin or carapace abnormalities received implants. The animals
scars and the different forms and colors of received 0.9% sodium chloride (Eurofarma, Ri-
carapace scales.7 After this first period of inten- beirão Preto, SP, 14095-000, Brazil) given subcu-
sive monitoring, armadillos were monitored taneously, with a dose of 20 ml for SNT, 60 ml for
monthly through telemetry and camera traps, SBA and NB, and 250 ml for GA.
until the end of the intra-abdominal transmitter’s Vital signs were monitored from the moment
operational life. animals reached an anesthetic plane and were
recorded every 10 min during anesthetic mainte-
nance. Heart rate (beats/min) was measured using
Adult armadillos were divided into two groups a stethoscope Littmannt Classic III (3M, Sumaré,
according to the procedure performed and anes- SP, 13181-900, Brazil), respiratory rate (beats/
thetic protocol used. Individuals of group 1 were min) was obtained by observing respiratory
anesthetized for collection of biological samples movements. Relative oxyhemoglobin saturation
(blood, feces, swabs, ectoparasites, ear biopsy) (SpO2%) was measured with a pulse oximeter
and body measurements, and were tagged with (sensor attached to tongue or ear), model BN-
subcutaneous microchips (size 2.1 3 12 mm; Oxy9Vet Plus (Bionet, Tustin, CA 92780, USA)

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and temperature (8C) was recorded with a digital 200 model (6.1 3 2.3 cm, 25 g) with OL of 9 mo,
thermometer (Incoterm, Porto Alegre, RS, and SNT received the IMP 130 model (5.3 3 1.9
91751-000, Brazil). cm, 21 g) with OL of 5 mo.
After the procedures, anesthesia was reversed in Armadillos were washed with warm water and
both groups using a NYF combination that was chlorhexidine (2%) (Indústria Farmacêutica Rio-
composed of naloxone hydrochloride (Cristália quı́mica, S.J. Rio Preto, SP, 15057-441, Brazil).
Produtos Quı́micos Farmacêuticos Ltda; 0.02 SNT, SBA, and NB individuals had their abdom-
mg/kg), yohimbine hydrochloride (Drogavet, São inal fur shaved. A plastic tent was set up to protect
Paulo, SP, 01234-000, Brazil; 0.125 mg/kg) and individuals from the sunlight or rain, and the back
flumazenil (União Quı́mica Farmacêutica Nacio- of the truck was covered with a plastic canvas and
nal S/A; 0.01 mg/kg) as antagonists of butorpha- used as a table for the procedure.
nol tartrate, detomidine hydrochloride, and Prior to the surgical procedure, intradermal
midazolam respectively. Group 1 received NYF local anesthesia—lidocaine hydrochloride, 2 mg/
by intravenous (IV) injection (saphenous vein), kg (Eurofarma)—was infiltrated into the infra-
and group 2 received NYF by IM injection (hind umbilical region. Ketamine hydrochloride (10
limbs), to provide a slower, calmer, and smoother mg/kg) was given IM as a supplementary anes-
recovery after the surgical procedure (Table 1). thetic immediately after the animals had been
All individuals were released in the same place completely washed.
or burrow from which they had been captured and Armadillos were placed in dorsal recumbency
remained inside burrows for 24 to 120 hr (average and the abdominal skin was prepared for surgery
of 48 hr) before leaving for the first time. An using 70% alcohol, 2% povidone iodine (Indústria
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to asses if Farmacêutica Rioquı́mica), and a surgical drape
the induction time varied among species and a (27 3 27 feet) with 3 3 3-foot fenestration
Tukey post hoc test was used to verify which pairs (Veterinary Specialty Products, Shawnee, KS
of species differed statistically. A Wilcoxon test 66214, USA) was applied.
for nonparametric data15 was used to evaluate if A longitudinal, supra-umbilical skin, subcutane-
body mass, vital signs, and anesthetic parameters ous tissue incision was performed. Muscles were
such as induction time (min), mean total anes- divided through the linea alba and a peritoneal
thetic maintenance time (min), and mean com- incision made. The transmitter was inserted into
plete recovery time after antagonists were applied the abdominal cavity, where it free-floated.
(min), differed for each species between the For GA, simple interrupted suture was applied
groups subjected to each anesthetic protocol. for the first layer (peritoneal membrane) using
Due to sample size restrictions, comparison Vicryl 2 (Johnson & Johnson, Nova Odessa, SP,
between groups was performed only for GA and 13460-000, Brazil). For SNT, SBA, and NBA the
SBA. Graphical representation of the measured
same type of suture was performed, using Vicryl 0
parameters for both groups of each species are
(Johnson & Johnson). The muscle and subcuta-
given by boxplots in Supplementary Material 1.
neous layers were sutured using cruciate pattern,
simple interrupted with Vicryl 2 (Johnson &
Surgical procedure (implantable transmitter)
Johnson) for GA, and Vicryl 0 (Johnson &
Transmitters were disinfected in a sterile plastic Johnson) for SNT, SBA, and NBA.
bag with 2% glutaraldehyde solution (Ibasa, Porto Surgical glue—Vetbond tissue adhesive (3M)—
Alegre, RS, 90220-030, Brazil) prior to surgery was applied and hydrocolloid adhesive (Convatec,
(24 hr). Implants were washed twice using 0.9% São Paulo, SP, 04717-004, Brazil) used to tempo-
sterile physiological saline (Eurofarma) and then rarily protect the surgical wound. Meloxicam
immersed in another sterile plastic bag containing (Ourofino Saúde Animal, Cravinhos, SP, 14140-
the same solution (0.9% sterile physiological 000, Brazil; 0.1 mg/kg) was injected subcutane-
saline) to completely remove glutaraldehyde res- ously and enrofloxacin (Bayer, São Paulo, SP,
idues or smell. 04779-900, Brazil; 8.0 mg/kg) was administered
After being washed, implants were kept in through deep IM injection.
sterilized envelopes until being implanted. Im-
plants (Telonics, Inc) consisted of a VHF micro- RESULTS
processor powered by a lithium battery, covered
Anesthetic protocol
in wax and dual water barrier. GA received the
IMP 310 model (9.4 3 2.3 cm, 42 g) operational The median values of body mass, vital signs,
life (OL) 36 mo, SBA and NB received the IMP and duration of each phase of the procedures for

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Table 1. Vital parameters (median 6 SD) of 73 wild armadillos during anesthetic stages of two different drug association protocols. Armadillos in group 1 (G1; n ¼
30) were anesthetized using a combination of butorphanol 0.1 þ detomidine 0.1 þ midazolam 0.1 mg/kg to allow the collection of biological samples and body
measurements. Armadillos in group 2 (G2; n ¼ 43) were anesthetized using the same combination of drugs added to ketamine 10 mg/kg to allow the surgical
implantation of intra-abdominal radio transmitters in addition to the procedures described for group 1. Reversal for both groups was done through a combination
of naloxone 0.02 þ yohimbine 0.125 þ flumazenil 0.01 mg/kg. These protocols were used in wild individuals of four armadillo species: Giant armadillos (GA,
Priodontes maximus); six-banded armadillos (SBA, Euphractus sexcinctus); southern naked-tailed armadillo (SNT, Cabassous unicinctus); and nine-banded armadillos
(NBA, Dasypus novemcinctus). Anesthetic stages are characterized by median and SD values of: induction time, total anesthetic maintenance time, and complete
recovery time after antagonists were applied.

Anesthesia Wilcoxon test; Wilcoxon test;

stage Parameters G1 G2 P-value G1 G2 P-value G1 G2 G2

GA, n ¼ 6 GA, n ¼ 27 GA SBA, n ¼ 22 SBA, n ¼ 4 SBA SNT, n ¼ 2 SNT, n ¼ 10 NBA, n ¼ 2

(4 males, (11 males, (6 males, (4 males) (2 females) (4 males, (1 male,
2 females) 16 females) 16 females) 6 females) 1 female)
Induction Body mass (kg) 30.6 6 5.95 30 6 4.52 W ¼ 108; 4.08 6 0.87 4.25 6 0.5 W ¼ 31; 1.4 6 0.28 1.8 6 0.24 4.82 6 0.4
P ¼ 0.47 P ¼ 0.7
Induction time 5.5 6 2.5 5.5 6 3 W ¼ 98; 3 6 2.5 3.5 6 2 W ¼ 28; 2.5 6 1 2 6 1.5 3.8 6 0.8
(min) P ¼ 0.77 P ¼ 0.31
Anesthesia Heart rate 37.36 6 18.64 38.45 6 5.10 W ¼ 111.5; 74.9 6 16.47 74.53 6 2.49 W ¼ 44.5; 81.8 6 1.13 84.71 6 9.25 19 6 2.14
(beats/min) P ¼ 0.38 P ¼ 0.75
Respiratory 11 6 4.16 12 6 1.67 W ¼ 75.5; 22.5 6 7.69 21.81 6 3.58 W ¼ 53; 31 6 2.82 23 6 9.34 20 6 3.88
rate (breaths/ P ¼ 0.51 P ¼ 0.43
Oximetry (% 91.16 6 3.79 93.1 6 2.65 W ¼ 82; 95.2 6 14.09 92.03 6 11.1 W ¼ 41; 86.35 6 2.05 84.17 6 2.39 98 6 1.20
SpO2) P ¼ 0.71 P ¼ 0.97
Rectal 34 6 2.54 33.1 6 1.36 W ¼ 104.5; 35.19 6 1.31 35.34 6 1.21 W ¼ 39; 33.4 6 0.71 34.83 6 1.45 34.0 6 1.21
temperature P 0.85

P ¼ 0.56 ¼
Total 104 6 59.5 137 6 39.5 W ¼ 62.5; 78 6 25 97 6 22 W ¼ 18.5; 60 6 85 98 6 44 133.20 6 9.12
anesthetic P ¼ 0.22 P ¼ 0.09
time (min)
Recovery Complete 467 6 6 8.5 W ¼ 85.5; 264 3.5 6 8.5 W ¼ 37.5; 3 6 0.5 3 6 67 8.08 6 2.93
recovery time P ¼ 0.82 P ¼ 0.76

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Figure 1. Duration of each anesthetic phase for the studied species of wild armadillo. Anesthetic phases are
represented by: induction time (min), total anesthetic maintenance time (hr), and complete recovery time after
antagonists were applied (min). Seventy-three wild armadillos were anesthetized: 33 giant armadillos (GA,
Priodontes maximus); 26 six-banded armadillos (SBA, Euphractus sexcinctus); 12 southern naked-tailed armadillo
(SNT, Cabassous unicinctus); and 2 nine-banded armadillos (NBA, Dasypus novemcinctus).

each group and species are presented in Table 1 monitored (i.e. heart rates, respiratory rates,
and Fig. 1. These measures are represented by relative oxyhemoglobin saturation [SpO2], and
median and SD values. Body mass did not differ rectal temperature) considerably differed between
between groups of GA or SBA, allowing the groups for any of the studied species (Fig. 2–5).
comparison of vital signs and anesthetic stage Induction time differed among species (F(3,68) ¼
duration between groups. None of the vital signs 9.02, P , 0.01). According to the post hoc test,

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Figure 2. Vital parameters of 33 wild giant armadillos (Priodontes maximus) anesthetized using two different drug
association protocols. Armadillos in group 1 (n ¼ 7) were anesthetized using a combination of butorphanol 0.1 þ
detomidine 0.1 þ midazolam 0.1 mg/kg to allow the collection of biological samples and body measurements.
Armadillos in group 2 (n ¼ 26) were anesthetized using the same combination of drugs added to ketamine 10
mg/kg to allow the surgical implantation of intra-abdominal radio transmitters in addition to the procedures
described for group 1. Reversal for both groups was done through a combination of naloxone 0.02 þ yohimbine
0.125 þ flumazenil 0.01 mg/kg.

induction for GA was longer than for SBA (P , 0.01) and SNT (P ¼ 0.04) (Fig. 1). Only three
0.01) and SNT (P , 0.01) (Fig. 1). Nevertheless, individuals from group 1 (1 GA and 2 SBA)
there was no significant difference in induction showed voluntary reflexes, moving their limbs, but
time between groups for each species (Table 1). after the procedure had finished, 6 96 min for GA
For both groups, the BMD combination resulted and 54 min for SBA, and before antagonists were
in a quick and smooth induction for all armadillo given. Nevertheless, procedures were completed
species (median ¼ 4 6 3 min) and supplementary for group 1 in 104 6 59.5 min for GA, 78 6 25 min
doses were not necessary for animals to reach an for SBA, and 60 6 85 min for SNT. For group 2,
anesthetic plane. 137 6 39.5 min for GA, 97 6 22 min for SBA, 98
Prolonged apnea (6 7 min) only occurred in one 6 44 min for SNT, and 133.20 6 9.12 min for
GA from group 1. Chest massage was given and NBA. No supplementary drugs were needed for
respiratory movements returned to normal; intu- all procedures performed in this study.
bation was not necessary. During this prolonged Although there were no significant differences
apnea episode, cardiac rate and relative oxyhe- in recovery time (Fig. 1), individuals of group 1 of
moglobin saturation (SpO2) remained stable and all species, which had their anesthesia reversed
no clinical signs of hypoxia were observed. through IV (saphenous vein) NYF, presented less
Total anesthetic maintenance time varied be- variation in recovery time (Table 1) and recovered
tween species (F(3,68) ¼ 7.86, P , 0.01). GA had faster than individuals from group 2, which
longer immobilization periods than SBA (P , received an IM injection of NYF in the hind

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Figure 3. Vital parameters of 26 wild six-banded armadillos (Euphractus sexcinctus) anesthetized using two
different drug association protocols. Armadillos in group 1 (n ¼ 22) were anesthetized using a combination of
butorphanol 0.1 þ detomidine 0.1 þ midazolam 0.1 mg/kg to allow the collection of biological samples and body
measurements. Armadillos in group 2 (n ¼ 4) were anesthetized using the same combination of drugs added to
ketamine 10 mg/kg to allow the surgical implantation of intra-abdominal radio transmitters in addition to the
procedures described for group 1. Reversal for both groups was done through a combination of naloxone 0.02 þ
yohimbine 0.125 þ flumazenil 0.01 mg/kg.

limbs. Armadillos showed signs of complete adequate induction in all armadillos from both
recovery up until the moment of release. No groups. The initial induction period required
animals died during capture or due to anesthetic careful supervision due to transitory apnea for
procedures. the first 20 min. In group 2, ketamine was only
given after the first 20 min of anesthesia (time
Surgical recovery needed for preparation and cleansing of skin prior
to the surgical procedure), and did not affect
None of the armadillos died due to a field
induction time.
surgical procedure or due to a complication of
Nevertheless, vital parameters normalized and
intra-abdominal implantation. In five of the GA,
remained constant throughout the procedure after
devices failed (suddenly ceased sending signals) at
this period (20 min). Oximetry values for both
a time earlier than the manufacturer’s determined
groups were recorded between 84.17 6 2.39 and
operational battery life. Implantable devices were
98 6 1.20%. Similar low oximetry values, were
not removed from the animals and monitoring
reported for the long-nosed armadillo (Dasypus
was interrupted once the battery failed.
kappleri) and nine-banded armadillo.10 The au-
thors also reported that no animals showed
tachycardia, cyanosis, or any other clinical signs
The combination of butorphanol, detomidine, in this study. Transitory apnea should not be
and midazolam resulted in quick, smooth, and worrisome for armadillos because, compared with

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Figure 4. Vital parameters of 12 wild southern naked-tailed armadillo (Cabassous unicinctus) anesthetized using
two different drug association protocols. Armadillos in group 1 (n ¼ 2) were anesthetized using a combination of
butorphanol 0.1 þ detomidine 0.1 þ midazolam 0.1 mg/kg to allow the collection of biological samples and body
measurements. Armadillos in group 2 (n ¼ 10) were anesthetized using the same combination of drugs added to
ketamine 10 mg/kg to allow the surgical implantation of intra-abdominal radio transmitters in addition to the
procedures described for group 1. Reversal for both groups was done through a combination of naloxone 0.02 þ
yohimbine 0.125 þ flumazenil 0.01 mg/kg.

other mammal species, armadillos are able to hold Medetomidine is a selective a-2 agonist drug
their breath and tolerate hypoxemia.5 Neverthe- that can provide analgesia, sedation, and sympa-
less, none of the individuals studied showed tholysis with opioid-sparing effects.1,25 Considering
clinical signs of hypoxemia throughout anesthetic all a-2 agonist drugs, this agent is a better option
procedure. for armadillos and xenarthrans in general.19,30
Opioids have been seldom used in xenarthran Xylazine, medetomidine, or dexmedetomidine
studies.4,8,13,26 Most of the opioid’s agents have have been used for giant anteaters and armadillos
been used as pre-anesthetic, combined or not with to promote good muscle relaxion; quick, smooth
benzodiazepines like diazepam, but its use is induction; and recovery.8,10,11,13,14,17,18,19,21,22 This
considered not practical in field situations.1,4,8,13,22 agent promotes better muscle relaxation, shorter
Butorphanol is the synthetic opioid that has been analgesic, and less adverse effects. It also lowers
chosen for this study and has been previously the dose of ketamine needed compared with
recommended for armadillos.8,13 Usually com- protocols with xylazine.10,13,19,25
bined with other anesthetic drugs, butorphanol Although a-2 agonists are reported to cause
reduces the volume or doses of other drugs and is regurgitation and abortion,3,11 during this study,
applied for pain control after surgical proce- pregnancy was detected by palpation and baby’s
dures.13 A rapid recovery was also reported in heart auscultation (stethoscope) was performed in
giant anteaters22 and nine-banded armadillos, two armadillos’ females (1 GA and 1 SNT). Those
after antagonist was applied.13 females were tracked by the team and babies were

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Figure 5. Vital parameters of 2 wild nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) anesthetized using the drug
association protocols of group 2. Armadillos in group 2 (n ¼ 2) were anesthetized using a combination of
butorphanol 0.1 þ detomidine 0.1 þ midazolam 0.1 mg/kg to allow the collection of biological samples and body
measurements, and ketamine 10 mg/kg to allow the surgical implantation of intra-abdominal radio transmitters.
Reversal was done through a combination of naloxone 0.02 þ yohimbine 0.125 þ flumazenil 0.01 mg/kg.

seen with the adult females after the anesthetic faster recovery, high safety margin, and its low
procedure, ruling out the possibility of an abor- cost.1,13,20,22 However, severe cardiovascular abnor-
tion. However, detomidine was the a-2 agonist malities were reported when these agents were
agent chosen for this study due to its cost- used in giant anteaters.30 Similar results were
effectiveness and availability. observed in a study with D. novemcinctus and D.
Due to its cost-effectiveness, the use of disso- kappleri.10
ciative agents like ketamine were commonly As a-2 agonists, many protocols were developed
applied alone for edentates,3 but this is not combining dissociative drugs with benzodiaze-
recommended anymore.11 Used alone, ketamine pines, like ketamine and midazolam or tiletamine
usually requires high doses and may cause and midazolam,5,6,8,13 for short procedures,19,20 and
adverse effects like respiratory depression, cata- especially due to the wide safety margin and
tonia, and rough recovery, especially in the excellent muscle relation,1,25 for xenar-
field.10,13 The other most common drug widely thrans.17,21,22,27,30 Midazolam is also recommended
applied for armadillos and combined with keta- to avoid the risk of regurgitation, abortion, respi-
mine are a-2 agonists, like xylazine.5,6,13,30 ratory arrest, and hypotension caused by xyla-
The advantages of these drugs are their specific zine.11,13,22,30
antagonism, their ability to synergize ketamine’s Armadillos are considered imperfect homeo-
dissociative effects, and the need for lower thermic species16 and have low body temperatures
ketamine doses. This combination is also recom- compared with other mammals (30 to 368C). No
mended for providing excellent muscle relaxation, signs of hypothermia or hyperthermia were ob-

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served during capture or chemical immobilization CONCLUSIONS

procedures. Body temperatures recorded were
These protocols can be used for short and
similar to previous studies involving different
noninvasive procedures and/or to implant intra-
armadillo species like D. novemcinctus, D. kappleri,
abdominal transmitters. Both can be a low-cost
E. sexcinctus.5,6,8,10,13
alternative especially in countries where other
The safety of the BDM protocol is enhanced by
anesthetic agents are expensive, restricted, or not
its reversibility through respective antagonists, available.
which can be performed at any time throughout The advantage of antagonizing the BDM anes-
the procedure. No adverse effects or emergency thetics combination is that it significantly reduces
situation was faced, and no need of specialized the undesirable effects of long recoveries. The low
equipment during any of the procedures was adverse effects and high safety margin provided
required. This provides a key contingency plan by both protocols avoid the chances of emergency
in case of emergency or adverse collateral effects. situations, which are especially delicate in field
In addition, no armadillos from group 2, which conditions.
received ketamine hydrochloride as a supplemen- The intra-abdominal implant did not appear to
tary drug, showed significant changes in vital have a negative impact on the armadillos studied.
signs, nor were undesirable side effects that could Nevertheless, further studies with long-term
compromise efficiency and safety during the monitoring of armadillos are required to assess
procedure or anesthetic recovery recorded. the true impacts of intra-abdominal implants.
Choosing these anesthetic protocols was justi- Despite the complexities of using implantable
fied due to their high safety margin, low level of transmitters, including technological limitations,
side effects, and ability to provide adequate high costs, and the conditions of surgical proce-
immobilization, muscle relaxation, and uncon- dures in the field, this type of device is currently
sciousness. Supplementing the BDM combination the most efficient and recommended method for
with ketamine provided an ideal anesthetic plane long-term monitoring of wild armadillos. These
for surgical implantation and enough time to devices are efficient for long term-monitoring of
collect biological samples and make body mea- wild armadillos if implantation follows strict
surements. Further studies are recommended to protocol, safety, and antisepsis criteria,13 and
investigate potential effects of these agents on includes careful evaluation.
armadillos. The large therapeutic window and low
cost of this combination per procedure and/or Acknowledgments: We would like to thank Dr.
individual, makes this method attractive for field Yamil Di Blanco and the giant armadillo
conditions, when long induction and recovery project team. This study would not have been
times are undesirable and/or resources are limit- possible without all the Giant Armadillo Con-
ed. servation Program supporters: https://www.
This study highlights that transmitter implan-
tation is practically irreversible, and armadillos
will carry implants throughout their whole lives. LITERATURE CITED
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