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Kenji Orito Yokoi Díaz, better known as Yokoi Kenji is a

colombian-japanese, he was born in Bogotá city on october
13, 1979. Son of a Japanese engineer, his father and a
Colombian diplomatic, his mother. He lived in Latin
America until he was 10 years old, then he moved to his
father's native country and finish his education until he
was 24 years old.

While he was in Japan, he dedicated to the family business,

then at the age of 16 he began to study religious sciences
and social work linked to the Presbyterian community.
Yokoi spent his vacations with her grandparents and
friends in Bogotá. Is in Japan where he meets a Colombian
woman who today is his wife and they have two children.

In 2003 Kenji felt the need to return to Colombia and help needy families in the vulnerables
sectors in Bogotá. His main instrument of help were motivational talks with the objetive of
changing people's mentality, generating conscience, for this reason, the foundation "Tourism with
a Purpose" is created by him.

In 2010, Yokoi Kenji becomes an internationally famous character, thanks to his first video
uploaded on YouTube about “myths and lies of Japan and Colombia”. He is known as one of the
best lecturers in the world today.

“All easy success is bad”

By: Jeny P. Gómez Ruíz

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