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Jon López

The map illustrates…

In both maps, the city hospital is surrounded by a ring road, to access to the hospital from any
point around it. On the south of the hospital, in vertical, there is the hospital road. Behind it,
horizontally, there is the city road.

There are a few differences between the maps. First, in 2010 there was a bus station at the
west of the hospital road instead of a bus stop on that same road. At the east of this hospital
road, there is a car park. But while in 2007 anyone was able to use it, in 2010 it was only
available for the staff. Instead, in 2010, the public car park was at the east of the hospital, on
Jon López

the north side of the map. Finally, due to the new bus station, 2 roundabouts appear. One at
the start of the hospital road and another one at the end.

Good first attempt, Jon.

Try to use more advanced grammatical structures in your writing to show to the examiner your
range of language and impress them. Try to avoid repetition when describing locations i.e. to
the east, on the right (hand side), next to it, beside it etc. Now, try to use the structure we have
seen in class to improve your attempt.

Keep up the nice work!

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