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Fabricio Ruiz 6to.

1A) Look at the definition of teenager. Do you have a similar word in your

language to describe a person of that age?

Joven, muchacho; pibe/piba; chico/chica.

1B) Write P if you think the sentence is a parent talking about teenagers or T

if you think it is a teenager talking about his/her parents.

1- P 2- P 3-P 4-T 5-P 6-T 7-T 8-P

1D) Look at the highlighted verbs and verb phrases. With a partner, say what

you think they mean.

 without knocking: sin golpear.

 carry on texting: escribiendo en el celular.
 change the channel: cambiar de canal (en la tv).
 to tidy it: ordenarlo.
 pick up dirty clothes: juntar la ropa sucia (del piso).
 do the washing-up: lavar (los platos); complain: “quejarse”.

1E) Do any of the parents’ or teenagers’ habits annoy you? Which ones?

 when they don’t pick up dirty clothes from the floor.

 when they complain that I put things in the wrong place in the
 when they come in the room without knocking.

2A) Look again at the highlighted phrases from the text. Which three are

connected with housework?

 They leave their room in a terrible mess and then roll their eyes when i
ask them to tidy it.
 They never pick up dirty clothes or wet towels from the floor. They think
that some elves come later and pick up them up!
 They tell me to do the washing-up and then complain that i put things in
the wrong place in the dishwasher.
3A) Look at the pictures. What do you think the people are arguing about?
Listen and check.

3B) Listen again and complete the dialogues with a past participle from the list.
cleaned - done - dried - finished - looked – seen

1B) No, I haven' t. Have you Looked in your wardrobe.

2B) I’ ve already DONE it.
3A) Have you FINISHED yet?
3B) But I haven' t DRIED my hair yet.
4A) Can you get a plate for that sandwich? I' ve just CLEANED the foor.

3C) Look at the first two question in dialogue 1. ¿Are they about...?
a. A specific time in the past
b. A non-specific time (i.e. sometime between the past and now)

3D) Underline the sentences with just, yet and already in dialogues 2-4. What
do you think they mean?

2: I’ve already done it. (“Ya lo he hecho”).

3: Have you finished yet? (“¿Ya terminaste?”).
But i haven’t dried my hair yet. (“Pero todavia no me he secado el pelo”).
4: I’ve just cleaned the floor. (“Acabo de limpiar el piso”).

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