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1. Spellers must be in a room alone using a computer that is on a table with a wall as a

2. Before the start of the competition, each speller will be asked to use his/her webcam to
show all parts of the room, including all doors which are required to be closed.

3. At any time while the online spelling bee is going on, spellers may be asked again to pan
their environment with the computer’s webcam.

4. At all times a speller is fielding and spelling a word, he or she must be visible for the
facilitators to watch remotely, and his/her hands must also be kept visible. 

5. I will announce the word to be spelled. I will make sure to speaks slowly and clearly,
without distorting the normal pronunciation of the word. I will give the meaning of the
word as well and say the word again. Then, you may start writing after I say the word

There are 3 categories of the words to be spelled. 5 words shall be spelled in each category
with time limit.

1. Easy Round which is given 2 points each (10 seconds to spell)

2. Average round is given 3 points each (15 seconds)
3. And difficult round with 5 points each (20seconds)

6. If there is a failure in the speller’s Internet connection after the pronouncer has been
given a word to spell or during their attempt to spell, it is automatically declared a missed

7. Speller must use white or black board and a marker or chalk or bond paper and a marker.

8. Words to be spelled shall be written in ALL CAPS, otherwise it will not be counted.

We’ll review your score every after each round. And the final score shall be announced right
after the contest. In case of a tie, there will be a clincher round for the final verdict.


1. EMANCIPATE- [e-man-si-peyt] verb

to set free, especially from legal, social, or political restrictions.

2. CHAMELEON- [ka-mil-yun] noun

a small slow-moving Old World lizard with a prehensile tail, long extensible tongue,
protruding eyes

3. DISCREPANCY- [dis-kre-pan-si] noun

a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts.

4. BLASPHEMY- [blas-fe-mi] noun

the act or offense of speaking disrespectfully about God or sacred things.

5. GIGANTIC- [ji-gan-tik] adjective

of very great size or extent; huge or enormous.


1. FICTITIOUS- [fik-ti-shus] adjective

not real or true, being imaginary or having been fabricated.

2. CIRCUMSPECT- [sir-kum-spekt-] adjective

unwilling to take risks.

3. VENGEANCE- [ven-jans] noun

punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong.

4. MEDITERRANEAN- [me-di-te-reynian]] adjective

of or characteristic of the Mediterranean Sea, the countries bordering it, or their

5. INDEFATIGABLE-[in-de-fa-ti-ga-bol] adjective
(of a person or their efforts) persisting tirelessly.


1. GRANDIOSE- [grandiyos] adjective

impressive and imposing in appearance or style, especially pretentiously so.

2. HACKNEYED- [hak-neyd] adjective

lacking significance through having been overused
3. HIEROGLYPHIC- [hay-ro-gli-fik] noun
enigmatic or incomprehensible symbols or writing

4. SILHOUETTE- [si-lo-wet] noun

the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter
background, especially in dim light.

5. REPERCUSSION [ri-per-ka-shun] noun

an unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an
unwelcome one.


SYMMETRY- [si-metri] noun

correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing.

CIRCUMFERENCE- [sir-kam-ferens] noun

the enclosing boundary of a curved geometric figure, especially a circle.

ANTIHISTAMINE- [an-tay-his-ta-min] noun

a medication that helps with allergies

CORRESPONDENCE- [ko-pon-dens] noun

a close similarity, connection, or equivalence.

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