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I have a wonderful time recalling my experiences during my childhood days.

As I was exploring the

google map, I was able to visit the places where I spent my childhood and recalled the memorable
experiences that I had which helped me become the person I am at present. My experiences had
contributed a lot for me to achieve my goals and aspirations. I was also able to discover some
information which I didn’t know before .
Indeed our cultural heritage must be preserved because it is part of who we are today. We must
take care of all of these for the coming generation .It is our moral obligation to do our part in taking
care of these things that God has given us.

Baccharis balsamifera Stokes -sambong -gabon

Diarrhea, cough, stomachache

Malungay - Guilandina moringa Linn-Kamunggay

Ulcer,asthma,ovarian cancer, wound

Lagundi - Agnus-castus incisa-

Headache ,fever,cough ,asthma.ulcer,wounds,diarrhea,cholera

Mayana- Calchas acuminatus- Badiara (Tag., Bis., Pamp.

Bruises,ophtalmia,conjunctivitis, sinusitis

Tanglad- Andropogon cerifera- Citronella grass , Fever grass

Diarrhea,toothache,headache, rheuma,backpain,sprain,ringworm

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