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Sem. Edward R.

History of Spiritual Life




A. The Sacred Scripture is the Foundation of Sacred Theology, together with the Sacred Tradition

B. The Confusion Among Theologians

1. Then: Theology was used to contemplate and define by means of revelation the en-soi of God

and of Christ

2. Now: Theology is used to reveal what God and Christ did and are doing for us, as handed on

to the Church

C. Revelation: A Divine Initiative to Relate with Man

1. God Communicated Himself to Man. It pleased God to reveal himself and to make known the

mystery of his will (Eph 1:9)

D. God’s Revelation Written on the Bible

1. The Bible is the word of God that reveals to man his high destiny and also answers man's

innate desire to rise from a fallen condition and to experience the divine.

2. The written Word of God is the rule and standard of all authentic supernatural life

3. Everything must be understood in the light of the Scripture

4. The closer the spirituality is to the bible, the more authentic it is

5. Our task is to determine the truths of the Christian Life

I. The Old Testament: Relationship Between the God and Man

A. God entered into human history

1. God revealed Himself in Creation. Man is created in the image and likeness of God.

2. God made covenant with the People of Israel

a. Covenant with Noah and Abraham (I will make you a great nation. You shall become the

father of a multitude of nations.)

b. God formed Israel through Moses and the prophets

3. Response of the People to the Covenant

a. The people of God must obey the Law

b. The people of God must perform Religious Worship

4. Man’s Infidelity/Transgression to God

a. Man worshipped other gods

b. God punished His people

c. God made a new covenant with His people, which requires repentance and conversion

B. Image of God in OT

1. God is God of power and majesty, and the God of armies

2. God is Father of Love and Mercy

Conclusion: The Old Testament as Preparation to Christ and His Kingdom

II. The New Testament: Christ as Embodiment of Authentic Spirituality

A. Objective of the New Testament

1. To live the mystery of Christ

2. To have an understanding that Christian Life is on the march - the present, striving to

become the future

3. To seek a spirituality that is valid for all persons everywhere and in every age

B. Spiritual Life is Trinitarian, and is centered in Christ

1. Incarnation: In Christ, God is present and dwells in us

2. Spiritual Life is New Life in Christ, as children of God, by the Power of the Holy Spirit
C. Christ Proclaimed the Kingdom of God

1. What is the Kingdom of God?

a. The Kingdom of God is interior, within us

b. The Kingdom of God refers to God’s rule or authority over all

2. Conditions for membership in the Kingdom

a. First condition: Repentance

b. Second Condition: Regeneration, a new Life in Christ

c. Third Condition: Reception of the Word of God through faith

d. Fourth Condition: Baptism by water and Holy Spirit

D. Christ’s Call to Discipleship

1. We are called to become children of God and a Sharer in the Kingdom

2. Christ’s moral teaching on the Sermon on the Mount

a. Christ gives greater emphasis on the interior than exterior

b. The goal of his teaching is for us to strive for excellence - to be perfect just as the

heavenly Father (Mt. 5:48)

c. Commandment of Love – The Disciples are called to the perfection of charity

Conclusion: The spirituality of the Gospel is the Christian Spirituality par excellence

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