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Good morning, teacher, good morning, classmates, today I will present my project intermediate 12

about my new product, the backpack warm food, or bpwarm food.



This new product is innovative because solves a big problem which is not having time and space to
heat your food. This product is made for students and office workers since its main function is to
carry documents, notebooks, etc., and on the backpack’s front it has a special type of box where
you can place your food do it is so easy, press the button and in 6 minutes it will be hot.

This helps since you don't need to have a microwave nearby or go home, just take your food
tarper and that's it.



This product is camouflaged like a common backpack which prevent theft, it is not heavy, it only
weighs 4 kilos, below many normal backpacks, the reason for this is that it is made with new
technology that makes it lighter.

This backpack does not need any battery charge, you only need to use it in the street since it
recharges with solar energy, but in case it is winter you can use your cell phone charger and it will
load so fast

this backpack is capable of heating any type of food except soups, because the bpwarmfood is
very good heating food solid and not liquid, but you can make instant soups that are in a safe will cook such a delicious dish.

Recommendations of use

It is recommended that at the time of heating the food stop walking or in any case carry the
backpack by hand and not by your back for better stability.

It’s important to say that you must be careful whit taper that you put in because de bpwarmpack
only can heat tapers that can withstand high temperatures

If you put gloves or scarves in the opening behind the heater, you can safely heat them. For sure
this will be useful for you.

Finally it’s worth say that BPwarmfood cannot heat so hot because it has a heat limit and that is
60 degrees which prevents problems with the documents inside.

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