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Power Reading_Book 2_Word List

Unit WORD Pos English Definition Sample Sentence

ability n. a skill or talent for doing something He has the ability to win the prize
amazing adj. very surprising The little boy is an amazing artist
balance n. the ability to control one's weight and position in order to stand or move well Tim can balance on his toes for a very long time
behavior n. a way of acting or doing things Susan's parents were happy with her behavior during the formal dinner
bend v. to make something straight into a curve Our legs bend at the knees
1 chi n. energy or force inside one's body In Chinese medicine, chi is the most important energy a person has
circus n. a traveling show These are many acrobats and animals in the circus
comic book n. a collection of stories told in drawings The artist wants to draw for comic books
hang v. to support something at the top but leave the bottom free My coat is hanging on the hook beside the door
hero n. someone you respect for their intelligence or abilities His grandfather is his hero
sword n. a kind of long knife used for fighting Before guns, swords were used in battle
broth n. water that has been boiled with meat or vegetables His mom made chicken broth for him when he was sick
buckwheat n. a small dark grain that is healthier than wheat Dad made buckwheat pancakes for breakfast
chewy adj. requiring a lot of work to cut with one's teeth The caramel candies are chewy
dish n. food that is prepared in a particular way They served a tasty dish with chicken and cheese in it
ingredient n. one of the things that goes into a mixture to make food Some of the ingredients in the stew are potatoes and carrots
noodle n. a thin strip of dough made from flour and water that is cooked in boiling water People eat a lot of noodles in Italy
2 nutty adj. tasting or smelling like nuts This milk has a nutty taste because it's made from almonds
an asian dish in which meat and vegetables are rolled up inside of a thin pancake
spring roll n. We ate spring rolls and fried rice for dinner
and then fried
an ingredient found in grains, beans, and potatoes that can be used in cooking,
starch n. There is starch in bread
especially to make sauces thicker
texture n. the way something feels Silk sheets have a smooth texture
wheat n. a grain used to make flour for bread Wheat bread is healthier than white bread
auditory adj. related to hearing Listening to educational talks is good for auditory learners
combination n a mix of things A combination of red paint and blue paint gives us purple paint
flashcard n a small card used for notes Many students make their own flashcards to study with
organize v to put in order David organized his books by subject
physical activity n actions that require moving one's body Soccer and basketball are both physical activities
suit v to fit; to be appropriate for Living in the country suits Max because he loves nature
Power Reading_Book 2_Word List

Unit WORD Pos English Definition Sample Sentence

tactile adj. related to touch Tactile books are often made for blind children to get them interested in reading
an idea like a law of nature that is suggested to explain something and can be
theory n Susan wants to be a musician, and she is studying music theory
tested by experiments
tip n a piece of advice The accountant gave us some tips on how to save money
trace v to copy or follow an outline of a shape Jack couldn't draw a bear, but he traced one from a photograph in a magazine
visual adj. related to sight Visual dictionaries are good for people who are beginning to learn a new language
antigen n something that causes the body to make things to fight it Antigens include bacteria, viruses, and even pollen
bacteria n very small living things that can make us sick Her sore throat was caused by bacteria
confident adj being sure about oneself Tom is confident that his team will win
forgetful adj not having a good memory Grandpa is a bit forgetful these days
perfectionist n a person who tried to do everything perfectly Suzie is such a perfectionist that I can't remember the last time she made a mistake
4 personality n a person's character Katie has a very sweet personality
potentially adv maybe; might be able to Walking alone in the city late at night is potentially dangerous
sensible adj acting because of thinking, not because of feeling High heels are not very sensible shoes
sociable adj liking to be around other people Dan is very sociable; he'll talk to anyone
stubborn adj not changing your mind easily; not listening to other opinions Max is too stubborn to admit that he is wrong
unforgiving adj not forgetting something bad done by another; not allowing mistakes Gina is very unforgiving, so I wouldn't do anything to make her angry
amusement n a feeling that something is fun, funny, or enjoyable To their amusement, the games were all fun
clip n a short scene from a film or video There is a short clip about dogs that is funny
disgust n a feeling that something is gross or sickening to see You could see the disgust he felt by the expression on his face
emotion n a feeling like happiness, sadness, anger, etc Even though he is angry, he shows no emotion
involve v to include; to have to do with Getting there involves walking, riding the bus, and taking a taxi
5 lab n a place where scientists do research There is a lot of expensive equipment in the science lab
to put in order from best to worst or highest to lowest by labeling something with
rate v On a scale of one to ten, I rate this dessert a ten
a number
scary adj frightening; able to cause fear This movie is so scary!
scene n a part of a movie or play that happens in one place at one time The exciting scene takes place on top of a mountain
update v to make a newer and better version My computer updates itself periodically
diverse adj having many different kinds The school has teachers from diverse backgrounds
Power Reading_Book 2_Word List

Unit WORD Pos English Definition Sample Sentence

instrument n something that makes music The violin, flute, and guitar are all musical instruments
log n a large piece of wood cut from a tree They used the logs to build a fire
mold v to bend, press, or hit into a certain shape The metal is heated and then molded into shape by hitting it
outfit n a set of clothes worn together They went shopping for new outfits
rattle n an instrument that makes short, hard sounds when it is shaken The baby loves to make noise by shaking his new rattle
rhythm n a pattern of beats in music The couple dances to the rhythm of the music
rubber n a material like plastic that stretches The rubber ball bounces a lot
solo adv alone; by oneself He wants to take a solo hiking trip across the mountains
steel n a metal; a form of iron The bridge is made of steel
strap n a strong piece of fabric that is used to carry something Most backpacks have two straps
stretch v to pull something so that it becomes longer, wider, or looser These pants are comfortable because they stretch
ad n an advertisement; a short video used to sell products There are so many ads on TV
aim n a goal; a purpose Her aim is to get a better job this year
associate with ph. v connected; having something to do with No one wants their children associating with criminals
bite n a piece of food taken from the whole with one's teeth Someone took a bite out of my sandwich
field n a subject area Professor Jones specializes in the field of ancient Egyptian history
7 image n a picture or idea that comes to mind He will always remember the image of his bride in her wedding dress
logo n a picture or symbol for a company or product The Adidas logo has three stripes in the shape of a triangle
mermaid n an imaginary sea creature that is half woman and half fish Helen thought she saw a mermaid in the ocean, but it was just some seaweed
modern adj of today; up-to-date The latest phone on the market has the most modern technology
refreshing adj giving a new or fresh feeling again We are thirsty and some refreshing ice water is just what we need
stand for ph. v to mean; to be used as a symbol for Everyone calls him J.P. which stands for John Paul
afford v to have enough money to pay for something I'm saving up money so that I can afford to buy a new car
bug n another word that means "insect" There is a bug on the flower
compare v to look at two things and see what is the same and what is different If we compare these two shirts, we can see that one is slightly bigger than the other
cricket n a small insect that jumps and makes noises with its legs Most crickets are black or brown, but some are green
diet n all of the food that a person normally eats A vegetarian's diet has no meat in it
8 insect n a small animal that has six legs and three parts to its body Crickets, ants, and flies are insects, but spiders are not
nutrient n something that the body needs to live and grow Plants get nutrients from the soil
Power Reading_Book 2_Word List
Unit WORD Pos English Definition Sample Sentence

picky adj choosy; being very selective about accepting new things Sarah is very picky about her friends
powder n something which looks like dust that is made by crushing You can put this yellow powder in your drink and it will make you feel better
protein n something that is found in foods that helps make muscles Meat, cheese, and nuts are high in protein
worm n a long, thin creature that lives underground Worms are good for the soil
acre n a measure of land area, equal to about 4,047 square meters There are two acres of fields behind our house
breeding n the process of making baby animals The zoo has a breeding program for its pandas
captive n captured and kept somewhere The pirates kept the captives at the back of the boat
capture v to catch an animal The veterinarian wants to capture the wounded cat in order to help it
chick n a baby bird The chicks are learning to fly
9 extinct adj no longer existing Dinosaurs have been extinct for many years
hatch v to come out of an egg at birth The sea turtles are hatching and soon they will make their way from the sand to the sea
nest n the place where a bird lays its eggs There is a bird's nest high up in the tree
pesticide n a chemical used to kill insects Fruits and vegetables grown without the use of pesticides are safer to eat
population n the number of people or animals in a place The current population of Smithville is 350,000 people
release v to set free Once the wolf's broken leg heals, we will release him into the wild
cape n a long piece of clothing like a coat without sleeves Superman wears a red cape
career n a job in a certain field that one does for a long period of one's life She has enjoyed a long career as a history professor
costume n clothing worn for a special event or to look different Susan will wear a witch costume to the party
curse n special words or magic that some people believe cause bad luck Many bad things keep happening to Jake, and he thinks it is because of a curse
dice n small cubes that have a different number of dots on each side Take your turn and roll the dice
10 girlfriend n a girl with whom a boy is in a relationship Nick is holding hands with his girlfriend
incredible adj far beyond normal; amazing They enjoyed beautiful beaches and nice weather during their incredible vacation
producer n a person who manages the money and operations while making a movie We need permission from the producer before we can increase spending on the film
role n a part that an actor plays The auditions for the role of Annie will begin tomorrow at eight o'clock
stuntman n a person who takes an actor's place to film dangerous scenes in a movie The stuntman will jump off that tall building and land in the swimming pool below
wheelchair n a chair with wheels used by people who can't walk When Gina broke both of her legs, she had to use a wheelchair
audience n the people who watch a show or performance The singer loves performing in front of an audience

Power Reading_Book 2_Word List

Unit WORD Pos English Definition Sample Sentence

bass n a type of guitar with four strings and a low tone Wendy plays the bass in a band
clap v to hit your hands together and make a sound We all clapped after the performers finished
concert n a musical performance that many people go to see The concert begins at 4:00, but we want to arrive early to get good seats
form v to create; to make for the first time She formed a vase from clay
11 makeup n colored powder or cream that you put on your face That woman wears a lot of makeup
monster n a strange or scary looking creature or animal The little boy believes there is a monster under his bed
persona n the image of yourself that you show to society The famous athlete's public persona is different from how he acts at home
recognized adj well-known, familiar, or famous We recognized the author from her picture on the back of the book
sell out ph. v to have no tickets or products left because people bought all of them The movie theater is sold out all weekend for that new movie we wanted to see
superstar n a very famous and successful performer or athlete Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are superstars
adopt v to accept and begin to use The school adopted a new music program this year
champion n someone who wins a contest over all others Jane wants to be a tennis champion one day
chess n a board game of skill for two players The old men like to meet in the park and play chess
disagree v to not agree; to have a different opinion They disagreed over which kind of pizza to order
exam n a test on a subject There is an English exam next Tuesday
grand master n one of the best chess players in international competitions Ben will play chess with the grand master tomorrow
instructor n a person who teaches a subject or skill Lucy is the best art instructor I've ever had
mandatory adj being required; of things that must be done In this country, school is mandatory until the age of 14
set aside ph. v to save or keep money or time for future use He sets aside some money every month for a new car
strategically adv in a way that uses planned moves to attack and defend in order to win in the end He strategically placed his game pieces on the board
area n all places near or around some point There is snow covering the whole area
artifact n an object made by people in the past There are many interesting artifacts in the museum
chain n a series of metal pieces joined together like a rope Darren locked his bike up with a big chain
coal n a black rock from inside the earth Let's put some more coal in the stove
dinosaur n an animal that lived a very, very long time ago The little boy's favorite book is about dinosaurs
13 footprint n a mark left on the ground by a shoe or a foot The sea washed away the footprints in the sand
geologist n a type of scientist that studies rocks The geologist was very interested in the rocks on the mountain
handprint n a mark left on a surface by a hand The child dipped her hand in paint and put a handprint on the wall
13 Power Reading_Book 2_Word List

Unit WORD Pos English Definition Sample Sentence

mud n a mixture of dirt and water Sharon stepped in a puddle and got mud all over her shoes
otherwise adv differently; in another way Close the door, otherwise it will get cold in here
sticky adj being a little wet and easy to attach things to I got some honey on my hands, and they were very sticky
athlete n a person who competes in a sport Jason is a great athlete and plays soccer and basketball well
base n a place marked in a game or sport where members of one team are safe to rest He hit the ball and ran to first base
compete v to try to win something that someone else is also trying to win We are competing for the trophy
cooperation n working together toward a goal With your cooperation, we can finish all this work by tomorrow
goal n an end point that one works toward Her goal is to save money so that she can go on vacation
14 gymnastics n a sport that uses strength, balance, and body control Susan has been doing gymnastics for 10 years
individual adj designed for one person That pizza shop makes small individual pizzas for lunch
sacrifice v to give up something one wants in order to help someone else Troy's parents sacrificed a lot so that he could go to university
track n a sport where the goal is to run the fastest or jump the highest Nate is on the high school track team
weightlifting n a sport where the goal is to lift the heaviest weight Jim won the weightlifting competition
wrestling n a sport where one player throws another to the ground The two brothers are good at wrestling
bones n hard pieces that form the skeleton of an animal They found the bones of a cat in the forest
fake adj not real; made to look like something it is not She bought her earrings for two dollars; they are fake gold
fragile adj easily damaged or broken Don't drop that; it's very fragile
gullible adj easily fooled or cheated Gullible people will believe anything you tell them
mummy n a dead body that is treated before being buried There is an Egyptian mummy in the museum
sailor n a person who works on a boat The sailors worked hard to keep the boat safe during the storm
scream v to suddenly cry out in a loud voice The child screamed when he fell down
shell n a hard outer covering of an animal or egg Some chicken egg shells are white and others are brown
tail n the bottom half of a fish or back part of an animal Dogs wag their tails from side to side when they are happy
wire n a thin, flexible piece of metal He used wire to connect the two pieces together
anthropomorphism n when an object or thing looks like a person, or has human form The character of Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz is an example of anthropomorphism
carve v to cut into a very solid material The artist is carving a beautiful picture into the rock
height n how tall something is The nurse will measure your height and weight


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