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Common Threats Tackled by Security Guards

Depending on the site they are guarding, security guards have to tackle numerous threats and
menaces while on their duty. It is not always easy and sometimes they have to put their own
lives at stake. But it is also said that no job is easy or tough. It all depends on the way you do it
and in the end, on your determination. The same is true for security guards. Be it a public space
or a private property, it is vulnerable to some common threats a security guard, while on the
job has to tackle
This article converges on the duties performed by a security guard in general and in particular
what common threats are tackled by a security guard which ensures the safety and security of
goods as well as people.
1. Deterring Breaking and Entering
Almost all businesses and public properties are vulnerable to breaking and entering. Crimes
such as burglary, theft, and breaking-ins, can simply be controlled if competent security guards
are guarding the place. They could be a massive hindrance to such crimes and can save the
business from any such misfortune.
2. Dealing with Intoxicated People
Most spaces are guarded by security guards, keeping those people off the property who are not
supposed to be there. Most of the time these intruders are intoxicated people who are not
aware of what they are doing. These intoxicated people sometimes are armed as well, putting
the lives of many people in danger. It becomes very difficult for a security guard to handle such
people as they don’t quite understand what they are spoken to them. It is the job of a security
guard to tackle such people tactfully so as they do not end up damaging the property or putting
the lives of people in danger.
3. Watching out for Malicious Acts of Vandalism
Even though malicious acts of hooliganism are not as bad of a crime as burglary or theft but still
they can cost a fortune to the property owners. Such willful acts of vandalism can easily be
curbed by effective security guards who are patrolling the premises 24/7.
4. Stopping Shoplifting and Theft
Businesses such as shopping malls and stores are usually prone to shoplifting and theft. Such
petty crimes can really hurt businesses, especially small businesses. That's why effective
security personnel can easily inhibit such crimes, while on the lookout for those people who
shoplift and steal.
5. Curbing Assaults and Violence
More often than not working places residential areas and malls are susceptible to assaults and
violence. It is the job of security guards to recognize such threats and effectively handle them as
well. Assaults and violence are tricky to handle and they might put the lives of people and
security guards, in jeopardy. That is why it needs to be tackled with great care and with instant
on-the-spot appropriate decisions.
6. Looking-out for Acts of Terrorism
Terrorism as a security threat is one of the most common and also one of the most difficult to
tackle as well. As the acts of terrorism are getting common day by day, so is the need for
curbing it tactfully. Security guards should be trained on such issues as what to do when it
comes to terrorism. Because a little care on the behalf of security guards can save lives of
people and also can prevent damages to the property that might happen in the likelihood of an
act of terrorism.
The job of a security guard can be tough sometimes and it might get really boring oftentimes as
they have to stand on a site for hours on end. It can be risky as they have to deal with criminals
and sometimes people, in general, can be a nuisance as well. Personal security guards of
celebrities and famous personalities often have to deal with crazy fans and admirers making the
job of the security guards a living hell.
In conclusion, security guards play an important role by curbing and tackling down different
threats and crimes, from shoplifting to countering terrorism, making them indispensable and
absolutely necessary for businesses and public spaces. That is why almost all public spaces and
businesses should hire competent and reliable security guards to protect themselves from all
the above-mentioned threats and crimes.

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