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Importance of Security During the Holiday

The increased movement and gatherings of expensive household items for holidays
serve as a fertile ground for nefarious individuals to perpetrate acts such as robbery,
kidnapping, and other forms of violence.
Considering the heightened security risks during the forthcoming holidays, below are
some essential security tips to keep you safe.
Avoiding Non-Essential Travel or Movement
The first step towards ensuring your safety during these holidays is to restrict your movements
to essential travel only. Avoiding non-essential travel, limits your exposure to potential harm,
especially if such travel involves night trips or risky routes with minimal security presence.

Staying Alert and Vigilant

During these holidays, it is vital to maintain a high level of alertness. Always be aware of your
surroundings and report suspicious characters or activities to the appropriate authorities
promptly. Staying alert increases your chances of detecting potential threats early enough to
avoid them.

Avoiding Crowded Places

Crowded places often provide camouflage for criminals, making it easier for them to operate
undetected. Therefore, as much as possible, avoid crowded environments, especially those
without sufficient security arrangements.

Reviewing and Updating your Security Plans Regularly

Keeping yourself and your loved ones safe requires a well-detailed security plan. This plan
should encompass escape routes, emergency contacts, and secure meeting points in case of
separation. It is also important to review and update these plans regularly to ensure they
remain effective.

Keeping Your Cell Phone Charged

Your cell phone is your lifeline in case of an emergency. Hence, always ensure your phone is
fully charged before stepping out. Also, consider carrying a portable charger for situations
where you might be unable to access electricity.

Carrying Proper Identification

Always have a valid form of identification on you. This could be a driver's license, a national
ID card, or any other government-issued ID. Having proper identification helps verify your
identity in case of emergencies and can also facilitate getting help when needed.

Personal Safety Measures

While the above-listed tips are crucial for your safety during these holidays, there are
additional personal safety measures that you should consider.
Maintaining Privacy in Financial Dealings
Always, it’s important to keep your financial dealings private. Avoid discussing your finances
or lucrative deals in public spaces or even with security personnel, as this could make you a
target for criminals.

Being Mindful of Conversations in the Presence of Security Personnel:

If you have security personnel, be mindful of the information you divulge in their presence.
Some criminals may attempt to infiltrate your security team to gain access to sensitive

Exercising Caution with Workplace Conversations:

At work, maintain professional outward behavior and avoid sharing personal details that
could expose you or your family to risk. Additionally, avoid discussing your travel plans or
home security measures with colleagues unless necessary.

Practicing Safe Communication on Social Media and Phone Calls:

Be cautious about the personal information you share on social media platforms. Avoid
posting real-time updates about your location or activities, as criminals can use this
information to track your movements. Also, refrain from sharing sensitive information over
phone calls, especially when in public spaces.

Travel Safety:
Given the increased travel activities during the Holidays, road and travel safety is a critical
aspect of your overall safety plan.
If you're traveling, plan your route and share it with someone you trust.
Ensure your vehicle is in good condition before embarking on a long journey.
Avoid driving when you're tired and take regular breaks during long drives.
Keep emergency supplies in your vehicle, including water, snacks, a flashlight, and a first aid
Avoiding Night Trips
As far as possible, avoid night trips. Poor visibility and unhealthy driving habits such as
overspeeding, which are common during dark hours, significantly increase the risk of
accidents. If you must travel at night, ensure your vehicle is in excellent condition, and adhere
strictly to all road safety rules.
Avoiding Hitchhiking and Talking to Strangers
Be cautious about offering or accepting rides from strangers. Hitchhiking or picking up
strangers can expose you to unanticipated risks. Also, avoid engaging in lengthy conversations
with strangers during your travels. Keep your interactions polite but brief to deter any
unwanted attention.

Home Security:
If you're leaving your home unattended during the holiday, make sure to secure all windows
and doors.
Consider investing in a home security system or surveillance cameras.
Avoid sharing your holiday plans on social media to prevent potential burglars from
It's equally important to implement certain home security measures during the Holidays.
Keeping Outside Lights On
Having your external lights on during the night can deter potential intruders from
approaching your home.
The illumination makes it harder for criminals to approach unseen, providing an added layer
of security.
Installing Alarm Systems if Affordable
If your budget permits, installing alarm systems in your home can significantly boost its
Not only do they act as a deterrent, but they also provide an immediate alert in case of a
breach, allowing for prompt action.

Fire Safety:
If you're planning to have an Easter bonfire or barbecue, make sure it's done in a safe and
controlled environment.
Practice safe food handling and storage to prevent foodborne illnesses.
Keep flammable items away from open flames, and never leave fires unattended.
Have a bucket of Sand or a fire extinguisher nearby in case of emergencies.

Emergency Preparedness
Despite best efforts, emergencies can still occur. Therefore, it's crucial to be prepared to
handle such situations effectively. Here are some tips to help you stay ready for emergencies
during the Holidays.

Always Having Enough Airtime for Emergencies

Ensure you always have enough airtime on your phone to make emergency calls. You never
know when you might need to reach out to security agencies, medical services, or loved ones
in case of an emergency.

Developing a Response or Contingency Plan for Emergencies

Having a well-thought-out response plan can make all the difference during an emergency.
Your plan should include important contact numbers, safe locations, and steps to take in
different types of emergencies. Make sure all family members understand this plan and can act
accordingly when needed.

The Holidays in Nigeria, despite their notorious reputation, can still be enjoyed safely with
adequate preparation and vigilance. Following these security tips and measures can
significantly enhance your safety and peace of mind during this period.

Trust your instinct

Be sure to trust and act on the feeling you pick around your environment. This could mean
canceling events at the last minute, leaving a party or a sit-out earlier than anticipated,
walking, or running fast to leave a space as soon as you feel a sense of threat or danger till
you are in a safer space. An awareness of your surroundings will also help you identify places
or people who may assist if needed.
Be careful when giving strangers a lift.

Many have been robbed by strangers they gave a lift to. This can even apply to letting you
know who may be into shady acts. We recommend that you apply extra caution when
offering to help commuters who appear to be stranded. Some are just looking for prey.

Be Unpredictable

Criminals are known to study their potential victims to learn their habits and then wait for the
best opportunity to strike. If you have a consistent routine, you are an easy target. Make
some changes in your everyday movement to make it difficult for potential enemies. Be
careful about the kind of calls you make in public. There are certain calls you should not be
making in the presence of strangers, especially when it has to do with money. You may
unintentionally pass vital information to robbers.

Avoid leaving valuables in your car.

This is already an old trick known widely. You must not forget this. Do not leave valuables in
your car except they are tossed in the booth. If you do, you just might be inviting hoodlums
to break into your car. These valuables range from purses, electronics, and even food.

Say NO to late nights.

This season is the worst time to keep late nights. You must avoid incidents that keep you out
at night. If you must be out at night, take a taxi to your doorstep and preferably be in the
company of other people. Walking alone at night is a No-no and may attract unwanted
attention. Stay alert, stay safe.

Using ATMs in lonely and dark places

With the security threat in the country, one must be wary of where to withdraw cash.
Whether it's very early in the morning or late at night, robbers could be lurking around or
even pretending to be ATM users. Effective planning could help you avoid this. Using an
ATM during the day is your best bet in avoiding being robbed and possibly injured.

Regardless of how security-conscious you are, things happen. Some situations are beyond
your control, and you can find yourself facing different threats. The above security tips, if
applied adequately, will help you stay security-conscious this festive season. This is a season to
be jolly. And in as much as it is time to merry, you've got to take responsibility for your
security by being security conscious.

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