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300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for

the JEWS !

Apocalypse I
Then let's go there!
Apocalypse or Gilyahna, the most correct pronunciation is “Guiliana”,
“Giliana”, chapter 1;
The Greek term “apokálypsis” means;
Unveil! Write there!
Apocalypse means revelation, of course, the same meaning as Philosophy
EX, because as we have already revealed, the prefix "Apo", means "brought out",
is also the meaning of the prefix "RE", "EKK" of Ekklésia, "RE" from Revelare,
“EDD” from EDDucare and “EX” from EXcelesia, or from the Indo-European term
“EX”, for example from outside, excellent, excellent, for example.
I appreciate the people who are willing to help me, but it is impossible, this
program here does not diminish as you think.
Let's go there!
And EX, and the suffix "Kalumna", or "kalypsis", as we have already said
in that degree ... if you can put the degree that is called there; "What is the EX
Philosophy", which explains exactly what it is. Because it means ... what EX
Organic Philosophy means and Sofhie, or Kalepsis, prefix which means ... or
suffix which means "veil" of "veil" and "reveal". Kalypsis is the same as "veil";
Write there!
"Kalypsis" is the same as "veil".
Therefore, EX Philosophy and Revelation mean, together, in addition to
"Educate" also, "Unveil the veils, show the hidden, reveal the mysteries, teach
...", which derives from the term you know very well, called "unveil". ". what is
"discover" Take the sale. And reveal? Take off the veil. So if you didn't know, if
you aren't proud of the name Philosophy EX, it's because you don't know. You
don't study. Because, EX Philosophy, with great pride it means saints, it means
perfect, it means Christ, it means many good things, and also Revelation. Who
already knew? Who already knew ... who already knew that EX has the same
meaning as Apocalypse? EX and Apocalypse are the same thing, the same
meaning. How nice, right?
Theologians understand nothing of eschatology, unfortunately, because
the ego divides them into three main groups. Let's go there!
1st. We have already talked about it a lot; the preterists, who believe that
all is over, as Catholic theology, spiritist theology says, and some Protestants,
and many without a church, unfortunately.
2nd. Stoists are those who don't dare to interpret much, because they think
that everything happens according to the course of history.
3rd. The futurists, who think that everything will happen in the future.
According to the truth, which is always above us, it is not what we think, it
is not my opinion, never ask for my opinion, what I think, it is the truth that is
above us. The originals reveal that the confusions exist due to a lack of
awareness of duality, attention to Jews, and an understanding of the micro-
apocalypse and the macro-apocalypse. I'll explain what it is, translating it into
other words. Optimal!
Let me stay here so you can see me!
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

What does this mean? How to understand the Revelations without duality,
destiny, recipient and division?
Write there!
Three D. Delta and D also for delta, right? 3d write there.
Looking good! How can anyone understand the Apocalypse without the D
of duality, write it; D for recipient, which focuses on Jews, recipient is Jews,
destination is Jews, and third party; the division between micro and macro
apocalypse. If I don't know what micro is, I don't know what macro is, I'll never
understand the Apocalypse. This is the secret, I'm simplifying, I'm summing it all
up. Without this vision, you will open the Apocalypse, like opening a Bible, and
you will not understand anything. You will not understand and you will be the
victim of people capable of everything, in the kaleidoscope, in the spectrum of
life, in the prism of life, because everything is the interpretation of something, an
origin, a source, here people come to say:
- No, that mark of the Beast is the chip! No, this mark of the Beast is, in
fact, the Sabbath! No, the mark of the Beast is to pronounce the name of Jesus,
you cannot speak Jesus, you must speak YAHushua!
All kinds of misconceptions come here, and you will be a leaf flying here
and there, and the one flying here and there is tired, right or not? Every day
someone writes to me;
- I'm tired, I can't anymore! I'm confused!
Because? It's your fault. you are a leaf, you have no weight, and who has
no constancy, solidity, who has no root, who has no foundation, continues to fly,
and who continues to fly, gets tired and confused. Here it is:
- So confused I can't see!
Why are you still a shame, weightless, groundless? It has to evolve. And
EX is here to help. We are here to help you. Who understood? Amillennialists
have everything as metaphors. Yep, millennials, or pre-millennials, have almost
everything as literal and mystical. There are people who come to believe, to give
you an idea, to be amazed, ladies and gentlemen, young people, children, who
look at us, there are people who come to believe that the scorpion in the Bible is
a scorpion, that the snake is a snake, that lobsters are lobsters, all literal! It is
difficult, right? It becomes very difficult! Then there are the figuralogi, the
typologists, who are, for the most part, amillennialists, agnostics, religious and
otherwise, who notice everything. So 144 thousand, it goes without saying, partly
it is and partly not, you'll understand when we get there! There the millennium is
figurative, the third is a figurative temple, the antichrist is figurative, it's a spirit.
There are those who even say that the return of Jesus is figurative, that the
Kingdom has already begun. It's hard, it's hard! So not extreme. Being EX. They
both make mistakes like they always do in scissor lies. Today I was asked:
Akel is ...
Asked in chat;
- Is Akel a millennialist or a Calvinist?
How long you will know and respect the scissors, and it will be a starting
point for any study. Forget the scissors, throw the scissors in the garbage, neither
amillennial nor premillennial, nor preterist, nor futurist. It turns out that without
understanding the vibration ... the first thing we need to know about a person is
the vibration. I will talk a lot about this after I finish the Bible ... you don't
understand the content. First of all, to understand anything in life, you have to
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

understand the atmosphere, the spirit of it, because the content can be wonderful,
but if the atmosphere is negative ... without knowing the recipient and the
Johannine textual style of the author João . And hence the importance of seeing
the original Gospel of John before arriving here, and seeing 1 John, 2 John and
3 John, who saw it? And are you ready to get here? It has to do with the author's
textual style as well as Daniel's. Whoever knows nothing of Daniel, who is the
Apocalypse of the Old Testament, knows nothing of Jeremiah, knows nothing of
Ezekiel, knows nothing of Joel, Malachi, Isaiah and all that Jesus Christ taught
about the end of this world and on the beginning of the other cosmos, for example,
Matyahu, you know, Matyahu, Matityahu 23, Mark, Yohannan Moshe 13 and
Luke 21, absolutely not. Look what Paul said to Thessalonians, there is no way,
it will be impossible to understand this book. For Catholics and spiritualists, this
book was not written at the time of Domitian, between 90 and 95, and Domitian
died in 96, attention. But, according to the theology of the spirit and Catholic
theology, almost all of them claim that, in reality, this book was written in 64 BC
and, therefore, everything was already completed up to 70 BC.
Unveil! Unveil!
Inside Edducare itself, for which I haven't even started the Apocalypse,
The present is material and belongs to satan. Satan represents the whole
world. Satan is not the cuckold you know from the Catholic Church. Look around.
Look what I reveal to you! Look what I reveal to you! Look around, what are the
seven wonders of the world? What did you love most in the world? Washington,
Miami, Boca Raton, Florida, Las Vegas, Dubai? What do you love most? Hong
Kong, Paris, Rome, the Vatican, Jerusalem, Rio de Janeiro, Foz do Iguaçu? What
do you love most? What things in the world do you love most? Sex, drugs, lies,
betrayals, money, cars, automobiles, furniture and real estate, power, position,
status, employees, degrees, degrees? What do you love most in the world? Look
well now, make a hologram with your metaphysical eyes, with your third eye, see
what delights you the most. Do you know what is happening to you right now?
The same process of hologram, rheologram that Jesus went through, in Matthew
4, Luke 4; "All this I will give you if you bow and you will adore me!" And he
showed from the top of the holy mountain, in the holy city, in the holy land, Israel,
Jerusalem, all the glory of the world. This is the revelation of the entire Bible. This
world is made up of 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons. The whole world is
Satan. Who knows? Don't you remember that they were inside ... look at this
revelation ... don't you remember that they were inside a dome of good, where
there was no time, called the Garden of Eden, which is a prototype of the
Kingdom, which is a metaphor of the Kingdom, it is what we call heaven,
poetically. Who is understanding? They were there, trapped, when they wanted
to know the duality, that God pushed them, just like a mother thrush pushes her
young out of the nest, when she pushed them, who takes them out of the domus,
called the Garden of Eden, what happened ? Time began to flow, time, matter,
space arose, kronos arose, present, past and future arose, duality arose, evil
arose, Death arose. And there they met Satan, the serpent, who prefigures the
first serpent, Satan, brought them to Satan, brought them to matter, brought them
to time, and time began to tick, the clock ticked. Who is understanding? The first
serpent took them out of heaven, took them out of heaven, cast them out of
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

heaven, took them out of the kingdom, out of the garden of Eden, and brought
them into the world, which is the same as Satan's.

Write there!
The material world is the same as Satan's.
All the illusions of life. All you see is "The Truman Show". Everything you
look in the world and deceive yourself and deceive yourself is Satan. If nothing
escapes you anymore, it is because you have evolved to the point that you are
no longer deceived by the devil. If you look at me and you're still young, you're
deluded, and you like applause, and you like likes, and you put it in a picture, you
take a picture, and this and that, I still really like the illusion, yeah, you still like
the illusion very much, it is that you have not yet evolved enough, because the
world, Satan, still seems too much to you. If you are an EX, and nothing else in
this world escapes you, nothing else in this world stops you, you may know that
you have already defeated Satan. Everything in this world, everything, all the
pleasures, the delights, the possibilities that this world can offer, is called Satan.
Do you want me to prove it? The author of this book of Revelation is the same
author of the book that he said and that we have seen now, in the previous
degrees, he said so, look:
- Whoever loves this world is God's enemy!
- Whoever loves this world, the love of the Creator is not in him!
Therefore, the world itself is Satan and the future is actually the past. The
top of the pyramid is actually the past, because when we get here, look, we will
go back to the Garden of Eden. And that's what John is talking about here,
through Jesus Christ, he's saying like this:
- When we go to the Kingdom, we are actually returning to the Garden of
Eden. How it all started will end!
Who understood? Therefore whoever drives out Satan, hates Satan,
confronts Satan, loves this world more, like believers, evangelicals and Christians
deceived with the world, with powers and with money; in fact, they never defeated
the evil one.
Write there!
The world is Satan. It's a great relationship. The present is material, it
belongs to Satan, to evil. The future is immaterial, it belongs to the Creator, to the
good. Jesus never gave anyone anything material;
- But Jesus healed. But Jesus turns water into wine. But Jesus gave food!
How many times? Those people died shortly after returning to their homes.
They hadn't eaten for three days, misery, misery. Do you know how many people
could read and write in those days? It was just misery, misery, misery. Do you
believe that, because Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes twice, he solved
someone's life? He didn't come to give anything material. And we have seen it in
all the letters. This world is the Kingdom of evil, the other cosmos, the other world,
will be the Kingdom of good.
The Jews already had several apocalypses, after the prophets and Daniel,
the Apocalypse of the first Bible. There is no way to understand this apocalypse
of the second without understanding that of the first. We have had several
apocalypses that the Jews were aware of! Look over there!
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

1. Book of Enoch, we talked about it yesterday, we still talk about it today,

it is not the original, because it was written only two centuries before Christus,
and therefore, it has no originality, it is not written by Enoch, you see, millennia
later .
2. The Book of Jubilees and the Testaments of the 12 Patriarchs, even at
the same time, two centuries before Christ.
3. Assumption of Moses, which we saw yesterday in the degree in Judas.
4. IV Ezra and II Ezra and the Apocalypse of Baruch, a century before
So the Jews, now Christians, had books written by unknown authors,
probably manipulated by Jewish scribes, such as the Apocalypse of Peter, the
Apocalypse and the Ascension of Isaiah, written two to four centuries after Christ.
Look, this is very important, because some might think that the Apocalypse is an
unpublished, unique book, the Apocalypse is not, dear, after Daniel, all these
apocalypses, and many others, have already been written about the end of the
world. . .for Jews. And marvel, ladies and gentlemen, young people, children, this
Apocalypse here, from John, has many quotes from the Book of the Assumption,
Ascension of Isaiah, Assumption of Moses and as many times as I have
mentioned here, many, at least, if not it is a quotation, ipsis literis, otherwise they
are data that we find only there, confirming those books, or, or, and yes or I'll talk
about them later.
Justin martyr, 135 AD Papias of Hieropolis, 150 AD Melitos, 160 AD
Irenaeus, Eusebius, all cite the Apocalypse as original, even Eusebius, for
example, had his reservations, but he had it as original. Who is understanding?
Keep it there! be careful! But, Marcion, that many use it to attack us, saying that
we are Manichean, or that we are Marcionists, saying that we are heretics, even
in the interview I gave to the largest theological magazine in America; Who saw
this interview I gave? There, in this interview, the theologian asked me who Jô
Soares was at that moment; of Marcion, if what I taught was not Marcion's
theology; for the love of the Creator! Marcion was already considered a heretic,
only the fact that he was already considered a heretic is a fact to be respected;
He made many mistakes, and he was the father of the Gnostics, even mystics,
even fools, even erroneous, but if there is something we have to point out it is
that many of these leaders who have left the System, which I am called heretic,
had the courage to tell some truths, some truths, and Marcion told the truth, I
want to see here, look here, look, considered heretic by the Catholic Church to
this day; He rejected the Book of Revelation for having a Jewish character, not
because he refused that we respect it, but because he understood the Jewish
character, already seeing that the focus of the Book is the Jews! Do you know
why Marcion rejected the book of Revelation at that time? Because it was for the
Jews. Because he was focused on them, not on Christians. Are you
understanding? Luther himself, the founding father of the evangelicals and
Nazism, did not believe in the book of Revelation. Check it out! This does not
prove that the Apocalypse is not original, but it proves that its fulcrum is the Jews,
because Luther hated the Jews, as we have already discussed in the Letters of
Peter, in the Letters of John. But many Catholic councils rejected the Apocalypse
so as not to confuse the faithful. Pay attention to something you didn't know and
I think hardly anyone knows. In the Cyril of Jerusalem, from 315 to 386 AD, and
in the Laodicea Bell, around 360 AD, the Apocalypse was not accepted three
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

centuries later in the Canon of Scriptures. It wasn't in the Bible until the fourth
century. What did you understand?
The Apostolic Constitutions, at the end of the 4th century AD. C., and
Gregorio di Nazianzo, who died in 389 AD C., did not even accept it. Take a look
at this which I have taken care to separate for you, original facts, name by name.
The School of Antioch, 407 A / C. Chrysostom of Constantinople, now Turkey,
and Theodoret, from 336 to 447 AD, also rejected the Apocalypse. I am talking
about the fathers of the Catholic Church who were later considered authors of
the Catholic Church. You know, you weren't Catholic, the Catholic Church came
later. Here, already at the time of Chrysostom, without the School of Antioch, yes,
but not the others. Many already considered Catholics, such as Constantine, in
force, Constantinism in force, as before Marcion up to the fourth century, those
who did not accept the apocalypse. Only in the sixth century AD does it appear
in some manuscripts.
You can write there!
Only in the sixth century does the Apocalypse appear in the Bible. And it
wasn't everywhere, it was for the first time. What not! And only in the thirteenth
century was the canonization of the Apocalypse accepted in the world.
Now write there!
Only one thousand three hundred years after Christus, the Apocalypse
was, was placed, inserted, accepted in the Bible all over the world, and again,
there were congregations like, in Syria, that did not accept it. It was not until the
year 1300 that the Apocalypse appeared throughout the Bible, in all Bibles, in all
translations, and even accepted throughout the world. Calvin, like Luther, fathers
of the evangelicals, founders of the evangelicals, never mentioned the
Apocalypse. Oh, oh, oh, Calvin, he never mentioned Apocalypse, so what? John
wrote the Apocalypse with many errors in Greek, mainly verbal chord errors,
because John was probably good at Aramaic and Greek was his second
language. So far no problem, apart from the Judaisms, the Catholic tradition says
that John died at the same time as James, before 70 BC, to prove that everything
had already happened in 70 BC, to endorse, substantiate the preterism. . If John
wrote the Apocalypse in 95 AD, he was very old, this is a fact. Even if another
Juan wrote using the scrolls left by Juan, the apostle, the content is still original,
and mainly the content is harmonic, that's why it's here, in the Original Bible Code,
that's why we don't do it. have reason to doubt the material. Although the Catholic
Church itself and the Evangelical Church itself have rejected this book, this does
not detract from its canonicity, because, placed in the Bible, it does not contradict
the other books. Could contradict Daniel, for example Ezekiel, Isaiah, do not
contradict. At no time, not even in the Apocalypse of John, is the Greek
Septuagint mentioned, 200 years before Christ, nowhere is it mentioned, almost
no direct references are made, only indirect references to the Old Testament.
However, the content that is in the Apocalypse, which is extremely New
Testament, agrees with all the Letters of Paul, especially with the Letter to the
Hebrews. It is in harmony, it does not contradict itself, do you understand?
- But wait a minute! So, should I believe in the Apocalypse, or not? Why
did you say all this, Akel? You said that it appeared in the Bible, for the first time,
only in 600 AD, and then, in 1300 AD, that it was accepted all over the world, and
that the fathers of the Gospels, after the year 1530, 1541 were against to the
Apocalypse. So do I have to believe it or not?
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

Then let's go there! It has nothing to do with what Ishmael is writing! Listen,
don't ask questions now. Illogical!
John lived in the days of Jesus, right? Dear ones, be careful! To listen!
Why, then, should we give credit to Revelation? I will not even go into the question
of faith, that God intervened and allowed the Apocalypse to enter our hands, in
fact it was a book that is in our hands for a miracle that arrived here, for some
- But can't they be behind them?
No!! We must trust Revelation for the following; because your content is
original; has no disputes; there is no contradiction with the whole compendium;
and because some pieces are missing, and only the Apocalypse fills them, which
are the pieces of the macro apocalypse, of the explanation of the Kingdom, that
it was Jesus who spoke. I mean, I need you to shut up, otherwise you won't
understand, it's a lot, a lot, a lot to talk, oh silence!
Bring out the Apocalypse, alright, bring out the Apocalypse! Who
remembers everything Jesus said? And this is extremely original and canonical.
In Luke 21 and Mark 13, in Matthew 23, Matthew 24, Matthew 25, who
remembers? Those tickets are here. What is missing, fill in here. What's in the
micro, which has been fulfilled up to 70 A / C, has not yet been fulfilled in the
macro, why? Because in 70 after Christ everything was completed except the
Kingdom, Jesus did not return, the Kingdom did not begin, because the Kingdom
is the Garden of Eden. Who understood? No, no, no, no, I mentioned it from here
so you can see what it's like in the title of this first grade 300 here today. What's
in the title? Can you put what's in the title in the chat, what's written in the title of
this degree? The focus of the Apocalypse are the Jews. To understand the
Apocalypse you have to understand that it is for the Jews. This is the reason that
led Marcion, Luther, Calvin and many others to leave. The first were considered
fathers, theologians, of the Church. The problem, the whole problem lies only in
the fact that it is necessary to understand, first of all, with the eschatological
premises; who is the beneficiary Remember the 3d? The big question here is who
the recipient is. When we understand that it is for the Jews, then it will make
sense. The problem is that Christians, like the Gnostic Marcion, like Luther, like
Calvin, the Bibles (religious), the legalist fathers of the evangelical church and
many other fathers, back there, scribes, Orthodox conservatives, still very
contaminated by Judaism; they wanted to open it up there in the Christian
ideological prejudice. you will understand There is no way to understand Christian
ideological bias, because the recipient is not a Christian. Now, the Christian can
have access to the Apocalypse because he will know what will happen to the
Jews. And what happens to God's clock, at the center of the world, affects us,
directly or indirectly. Who understood? We will find out what will happen to them,
but when it happens to them, it affects us. We will follow the fulfillment of the
Apocalypse. Who understood? Optimal! Having taught all of this, I think we are
There are several quotes from the ancient apocalypses we mentioned
earlier, known to the Jews. If we count the Roman emperors, according to the
Apocalypse, we must remember the eight kings, we have the reincarnation of
Nero, the 10 kings, Domitian, who was known as the second Nero, the
reincarnation of Nero, the return of Nero, the other ; thus the emperor Domitian
was known, and with this, with wisdom and deduction, we would have overthrown
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

the Catholic and spiritualist preterism. I'm going to explain. Of course, the
Apocalypse does not mention the Roman emperors of John's day, although the
persecution of Christians by the Romans was fierce. No. The focus is not the
Romans. I said in the Letters of John, you see, First John, Second John, Third
John, you will see that I taught that John's focus was not on the Romans, it was
not the pagans, John's focus was never on the Samaritans, as in the days of
Jesus. John, John is the one who, being so close to Jesus, had the privilege of
knowing something at the table. Who remembers last Easter? He was always
close to Jesus, always close. This John here is the one who knows very well who
killed Jesus and who persecuted Jesus; the legalists we see in all the letters of
Paul, in all the letters of Peter, and not the Romans who never hurt Jesus, nor
the pagans. The Romans are the Romans, like the pagans of today. They are
bad too, they are. They are also corrupt, they are. More directly to Jesus, they
did no harm. Don't you remember Pilate? I showed you the originals! Pilate
intervenes by interceding three times to save Jesus, delta time.
So beware! If we pass through the Catholic, spiritualist or preterist prism,
which are the kings of that time, the ten reales of Revelation 17, beware, then it
will end up falling into Domitian by itself, it does not fall into Nero. For this reason
alone, it shows that the preterist eschatological interpretation, that everything is
past, catholic, spiritualist, in many churches and without a church, is wrong. Who
understood? Who is wise enough to understand what I'm talking about? That
Apocalypse was written before 70 AD. So all of this falls apart.
Optimal! Continuous; John begins the Apocalypse, the book of revelations;
- The Creator has revealed to his servants what will soon happen in the
near future, through Iesus Christus!
See well! This is original from Revelation 1:
The Creator has revealed to all of us, his servants, what will happen in the
future, through whom? Who is the revelation?
Contrary to the Trinitarians' use of this first verse to prove that the Father
here is someone else, the original here reveals that only Jesus Christ is the
incarnation and revelation of the Creator. Who is God's witness? Jesus. Who is
the wisdom in the flesh? Jesus. Who is the life in the flesh? Jesus. He is the
revelation of the Creator to men, as is stated in all the Letters. What did I just
say? What will the Trinitarians in Revelation 1 use to say that God the Father has
revealed God the Son, therefore two persons? Beloved, if it is true that God the
Father has revealed Christ, then Christ is less. Therefore Christ is not omniscient;
Write there!
If Jesus is not omniscient, Jesus is not God. We will have to start turning
to "Jehovah's Witnesses", to messianic Judaism. There he disqualifies, belittles
the person of Jesus, and according to John, in his three Letters, the same author
of the Apocalypse, who disqualifies Jesus, already has the spirit of the antichrist,
the trinity disqualifies Jesus, the trinity belittles the divinity of Jesus. If Jesus had
to know something about the Father, then something is wrong, it's not God. It's
like the question we show and reveal in the original:
"The day and hour that no one knows, not even the Son ..."
This is absurd! Go see the original for what I explained, what it means.
So consistency is here. It is also clear that it is about what will happen, a
macro-apocalypse, and not something that has already happened. This is
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

important here, because you have seen here that he is saying so, look; "things
that will pass soon ..." is here, you see, "in the near future", this is the original. If
these are things that are going to happen, there is no way to have preterism,
there is no way to be nostalgic, and there is no backdating. What is that? In
Revelation 12, for example, theologians say so;
- When Satan fell, he speaks of the past ...
For the error of the Latin Vulgate of Lucifer, the great lie of Lucifer, the
great farce of Lucifer;
-… and when he chases the woman into the desert, he talks about the
future. So it's retroactive, past and future.
It is not! There is no way to be. Because? Since the Apocalypse is clear, it
begins by saying that these are things that will happen in the future. Who
Ah, I can see there are a lot of people, the audience is high, so there are
a lot of people who came here for the first time and they don't know the original
Bible work. I would like to ask you from the EX, to welcome these people with
affection, to eliminate prejudices, and to look from the 146th degree with the Bible
of the Original Code in hand, that is, with the Bible they want, in hand. hands,
whatever the production, and accompany from text to text, if not, every quote I do
here about duality, about trinity, will give you goosebumps everywhere, and you
will come out saying:
- It is not possible! It is not possible! Heresy, heresy, heresy.
So, before you get intolerant and hang up, you who come here only for the
Apocalypse. Go hit ... give yourself a chance. You will not miss anything, indeed,
you will appreciate it immensely when one day you meet me in person. You will
see it from 146 and you will appreciate it, as are all these thousands of EXs who
are watching me right now. And that they are grateful for it.
Giovanni continues:
- A manifestation of the Creator, your servant has been revealed to me ...
What is the angel? He is a messenger of light, he is a theophany, an
epiphany. To understand this, you need to follow from 146.
- ... Juan and therefore your servant, Juan, Yohannan, I, therefore, am a
witness to everything I have seen and heard about Wisdom ...
To be a witness you have to see and hear. He has seen and heard this
wisdom which he calls Yohannan Alaf in the First Letter, and also in his
Evangelium, from the Word. Isn't that so in your Bible? In fact the word is Sophia,
it is the wisdom of Proverbs 8, incarnate. God is wisdom and incarnate wisdom.
This wisdom became man, became a son, became incarnate. That is why it
means Son of man. Why is he Son of man? Why embodied. This manifestation
was revealed to John, and he is a witness of this Wisdom:
- ... incarnate, our Master, Jesus Christ.
I want you to answer what I'm going to talk about now;
Write like this!
For mystical theology, John saw an angel, received these revelations from
an angel. For mystical theology. I wrote this.
Now let's see the original, the Truth. Do you know who is that angel that is
in your Bible, that John saw? Who knows? Now you will see in context why the
Bible needs to be viewed as a whole, holistically.
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the JEWS !

Who is this angel? Does it have wings on its feet? In the hands? Does it
have wings like in the Middle Ages? In the feet? Over the shoulders? On the
back? Who is this angel? Let's see, who is this angel? John himself will say:
- Evolved and prepared ...
This is what happy means;
- ... will be the one who reads the words of this book ...
You will be ready for the end!
- ... listen and save ...
Write there!
Read, listen and save. This is what you have to do with the Revelation, in
truth, with all the Truth; read, listen and save. This is the delta of Christocentric
pedagogy. This is the delta of divine pedagogy; read, listen and save;
-… because these words will be fulfilled in the future. I John write to the
Seven Schools of Asia, groups, associations, whatever, congregation, assembly,
meeting, any type of meeting, wherever Christians are, I wish you the grace and
peace of the Creator, which is existence itself, which is timeless , beyond the
delta; time, space and matter. It has always existed and will come back! Grace
and peace that comes from 7, by the way (72) Spirits who stand before his
immaterial Throne!
Nobody thinks this throne here is physical. Throne means; Power. The
Throne is just for you, in the language of a metaphorical child, to remember, to
imagine, that your God, is the Creator of all things, our Father, He rules as King
somewhere from your source, from the divine spark , of the cosmic origin, of all
universal laws, finally, finally, finally, it is from there that all life emanates, it is
there that every control of all things is, that's all, the Throne represents it. So, in
order not to complicate things, let's speak the language of a child; throne. He has
no throne, no one imagines they will see a throne. The religious mystic does not
understand anything, he thinks that the Spirit is a dove; he was never a pigeon.
Keep blowing into the microphone thinking it's the wind, the Spirit, and it was
never a wind, it was like a wind, it was the sound of a wind and so on.
- ... the peace that comes from the 72 Spirits who stand before your
immaterial throne!
To understand 72, you need to paste all degrees before 146.
-… grace and peace from the Lord Iesus Christus, who is the witness of
the Creator. The first to overcome death ...
As we have seen in all the Letters. The first to be resurrected. Firstborn
from the dead, that's what firstborn means, even firstborn is a metaphor!
- ... the King of all kings, the beginning of all beginnings, the president of
all the presidents of the earth, that is, everything is in his domain. He loves us
and freed us from all our errors, through his death, through his blood, placing us
in his Kingdom.
You can write like this, look;
Put us in your Kingdom. Put us in your Kingdom. How have you learned
so far? And people repeat what they hear without ever finding the source; that
God created us kings and priests; these quotes from Ivrim (To the Jews),
absolutely differ from the original, in fact, from the same Ivrim, For the Jews, you
saw what it means, why, this parallel of what we were, and what we are, what
was and What is 'is. We were then created kingdoms, not kings. God did not
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

come to give us power on earth, nor biblical banks, nor evangelical banks, nor
banks ... nor Jewish Christian banks, no. There is no power here on earth. It is a
kingdom, an immaterial kingdom, the one he announced in 1,260 days. So you're
talking about the priestly kingdom , oh yeah! There is no longer a Levitical
priesthood, but a Melchizedek priest, because together we serve the Creator.
Now pay attention;
Here "kings" is a text variant, the original right is Kingdom! So many bibles
put, put "kings", and many, many bibles this Kingdom, constituted as a kingdom,
unfortunately the people spreads and spreads, just like "when pope is born, the
branch extends ...", instead, they say; “Scatters”, and “whoever has a mouth goes
to Rome”, scatters the people, that is, the text refers to kings and not to kingdoms,
and not to kingdoms. So it is Kingdom, in the original we were made his Kingdom,
of his Kingdom, for his Kingdom, and no, never king.
To understand the plural Creator, Elohim, all degrees of duality and
quantity are connected. See here, in the original codex of the Bible, chapters 1
and 2 of Colossians, Kolesayah, very important for understanding the fullness of
deities. Listen, this is so important that I'm going to tell you about everything now,
by the way, but listen carefully, if you haven't been paying much attention until
now! Seven ... who remembers it? It also means EX, because it is unknown.
When we have more than 4, in Portuguese, we use a prefix, for example "poli",
this serves as a metaphor to teach you what 7 is. Maria had seven spirits, were
they literally seven spirits? No. It is a numerical metaphor. So if you paste all the
degrees I taught you on Elohim, the plural God, who remembers that? 72
hormones, 72 virtues of good and evil, 72 angels, 72 elders, 72 disciples, 72, 72,
72, 72, 72 sephiroth, 72 aions, 72 emanations, etc.
The seven planets, here diverge, both seven planets in a row, not counting
the moon and the sun, as there are many Jews who believed in the moon and
sun and the five visible planets, representing 7 archangels, seven principal
angels, but not there are seven archangels, as the esoteric mystics believe, who
came from Kabbalah, who came from Judaism, does not exist. Since everything
is God, and Paul had this full understanding, we saw it in the originals, everything
is God. The Creator is the one who manifests himself in the plural. Who
understood? So the seven planets, the seven spirits, seven are EX, why seven
EX? Since x is called EX, the unknown, the EX of the unknowns, ox, y, z, letters
represented by this, were used to represent it. Seven represents many, as does
the root prefix "poly". Seven is the metaphorical number to represent many, all,
fullness, as in Colossians 1 and 2, and perfection. But if you ask a Christian, he
just knows how to spread that 7 means perfection, perfection, perfection,
perfection or those mystical campaigns, right? 7 Saturdays, 7 Sundays, 7
Wednesdays, 7 prayers, 7 fasts, 7 this, 7 that, 7 is not this, 7 represents an
unknown factor for many, for everything that is not known, or does not want to be
revealed, or there is no need to talk. That is why it gives the idea of perfection,
because it represents that whole, hidden or revealed.
Giovanni continues;
- To the Creator be glory and power, eternally ...
Beyond the delta; time, space and matter;
- ... from start to finish ...
Do you have duality or not?
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- ... from creation to destruction, of matter and immaterial! Behold, the

Creator comes with the clouds, as He has always manifested ...
It is not literal, although Jesus ascended on clouds, as we saw in Acts 1.
But we have seen that although he will return as he ascended, it does not mean
that he will descend on clouds, literally clouds; That's where the clouds are, right
where the clouds are, from there, from that point, high enough for everyone to
see! Who understood? So much so that, for everyone to see it, it can't be as high
as the clouds, it has to be a little higher, a little further away, but it doesn't matter,
you know why? Because the same God who made these things appear before
John's eyes is the same God who can make any hologram appear before your
eyes. Who understood? It is the Blue Beam in the original. And if he wants to do
it physically, he will do it a little further, as we can all see the stars, it depends on
the size of that glory to come.
So say it;
- ... it comes with the clouds, as it has always manifested itself, and every
eye will see it ...
Because whenever the Bible speaks of manifestation, it speaks of clouds;
- ... and all eyes will see it, even the Jews ...
Here it begins to show who is the recipient of the entire letter, in fact, those
who know João already knew it. But here, literal is literally, for semantics, see
—... also the Jews who killed him, as well as all the nations of the earth.
All the wicked will be punished!
Then in your Bible it says "they will be grieved". But why? Because
whoever is bad, when he sees it, will understand everything. Nobody will ask:
- Who? What is that? Is it an alien apparition? Is it a blue ray? Is it an
effect? Is it a hallucination in my head?
Are you understanding? When he appears, everyone will immediately
understand who he is and what he is.
- All the bad guys were horrified to see him return!
Because they will understand that what is coming is the police, their
emanations. And together with the police, the judge. Everyone has looked and
will say;
- He is the judge of my mistakes! You are the judge of my choices!
- So it will be!
The Creator says;
- I am the alpha and the omega ...
What is alpha and omega? The first and last letter.
- ... duality, time ...
is saying here; It is the source code; who remembers my video “Jesus the
source code”, “God the source code” who remembers? Alphabets, alphanumeric
codes, a is not a, b is not b, 1 is not 1, 2 is not 2, these are names given to
represent the hologram, the source code, the matrix, the quantum! Also! alpha is
not alpha and omega is not omega, aleph is not aleph, bete is not bete and gimel
is not gimel are just names given by men to represent language. He is all
language, He is all communication;
- ... He is duality, he is time, existence, he is delta; present past and future;
This ring I'm wearing here, look; present past and future;
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the JEWS !

- He is the almighty.
Do you know what "Almighty" means? He who controls all, He who is in
all, He is the absolute! This is the perfect word to give a better meaning to what
is almighty.
- I, Juan, friar, brother and companion of yours in research, in life, in
difficulty, in suffering, in the Kingdom and on the path of Truth, was on the island
of Patmos;
another delta!
You can write there!
1. companion; in the sieve, that is, life; 2. Comrades in the Kingdom, there
is no rapture here, there is no Pentecostalism here, there is none here, with all
due respect to all your beliefs, but, the truth is above all, if you know me now, it
is not Judge me, I will watch from the 146th degree, then you will embrace me
and thank you forever, this is my job, this is why I am here, to sift you, in the
Kingdom, 3. And cooperate in the Path, or, in the Truth, or , on the path of Truth.
another delta; in the sieve, in the Kingdom and on the way, I am your
companion, the theme here is the Kingdom.
- I was on the island of Patmos, for the truth. One day, the Creator spoke
to me in spirit, aloud ...
When you say "spirit", it is not in the mind; in spirit, because he saw
- ... with a strong voice, coming from behind me, like a trumpet. And that
voice said;
- Write in a book what you see, and send the seven Schools, which gather
in my Name ...
School, church, ecclesia, Edducare, Kahala, Ehad, we all have equal,
assembly, corporation, congregation, it doesn't matter, Christian groups of
believers in seven great cities of Asia, which is the most developed world of the
Roman Empire at that time , to represent the whole. I ask you, were only churches
important in Asia? No! It is to represent the whole. Are there only seven angels,
seven archangels? No! It is to represent the whole. Who is understanding? Are
there only seven spirits of God? No! It is to represent the whole. Understand what
seven is. So that spirit, that manifestation, spoke that voice like a trumpet and
recorded it. But then it will appear. So are the seven schools;
- Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea.
So I turned around to see who was speaking to me, and I saw, still in spirit, that
is metaphysical, beyond matter, not made of matter, and I saw seven golden
candlesticks. In the middle of the seven Menorahs ...
You name it, Menorah, lamps, chandeliers. Now listen, how did John start
chapter 1 (one)? To say that a messenger angel revealed things to him, right? It
was not like this? An angel revealed it, right? It is so; by mystical theology, it is
the Father Jehovah, who is greater, revealed to Jesus, and the lesser Jesus, who
is the Son, revealed to the angel, and the angel revealed to John, what a ladder,
right? What is the pyramid? Do you think there's all this bureaucracy up there in
the sky? What does all this departmentalization have in the immaterial? God is
organized, yes! But do you have this pyramid?
Then let's go there! Who is the angel he revealed to John? When you see
that the angel he revealed to John is called the Son of man, you will understand
the metaphors of; the Creator revealed to Jesus; he is not the Creator revealed
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

to Jesus, he is the Creator revealed to man through Jesus. Jesus is the revelation
of God. That's why no one goes, that's why no one goes, no one comes to the
Father, whoever has seen me has seen the Father . Because He is the revelation
of God, the incarnation. Then he goes up ... that's why he has to go up to send
the Spirit. Isn't the Spirit omnipresent? Why did the Spirit have to go up ... why
did Jesus have to go up? Because he needed to ascend to descend his Spirit
and incarnate in us. All this I explained in Acts, Maaseh Shlichim, chapter 2 (two).
Now go there! Who is the Son of man?
Write there!
Son of man is talking about incarnation, incarnation, incarnation,
materialization. What did you understand? God is Spirit, God is not a man. Then
God materialized. That expression, Son of man, the expression that, to know it,
you must know the whole Bible. Whenever he says Son of man, he refers to the
Messiah, as he says in Daniel, and in many other books of the Old Testament;
- ... with a robe that reached his feet, ...
Jesus wears a dress down to his feet.
-… and a gold belt around the chest! On her head and her hair ... her head
and her hair were as white as wool ...
Metaphor to make you understand how white they were.
- …snow White. And his eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like
copper in a fiery furnace, and his voice like the sound of many waters.
And right now, it was the sound of the trumpets. But is it of trumpet or is it
of many waters? It is a metaphor. It doesn't matter if it's wool, it's snow. It doesn't
matter if they're trumpets, it's water. Who is understanding? It is just to represent.
- In your right hand ...
Look! As long as it is the right hand ... who knows the degrees of duality
with Akel, knows that as long as it is the right hand, what? Good. Whenever it
remains, it is antichrist. Duality. As long as it's the left hand, who are you talking
to? Son of Cain. And the right hand is talking to whom? Son of Abel! Let's go
there! Look how cute. Who is the angel who appeared to him? What is the
theophany here? What is epiphany? What is angelophany? Who is Melchizedek
- In his hand he had the seven spirits, that is, the 72 spirits of God, 72
virtues, attributes of God, and from his mouth came a sharp double sword ...
The sword is also double;
- ... double-edged. His face was like the sun when it shines in all its glory,
a blinding glare, a blinding glare. When I saw the Lord Iesus Christus, I fell at his
feet as if dead. Then he put his right hand on me (right hand), luckily it's the right
hand, and he said;
- Don't worry, I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end!
Is it duality or not? You notice that the book of Revelation begins like this,
and goes through the 22 like this. 22 chapters talk about two cosmic forces, good
and evil, fighting each other, what is the symbol of the hexagram, what is ying
and yang, what is the candlestick, three candles per side, the candlesticks, what
is the sun and moon, like a ladder going up and down, a pyramid, like everything
in life, like an exit.
- I am the life! I died in matter for a short time, but I am alive in matter
forever! I have the keys to death and the second instance ...
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the JEWS !

Far beyond the Near Death Experience (NDE), there is the afterlife, what
we call the rheologram! If you come now, you won't understand what a
rheologram is! The rheologram is not reincarnation! You have to see the
rheologram from grade 146. Every time Jesus talks about the Jerusalem dump,
every time Jesus talks about life after death, especially Rich and Lazarus, you
will understand what the rheologram is, the original of sheol, of Hades. and what's
the truth about hell. You have to paste all grades to understand.
- I have the keys of death, of the rheologram after death! I rule, I control
death! close quotation marks.
Check it out! As we reveal in the Letters of Peter and John, Christ did not
descend into physical Hades to preach to anyone! Take advantage and go to see
the original of the Letter of Peter, you will see the original of the Letter of Juan,
you will see the original that we reveal to you. Axiologies and deductions, with
isolated verses, drive mystics crazy, interpretative follies. Never get text here, text
there, text there, that's what the madness is based on, like; Jesus went down to
hell to preach; and even more, as if hell were Dante's nine-level hell. As if it were
the hell of Babylon, with physical portals, with entrances, with tables, with
apartments! Please! Let's evolve! It is time for you to be a teacher, it is time for
you to become an adult! Careful! It follows that Jesus came down to take the key
from the devil's hand. Keys are domain metaphors. The Jews, who are at the
center of the Apocalypse, knew a book called the Targum of Jeremiah. Listen,
many Jews believed that Elijah would ask for the keys of birth, then of life, of rain,
and you remember that he stopped, he stopped, he stopped, he closed the gates
of heaven, and how long did he stop? rain? The amazing thing is that these 42
months reveal the two witnesses we will soon see here, Revelation 11. The whole
first Bible, Tanar, is represented by the Law, the Torah, Moshe and Elyahu, Elijah,
the prophets; the one with the key. So the Jews had this understanding that Elijah
was doing it because he had the key, the key to the rain. Are you understanding?
The key to the rain, the key to heaven. Then Elijah would ask for the keys of birth,
life, rain and resurrection of the dead, and it was denied him. He refused because
a messenger, a prophet, cannot have the keys, the only one who could have
those keys would be the Messiah. So, dear ones, let these witnesses appear to
the Jews. That's why the Apocalypse is for the Jews. Who is understanding? Why
will Moses do what he will do? Turn water into blood, and Elijah will stop raining
1260 days, 42 months, three and a half years, times and half the time, now, in
this generation again. Then the Jews will stand between the antichrist, who is
their false Messiah, and the two witnesses, because it is very strong for them that
someone has the key, dominion over the heavens, and says;
- It won't rain anymore!
And it's not raining! It would be the ultimate proof that, in fact, it is the
reincarnation of Elijah, who will return again. Who understood? Only, that only
one person has the power over death, only one person can raise the dead, raise
the dead, come back to life, to the Messiah. That is why when Jesus resurrected
Lazarus, shortly thereafter, they killed him. Because the Jews knew ... who
remembers it? That he then did this to Lazarus, which was what they feared, and
did it, would show that He is indeed the Messiah. Shortly after raising Lazarus
from the dead, they killed him. Only the Messiah has power over death. The
prophet can have power over water, he can have power over heaven, now, over
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

death, only the Messiah. And there? Then listen! Many Jews believed that Elijah
asked for the keys of birth, rain and resurrection from the dead, and in order for
the Messiah to be accepted by them, he had to fulfill Psalm 93, which shows us
that the Messiah must possess the key of death and from. Hades, from Sheol,
that is, not from the place of torment, because the Jews, for the most part, did not
believe in that, but in the power to raise the dead, to come out of the grave. That
is why Jesus Christ spoke thus. The "angel" in quotation marks, who appeared,
this manifestation that appeared, this theophany, anjelophany, because John is
Iesus Christus, the Son of man, the God made flesh, Emmanuel, the one who
looks at John, saying :
- Hey! Write there!
You think it was Akel who created the slogan; "write there"? Jesus looks
at John and says:
- Write there! Write there! I have the keys to life and death! I have the keys
to the resurrection, to the afterlife.
Why did he say this? To fulfill Psalm 93. Why? Because to be the true
Messiah, you have to prove it. This is why Iesus Christus spoke thus, to prove
himself the true Messiah of the Jews. This proves what? This proves that the
focus of the Apocalypse is the Jews. Who is understanding? How many will come
for that title, and judge me, as they always have. But the fulcrum of the
Apocalypse, the addressee is the Jews, it is here, also the words of Jesus, what
Jesus is saying;
- Write there! It's for the Jews!
Only those who know rabbinic literature, Hebrew literature, Hebrew
legends, Hebrew language, Hebrew metaphors, Hebrew sayings, Hebrew
proverbs, will understand, Christians will not understand, that's why the Christian
opens the Apocalypse and gets lost, it just makes more confusion, confusion,
confusion, confusion, because it's for the Jews! Look, when he says:
- I have the keys to Hades, to Sheol, to the tomb, to death!
The Christian opens up, already mystical, and already understands
everything badly:
- Look at the key there!
And make up stories! The Jew is not. The Jew knows Psalm 93. The
Christian does not know Psalm 93. The Christian knows only Psalm 91, Psalm
23 and Psalm 90. Who understood? Did I show it to you or didn't I show it to you
now? I've had time to prove it, but I think it's pretty clear now it's for Jews. That's
right, I'm just in chapter 1. With each chapter you'll understand it better and better!
Look, the Antichrist, who is the Messiah of the Jews, who is the so famous
beast, must fulfill this, must be Jewish, never Islam, for God's sake, never pagan,
nor Roman, nor Vatican, not Immanuel Macron, nor Trump will have to be Jews
with powers over death and the afterlife. To be Messiah, you must have the key,
Psalm 93, of death! You will have to make some signs about death. So now you
will understand Revelation 13! That is why Gilyahna chapter 13 will say that it
defeats death. Suffering a fatal wound. May he be mortally wounded, and rise
again, return from the tomb, return from Hades, from Sheol! Who understood?
That's why the beast defeats death!
People talk about Bolsonaro, it's the cluster, what are they talking about?
It's ridiculous, Bolsonaro is not dead! It is not enough to support Israel to be the
Messiah, you must support Israel politically, you must be Jewish and you must
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

have the power over death first of all! So much so that the Jews will only wake up
to the fact that he is the Messiah, the entire Jewish community, supported by all
the rabbis of this century, of our generation, when this man conquers death.
There is a proverb of the Jewish rabbis that says, in quotation marks;
“There are four keys in the hand of the Creator that he will
never give to anyone! Not for a prophet. The key to the rain,
the key to food, the key to the graves and the key to a barren
This is a well known proverb. Therefore, this proves that Jesus Christ is
not only the Messiah, but the only Creator, because he has these keys! Do you
know what it is that I just talked about? If you don't know, I look at the camera
and tell you! If Jesus were the second person of the Trinity, if Jesus were another
lesser, inferior God, if Jesus were not the Messiah, He would not have overcome
death. He is the second Adam, the firstborn from the dead, the first to rise again,
the first to defeat death, so He has the key. The key is typological, it is a metaphor,
it is only to represent that He is the first, he is the precursor, the pioneer, the first
to arrive! Indeed, to return to the Garden of Eden, and give way to the past, which
is our future, the Kingdom, the Garden of Eden. If the Messiah has that key, and
says he has the key, he has shown with the signs on his hands, with the signs on
his feet, that he has that key, then he is the Messiah, he is the only God. Hebrew,
they have always had the awareness that only God has the key to life, to the
tombs, and he does not give it to anyone! Who understood?
Giovanni continues:
- So, record it, write it, write it there ...
Now the speaker is Jesus Christ:
- So record all the things you see, both now and everything that will happen
in the future! I will reveal to you what this vision you had means!
The Bible demystifies itself when we look at it holistically in its context.
Christ himself shows the hidden, which was the vision, the mystery which was
the vision, the hologram that John saw from the candlesticks, seven times, 49
candles. Who is understanding? And Jesus in the middle, Jesus, is already the
candle in the middle. Who remembers that I revealed in the videos "layers of the
mirror partition", and many other video degrees, "heaven is here", "heaven is
here" trilogy, "three cosmos", "three temples in seven thousand years". Three
candles on each side, duality, the main candle is in the middle, because Jesus
was in the middle, right in the middle of the seven candlesticks, of all the candles,
left and right. So, He Himself will give the meaning, and now comes the revealing,
the revealing here, it is the revealing in the flesh, the revealing here, it is Iesus
Christus himself, it is He, Iesus Christus who will reveal Yohannam, He said:
- I'll reveal the meaning. The seven stars, or planets, or cosmic masses,
are all the spirits of the Creator ...
That is, 72 emanations. Only the Jews understand this.
- ... who take care of all the churches, schools, congregations, Christian
gatherings, in the world ...
To listen! Because it is John, a Christian author, a Christian teacher, a sent
teacher of grace, who writes, it is for Christians, but the focus is on the Jews. All
men are under your control. So, the seven stars, they are all the spirits that take
care, they are responsible for all the churches, the schools, the meetings of
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

Christians. And do you know what is sadder? Who is the angel of the church,
back in theology, tell me? Who is the angel of the church, back in theology? Only
in this way can they see how much they understand about the Bible, about
eschatology and about the original. How sad! Have you seen what an angel is
Write there!
The Creator is OMNI. Who remembers the delta? INNO for CON, CON for
OMNI; Innocence, Conscience, Omnipresent. The Creator is Omnipresent
because for Him there is no space, for Him there is no matter, there is no space,
there is no time. Space becomes light years, a measure of time, that is, it has
neither space nor time nor matter, this delta of this ring that is here. If there is no
space for the Creator, by the way, I have already said that if you die now, your
spirit has no more space, it does not need to take a plane to go to Japan, it is
already in Japan, it becomes omnipresent. , like the ending of the movie "Lucy",
just to represent. Who is understanding that the spirit no longer has the barrier of
space, time and matter? So God is omnipresent. How can it be omnipresent
everywhere? Through the angels. It is as if I, Akel's metaphor, have stretched
several cameras across the rooms of the EX inn to be in control, they are my
eyes in every room. But the Creator didn't need to create winged beings, with
wings, for that, no! This is legend! They are just metaphors, illustrations, your
vision. He is with his spirits, plural, Elohim, everywhere at the same time.
Wherever there is material space, your immaterial spirit is everywhere, and it
does so through these divine sparks, these divine particles, no matter what name
I'll use, what name you'll use, that's what angel means. . So it's not about the
pastor, or the priest, or the rabbi.
- The seven stars are all the spirits of the Creator, that is, the 72 who take
care of all associations.
You know what this is that looks so complicated, but is it that simple? You
will talk to me now; "Where there are two or three, I'll be!" The Jews believed that
wherever there is a person of faith, who obeys the Torah, there is a guardian
angel. This has happened to Catholic Christianity, from the protection of the
guardian angel, it has happened to the esotericists, who even name guardian
angels, it has happened to the spiritualists, and it has happened to the believers!
How sad! It's wrong! The truth is that he has no privileges, mysticism, direct
interference with anyone, because otherwise God would be unfair! Everything
that had to interfere was already interfering, because everything was perfect! So
where there are two or three, there is a particle, a spark, an angel, whatever you
want, an emanation, an aione, a sephiroth, a star, a spirit, an eye, whatever
metaphor you want of the Creator! Wherever a family is united, wherever there is
someone in the name of the truth, who follows the truth, there is the Lord!
Because? Why does the physicist aim for the metaphysical, huh? Look at how
man organizes himself, right? When you are dealing with any kind of human
administration, human resources, don't you have to hold someone accountable
every time, in every group? Isn't that how it's handled?
Then let's go there!
- The Seven Stars are all the Spirits of the Creator, who take care of all the
churches, schools, Christian meetings, in the world. And the 7 candelabra ... the
speaker is Iesus Christus, the speaker is Iesus Christus ... the 7 candelabra, the
300º of 777- Almost nobody understands THE APOCALYPSE because it is for
the JEWS !

Seven Menorah represent all these churches, schools, in all times. I'm in my right
hand, because ...
Because? Because they are good. Because they are associations of light.
- ... because everything is under my control! Everything is under my
control. Why am I among the chandeliers? Because everything is under my
control. Because everything is in my domain.
So where are two or three people gathered in the Name of Truth, that is,
with the motivation, the intention, the desire for the truth ... Being together for
what? With what intention? Good intention, do charity. Intention of what? To know
the truth. The intention of what? Listen to someone and advise someone, help
someone, teach someone. If it is the good intention, then there is an emanation
from the Creator. This group over there, look! This school ... how many schools
are watching me? And here ends the first chapter of Guiliana.
How many schools are watching me there? I see the School of Jesus in
Fortaleza. I am looking at the Rio Grande do Sul School I am looking at the School
... what other schools are there? All these schools that are watching me, you
know, you are like lamps, like chandeliers, like candles, like Menorah, for the
Creator. Of course, these seven candles here in the Menorah represent the whole
cycle, all the time, they are just representations, but the Lord sees them as
photons, as particles of light. How good are the Escola de Campinas, the Escola
da Bahia, the Escola do Norte do Paraná, the Escola de Mogi Guaçu, São Paulo.
The School which will now start in Aracaju. The Recife School, the School that
will start in Goiânia, I don't know. Maceio school. The School of Rio de Janeiro.
The Itapevi school, San Paolo, you are like candles, like chandeliers. Everything
is very simple when you find its essence and spirit. Hence the importance of the
Bible of the Original Code. The Original Bible Codex is no longer a translation,
no, never. The Bible is no longer needed. It is the Bible so that you understand
the spirit that all the translations and versions that you have to date have.
Because what's the point of having a library of bibles, a bible of bibles, if you can't
understand the spirit, what it really wants to tell us.
Tomorrow ... this is just the beginning ... tomorrow we will start digging
deeper, Revelation chapter 2. Are you happy and evolved with Guiliarna or
Guiliana, whatever, chapter 1? Optimal. Very revealing.
Good night! See you tomorrow, in 301st grade, in chapter 2. Come on!
Show up in your city with charity, with sound trucks, musicians,
cameramen, all professional and well done. We will be in a trailer and walk past
the main temples of São Paulo, proclaiming the truth. And also the launch of the
Bible of the Original Code, printed in São Paulo. In September or October I meet
EX in Jerusalem, Israel. Getting ready.

Automatically translated by Google

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