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Class 3AM name: Matteo Libralato

The Unquiet Grave

A. Rea

ballad above and answer the following questions about its form: 10
1. What is the rhyme scheme of this ballad?.....imperfect rhyme..........
2. Is there the same number of stresses in all the lines?
3. How many stanzas are there? ..7
4. Have all the stanzas got the same number of lines?, the sixth stanzas has 3 lines...

5. How is the story told? It talk about of a young man who, after the death of his beloved,
cries on the latter's grave for "twelve months and a day". After this time, the ghost of the
beloved comes out of the grave and asks the man why he will not let her rest in peace.
The boy asks for a kiss but the ghost warns him that the exchange of a kiss with a dead
man will end his life. But as the young man insists, the girl urges him to enjoy life while
he has it.
6. Point out an example of repetition. “twelve month and a day” (lines 8-9)
B. Now answer the following questions about the content: 10
1. What is the setting (when and where)? the place and time are not specified, but it is likely that
it is a cemetery
2. Who are the characters involved? a young boy, and the spirit of the girl
3. What is the theme of the ballad? You can tick more than one answer
a. tragic love b. outlaws c. war d. supernatural
4. Quote (=cita) from the text . What time of the year is that?
The Wind doth blow today my love, A few small drops the rain. (lines 1-2), it's probably
5. Is there any correspondence between nature and man’s situation? yes, winter is a sad month, like
the character of the boy

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