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Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia GESL 5 - ANSWER KEY Communication

Institute of Foreign Languages FINAL PRACTICE EXAM English in Common 3A

(Listening: Unit 5, Lesson 2, p 50, ex 3b, track 1.28)

SECTION I: 1. He emailed her 2. It has been ages. 3. He has been living in Tokyo.
4. He has known Emmy for 6 months. 5. She asks them to visit Sao Paolo.
A. 1. reliable 2. talented 3. intelligent 4. confident 5. physical
6. ambitious 7. scary 8. saddest 9. dangerous 10. determined
11. better 12. bottled 13. high 14. exciting 15. happy
A. 1. fresher than 2. taller than 3. the most delicious. 4. lighter / than
5. the most terrible 6. faster than 7. the heaviest
B. Answers - 1. / 4. / 6. / 7. = used to; Answers - 2. / 3. / 5. = didn’t use to
C. 1. Could you tell me who made that horrible noise?
2. Do you know how far it is to your house from PUC?
3. Could you tell me where you got that hat?
4. Could you tell me why you told them what I had told you in confidence?
5. Do you know how long the train takes to get to Clarksville?
6. Could you tell me what that is?
7. Could you tell me where you are from?
8. Could you tell me how you get to school?
9. Do you know what the capital of your country is?
10. Do you know what is so funny?
D. 1. You should wear a helmet while riding your motorbike.
2. I have to tell the police the information.
3. You shouldn’t stick that fork into the electricity socket.
4. Do you have to wear a uniform at school?
5. Mary doesn’t have to work on the weekend.
6. You can’t enter the restaurant without shoes or a shirt.
SECTION IV: 1. To get to the bottom of a swimming pool 2. The surface of the sea
3. They shrank to the size of oranges 4. She sang her national anthem to control her fear
5. Redefine your limits

Term: June 21, 2021 1

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