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The Leader’s Source of Power

When the source of power dries up, the machinery dependent on that power grinds to a halt. What is that power
for Cell Leaders? Fellowship with God Himself. We receive it only through Fellowship with Him - Alone
time with God.

The wife went yelling to her husband that her hair dryer no longer worked.
The husband asked from his recliner chair what seemed to be the problem.
The wife responded, It won’t turn on. It won’t do anything. It won’t blow, it won’t help me look good at
all. It’s like it has no power AT all.
The husband, paused the game, got up from his chair, went into the bathroom and with one glance
discovered the problem. The hair dryer was not plugged in to the electrical outlet, therefore it would not
function AT all.

It’s the same with Cell Leaders who have unplugged from their daily Built In Not Tacked On prayer and
Fellowship Time with God. They won’t work. They can’t get turned on and fired up about anything. They are
useless without the power of God that comes only from Fellowship with the Father.

The Cell Leaders Source of Power is Fellowship with God.

What is man’s ultimate purpose on Earth? Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Let God be glorified in everything I do. Romans 8:29 “…he also predestined to be conformed to the image of
his Son…”

How then do I become like Christ? By being with Him. Hanging around Him on a consistent basis. The leader
who will invest much time alone with God in personal fellowship (BINTO) devotional life rather than just a
“tacked on” effort will find they have a vital touch with God and are mightily used of God.

There are 3 Basic elements that characterize a life of Fellowship with the Lord.

I. The Word of God

A. Meditation on God’s Word and Memorize God’s Word
Psalm 119:97 Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long.
If we take time to meditate on God’s word, we will experience the depth and the greatness of message,
and the Spirit of God will speak to us and affect our lives.
It is God who does it, not the words printed on paper. God uses His word as an instrument to
communicate Himself to us.
B. Develop a love for the Word of God.
The leader who is worth his salt and who will truly lead others spiritually must be a man of the Word.

II. Prayer
A. James 5:16 “The fervent prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”
The word that is used to describe the prayer in the original text is the word that is used to describe the
intensity of feeling one has when being pulled apart on a torture rack. How long has it been since you
have agonized in prayer before the Lord like this? Some of you may have never prayer in this fashion. I
am convinced that this is when real Pentecostal prayer kicks in. it is my desire for all of Chi Alpha to
learn to pray like this especially our student leaders. Where is the intensity, passion, and the zeal of our
B. Prayer from the Heart Matthew 15:8 “These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far
from me.”
C. Specific Prayer
For prayer to be fervent, it must be specific.
1. The leader’s prayers should concentrate on the growth and development of each of the people
that he or she leads.
2. The leader should pray for the spiritual maturity of his/her people and that God might raise up
from their midst laborers to go into the harvest fields of the world and the campus. Matthew
9:36-38 “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and
helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful
but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his
harvest field.”
D. Binding and releasing Prayers

III. Obedience
“There is no fellowship with a superior apart from obedience to him, and Jesus Christ is very much our

Obedience is the ‘tire’ around the Wheel in that Life Tool for a reason. You cannot keep Christ in the center
of your life without living in Obedience to him. Even if you were faithfully living out all the spokes of the
Wheel, if you are not living in Obedience to him your life will be out of balance.

Our Source of Power is Fellowship With God. It takes a the Word of God, Prayer and Obedience to remain
connected to the Source of Power – Fellowship with God.

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