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Promo CopyWriting 101

Click Affiliate Link Break Objections Create Desire

The 5 Step PromoCopywriting Template

Angle Generation
Call Out Headline
Objection BreakDown
Create Desire With Belief
Getting The Click
Angle Generation
Avatar Angle Method Who is the Product for or Who Can Use
The Product & How does it Solve Their

Offer Angle Method What Specific Item is Being Given & How
does it solve the Avatar Problem

Bonus Angle What are The Bonuses and How does it

Help users of the product

Testimonial Angle Testimony of Users & how it relates to the

target audience…

Headline Generation

Go here to Get 283 Headline Templates : Promo Headline

Objection Type Objection Specifics Objection


The Writing Stack : Avatar Angle Method - Men Who Take BP Drugs
Call out Headline Example:
Rapport - describe problems as The DEADLY DANGERS of BP
bullet points. Medication
Call Out Old Belief System ===
➔ You take Bisoprolol DAILY to
Introduce Alternative Belief knock down your BP.
- Believable Questions of fact ➔ Infact, Your doctor has
- Stories INCREASED the dosage.
➔ You are STRUGGLING to keep
- Case Studies [Client’s story]
up with all the rules that the
- Researches doctor has given you.
CTA ➔ And to make the matter worse -
the LIFE THREAT that your BP
puts you under SCARES the
living hell out of you.
➔ Infact, MAJORITY of Kidney
failures, Stroke and HEART
ATTACKS are as a result of
uncontrolled HIGH BP

Which MEANS - you have to take your

DRUGS or you are in DANGER.

But the HIDDEN truth about BP

MEDICATIONS is dangerous, in fact -
here it is;

If you stay on BP medications for

LONG you end up with ERECTILE
DYSFUNCTION - this is a state where
you cannot be able to get a STRONG
ENOUGH erection.

Which means -

Your spouse would NOT get the sort of

INTIMACY she desires, and she’d
begin to hope you are FULL & strong

And God Forbid you are married to

someone who is not loyal - sexual
dissastification is one reason why
most women cheat on their husband.

The Good thing is that - DRUGS are

NOT the only way to reverse high BP.

In fact, there is a NEW WAY to reverse

high BP without changing diets,
without DROWNING in heavy
medications - and without ending up
Cheating Spouse.

Infact, these method is so

POWERFUL that it has worked for

Wale for instance while taking drugs

was struggling to keep his BP below
150, then after using this new method
- he was able to land at 120/70.

Interested in this alternative system,

Go here to check it out: [Affiliate Link]

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