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INPUT # 2to your team’s Learning Environment

Produce Management Plan (LEMP)
Your first input to your LEMP will deal with CONTENT
MANAGEMENT. It will lead you to design your Learning
Environment Management Plan, such as: (1) Subject Area;
(2) Content Topic; (3) Creative Activities to engage your
target learners; and (4) Sample Materials that you would
use when providing feedback to your learners and
increase their interest to learn.

NOTE: Fill out all boxes. Do not reformat anything as you accomplish
this Page.

Class Section BME II-18 Learning Team 01


Names of Members

Comia, John Rick B. (Leader)

Mallanao, Julius Patrick C. (Member)

Morga, John Angelo N. (Member)

Pasco, Khylein G. (Member)

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Zafra, Carlito III (Member)


Write a brief description of your Part 2 and why it is important to manage the learning content. Cite the essential
elements that it must have.

Managing learning content is very important in teaching and learning because it determines
the topics, behaviors, concepts, themes, beliefs, and facts that are expected to be taught and
presented towards students. Educators should have goals to attain in every lesson in order to
make the class meaningful. Basically, educators should always attend class with preparation
in order to deliver the knowledge to students more effectively.

Grade Level : Grade 10

Subject Area : Mathematics

Content Topic : Arithmetic and Geometric Sequence

● Escape Rooms (Math Edition)

Escape Rooms were popular interactive places that
can be found in almost every urban place in the
world. These places were usually visited by those
who like adventure, solving-related activities, or
strategic gameplays but want to do it indoors.

The mechanics of this interactive recreational activity

is pretty simple. Basically, the players just have to find clues or patterns around the
room which they could use to unlock things such as
chests, cabinets, drawers, and ultimately, doors that
could lead them to the next room. These escape
rooms vary in the number of rooms and the difficulty
of finding a way from place to place, so it really is a
great way of spending time, may it be a one-person
or collaborative play with your friends or family.
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In this recreational activity, the integration of Mathematics lies on the patterns and
clues that the players are to find in the rooms. Instead of objects, letters, or symbols,
the players would be searching for numbers. And not just simply solving, they were
also engaged in solving numbers sequences in order to solve things in the room and
find a way to escape from it.

● Number Scrabbles
Playing word scrabbles is a challenging enough game; from a
random set of letters, you are supposed to form words by
placing them on the board; earn points depending on the value
of each letter you placed, and win by having the most points.
So what’s more challenging than it? Number scrabbles. Having
a set of numbers and then adding them by stacking or placing
adjacent to one another to form number sequences that you
desire. It may sound easy but it is challenging enough. The
players will be engaged in critical thinking as to how they can make use of the
numbers that they possess and use it to form the longest pattern sequence of
numbers they could.

● Quiz Bee
Although it was a common activity in school, quiz
bees are a timely activity that can be used
whatever the context is. Additionally, this activity
never ceases to engage the interest of the
students in participating. Quiz bee is an ideal
ice-breaker for not only it warm-ups the minds of
the students, but you can also modify it to make it
cooperative, less competitive, and more on friendly
gameplay to help them lessen the pressure while developing their social skills.

Cite techniques that you could integrate in the activities to help your students develop their self-regulation
skills.Describe each technique. You may add in photos about it.

Developing self-regulation will be advantageous and impactful to a student's academic

performance. Teachers should let students prepare their minds for activities they are to
encounter in the course, so that the students will not get overwhelmed as they encounter
difficulties. Such as stating what are the possibilities that the students will go through as they
proceed the course. In a way, teachers have to introduce the activities that are encouraging in
order to give students the excitement and passion in performing the activities. Teachers may
give pre-activities to students so that they will be able to distinguish the upcoming lessons,
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and prepare their minds for the possible activities.

As the students accomplish the lessons, teachers will be giving an essay activity in which the
students will share their reflection in the activities, and on how they will be able to relate the
lesson in real life situations.

Array of materials that teachers would give to the students to provide them with feedback and
increasing their motivation to learn and succeed:

● Badges
Badges were a great reinforcement to keep the students
motivated. It is something that they could wear and
show-off to everyone. By doing so, the wearer could have
his/her self-esteem boosted, while others who see it
would desire it and thus get motivated too. These badges
may contain titles that really align with the activities
available. Such as in the escape room activity, players
can have a title like “fastest escapee”, “most creative problem solver”, “resourceful
thinker”, and such.

● Buddy Mentoring
According to healthdirect, A mentor is defined as a “wise and trusted confidant” or an
“influential supporter.” Additionally, having someone
your age, or as you call it, a “peer” could really help the
student to engage more in learning. Thus, buddy
mentoring is an ideal way to engage both the mentor
and the apprentice in learning while keeping or
improving their confidence and way of coping.

References : Make a list of sources that you used, in APA 7 format. Use the space below.

● Healthdirect (n.d.). Motivation: How to get started and staying motivated

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