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A blanket of snow envelops the ground.

Bright lights are strung up on houses and laughter and cheers

are heard everywhere. Silhouettes of people sipping hot chocolate can be seen from outside. A perfect
fairytale Christmas!

*change of scenery*

Men and women dressed up in their best clothes have rushed to the mosque so that they could be in
time to attend the Eid Prayer. Not long after the Eid Prayer is completed, the shouts of Eid Mubarak can
be heard ringing through the halls or outside in the open air.

Eid is a holiday celebrated by Muslims. Unlike any other holiday, Eid is celebrated twice at different
times of the year and also for different purpose Both Eids are for 3 days, although many people…show
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On Eid al-Adha, Muslims all around the world sacrifice animals in the name of God. The International
Business Times states, “A third of the animal’s meat is then distributed to the poor with the rest
distributed to family and friends.” Some people spend the rest of the day just relaxing and spending
time with family and close friends while others enjoy their time at parties

. Eid is so fun, it is the time where you reunite with old friends and celebrate with lots of candy and food
and happiness

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