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Hello again!

I apologize for the delay. There was an update for the website and I guess there was a problem with
the European servers. I will immediately get into the reading.

For this month, the general energy between you and your current partner is depicted by the Page of
Wands. With enthusiasm and a sense of adventure, the Page of Wands is a welcome sight to most
Tarot card readings. He represents the fun parts of life with child-like happiness. A positive and
upbeat card, the Upright Page of Wands brings both good news and good vibes. Not only are these
things coming you’re way, but they are coming quickly. It is a card full of hope and ambition, with an
aspect of newness to it. Something is calling you, be it a spiritual path or a creative one. It is time to
manifest and create.

There may be something that is holding you back, and it is time to face this. Discover what it is that
you need to do in order to succeed in life, and work on the future that is in front of you.

If this represents your partner, however, he might be someone who is fun and outgoing but not able
to move past his (or her) childish ways. You might find that even though you are ready to move to
the next level, your partner is just not ready to let go of his desire for freedom and autonomy so to
speak. If this is the case, you will need to really think about what you consider a ‘dealbreaker’. Then
move on accordingly.

When your partner looks at you, they see you as the Queen of Swords. Queen of swords as a person
indicates someone mature, intelligent and independent. They are often very educated. They believe
in social justice and fight honorable causes. They are very convincing people and do excellent in
politics. Queen of swords people have a brilliant sense of humor. They are courageous, cool, calm
and collected. In a sense, with the presence of the Five of Pentacles card, your partner has put you
on a pedestal. This month you may see a lot of his own insecurities coming out and affecting your
relationship. He may (or you both may) also experience problems about health or money/finances.

Your partner appears to be somewhat sad or depressed this month. He may try to push you away or
become distant after fights/arguments. He may think that he is failing in the very areas that you are
succeeding at. Thus, this would trigger his insecurities and make him distant or more sensitive.

One of the most important messages for you for July is to really look into how you feel and are
treated in this relationship. How would you like to move forward in your romantic life? What is
blocking you (you and your person) to get to the next level in your lives? Do not scrutinize your
partner, of course, but just observe how he deals with the obstacles in his path.

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