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Home Assignment Physics

Class XI
1. Check the correctness of the relation using the method of dimensions.
h = 2cos / r2dg where h is height,  is surface tension, is angle of contact, r is radius , d is
density and g is acceleration due to gravity
2. Write the dimensions of a and b in the relation P = (b-x2)/a*t where P is power, x is distance and t
is time.
3. Find the dimensions of the quantity q from expression
T = 2π √ (m l3 / 3Yq)
Where T is the time period of a bar magnet of length l, mass m and Young’s modulus Y.
4. The period of vibration of a tuning fork depends on the length L of its prong, density d and Young’s
modulus Y of the material. Deduce an expression for the period of vibration on the basis of
dimensional analysis. [kL(d/Y)½]
5. The time period T of oscillation of a gas bubble from an explosion under water depends upon the
static pressure (P), the density of water (d) and the total energy (E) of explosion. Find the
dimension of T dimensionally. [ T = K P-5/6d1/2E1/3]
6. Derive by the method of dimensions an expression for the volume of a liquid flowing per unit time
through a narrow pipe. Rate of flow of liquid depends on coefficient of viscosity (η), the radius of
the tube (r) and pressure gradient (P/L). [kPr4/ηL]
7. Reynolds’s number (R), a constant depends upon velocity v, density  and coefficient of viscosity of
the liquid (). Given that R varies directly as diameter D of the pipe, derive the formula of R using
the method of dimension
8. (a) The displacement of oscillation is wrongly given by y(x,t) =Asin (vt), where v is velocity and t is
time. What is wrong with the equation dimensionally?
(b) When a particle moves with very high speed (comparable to the speed of light), its mass as written
by a student is m = m0 / (1- v2), where m0 is rest mass and v is its velocity. The equation is missing a
term c, speed of light. Where should it be placed to make the equation dimensionally correct? Explain
9. The voltage across a lamp is (6.0 ± 0.1) volt and the current passing is (4.0 ± 0.2) A. Find the power
consumed with error limit and the percentage error in the calculation. [(24.0 ± 1.6) W,
10. The specific resistance of a thin wire of radius r cm, resistance R Ω and length L is given by σ =
πr2R/L. if r = (0.26 ± 0.02) cm, R = (32 ± 1) Ω and L = (78.00 ± 0.01) cm, find the percentage error in
σ. [18%]

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