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Behaviourism and Mentalism schools

Behaviourists believe that our minds are like a "blank slate" - when we are born. Emotional
states such as thoughts and feelings do not influence our behavior because we do not inherit it.
Language learning, according to the behaviorist school ( Skinner and his colleagues) , is merely
the establishment of a system of habits which children acquire by imitation and association. A
toddler, for example, hears the phrase "water" every time he wants to drink. He quickly identifies
the word 'water' with the substance itself. He next imitates what he has heard by making this
sound himself. His reaction is reinforced since his parents are thrilled that he has learned another

Strengths Weaknesses
Its use of proven, experimental research it dismisses the importance of the mental process
procedures boosts science's reputation as a in learning. People can only learn as a result of
scientific profession. their experiences.
It makes a compelling case for the nurture Animals have been criticized for being used to
side of the nature vs. nurture debate. apply learning laws to people because humans
are more complicated than animals.
The method has resulted in a variety of Humans' spontaneous behavior is not explained
practical applications and techniques for by operant and classical training principles
influencing behavior, such as the use of
prizes in education
Several of behaviorism's practical uses In contrast to the biological approach, which
demonstrate its contribution. views nature to be a significant element in human
behavior, it rejects the possibility of biological
factors playing a role in human behavior.
Behavior therapy and behavior People are seen as passive learners by
modification are widely utilized in clinical behaviorists, however humans are seen as active
psychology and are one of the most agents by humanistic psychologists, who see
common techniques to the treatment of humans as capable of controlling and determining
abnormal behavior. their own development

Mentalism, on the other hand, is a doctrine based on the perceived power of mind processes that
may be learnt by experience or an apprenticeship with a skilled mentalist. Individuals are born
with an innate knowledge of language, as said by Noam Chomsky. He addressed the notion of an
innate structure called a 'Language Acquisition Device.' Learning, according to the mentalists, is
linked to intellect, invention, and innate talent. Moreover, Language employs 'structure-
dependent operation,'. Chomsky implies that language has a double structure, a Surface structure
and a Deep structure, by doing so. The listener must comprehend both the structure and the
content of the discourse in order to fully understand it.
Nada Naji Bazina
Group A
Strengths Weaknesses
It makes sense, at least to The meaning of something varies from person to person;
someone who isn't familiar with this meaning tends to be a broad concept about one specific
physiological psychology. object, yet in reality, this thing is only a category of many
other things.
it is supported by the majority a person's usage of a word in relation to the societal norms
of theologies and philosophies. that govern the use of the terminology in question. Also the
idea that meaning emerges through social rules has a long

The contrast between Chomsky's and Skinner's philosophies can be summarized as follows:
Chomsky argues that language is innate and is simply developed, whereas Skinner believes that
language is learned. Personally speaking, after observing both of my 2 years old child and
comparing him to my oldest child, I tend to semi- agree with the behaviourist theory. My oldest
child lacks the ability to imitate and this led to a language delay situation. After taking him to
speech therapist, one of the first things they started working on is supporting his ability to imitate
and explained that this is one of the first stages of intelligence. Also the speech therapist
explained that my son has no language or vocabulary stock. So he is literally a blank slate
because he lacks interest with people and communicating and has not acquire any language

McLeod, S. A. (2017, Febuary 05). Behaviorist approach. Simply Psychology.
Mimi. (2013, Mars, 03). McLeod, S. A. (2017, Febuary 05). Behaviorist approach. Simply
Bunge M., Ardila R. (1987) Mentalism. In: Philosophy of Psychology. Springer, New York, NY.

Nada Naji Bazina

Group A

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