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Chemical Papers


A simple electrogravimetric experimental setup to determine Cu

in alloy samples for teaching purposes
João Pedro Silva1   · Kallyni Irikura1 · Maria Valnice Boldrin Zanoni1 · Paulo Clairmont F. Lima Gomes1

Received: 3 April 2020 / Accepted: 13 August 2020

© Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences 2020

Electrogravimetry is a traditional analytical method for the determination of cations in aqueous solution, but the use of plati-
num as cathode and anode electrodes hinders its implementation in undergraduate chemistry courses with limited resources.
This study proposes the replacement of expensive platinum electrodes by cheaper materials such as the dimensionally stable
anode and Ni–Cr alloy as the cathode, which showed good performance in the determination of Cu by electrolysis at constant
current (in galvanostatic mode). The proposed method achieved an electrogravimetric yield of 97.3 ± 0.9%, from a solution of
­CuSO4 during electrolysis carried out at 0.26 A for 60 min. The experimental setup was used to determine Cu in commercial
scrap alloy waste samples containing Cu, Sn, Pb, and Zn, following a simple pretreatment employing ammonia solution.
The Cu weight percentage obtained was 58.6 ± 0.5%, which was in agreement with a value of 59.4 ± 1.7% obtained using a
comparative spectrophotometric method.
Graphic abstract

Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this

article (https​://​6-020-01322​-y) contains
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

Extended author information available on the last page of the article

Chemical Papers

Keywords  Electrogravimetry · Electroanalytical chemistry · Instrumental method · Quantitative analysis · Laboratory


Introduction amount of metal deposited during the electrolysis (Vogel

and Jeffery 1989):
The first analytical determination using electrogravimetry
was performed in 1864 by Wolcott Gibbs, (Szabadvary 1. The amounts of substances liberated (or dissolved) at the
1964; Stock 1989) using an electrolytic cell for the deter- electrolytic cell are directly proportional to the quantity
mination of Cu and Ni. Subsequently, electrogravimetry of electrical charge which passes through the solution;
has become established as an excellent technique for the 2. The amounts of different substances liberated (or dis-
fast and precise determination of divalent metals such as solved) using the same quantity of electrical charge are
Cu, Ni, and Co in aqueous solutions (Owen et al. 1983). In proportional to their relative atomic (or molar) masses
addition to quantitative determinations, electrogravimetry is divided by the number of electrons involved into the
also an important tool for the separation of elements and the respective electrode process.
removal of metals from solution (DeFord and Bowers 1958).
Electrogravimetric determination can be performed at By the combination of these statements the mathematical
controlled potential (potentiostatic method) or controlled form of the Faraday’s law arises:
current (galvanostatic method) (Skoog et al. 2004). How- ( )

Fz ∫
ever, electrolysis at controlled potential is known to pro- M
m= I(t)dt. (2)
vide the best selectivity in the determination of metals. The
main disadvantage is the experimental setup, which requires M is the molar mass of the metal, F is the Faraday con-
a three-electrode system (working, counter, and reference stant (96,485 C m ­ ol−1), z is the ionic charge, and I(t) is the
electrodes) and a potentiostat. This is more expensive than current as a function of time (t). For cell operation at con-
the laboratory equipment required for electrogravimetric stant current, the integral term, which represents the electri-
determinations according to the galvanostatic method, based cal charge involved in the process, is reduced to It. There-
on only two electrodes, employing a simple experimental fore, for teaching purposes, it’s easier to use the controlled
setup that requires a power source able to maintain constant current method, since all the electrochemical theory asso-
the current (I) through the anode and cathode. The use of ciated with electrogravimetric experiments can be covered
a controlled current enables the separation and determina- using a simpler experimental setup. The system selected for
tion of metals with large differences between their reduction the study also needs to be simple, with the electrodeposition
potentials. The theoretical basis is similar for both methods. of Cu being a good choice, since it presents excellent deposi-
For any electrochemical cell under electrodynamic condi- tion yields. Furthermore, although the electrodeposition of
tions (I ≠ 0), I flow through the system and the potential copper is typically performed using H ­ 2SO4 and H­ NO3 as an
between the cathode and anode (cell potential, E cell) are electrolyte, the use of ­HNO3 alone is sufficient to provide
related, as shown in Eq. 1: the acidity required in the process, with nitrate acting as
Ecell = EC + EA + 𝜂C + 𝜂A − IR (1) a cathodic depolarizer for ­H2 evolution (Vogel and Jeffery
EC and EA are the cathode and anode equilibrium poten-
tials, calculated using the Nernst equation, I is the electri- NO−3 (aq) + 10H+ (aq) + 8e− ⇌ NH+4 (aq) + 3H2 O(aq). (3)
cal current, R is the cell electrical resistance, the product
Under this experimental condition, there is the sup-
IR is the ohmic drop, and ηC and ηA are the sums of the
pression of ­H2 release at the cathode, while the Cu deposit
cathode and anode overpotentials (activation and concentra-
presents good adherence. Moreover, the application can be
tion), which are related to the kinetics of the electrochemical
tested using many inexpensive commercial alloys, such as
reactions and the concentrations of the electrochemical spe-
brass and bronze, as samples for the determination of Cu by
cies on the electrode surface. At a controlled potential, the
electrogravimetry. Given that the use of expensive platinum
equilibrium potential and the sum of all the overpotentials of
electrodes represents an obstacle to implementing the elec-
the cathode or anode (depending on which electrode is set as
trogravimetry technique, alternatives have been proposed
the working electrode) are constant, while the other param-
using copper and brass materials as cathodes, while graph-
eters will vary during operation of the cell. In galvanostatic
ite rods and pencil leads have been tested as anodes (Dudek
conditions, I is maintained constant and Ecell can vary since
1977; Parker 2011; Finazzi et al. 2015). Graphite is a good
R, equilibrium potentials, and overpotentials are sources
candidate for use as an anode, but it presents low mechanical
of variation. For both methods, Faraday’s law governs the

Chemical Papers

resistance to gas evolution, resulting in rapid erosion by O

­ 2 two-electrode system was used in all the experiments, with
(Trasatti 2000), which is commonly generated during the a commercial plate of Ti/TiO2/RuO2 ­(DSA®) as the anode
electrolysis of water. Thus, the dimensionally stable anode (dimensions of 78 mm × 4 mm × 0.5 mm) and a spiral wire
­(DSA®) can be a good choice for use in electrogravimetry, of Ni and Cr alloy (77.2% Ni, 21.3% Cr, see the Elec-
due to its higher chemical stability in the presence of ­O2 tronic Supplementary Material) with length of 140 mm
evolution, compared to graphite. Ni–Cr alloys, which are and diameter of 0.50 mm as the cathode. The anode and
inexpensive materials used in furnace heaters, present high cathode were positioned concentrically and presented
resistance to corrosion (Oberg and Jones 2004) and could electroactive areas of approximately 4 c­ m2 and 40 c­ m2,
be an option for replacing platinum cathodes in electrogravi- respectively. The solution was stirred using a magnetic bar.
metric cells. To the best of our knowledge, there have been All the electrical connections were made using wires with
no previously published studies concerning the application banana connectors and alligator clips. Universal support
of these materials for the electrogravimetric determination and clamps were used to fix the electrodes in position.
of Cu. The aim of the present study was to develop a simple Figure 1a shows a schematic representation of the entire
and inexpensive electrogravimetric system for the determi- system. Figure 1b shows a photograph of the cathode and
nation of copper in alloy samples, substituting platinum by anode employed in the experiments. The approximate
Ni–Cr as the cathode and DSA as the anode, for application costs of the materials used to construct the experimental
in undergraduate chemistry classes. system are provided in Table 1.


Construction of the experimental apparatus Table 1  Approximate costs of the hardware used in the experimental
All the experiments were performed using a setup con- Material Cost
structed using low-cost materials and simple laboratory
2 A/5 V power supply US$ 5.00/unit
equipment. A 5 V power supply was used, with a maxi-
10 Ω/5 W resistor US$ 0.25/unit
mum output of 2 A. A resistor (10 Ω, 5 W) connected
Digital multimeters US$ 5.00/unit
in series with an electrochemical cell was used to per-
Banana connectors US$ 0.50/unit
form a potential drop in the system, maintaining Ecell and
Alligator clips US$ 0.50/unit
I at around 2.0 V and 0.26 A, respectively. The meas-
Flexible electrical wire US$ 0.15/m
urements of Ecell and I employed two digital multimeters
DSA® (Ti/TiO2/RuO2) US$ 0.12/cm2
operating as potentiometer and amperometer, respectively.
Ni–Cr alloy wire US$ 0.15/m
The electrolyses were carried out in a 50 mL beaker. A

Fig. 1  a Schematic illustration of the experimental system and b photograph of the ­DSA® anode and the Ni–Cr alloy cathode used for Cu elec-

Chemical Papers

Chemicals supply was switched on. During the electrolysis, the Ecell
and I values were recorded at 5 min intervals, between
The analytical grade chemicals used were C
­ uSO4·5H2O 0 and 20 min, followed by six further measurements at
(Synth), ­H NO 3 (Neon, 65%), urea (Synth), ­N H 3 (aq) 10 min intervals, up to 60 min. After 60 min, the total
(Macron, 28–30%), and acetone (Synth). depletion of Cu was tested by adding 2−3 drops of the
electrolyzed solution to a test tube, together with 1−2 mL
of concentrated ­NH3(aq). The formation of a blue color
Hazards indicated that the process should be continued, while the
absence of color indicated completion of the electrolysis.
The ­HNO3 and N ­ H3, extensively used in this experiment, are Finally, the cathode and anode were removed from the
very toxic, corrosive, and irritant to eyes, skin, and mucous solution and washed with deionized water, before switch-
membrane. Besides, these compounds are volatile and must ing off the power source. The cathode was rinsed with
be handled inside a fume hood and wear appropriate per- acetone, dried at 100 °C for 5 min, and allowed to cool
sonal protective equipment such as lab coat, safety glasses, at room temperature, prior to weighing. The difference
and gloves. Also, both compounds must be slowly added to between the initial and final masses corresponded to the
water, because its solubilization releases considerable heat, quantity of Cu deposited. The method was applied for the
which can produce violent ebullition and spatters. Urea and quantification of Cu in commercial alloy samples. Samples
­CuSO4⋅5H2O also need to be handled using appropriate of 0.10−0.15 g were precisely weighed and transferred
safety equipment and extra caution must be taken because to beakers of 50 mL, followed by the addition of 1 mL
of the high flammability of acetone. The solution generated of deionized water and careful addition of 2 mL of con-
by the dissolution of samples (commercial scrap Cu alloy) centrated ­H NO 3. After 10−15 min, the dissolution was
may contain heavy metals, such as Pb, very dangerous to stopped and the resulting solution was diluted using 10 mL
human health. Finally, all chemical residues produced during of deionized water. The sample solution was then treated
the experiment should be disposed of properly. with concentrated ­NH3(aq) (4−5 mL), added slowly and
carefully, in small aliquots, until no more precipitate was
observed, ensuring quantitative precipitation. The precipi-
tate was separated from the solution by simple filtration
Experimental procedure
using a quantitative filter paper and was washed several
times with small volumes of 5% (V/V) aqueous ­NH3 solu-
Firstly, 10.00 mL of 6.184 g ­L−1 Cu solution (previously
tion until no more blue color was observed in the paper
standardized with EDTA, as described by Vogel and Jeffery
filter and the retained material. Finally, 5−8 mL of con-
1989 and 25 mL of water were added to the electrolysis
centrated ­H NO 3 was added slowly and carefully to the
container. Next, 5 mL of concentrated ­HNO3 was slowly
filtrate collected in the beaker of 50 mL, until the solution
added to the same container. The H ­ NO3 added could have
acquired a pale blue color again. Before starting the elec-
contained ­NO2− species capable of completely hindering the
trolysis, 0.1 g of urea was added to the beaker contain-
Cu deposition, so 0.1 g of urea was added to the solution, to
ing the sample solution. The same procedure described
avoid this interference (Vogel and Jeffery 1989):
above was performed and the mass of deposited Cu was
2NO−2 (aq) + 2H+ (aq) + CO NH2 2 (aq) determined as the difference between the cathode masses,
( )
before and after the electrolysis.
⇌ 2N2 (g) + CO2 (g) + 3H2 O(aq). (4) At the end of each electrolysis, the Cu deposit was
Before starting the electrolysis process, the cathode removed from the cathode surface by immersion in 50%
was washed with deionized water and acetone, dried at (V/V) ­HNO3 for 5 min. The cathode was then washed with
100 °C for 5 min, and allowed to cool to room tempera- deionized water and acetone, placed to dry at 100 °C, and
ture. Finally, the cathode was precisely weighed (in trip- cooled to room temperature. This procedure enabled the
licate). The experimental arrangement (shown in Fig. 1a) cathode to be reused several times (all 18 experiments
was assembled, with the attachment of the cathode to a presented in this paper were performed using a single elec-
negative terminal and the anode to a positive terminal, trogravimetric system).
avoiding contact between cathode and anode. To achieve As supplementary material, a video of an experiment
hydrodynamics conditions requested by the electrolysis was produced to help the implementation of this experi-
process, the flow of electroactive species to the electrodes ment in an undergraduate chemistry class.
was kept constant by the magnetic stirring of the solu-
tion. So, after placing the solution under stirring the power

Chemical Papers

Results and discussion The global reaction for the electrolysis process, considering
the two cathodic reaction, is:
Experimental arrangement testing and optimization
2Cu2+ (aq) + 2NO−3 (aq) + 4H2 O(aq) ⇌ 2NH+4 (aq) + 5O2 (g) + 2Cu(s).
To test the system, the electrogravimetric method was applied
using a standard solution of C ­ uSO4·5H2O (previously stand- For experiments conducted using 6.184  g L ­ −1
ardized using EDTA, as mentioned above). ­CuSO4·5H2O aqueous solution, the expected mass of the
A Ni–Cr coil was used as the cathode, offering the advan- Cu deposition was maintained between 50 and 100 mg. In
tages of being cheap and highly resistant to corrosion, even this range, the mass could be easily determined to at least
when exposed to acids at high concentrations. The results of 3 decimal places, using the analytical balances widely
semi-quantitative EDS analysis of the Ni–Cr wire used as the available in chemistry laboratories.
cathode are provided in the Electronic Supplementary Mate- The simple electrical components (power supply and
rial. The elements Ni, Cr, and Si were detected at weight per- electrical resistance) that composed the experimental setup
centages of 77.2, 21.3, and 1.5%, respectively. maintained Ecell at around 2.0 V, while I was fixed at 0.26
The performance of the proposed system with a D ­ SA® A. The potential and current profiles obtained during the
anode was compared with the use of graphite and pencil lead. electrodeposition are presented in Fig. 2a, by convention
Both carbonaceous electrodes showed substantial erosion in an electrolytic cell Ecell is negative. While I present a
caused by the release of ­O2, while the D­ SA® showed better variation of 0.01 A during the experiment, Ecell presents a
mechanical resistance to the anodic reaction. For this rea- sharp shift to more negative values in the beginning and
son, the ­DSA® was adopted as the anode in the experimental remaining constant after passed half of the electrolysis
arrangement. time. The I variation probably is the result of a simple
The anodic reaction that occurs on ­DSA® electrode is the electronic circuit, as presented in the experimental sec-
oxidation of water: tion, used to control the applied I. On the other hand,
E cell varies as a consequence of the ­C u 2+ consumed by
2H2 O(l) ⇌ 4 H+ (aq) + O2 (g) + 4 e− (5) the cathode reaction. The depletion of copper in the solu-
tion affects the cathode equilibrium potential and the sum
while on Ni–Cr electrode two cathodic reaction occurs, the of cathode overpotential, respectively represented by EC
reduction of nitrate ions mentioned in Eq. 4, and the deposi- and ηC in Eq. 1. According to the Nernst equation, if the
tion of copper according to: concentration of ­C u 2+ is reduced to 0.1% of the initial
Cu2+ (aq) + 2e− ⇌ Cu(s). (6) value, EC shifts 0.088 V to more negative values. But, the
major contribution to E cell variation is a consequence of

Fig. 2  a Potential and current

profiles for Cu electrodeposi-
tion, and b photograph of the
Ni–Cr alloy cathode covered by
a metallic Cu deposit, obtained
at the end of 60 min of elec-

Chemical Papers

concentration overpotential (ηconc) on the cathode, that is Applying experimental setup analyzing commercial
proportional to a logarithmic term as following: scrap Cu alloy waste
[ ( )]
I After the optimization of all the parameters, the proposed
𝜂conc ∝ log 1 − (8)
Id method was applied for the determination of Cu in com-
mercial waste copper alloy samples obtained from scrap
materials. This type of alloy contains copper as the main
Id is defined as diffusional limiting current and this term
component, at percentages ranging from 55 to 95% (Oberg
is proportional to the bulk concentration of electroactive
and Jones 2004). Other elements present include Zn, Fe,
species involved in electrode reaction, in this case, ­Cu2+.
Pb, Al, Ni, Mn, Sn, Pb, Si, Be, and P (Oberg and Jones
As ­Cu2+ is consumed Id decreases, the logarithmic term
and η conc become more negative, consequently shifting
If there are two cations in the solution with deposition
Ecell also to more negative values.
potential differing about 0.25 V the cation with higher depo-
For all experiments, the electrolysis time was fixed at
sition potential can be deposited without causing contami-
60 min, sufficient time to obtain a deposit of 100 mg of
nation. (Vogel and Jeffery 1989). So, the presence of ­Zn2+
Cu, with faradaic efficiency of 33%, considering I = 0.26
did not interfere in the ­Cu2+ reduction process on the cath-
A. According to Faraday’s law (Eq. 2), to deposit 100 mg
ode, since there is a large difference between the reduction
of Cu are necessary 306 C and the total charge used in
potentials of ­Cu2+(Eo ­(Cu2+/Cu) = 0.3419 V) (Lide 2007)
the experiment was 936 C (0.26 A × 60 min × 60 s min−1),
and ­Zn2+ ­(Eo ­(Zn2+/Zn) =  − 0.7618 V) (Lide 2007). How-
the ratio between this charges multiply by 100% is
ever, ­Sn4+(Eo ­(Sn4+/Sn2+) = 0.151 V) and ­Fe3+ ­(Eo ­(Fe3+/
equal to faradaic efficiency cited above ((306 C/936
Fe2+) = 0.771 V) (Lide 2007) could interfere in the Cu elec-
C) × 100% = 33%).
trodeposition (Vogel and Jeffery 1989), since the reduction
The efficiency of the method was evaluated by deter-
potentials are closer, such as the S­ n4+, or higher, such as
mination of the electrogravimetric yield (Y), obtained 3+
­Fe . Therefore, the sample should be previously treated
by comparing the expected theoretical mass (mt) and the
to remove these elements, before proceeding with the elec-
weighted mass of the deposit (me) obtained at the end of
trolysis. Si and P are also potential interferents, although
60 min of electrolysis, expressed as a percentage. The
these elements are present in low amounts (around 1−4% for
results are presented in Table 2.
Si and trace concentrations for P) (Oberg and Jones 2004).
The Y values obtained were between 96.7 and 99.1%,
To decrease these interferences, the alloy was treated with
suggesting that the Cu metal could be satisfactorily quanti-
­NH3(aq), maintaining the pH at around 10−12, so that the
fied by electrogravimetry. The proposed method presented
interferents were precipitated as hydroxides, in accordance
a relative standard deviation of ± 0.9%, indicating that the
with their solubility products (Kps) (Skoog et al. 2004; Lide
Ni–Cr cathode could be used as an excellent alternative
2007), with the exception of Zn, which was solubilized in
for the determination of Cu by electrogravimetric analysis.
the form of [Zn(OH)4]2− (Vogel 1979). At high pH in an
It should also be highlighted that the Cu deposit obtained
ammoniacal medium, Zn and Cu are solubilized as the com-
on the Ni–Cr cathode presented satisfactory adherence
plexes [Zn(NH3)4]2+ and [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (Vogel 1979). Under
and homogeneity, as shown in Fig. 2b. These character-
the conditions employed, only Cu and Zn were maintained
istics are crucial for achieving good performance in elec-
in solution, so they could be separated from the other ele-
trogravimetric analysis (Vogel and Jeffery 1989; Skoog
ments by simple filtration. Cu could then be recovered by
et al. 2004).
electrogravimetry, without the interference of Zn, due to the
different reduction potentials.
Qualitative analysis of the Cu alloy used as a sample in
Table 2  Results for the electrodeposition of Cu from aqueous solu- this experiment showed the presence of Cu, Sn, Pb, and Zn
­ −1)
tions (6.184 g L
(see Electronic Supplementary Material). Therefore, a sim-
Exp mta/ mg meb/ mg Y/% Ym ± sd/% ple precipitation procedure using concentrated ammonia
solution was performed, enabling removal of the interfer-
1 61.84 60.4 97.7 97.3 ± 0.9
ents Sn (precipitated as Sn(OH)2) and Pb (precipitated as
2 61.84 59.8 96.7
Pb(OH)2/PbO) (Vogel 1979), while Zn did not interfere in
3 61.84 59.9 96.9
the electrogravimetric determination of Cu. Alloy masses
4 61.84 61.9 98.8
from 90 to 150 mg yielded Cu deposits with masses from
5 61.84 61.3 99.1
50 to 90 mg (Table 3). The mass percentage of Cu (x(Cu))
6 61.84 60.2 97.3
in the sample was calculated using the Eq. 9.
7 61.84 60.2 97.3

Chemical Papers

Table 3  Cu electrodeposition results obtained using the alloy samples Conclusions

Sample ms/mg mCu/mg x(Cu)/% x(Cu)m ± sd/%
The findings indicated that Cu could be easily and economi-
1 91.2 53.9 59.1 58.6 ± 0.8 cally determined by electrogravimetry, using a D­ SA® anode
2 91.1 53.5 58.7 and Ni–Cr alloy as the cathode, substituting the platinum
3 124.5 73.3 58.9 electrodes commonly used in electrogravimetry. Using this
4 107.7 62.9 58.4 arrangement, excellent results of electrogravimetric yield
5 141.2 81.5 57.7 were obtained for the Cu analysis from a standard solution
6 123.5 71.5 57.9 (96.7−99.1%). The method was successfully applied for the
7 152.5 89.4 58.6 determination of Cu in alloy samples, with the procedure
8 130.1 76.3 58.6 being shown to be simple, precise, and economical. The
results were in good agreement with the values obtained
by a comparative method (NIR spectrophotometry). The
simplicity and low cost of the proposed method enable it to
( )
x(Cu) = ⋅ 100 %. (9) be recommended for use as an experiment in undergradu-
ate chemistry courses with limited resources, as well as in
mCu is the mass of the Cu deposit and ms is the mass of experimental classes focused on electrogravimetry.
the alloy sample. The values obtained for the Cu present
in the alloy varied from 57.7 to 59.1%, with an average of Acknowledgements  The authors are grateful for the support pro-
58.6 ± 0.5%. The results obtained using the Ni–Cr cathode vided by FAPESP (#2017/12790-7 and #2018/22393-8), the National
Institute of Alternative Technologies for Detection, Toxicological
showed sufficient precision for the analysis of Cu in alloy Evaluation and Removal of Micropollutants and Radioactivies (INCT-
samples. DATREM) (FAPESP: #2014/50945-4, CNPq #465571/2014-0 and
The method was checked by comparing the electro- Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior—
gravimetric results for the mass percentages of Cu in the CAPES: #88887136426/2017/00) and IQ-UNESP (Araraquara).
alloy samples with the values obtained using near-infrared
(NIR) spectrophotometry as a reference method (measuring
the absorbance of the Cu solution at 800 nm). The mean References
x(Cu) value obtained by the spectrophotometric method was
DeFord DD, Bowers RC (1958) Electroanalysis and coulometric. Anal
59.4 ± 1.7%. The Cu spectra and the analytical curve used to Chem 30(4):613–619
determine Cu in the alloy samples are provided in the Elec- Dudek E (1977) Copper(II) aspirinate project for the general chem-
tronic Supplementary Material, together with experimental istry laboratory. J Chem Educ 54:329. https​://
information about the method. ed054​p329
Finazzi GA, Martins CN, Capelato MD, Ferreira LH (2015) Devel-
The x(Cu) values obtained by the electrogravimetric and opment of low-cost teaching electrogravimetry experiments
spectrophotometric methods were in good agreement. The using the principles of green chemistry. Quím Nova. https​://doi.
calculated value of t (tcalc = 1.25) was smaller than the tabu- org/10.5935/0100-4042.20150​149
lated value (ttab = 2.26), indicating that there was no signifi- Lide DR (2007) CRC handbook of chemistry and physics, 88th edn.
Taylor & Francis, Milton Park
cant difference (at the 95% confidence level) between the Oberg E, Jones FD (2004) Machinery’s Handbook. Guide to Machin-
values determined using the two methods. These results ery’s Handbook, vol 27. Industrial Press, New York
demonstrated that the proposed electrogravimetric method Owen JF, Patterson CS, Rice GS (1983) Electrogravimetric determina-
using inexpensive materials was efficient, simple, low cost, tion of cobalt, nickel, and copper in presence of chloride ion. Anal
Chem 55:990–992. https​://​57a04​9
and provided satisfactory precision. Therefore, the technique Parker RH (2011) An inexpensive electrodeposition device and Its
could be considered a suitable option for the determination use in a quantitative analysis laboratory exercise. J Chem Educ
of Cu in alloy samples. Furthermore, the simplicity of the 88:1428–1430. https​://​202t
experimental procedure would enable the application of this Skoog DA, West DM, Crouch SR, Holler FJ (2004) Fundamentals of
analytical chemistry. Thomson-Brooks/Cole, Three Lakes
method in any undergraduate chemistry course, providing Stock JT (1989) Electrochemistry in retrospect: an overview. In: Stock
practical experience to improve the students’ understanding JT, Orna MV (eds) Electrochemistry, past and present. American
of the concepts of electrogravimetric analysis. Chemical Society, Washington, pp 1–17
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Electrochim Acta 45:2377–2385. https​://​

Chemical Papers

Vogel AI (1979) Vogel’s textbook of macro and semimicro qualitative Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to
inorganic analysis. Longman, London jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
Vogel AI, Jeffery GH (1989) Vogel’s textbook of quantitative chemical
analysis. Longman Scientific & Technical, London


João Pedro Silva1   · Kallyni Irikura1 · Maria Valnice Boldrin Zanoni1 · Paulo Clairmont F. Lima Gomes1

* João Pedro Silva Institute of Chemistry, UNESP, P.O. Box 355, Araraquara, SP 14800‑900, Brazil
Unesp, National Institute for Alternative Technologies
of Detection, Toxicological Evaluation and Removal
of Micropollutants and Radioactives (INCT‑DATREM),


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