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The Sirius Mystery

Robert Temple

Contact between Sirians and the founding of Egypt and Sumer (Contact Period) was 3000
- 5000 years ago.

Pyramid and sphynx were built by ETs during this Contact Period.
Peri Reis map was made by ETs who could read through the ice like we can. ETs are
waiting for US to contact THEM. Map was left as a clue.

The ETs from Sirius are amphibians, which explained why there were such large water
projects associated with the Great Pyramid and the Sphynx. [Fits in with a picture I saw
once of the maze to ente the G.P. that was a series of water traps.-mb]

p. 28
The Annubis cell is that section of space which is internally-referenced, such that order
increases and disorder decreases, displaying a functional connection between elements in
the cell.
Psychic communcaiton is highly probably. May be, literally, where we go when we die,
as the Egyptians and Dogon peole insisted.

P. 85
What I like about Temple is that he talks not only about the evidence but also about the
implications. One of which is that we are at a special time in galactic history –we are
going through puberty, so to speak. Becoming a grown-up. Attracting the attention of
the adults.

One of the themes of Anton Wilson’s Illuminati trilogy is “ontogeny recapitulates

phylogeny”. There is a parallel between the development of a human with the development of
humans. When I was a kid, I used to assume that my perception of American society mirrored my
own personal development, so that as a teenager, I saw the US at the earleist stages of learning
tp act like a grown-up. And during my work-years, I saw the US as a worker nation. Now, nearing
my retirement, I see the US becoming irrelevant and sold out.

Anyway, the human race is going through puberty. I guess we could say that Alamagordo was
like our first menses, an external, overt sign of development. It attracted the Other.

Like teenagers, we will have to press and try the limits of both permitted and possible behavior.
What happens if we are an engineered race, and we don’t like what we were created to do?
What happens if we don’t like what God intended?

P. 60. Alexander Polyhistor wrote 50 volumes of hisotry – all lost but for a few fragments.
Sumeraian language was non-Semitic. It was superceded by the Akkadian language, which was

Appendix includes the complete article, translated into English, and the original French articles
describing the Dogon, written in the 1930’s.

The Dogon believe that day of the bado is when a beam of rays carrying important signals strikes
Earth from Sirius B..”

But it never occurs to him to ask what is in the naure of the signal. It never occurs to him that we
might have the ability to connect with Sirius with our mind, and that the Dogon are doing more
than just rote memorizatin passed on for thousands of years.

p. 74
Dogon say that air is “the word” and enters the bloodsteam bringing nourishment of the interior by
the impulse raised by the heart”

p. 76-77
It is not clear whether Ogo is the Fox or not. “Our solar system is claled the placenta of Ogo, the
Fox, who is impure”.
“What Ogo seems to represetn is man himself.j”
“Ogo rebelled at his creation and remained unfinished.”

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