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Project Reflection Saladino EDU – 214

Kathryn Abbs
08 June 2022
Portfolio Artifact Description: My Dream Home- using drawing tools to create your dream home
floor plan in two dimensional

What you learned: This was a challenging project for me. I learned that if I drew my floor plan
on a piece of paper before starting to create it digitally, it made it a little bit easier to design with
the vision I was going for. For me, the most challenging part of this project was creating the
doors. I had some trouble with the arch tool. My design incorporated using French doors in my
floor plan so I did some research on what that may look like on a professional floor plan. It was
difficult to create the arches for the French doors. I learned to be patient and just do my best to
execute this task. Another difficulty I faced was when I went to move a shape, sometimes my
whole house would pick up and move. This made the lining with my windows look off and I had
to take the time to move the house back to where it originally was. This was a little bit
frustrating. With a few deep breaths, and not giving up I was able to execute this task. I am very
proud of my floor plan and would like to live in a home like this one day.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S Addressed: I

believe the Knowledge Constructor standard was used in this project. The use of digital tools to
learn and create a home makes for useful life experiences.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: In the future, I could see this as a fun lesson for
maybe 5th-6th graders. Making your dream home is a lot of fun and executing it digitally can be
challenging but worthwhile once completed. It may be a fun lesson to learn about farming, by
reading a few books, then having the children partner up to create their own farm. Including the
layouts of where the animals stay such as the stable, pin, coops, etc. I think it is great for
students to understand that a lot goes into the design and layouts of places. It may even be fun
for them to design a layout of a mall or a theme park as well. Really helps the students think
outside the box and execute a plan into action.

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