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Chapter zero: first time

I was staring at the stars like I used to do on Friday nights since I didn’t had to get up early and get ready to college, it
was a cloudless night as most of the time and since I lived a bit far from down town on a 4 floors building it was easier see
them on the roof that was just a stairway up from my room.

That’s when it happen, on February tenth, I heard a strange bell-like sound, first I thought that I was hallucinating, but
suddenly the sky became gray with some red stains like in a murder scene and a smell caught my nose reminiscent of
meat and blood in a rotten way, when I turned at my surrounds I understood from where it came. The floors, the door, all
of it were converting into a mass of flesh and organs. I wasn’t sure why, maybe the unreal of the circumstances fighting
with the shock, and the burning nauseas from the smell allow me to remain calm despite all.

Then something, more surprising if possible, happened.

If this were a dream I would had thought it was a nightmare, but only in the beginning. As I wondered what to do now,
choosing to get down by the staircase at the back of the building which was half flesh too, I heard the growling of a
monster like thousands of grave voices that screamed their last will after torture mixed with a throw up sound that was
frightening close.

Of course I was curious about what made it, so I leaned to the edge of the roof and saw it.

Not even on my craziest nightmare I saw something like it. Grabbing and dragging what I suppose were human bodies
leaving a red path, was a huge around 4 meters monster that was a mix of scattered white body parts tossing secretions of
pus through eye-like holes all over its bodies, when abruptly what it seemed to be the principal head meet my gaze.

“Yup, I’m definitely dying now.” Was the only thing I could come with when a blaze of purple light incinerated the
monster which shriek a worse sound as it turned into ashes.

“Now, what do we have here.” a voice said at my back that sounded stern and a bit tired. I didn’t kind of want to turn
back so it kept saying. “Well is getting around time so, here.”

“What are you talking about?” I said finally turning to face it.

“Our meeting point, the survivors one’s, just so you now this isn’t about over at all, you are going to keep appearing
here, I will explain to you better when you get here, come the sooner you can, if you want to stay alive of course.” Said
the guy as he gave me some paper with an address in it and then left jumping off the building. He was taller than me,
around 2 meters compared to my meter and fifty, a bit tan, with a bit short spiked white hair and violet eyes, thought it
seemed around my age, perhaps twenty something or so, I think I already saw him somewhere.

“What the…” I started to say when I heard the bell sound again and everything came back to normal. I doubted if I had
wounded my head at some time before this night but then I realize that I was still holding the paper in my hand. “Come if
you want to live then, guess there isn’t other choice. I will go by tomorrow the earliest I can around five or six.”

Chapter one: introductions

I got up at 3am since I’m already accustom to it due to college and actually since middle school, I went to the
bathroom took a shower brush my teeth made and eat breakfast and wait for the sky to get a bit clear before I went out.

“Umm let’s see… it’s actually kind of close by, but I should take a bus.”

I got there about 6:30. “I now he said that I should go the soonest, but I wonder if he’s already here too, well let’s
knock anyway.” And so I did, to my surprise kid-like guy ruffling he’s eyes opened the door, he was wearing a light
yellow bunny pajamas with long ears and long sleeves, he was tinier than me, with caramel skin, short green hair and red
eyes. “Hello… what can I help you with?” he said while yawning, very polite.

“Eh well, I… someone gave me this address and told me to come” I said as I give him the paper.

“Oh I see! Come in! Come in!” He kind of shout while he grabbed my arm and pull me in to the three floors wide
house that looked similar to a residence.

As we were enter I could see how it was inside the first floor, at the left side of the house were the stairs, and at the
right of the entry a big kitchen was placed, the stove was against the entry wall and a freezer was across it, at the back was
a long marble board that worked as cooking table and to divide the kitchen from the dining room. And maybe because of
the hour they were all gathered on the dining room table, except for one that was cooking, he must has been on breakfast

“She’s the new one, the girl Zeth found.” They all meet our gaze and stare at us. There were six pairs of eyes watching,
three girls and three boys.

The boy in the kitchen was pale kind of Caucasian with long and straight blond hair tighten on a loose pony tail, he
had blue eyes, a bit taller than me as the rest of them, included the girls, and he had a white apron on. One of the sating
boys had green eyes, short black hair and fair skin, the other one was Zeth. The girls sat at the left of the dining table, one
was brunette, long coffee hair with honey-like eyes. Other had rose-colored skin with red, green and blue blend on her
short to the shoulders hair and pale gray eyes. And the last one was a bit tan with curly ginger hair, and cyan eyes. Some
of they looked familiar.

“Hello, my name is Kyrie Blackfaith I apologize for the intrude, but I wanted to know what was all that about
yesterday, I will wait for you to eat so if you could tell me where I can wait I will appreciate it” I said hoping that I wasn’t
rude. The kid-like one was still holding my arm.

“Hi I’m Patrick Rêverie but you can call me Trick, you can join us if you want, you haven’t had breakfast, have you?”
The blond guy said at the kitchen with a wide smile, holing a pan.

“Well, I actually already had it about two hours ago.”

“Wow, it’s that so? That’s too bad then.”

“You can go through, and sit on the couch, it’s at the back of this room, and I’m Julie Umikoe by the way.” The
multicolored-hair sit girl said, showing a happy expression. “Hey Lush show her the way, since you’re already grabbing
her” She launched a small giggle.

“Roger! This way Kyrie lets go.”

And so we passed around the dining room to the living room, there were three coaches forming and open semicircle
facing to a wide plasma TV about 40´plg and a tiny table in the middle, and many shelves with lots of book by the
surrounding walls.

“Here, you can watch TV while you wait for us, or just read a book, make yourself at home.” Lush said now heading to
the kitchen.

“Thanks, by the way I wanted to ask, how old are you?” I said as I looked for a light book to read.

“How old do you think I am?”

“Umm don’t know, maybe about 22 or 23?” He didn’t answered and just stare me back. “Did I have it wrong?”

“Eh? No well, yeah I’m 24 but you’re the first that’s been so close to guess, it surprised me a bit, the others normally
think that I’m around thirteen or even ten sometimes.” He really did seem surprised.

“Is it really? Well I wouldn’t know, there truly are ten aged that are taller than you, but I couldn’t see you that younger,
apparently I’m good with that, so far I haven’t had it that wrong, I can even tell mirror twins apart since they don’t look
alike for me at all” I said with honestly without thinking as I took a book that look interesting named “travel to the seed.”
by Alejo Carpentier.

“Wow, that’s sort of amazing, I wonder if…umm, well till later!” He interrupted himself

“Have a nice meal.”


The book was interesting, an unusual way to tell a story, but since they were still eating I went to grab another book
that caught my eye named “the night upside down” by Julio Cortázar. And by the way it started this was going to be a bit
crazy too, I choose to sit the way I liked the most, by the right corner of the center couch on the floor curled up with my
knees in front of my face and the book on them.

“Do you really feel at ease on a stranger’s filled house that you were invited by someone you don’t now?”

Zeth voice startled me up a little suddenly talking with his face on mi right ear as he was kneeling down, but I answer
sincerely. “Not really, more like the opposite but, I actually get easily hooked on books so is easy to forget my

“I see. That could be a problem, you now?”

I couldn’t answer –not that I was planning to contradict that statement- because the rest of them started to get in.

“Well hello I didn’t had the chance to introduce myself before, my name is Royck Esquisto.” The green eye guy said.

“I’m Mariey Santé.” The ginger haired girl said.

“And I’m Clover Fatecharme, now you now our names.”

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you all.” They took their sit on the couches, Lush by my head crossing his legs, at his left side
Julie and Mariey, and over the left couch were clove, trick and Royck.

“By the way I wanted to now, how could you stay so calm? Wasn’t that your first time there? You even made some
kind of joke at your own death.” Zeth said now sitting next to me on the floor.

“Err well, don’t now truly why, just that’s how I am I suppose, but what was that, the stuff converting into melting
flesh, and the body gatherer monster? Luckily, I assume, Zeth had already defeated the murderer monster, though I’m a
bit curious of how it was…”

“What the… how do you?” Zeth stared with a confused face. And so did the others

“Puff… ha, ha, ha, now that’s been observant, no wonder how you got it so close, that’s really something, ha, ha.”
Lush suddenly burst out laughing and folding.

“Umm eh, sorry but, did I said something odd?” I really wonder if I had.

“Not exactly, is more about how you knew that there were two monsters, and that Zeth defeated one first, and also
identify which kind of monsters were them.”

“Okay?” Wasn’t that obvious? “But what was that anyway, why was I there?”

“Well how should we answer you…?”

Chapter two: crazy worlds
“Let me tell you what we know so Far.” Clover began to tell. “We all started like you, hearing the bell and been took
there, to the “crazy world” as we call it, monsters aren’t the only thing as you previously saw and that’s not the only
scenery, it changes at a random rhythm into another nine versions, as long as we know, making ten in total, it also start at
different hours and it could happen within a week far or only minutes for all it cares, the time spent there as well differs
from just minutes like yesterday or even a whole day that’s been the longest so far.” A whole day in that space, that’s
pretty fuck off. “We don’t quite know why we were picked but not all are bad news.”

“We get to have some rather awesome powers there.” Royck interrupted. “Each one of us develops a special quality,
depending on your character maybe, in my case I can turn myself into rock an also everything not-live I touch at will.”

“Eh hum.” She coughed. “As I was saying, you can also find interesting stuff like rare gemstones or ancient works, and
yeah the powers too, I can change someone’s luck to either bad or good like make a monster take itself down by
“accident”. Nevertheless we think that maybe we were chosen to be part of a test of something or so, but we still don’t
know who it’s controlling it. Now the part of why we it’s still a mystery, it could be random or not, who knows.”

“So yes, that’s pretty much it; we aren’t the only group though. It’s just that we found each other first like when Zeth
found you.” Trick Said. “Which lead us to another question, who wants the honor?”

“I will.” Mariey Said. “You see, since is dangerous there we try to stay together the longest we can, so we would want
to ask you to move in with us, of course you will have to train since it would be bad that you drag us down.”

“Umm sure, why not? I’m staying close by, so if you have a car o something to bring my stuff I could move in today
though, it would take me a bit time to pack.”

“Are you honestly going to move just like that? I’m starting to believe that you are insane or suicidal.” Zeth asked with
a puzzled face.

“I think you are been rude you now.” Julie recriminated to him.

“Not really.” I answered normally with a smile; I truly wasn’t pissed by his character I like straight forward people.
“It’s just that I’m trapped anyway, and I don’t think you all are bad so, the sooner the better didn’t you say so too? And
also I have one more question. How do you know when is going to happen or end without hear the bells?”

“Oh right, almost forget, here.” Lush took out of his left pocket a bracelet with a red rhombic stone. “One of the gems
we found, they glitter about ten minutes before it start or end, and about the car we have a pickup and two small cars you
can use the first, the keys are at the left wall of the entry”

“Umm sorry, I don’t know how to drive, so if it’s not a bother I would like someone else to drive, of course I will pay
it later somehow.” I haven’t had a need to learn because I prefer it to walk, so.

“I will take you, but you will owe me one.” Zeth said, half smiling with narrowed eyes. The others stared with a
bewildered look.

“Thanks, let’s go.” I said as I stood from the floor and weaved my hand. “Bye, see you all soon.”

He grabbed the key from the wall and we went to the garage at the right side of the house, we got in the car and he
started the engine, it was a 30 minutes drive so he started to talk while staring at the highway.

“Hey I was wondering. How old are you?”

“I’m getting nineteen this year so eighteen and you?”

“I’m twenty-one, I thought that you were older since you are about to graduate like me”
“How do you… do you study in the same college?” so that’s from where I know him.

“Yeah, we even had a class together last trimester, but you were alone most of the time, and even when you were in
your group of friends you didn’t look that interested.”

“Well that’s, sort of how I am, I think I can’t get attached to people, maybe is kind of a reflect act, since the most I like
something the fastest get all destroyed, sometimes I wonder why, if at least I knew it’s for something I did in some past
life I think I would be more at ease, I hope my mind doesn’t break to the point I will stop to feel anything at all.”

“Yeah, I think I will go with insane, so you don’t have something you care for?

“Of course, I care for my family; they are the supportive type, the kind that let you be yourself so you don’t want to let
them down. They are in other state though, so that’s how I can easily move from where I am now. Also I liked some of
the books back there, and well I have something I love more than myself I’m addicted to it if you saw me that much you
should know what is.”

“So you did realize, well I’m too for that matter that’s one of the reasons I wanted to talk with you. You know I have
some on my PC we can watch some when we comeback”

“Really!!” my eyes shined at the thought.

“Now that’s a change of mood, not that I don’t understand.” He said in a chuckle.

We arrived to the building and get to the 4 floor and to the first door, I started to pack and Zeth helped me with it.

“I didn’t think that you were going to help.” I said teasing him.

“Well now you owe me two, what about that?” He answered half smiling.

“I truly don’t mind, as long is something within my capacities of course.”

“That can be dangerous two, you know.”

“Maybe, but as I said my judge on people its 99% accurate.”

“What about that one percent?” he asked with a serious glance.

“Kind of my share to not hope I guess. But enough with me now is your turn to talk about yourself” it wasn’t fair been
just me reveling my life.

“Umm it’s almost the same in the family part, what else?”

“How long have you been dragged in that world?”

“Around two year’s maybe.”

“So it’s not an age thing then.”

“No, all seems to be jumbled.”

“That could be the point.”

We finished with the packing after two hours mostly because we stopped and started to talk; I didn’t have that much
stuff to start with, so we get it down to the pickup; it took us three travels to move all.

“All done then! Give me five.” I said and Zeth clapped my hand.

“Let’s get going then, to watch anime now”


As Zeth drove back we talked about how was fighting and exploring on that alternative space, he told me that there
were monsters creepier than the one I saw, and that as I guessed there were always a gatherer monster following the
murderers ones

“Right, how did you know that there were two?” Zeth asked

“Because it didn’t had a gear that fitted the wounds on the bodies or that smelled like it.”

“As I said, insane. How can you even smell a gear?”

“Don’t know, just do.” I answer lifting my shoulders.


I giggled.

Zeth kept telling me about dangerous fights which he nearly got himself killed and I asked him how he discover his

“In the middle of a fight you just do it without much thinking as if were natural for you since born, something that has
always been with you.”

And when we were past the half of the way, slower that before because of the pick hour traffic jam, our bracelets

“Ten minutes from now then?” I said.

“Yeah, I don’t think we are going to get home before it.”

Chapter three: instincts

Just like the other time a bell sounded and the sky went gray and red, we got out of the car so it wouldn’t become a
mortal trap for us.

Then again, the world started to change; it got pitch dark so I could barely see, the buildings, and houses, light posts,
every object curled up and distorted hazy and sharp stakes grown around and over them, as black shadows ghostly-shaped
were rising everywhere making hollow-like shrieks.

“Wow… how cute” I said dazzled at the view.

“Kyrie, I think you should see a doctor, you are actually slobbering.” he said with a perplexed and confused look.

“Letting aside my mental sanity” I said as I cleaned my mouth. “Is this one of the spaces you know?”

“Ha…” he Sighed and shook his head.” Yeah, we call it “murky dim” and the one before it’s called “flesh feast.”

“I see…”

Abruptly the spikes on the pickup grown faster and further until them disappeared on the sky, and expanding through
the ground covering the entire highway, millions of stakes started to grew as the pickup ones, so Zeth and me had to run at
opposite ways been separated,

“Ha… ha… oh Shit!” I panted and looked at my right leg; I had a slash from my ankle to my knee. “Damn it, I hope
Zeth is okay.”

*Zeth’s side*

“Ha…ha… ha…” I panted and turned back. “Crap we got separate; it doesn’t look like I could walk around.” I wish
the killer monster to be on this side or at least one of them, though, well if she develops her power she might be able to

take them down, if Royck theory is true she must have some crazy skill. Now let’s try to burn this down and wait for the
monster to appear.

*Kyrie’s side*

The blood was running over my leg, luckily I barely feel pain so I could walk straight, but of course that doesn’t mean
that I couldn’t get it infected and ended up losing it.

“Those stakes are solid hard, I can’t think of nothing that could break them.”

“TaaSTy, RriIp, KIiLL, EeaT.” A Sore mingle of rough howl voices came by my back so I quickly turn around and
saw them, still some meters away. There were four monsters two murderers and their gatherers a bit more further; the one
at the right was like a combination of a cockroach with a centipede that had sharp blades instead of limbs and metal-like
shell about ten meters long rising up 4 of them, the other at the left was huger about 5 meters tall standing in two legs, it
looked similar to a black minotaur

And just like Zeth said, my body knew what to do; a charge of adrenaline rushed my blood through my veins, my
vision grow sharper I could see like if were a sunny day, and also my hearing and sense of smell improve, my fingers and
thumbs literally exploded and the dropping blood merged into ten sword-like red spikes about 50 centimeters long, as all
my teeth became fangs, and my legs changed into cheetah-like shape that allowed me to spring fast forward at the

I charged for the left side one, but he dodged it, though I still could tear most of his right side the arm included, the
monsters at the right was at my left now having past in a fast dash by the front of the two legs monster, and charged at me
with its blades which I blocked and the power of the blow made me roll by the ground tossing me a bit far from them, but
I recover and stare back at them with a knee on the ground, my arms at my sides waiting to charge again, and a wide open
teeth-showing smile that a I had had from the start.

The blood was dripping of the minotaur-like monster that could still move normally and of course I was kind covered
by some of it too, the cut on my leg was still open but the blood remained inside of my body, the monsters were waiting
for me to attack moving from left to right but yet far and sort of stir up.

“Okay, let’s see.” I said breathing softly to think, but still smiling. “How should I proceed?”

I could smell something like fire and ashes, so I knew that Zeth was burning his way here, that purple fire must be
powerful if can burn this stakes, though maybe I could cut them at ease now with this –I thought looking at my hands-,
anyway, I want to take those 4 down myself, ha, ha. It seems that the gatherer ones won’t move, so I will slay the
Minotaur-like first.

I seek for an opening in their defense and when I found it I jumped straight at them, the cockroach-centipede stood at
the front an attacked like a snake, so I put my palm over its head and spun one time over my head at my prey and tore it
into six parts with my blood sword-like spikes realizing that its blood mixed just for a moment making them longer as I
sliced through its body and then its blood separated and fell to the ground making a stain when it stopped moving.

As soon as I touched the ground after sliced the first monster I turned back since the other had turned at me too and
was approaching fast so I had to jump and it smashed its head and front blades on the place I was standing just seconds
ago, and I quickly shifted my pose pulling back my head and spinning my body forming some kind of fork with ten teeth
so I could pierce its head before it recovered, gladly it worked as if there were no shell, but I couldn’t move my hands
while I waited for it to die, so it swung its body to slash me with one of its blade-like limbs which I had to bite with my
fangs to stop them, realizing that my jaw dislocated like a snake’s one, and surprisingly its limb shattered like nothing.

It kept on attempting to slice me and I kept shattering its limbs until there weren’t any and finally it stopped moving.
So I withdraw my blood spikes from the corpse and went for the gatherers monsters that were coming my way and slashed
its multiple bodies avoiding the blows that they thrown, sometimes even using the corpses that they carried, until they
didn’t moved any more, smiling as I had been doing since the beginning of the fight.

“That’s some carnage you have done here.” Zeth said retaining a laugh sitting on the ground, as he must has been for a
while, with a purple flame on the left hand so he could see better I guess. “Now your violet hair it’s red all the way to
your knees.” He said standing and walking to where I was.

“How long have you been there? I couldn’t smell you essence due to the blood.” I said with a stoic look.

“Umm… about the time you were biting the monster legs I think, but it was too surprising and funny to watch so I kept
quiet as long as you didn’t needed my help” he said with a smile looking at the sky and then to my face.

“I see, thanks maybe” I reply with a dumbfounded look.

“Ha, ha, by the way, we should stay close to the car.” He said pulling me from my arm. “The gem glittered a bit ago,
we have like four minutes, and the stuff that you carry included the blood comebacks with you, so you might have to lie
down by the back seats of the pickup so no one would see you until we arrive to the residence.”

“Ugh, okay I may have to be more careful next time” I sighed.

The surroundings were shifting to normal, so as soon as the pickup became recognizable we got in, he by the driver’s
seat and I on the back floor, and he start the engine as the world got completely normal and my body too.

“That’s some pretty crazy ability you got, I knew that you were insane but wow.” He said laughing I think, I just could
hear in my actual pose.

“Ha, ha, very funny.” I replied sarcastically. “Ah right, do you have some kind of first aid kit at the house?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Because some of the stakes slashed my leg from my ankle to my knee, and since my “ability” is gone, the blood is
starting to drop again, sorry for the blood stains though, I’m going to clean the car when we get there.”

“And, how come that you are no screaming or crying again?”

“Well I can’t really feel that much pain, I mean, I know is there but it only bothers me like a bug bite or so.”
Sometimes even less actually.

“Ha…” he sighed. “I think that I’m going to give up in try to found some common sense in you.” he laughed.

When we arrived at the house I realized that at the back of the garage, behind all the cars, was a door, Zeth took the
box with food to save it at the kitchen while I talked. We used that door to get inside the house due to my blood dripping
state. It was connected to a hallway that led to the living room so you had to pass across the house to get to the dorms
which were, I guess, upstairs. And of course everyone was waiting for us sitting in the living room.

Obviously they were on the crazy word too, maybe fighting around the house, but that didn’t stop them to react or
overreact from my look.

Royck burst out laughing, Julie held some giggles. Clover and Mariey stared a bit shocked; Trick had a bewildered
face and Lush rushed with worry at us to see if I was covered with my own blood or someone else’s, though if it was all
mine I don’t think I could be walking, of course I still had the slice on my right leg but it wasn’t dropping that much blood

Yup, I must be quite a show right now, though I feel sticky all over since the blood started to get dried, I want to take a
bath… but first I will wash the pickup and the path I just walked so I won’t get more clothes or places soiled.

“Ah umm… I want to clean the blood on the pickup before it’s completely dry.” I said.

“Eh!? Aren’t you going to clean yourself first? And you have a wound on your leg” Lush said.

“Na, I don’t want to get more clothes soiled, also I can wash these ones at the same time, and for the leg, it isn’t an
issue to worry about.”

“I see; if you say so…” he sighed. “Okay well, we have cleaning tools as soap on the drawer at the right side of the

Chapter four: roommates

“Let me help you with that.” Julie and Mariey said suddenly looking at each other smiling and then turned back at

“Eh!? It’s okay; I don’t want to get you two dirty with blood.” It was my fault so.

“No buts, we are comrades now.” Mariey Said.

“Yup, we want to help so it isn’t your choice just barred with it.” Julie added.

“Thanks.” I sighed, seems I can’t refuse; well it isn’t a bad thing either…

We washed the inside of the car and suddenly Mariey and Julie with a hose and a bucket soaked me with water and we
burst out laughing, after that they helped me to get ride off the blood. I think that we are going to get well,

“I think that you should stitch that cut, so it won’t get fester, even if doesn’t hurt or droop blood anymore.” Mariey

“Yeah I know, Zeth told me about the first aid kit, but I wanted to clean the pickup first.”

“Can you stitch yourself?” Julie asked.

“Kind of, I had to learn how to in a medicinal/criminality course.”

“Umm… ok.” She said with a crooked smile holding a laugh. “By the way, why didn’t you just asked Zeth about the
cleaning tools in place of enter to the house and show your look?”

“Umm, now that I think about it… guess I unconsciously wanted to see yours reactions.”

“Puff, alright,” Julie laughed.

After changing clothes for dried ones, other black t-shirt and a black short in the garage since my stuff was still on the
back of the pickup, I went for the aid kit and sewed my leg sitting on the floor, it seemed like the others went to their
rooms while we were washing the car so I was alone in the living room until Clover showed up.

“Sup, I finally get to talk with you again.” She said smiling as she lent her hand, which I grabbed, to lift me from the
floor. “Sorry that I didn’t join in the car washing but I was on duty for lunch, I made chicken soup so while we wait for it
to cool down a bit, do you want me to show you around?”

“Okay.” Was my short answer, she looked nice too; they all did no matter what. It could be fun live here after all.

We walked to the dark gray stair at the left of the entry and went up.

“This house has six bedroom and two bathrooms, one on each floor, those three rooms in this floor are the boy’s ones,
the first room near the stair its Zeth’s, then at its left it’s Trick’s and for last Royck and Lush’s since there weren’t rooms
left, though Lush normally ends up sleeping on a couch while watching TV, and Trick and Royck are normally out too.”
She said while blushing a bit when saying Royck’s name, it seems she likes him, I think they look good together. We went
up then to the next floor.

“Here is where we have our rooms, firsts is Julie’s next its Mariey’s and then is mine, as you must have realize we are
off rooms so you can decide with who you will stay after lunch which should be cool enough already.”

I nodded at her and then we went down, I helped her to put the table and afterwards we went to call the others.

“Wow, this soup taste really good.” I said after I took a dollop. The seasoning where mixed just in the correct quantity,
at least for me.

“Really? Thanks!” Clover said with a big smile.

“Yes, she rarely makes other plates so she may have mastered it.” Royck said in a mocking tone teasing her.

“At least I know how to make others than barely eatable almost carbon dishes.” She replied sticking her tongue out.

“Well soup is my favorite food so I’m ok with it.” I said interrupting them, and Clover threw a triumphant smirk at
Royck, which he replied with a pout.

“Ah right, I guess that Clover told you already so, did you decided with whom are you going to stay?” Mariey asked
with her soft voice.

“Umm well, more than decide, don’t you all mind having someone suddenly moving into your rooms? I don’t want to
be a bother.” I don’t mind living with some other but I can’t speak for the rest so I want to make sure that they are
truthfully ok with it.

“Na, we already knew that you were coming, and even before we all knew that other might come so don’t sweat it.”
Julie said grinning with her melodic voice.

“Umm then, if I truly can freely choose and it’s totally ok with that person, if I have to pick someone then, I… would
like to stay at Zeth’s room” I said kept waiting for a response. But as thought they just stared, Julie and Royck again
holding a chuckle and Zeth with a puzzled face.

“Eh umm… say what again?” Lush said.

“Well, it’s just that even if I stay at someone else I would end up at Zeth’s room, I mean, he likes anime too so I want
to exchange and see new ones with him since I like to watch the expressions that others make while watching anime, and I
know that we may lose the track on time and stay up all night so like that I wouldn’t have to go back and forth from a

~ 10 ~
room to another and bother a third person if I were to end up sleeping at 2am or so, also since we have 10 minutes before
the word changes, if we are watching something, it would give me more time to get ready. Then again it’s up to him to
decide now if he wants me to stay or no.”

“Ha, ha, that must be the longest I have heard you say in a row even at college.” Julie said, so she’s from there too, I
knew that she looked familiar, I wonder if some of the others study there too. “So what’s going to be your answer Zeth?”

*Zeth’s side*

What the… she must really have something wrong in her head, don’t she have a sense of danger on her? Or it’s just
that she doesn’t see me as a man on that sense, “99% accurate” was it? Well this could be fun so, why not? It was her
choice after all.

“Well, no I don’t mind, we did said that she had free choice right?” I said half smiling at her, and she answered with a
shining eyes-touching smile.

“Hey, are you sure that that’s good? I mean…” Trick said looking at Kyrie.

“Umm?? Yeah, why not?” She answered.

“Well it’s okay right? If not as if they were kids, though I can’t see anything really happening.” Mariey said, I won’t
do anything bad to her of course, but that don’t really help to my man-pride you know?

“Yup, I think you are right.” The others said after a pause with a convinced face, really not helping at all.

“Well its settle then, let’s keep eating before the soup cools up.” Julie said smiling.

So we went back to eat. I had give up so I focused on the benefits, I can observe her to see what new crazy’s things
she’s going to do, I kind of have an interest on her as I think she could have realized on our trip to her past residence, so I
wonder what will happen next…

.*Kyrie’s side*

Yeah! I got out with it my way, I hope that he really doesn’t care, I'm aware that he’s a grow up man but I trust in my
sense that trust him and I truly just care for the expressions, if ends up been too hard for him I will just change rooms. And
also I want to found what’s the reason for what’s happening, I already have some theories but nothing sure so for now I
will keep them for me.

After cleaning my dish I went to the garage to grab my stuff and Zeth followed me to help I guess. There was a car

“Let me help you, though you may have to wait a bit after so I can make room for your things.” Zeth said.

“Thanks, can I help you with that or do you have something that you want to hide firs?” I said smirking at him.

“Not really, I’ve got nothing to be ashamed, anyway if we are going to stay together there’s no point, and you seem to
be worse for that matter. He said with a defeated but sarcastic face.

“If you don’t want me to stay you can say so, you know?”

“Nah it is ok, and also I think it would be interesting looking at what crazy moves you will do” he said in a mocking

“Okay then let’s put the boxes close to the room, by the way there isn’t a way to get to the roof?” this area should had
a nice view of night sky too.

“Yeah, every one of us has it by the window, you will see.” He said grinning, guess it’s because it’s faster to get out
that way.

~ 11 ~
We brought my stuff to the hallway in front of the room and got into it to make room for them, as well as we were just
passing the doorway the stones glittered.

Chapter five: back to it

“Ugh, guess that it was been to calm, by the way your room isn’t as messy as I thought it would be.” I said.
“Of course it won’t, what kind of people had you met so far? Really, let’s get out by the window since we don’t know
which world would be, so come.” He said grabbing my arm and yanking me to the window which was a 2 horizontal-
sliding glasses around my height.

He opened it to a mini balcony and started to climb by a stair that was at the left side of it. I followed him upwards and
realized that, at my now right, some of the others that were in their rooms were going up too.

The roof was pretty large, it’s definitely going to be nice to watch the stars from here, there are just some minutes left.

“Oh, it’s starting, seems that is going to be “shining glass” this time.” Julie said.

~ 12 ~
“Boo, then my power isn’t going to be of any use this time since the “glass” is normally strong like diamonds” Clover
said sulking. “I wanted to show up a bit to our new member.”

“Yeah, same goes for me, there isn’t anything I can do since my power is controlling the plants.” Lush said pouting

As the world changed I got mesmerized, everything was totally crystal-like, I could see through all, I barely could
differentiate one thing from another by the reflection of the light on them, I looked down to the floor folding my knees
and saw what I think was the center of the earth, with the magma and other stuff moving in form of melted crystals and
beyond it there were some dimmed pretty diffused tinny shapes of what it seemed to be persons at the other side of the

“Wow, in this world you actually confirm that is really all the “world” that changes, by the way, were are Mariey,
Royck and Trick?” I asked since in the house was no one to be seen.

“Ah they, don’t worry, they went to buy food since our supplies were getting low.” Julie said. “They should be fine by
their own.”

“Eh? But isn’t like 3pm already?”

“U hum, but she wanted to make something because she’s on duty tomorrow and since the stores close around 10pm it
should be ok, or so she said”

“I see.” And again, the sound of different kinds of growls made us all turn around to the front of the house, some miles
away there were coming ten monsters, five murderers and their five gatherers.

The murderers were, a scorpion-like one, something that resembled an ogre which had a right arm that looked like a
club with spikes, a thing that was an agglomeration of worms sticking to a core, a stuff that appeared to had a mouth with
sharp teeth instead of a head, and for last one similar to a red body without head and blades for arms.

“He, It seems to be two by person, although when I first appeared here there were only two.” I said.

“Yeah, same with us, it seems to be since the second time that they count you to put a monster” Lush said.

“All right, it looks like I can showoff this time, I'm going to show you my power like a good senior so just covert me
okay?” Julie said smiling while walking to the edge of the roof. She stood facing the monsters and then started to sing in a
cute warm and soothing voice.

“Lorelei’s voice, that’s Julie’s power.” Clover started to say. “She can calm and restrain a monster but if there are

Then suddenly the monsters started to fight with each others, the red one stabbed the ogre-like by the chest at the same
time that it smashed the scorpion that was stabbing with its tail the core of the worm agglomeration that was shocking the
mouth one as that one spited some acid-like liquid to the rest of them, also the gatherers ones got closer and started to hit
the murderers and each other starting a carnage, some of them got their intestines ripped out by the murderers, it was some
quite of a funny scene.

“Jealousy one of the strongest feelings, they all want the Lorelei to themselves, it’s a grand power the only flaw is that
as Mariey’s power she cannot move or end the song until the monsters are over since the affection will turn into hate and
made her their only target.” Clover added.

“Wow, that’s an amazing power really, but can backfire if she’s alone…” I said.

Slash! I couldn’t actually think that much, abruptly in the middle of their fight the scorpion-like sliced the red one right
blade arm and tossed it while been hit by the ogre and it flew towards Julie’s head, so I shifted my legs and left hand
fingers to get in front of Julie and repel the blade. She kept on singing without interruption, clearly used to those kinds of
things happening in a fight.

~ 13 ~
“Uh Waa… what’s with that form? It’s that your power?” Clover and Lush said with an astonished face.

“Umm, yeah well, part of it.”

“Eh? Just part of it?” Lush asked.

“Yup, actually… um? The sounds…”

When I turned back the two last monsters where finishing each other, the mouth bit the red one’s body that started to
melt at the same time that the red stabbed repeatedly the mouth with its remaining left blade and after a bit they both fell
lifeless to the glass, now red, floor, it looked as if that section were from flesh feast world.

“Amazing.” That was all I could say.

“Even so, the bodies aren’t as pierced as the ones you killed, looks like the monsters are less savage than you. She did
an amazing carnage in the past shift.” Zeth said smirking in a mocking tone.

“Ha, ha, very funny.” I said rolling my eyes

“Yup, you must be really worthy to see in a battle.” Clover added.

“Well yeah I can believe that, remembering how you looked a while ago.” Lush said.

“Hey! What was that? You surprised me back there, it’s that you ability?” Julie said as she was getting closer to us.

“Um, I was about to show the complete form of “beast mode” so…” I said and started to shift shape, exploding my
right hand fingers and both thumbs to make them into the sword-like spikes, sharpening my sight, my hearing and my
teeth dislocating my jaw to show it.

“Wow, that’s quite a view your iridescent eyes look like a rainbow now.” Clover said.

“Certainly, how’s your personality? I wonder, ha, ha.” Lush said.

“Oh! So you are a physical fighter, that makes two with Royck, although Lush can do so too if there are plants to use,
so that makes four with direct attack power including Zeth” Julie commented.

“Eh… so Trick and Mariey, what can they do?” I asked.

“Umm well let’s just say that Mariey is a supportive type like me and Trick’s is Clover like, but that’s all I'm going to
reveal since they want to tell you themselves.”

“He, it’s that so.”

“They must be fighting right now too, but I don’t think that we should worry that much, let’s just wait for them to get
back or the world to change for now.” Lush said.

“Yeah, it’s not like we can do something else right now anyway, if you trust them that much.” I said turning back to
normal as I lay on the floor watching the sky. “I'm going to believe in your trust and just wait instead of go.”

*Mariey side*

Umm, what should we buy; there is still meat and fishes, more than before since Kyrie brought many with her, she
really must like them ha, ha, she’s like a small animal, makes you want to pet her. We should buy chicken and some
vegetables too, we still have sugar but not that much also wheat flour, milk and more eggs; I'm on lunch duty tomorrow so
I think I'm going to make some antipasto and desserts.

“So which way commander.” Royck said, bringing me back to reality.

~ 14 ~
“I want to buy some vegetables so first we need to go by this corridor, that’s where the cheaper were the other time,
right?” I asked looking at trick.

“Yes, the sellers were at the end, if I remember correctly they said that they were only early from 6 to 9 and then got
back at around four, so they must be there.” He answered.

“He… so you two came here before? Already practicing for when you live together? Ha, ha.” Royck said laughing.

“Actually that time we were with Julie too, even so of course we go out together, we are a couple after all”

“By the way how are things with Clover? Did you two finally accepted your mutual feelings or still refuse to let them
clear?” I said getting a bit with him.

“That’s…” he started to say when our gems shone.

“Saved for the light it seems, we better get out of the market because if ends up been “killing zone” world we are

“Right.” They said.

We went to the parking lot and wait for the change.

“Oh it’s starting.” Royck said.

“So its “shining glass” at least that’s better than others, though thanks to that I can only provide support.” Trick added.

“It looks like you will have to do most of the job Royck, sorry and good luck; I will support you if it’s needed.” I said.

“Not worries, that could put you in danger and won’t be needed. I can hear them already the fun is about to start.”
Royck said with a smile.

Chapter six: relax time

*Kyrie side*

“(Umm? What’s that?)” I thought. Just a bit after I lay on the roof, it looked like the red clouds were making some
kind of writing either by their shape or carve on them, but maybe I'm imagining to much I tend to look for stuff on
things… though I usually got my guesses right, but if that’s true then… eh? The sky is back to blue.
~ 15 ~
“Wait, since when did the world got normal?”

“Just a moment ago, but you were so focus on daydreaming that no one wanted to interfere.” Zeth said, mocking a bit.
I answered looking bad at him.

“We were two times in a day on the “crazy worlds” by about half an hour each.” Clover said.

“That didn’t happen before?” I asked.

“Nah, it has, even longer or more times, I'm just keeping count.”

“If you keep a notebook could you lend it to me later?”

“Of course, we all own one to keep track on what occurs with free access to the public.”

“Am, sorry to interrupt but, shouldn’t we get back into the house? Since all is normal already and that.” Lush Said.

“A! Right… I like this place but we should get back to start making room for my stuff.”

“Roger, let’s get going then, carelessness girl.” Zeth said, petting my head.

“Tsk, I can’t even refuse that statement, damn you.” I said looking bad at him again.

“Ha, ha.” He laughed

“Well that’s new.” Clover whispered at Lush, though I could hear her.

“U hum.” He coincided.

All of us got back to each one room, Zeth and I divided the drawers and closet that were at the left side of the entry for
my clothes and I put my mini laptop, monitor, keyboard and mouse at the right side of a table/desk that had Zeth computer
on, leaving mine closer to the door. He had an air-conditioned so I put my fan at the left corner of the bed feet that was in
front of the drawers on a night table, also I put my books and papers on a library that was behind of a kotatsu that was
behind the chair of the computers table against the wall at the right side of the window, and my stool, mini globe, wood
archer centaur skeleton, and little hand-made nimbus 200 palm size were put at the computers table and the rest were let
in the boxes.

“Yawn, finally over, at least with the important stuff.”

“Are you going to leave those there?” Zeth said pointing to the boxes.

“Yeah those aren’t important just things like shampoo, toothpaste, modems, and so on.”

“You really don’t have shame of your stuff.”

“Same back at you, this magazines and books aren’t that pure either, though they don’t even reach to half of my level
of imagination at 7 years old bored times.”

“Yeah, yeah, you’re the most pervert of all, at least in your mind.”

“Well of course, I care about the theory but I'm not interested at all in testing” I don’t think that I would ever be, but if
I ever found someone I like, it may be fun to play with.

“Hey, which kind of anime do you like?” so he changed the subject I see…

“Shonen, and… well anyway, anyone that have a good history and a final that make sense.”

“I'm scared to ask about that pause, whatever, have you seen Dororo?”

~ 16 ~
“Kind of, I couldn’t see the last chapters, only to the 20 or 22.”

“Great, I have all the chapters let’s watch them from the start.”


*Clover side*

Umm, they must be about to come back it’s almost 7pm, its Lush turn to make dinner, I wonder if those two are going
to eat, I can barely hear the animated series, anime was it? Sounds here in my bedroom. If she’s like Zeth we won’t see
them until tomorrow.

“Haa, I'm bored” I should have taken more time finishing my assignments for the classes. “I will go wait in the living.”

Which book was I reading last time? A right, it was the Eneida, already by the end.

“Hey, Clover! Bored again?” Lush told me when I was getting down by the stair.

“Yes, a bit”

“Why didn’t you join them to the trip to the market?”

“I don’t want to get in their dates like that idiot; I know that he goes to help if the world shift but I won’t be of any help
for them in that case.”

“I see, but you could go like a group date.” He’s mocking me.

“I-I'm not dating that idiot! I'm going to read, good luck with your cooking.” That stupid.

“Ha, ha, your blushing face looks cute!”

“Shut up! Asshole!”

Those idiots always…Haa! So annoying. Which was the page damn it.

*Mariey side*

“I think that this is enough, we should get back.” I said.

“Let’s go to the parking lot then.” Trick said.

And so we did.

“Haa, I'm tired, they were more resisting than I thought.” Royck said resting on the back sits after we put the groceries
on the trunk.

“Well of course, you fight with six of them.” I said.

“At the end you both helped too.”

“Yes, but only a little to restrain them a bit.” Trick said.

“But thanks to that I got out without scratches.”

“Umm, yes that’s true, I'm going to start the engine now.” I said.

*Clover side*

I wonder how would look the human form of those ships in the real life.
~ 17 ~
“We are here! Are you all still awake?!” As loud as always that idiot, disturbing my reading.

“Hey Clover, bored again?”

“Is better than be rushing to finish the assignments, where are Mariey and Trick?”

“By the kitchen saving the groceries, obviously.”


“What about the new one and Zeth?”

“Watching their series, or something.”

“I'm going to call them, Lush dish it’s done.”

“Kyrie side”

“Hey you two! Dinner is ready.” Royck said knocking the door, or hitting it.

“We are coming.” I said opening the door.

They were on the table on the same sits, looks like everyone has a designed spot or so, Lush in one of the extremes
with his back at the wall an in the other Mariey with her back at the kitchen, Clover was at the right side of Lush, the sit
next to her was free for me to sit and Julie in the next closer to Mariey, at the right side of Mariey was Trick, Zeth went to
sit next to him and Royck was in front of Clover.

“I thought that you both weren’t going to eat.” Clover said.

“Normally we won’t, but she wanted to” Zeth said.

“Yeah, since it’s my first day here I don’t want to be rude by not sharing and like this I get to know you all better,
since we are a team and all, also I want to taste yours cooking skills, it’s a family thing.”

“You are more talkative than I thought.” Julie said.

“Yeah, with the people I like and want to know.”

“Ha, ha, now the table it’s complete! If someone else comes we may have to buy another or thinner chairs.” Lush said.
“I made omelets of cheese and jam! Enjoy the meal!”

“Thanks, the same back at you and for all.” I tasted it. “Waa! It’s delicious.”

“True! Right? Lush makes one of the best meals, really tasty.” Julie said.

“I see, by the way how the cook duty order is? So far is Trick, Clover, Lush, and then?”

“Zeth is on duty for tomorrow breakfast, I'm in for lunch, dinner is on Royck, Julie the next breakfast and then Trick
again until now.” Mariey said.

“So I come after Julie, I see, a lunch then.”

“So you do know how to cook.”

“Yeah, I think I'm okay.”

“Can’t wait to taste it!” Lush said.

We kept eating and after we all finished we went to our rooms, Zeth and I continue were we left with Dororo.
~ 18 ~
“I'm going to sleep its midnight already and I have to get early to make breakfast, so where are you going to sleep?”
Zeth said.

“Okay, I will keep watching it until I start to feel sleepy, and then I will put a blanket on the floor between the bed and
the closet.”

“I have the feeling that you aren’t going to sleep, but are you okay on the floor? You can have the bed.”

“That’s a possibility too, and yeah I always end up sleeping on the floor even if I have a room for me alone, its way
more comfortable than the bed, is where I can sleep soundly.”

“Have you seen a doctor?”

“I thought that you had give up”

“Right. Have a good sleepless night then.”

“Thanks, good night to you too.”

*Julie side*

Umm its 4am but if yesterday Kyrie said that by the six she already had eat then she must by awake now, I'm going to
see, I want to ask her something.

“Oh! Good morning Julie, did the water running wake you up?” Kyrie was getting out of the shower, so she has a
black towel.

“Nah I was awake the bathroom is kind of soundproof, I was going to ask you something.”

“Alright, what is it?”

“Can you help me with my studies?”

“Yeah it’s ok, but why at this hour?”

“I forget that professor Fernand told us that he couldn’t go this Thursday so we had to give him the essay today at 7am
in Rainer square”

“Eh?! But it takes like half hour to get there, and he’s not someone you should make wait. Can you finish it in two and
a half hours?”

“No if I start now, but I have almost finished, I was taking my time and then I remember it, and I also remember that
you are good in English.”

“Okay, let me get dressed, I will go to your room.”

“Thanks!” I said and give her a hug and went to my room.

*Kyrie side*

Julie’s bedroom has almost the same furniture except for the kotatsu and that all is multicolored with pretty colors and
paints of flowers on the walls.

“You have a nice room”


“So, let me see where I can help.”

~ 19 ~

*Zeth side*

Kyrie wasn’t in the room when I woke up or after I got out of the bathroom, I wonder if she slept or not, well its
6:14am already so I'm going to cook.

I when to the kitchen and no one was there, only Lush was watching TV in the living, guess the others are still
sleeping, I started to make scrambled eggs with octopus-shaped sausages and buns.

“Good morning Lightwhite and bye” Julie said half rushing to the entry, grabbing the gray Acura RLX keys.

“Eh, so that’s your last name.” I heard Kyrie’s voice by the stairs

“Right I didn’t tell you, by the way you look tired. You didn’t even sleep right?”

“Maybe, I'm going to wait the breakfast in the living”


*Lush side*

They are repeating the same movie than yesterday, like always, at least it were good I wouldn’t mind but the pursuit of
happiness isn’t something I want to see twice, lets search in other channels.

“Good morning, Lush.” I heard Kyrie’s voice coming from the kitchen a little tired.

“Good morning! Did you sleep?” I said standing to talk with her.

“Umm… your hair looks fluffy.”

“Eh… what? Uwaaa?!”

Suddenly Kyrie tossed my bunny cap and hugged me by the back putting her chin on my head.

“Yup, soft as I thought, you have the right size, just a little higher than my jaw.”

“Puff, ha, ha your face is totally red did you know?” Mariey said standing by the frame without door of the kitchen; the
others were standing behind her holding their laughs.

“Breakfast is ready, lush-pillow, how can she sleep standing, really? Ha, ha.” Clover said.

We went to the kitchen after wake Kyrie up.

“Where is Julie?” I asked

“She had to deliver an essay at 7am, so she must by on it right now.” Kyrie said.

“I see, by the way you should sleep after you had rest for the breakfast.”

“Okay, maybe.”

We keep talking and eating and then get back to the usual.

Chapter seven: plans to play

*Kyrie side*

~ 20 ~
The rest of the Sunday was normal I guess, Julie got back, I slept a bit on Lush head while he watched TV sitting on
the couch with his face red and Julie join him, and after two hours or a bit more of sleep I went to see other anime
“Katanagatari” with Zeth, for lunch Mariey made a delicious antipasto and puddings as desserts, she made cupcakes for
later too.

Royck dinner was… eatable I think, it seems that he and Trick went out at night for a security guard job on a famous
restaurant, “Armored Rose” or something and got back at about 11pm.

“You don’t have any homework for tomorrow that you haven’t done?” Zeth asked me.

“No way, I make it the same day they send them, wait until the last minute is just a waste of time and mental pressure.”

“Well I give you that, the only one that waits here is Royck is fun to watch him running and asking for help, but yet
he’s not a bad student”

“What do the others do? I meant, you and Julie study in the same place than I but what about the rest, and how old are

“Let’s see, Julie and Clover are almost a year older than you, Clover and Royck study in another college “Tecsucont”
to be accountants he is 22 and will graduate this semester if he pass the alternatives, Mariey is 20 years old, she’s already
on practices in the “Vital Fount” hospital to graduate and be a surgery doctor, Trick already graduated from our same
college as an architect and as Royck, he is 22, Lush is the owner of the residence and is 24, he is an nature science
professor. If you want to know about the birthdays the calendar on the wall in the living room at the right of the doorway
has them mark.”

“Eh… you know them well”

“Not really, I didn’t ask them about all that but, we have been living on the same house for almost 2 years so I hear,
also most of it happened in that time. By the way you didn’t look surprised when I told you Lush age.”

“I already know but, why would I be? He seems to be around that age.”


I went out to see the calendar; there was no one to see, since was 12am already they must be sleeping.

“(So it’s Mariey on January 13, Clover on February 29, of all the days, Julie on April 08, Trick on June 18, Lush on
July 06, Royck on August 10, and Zeth on November 14… uh? Wasn’t that two days ago when I first enter to Crazy
Worlds? I wonder if he weren’t with his family or do they live here too?, whatever, mine is on December 04, I won’t tell
them for now, but now that I remember…)”

I went back to the room.

“Hey, why where you around my past residence went all happened?” I asked to Zeth.

“What?… Oh that, I was visiting a friend that lives on the apartments close to there, we can go there sometime if you
want to know him So, that’s it.”

“I see, maybe I will… well I have class tomorrow so I'm going to sleep, good night.”

“Ok, good night for you too.”

The next morning I did like always, got up at 3am, got dressed with my black jean, black shirt, and black long jacket,
(since I promised to myself that I always will use my favorite color, black, as long as I can while I study) but this time I
didn’t had to make my breakfast, so I was reviewing the lessons of Grammatik so I wouldn’t forget them while I waited
for Julie’s dish in the living room.

~ 21 ~
Julie told me that since she, Zeth and Mariey (guess since the hospital is close to the college) went out together in a car
I could go with them, it seems that Lush work school is close to the college of Clover and Royck so they got out in the
other car and trick stays at home working in a building project, or so they told me while we were eating the breakfast, rice
with roasted sardines, it was okay.

“Kyrie! Good morning, the professor came earlier and told us to wait like an hour for him because the professors have
a meeting about the trip, by the way, who were they? Weren’t they Lightwhite and Umikoe? Why were you on that car?”
Said one of my… friends? Classmate, as I was getting to the table where the others were.

“Hi Rumy.” Her name is Michelle Rupert but she told us to call her like that. “You know them? I'm living in the same
residence now.”

“Yeah, they are top students like you, and there it’s a gossip about they going out together since they come on the same
car so, is it true?”

“No way, they aren’t like that.” It’s more like siblings or knows. “And we were with another one but she goes to other

“Oh! It’s that so? There goes a ship but well, you always got this stuff right.”

“Why did you move out?” asked Alexis, another classmate.

“No particular reason, it’s closer and cheaper.” Though, Lush doesn’t charge us at all.

“Be aware, it’s the only thing I would say.” Ryle said. “Hey! Why don’t you invite them to camp with us this
weekend? The more the merrier, right?” I completely forget about that.


“Like always not that much talkative, eh?” John said. “Um? What is that? Something red is shinning under your
sleeve; it’s some kind of alarm?”

Crap. “Yeah, I need to ask Julie a thing, I will come back soon.”

“Ok, don’t be late for class, though I think that’s impossible.” Rumy said.

“Of course.”

Julie told me that today she had class in the lab-02 closer to my than Zeth who was on the math part, so if anything
happened we would met at the parking lot behind the building.

“Eight minutes left, oh, hi Kyrie.”

“I'm here, where is Zeth? Did he go already?”

“Yes, he drives the car here for this times, I have an idea, when the bell sound and the world start to change transform
into your beast mode and take me there.”

“Like a back ride?”

“U hum, by car takes about 7 minutes to get to the hospital so you should be able to get there faster jumping on the
roofs; don’t you want to see Mariey’s powers?”

“Okay then, let’s do that.”

The bell announced the change of the world, it was, stinky, I meant, it really reeked, I shifted to beast mode (leaving
out the upgrade in the sense of smell), kneeled and Julie grabbed to my back and I started to jump.

“Yahoo!! You can feel the wind in the face, this is fun!!” Julie shouted holding tight to me.
~ 22 ~
“Ha, ha.” I laughed. “Umm, is this a known world? It’s really disgusting for my nose.”

“Yes, we call it “Dump Yard” it has since rancid food to broken electronics and as you see the buildings and well, all,
goes rotten as if the world has been abandoned for decades with garbage increased millions and billions of times its true

“Ugh, on this one smelling too much would make me go dull, a right there is one more thing that I want to ask. Does
the time keep running here or we got back at the same point that we enter? When we were on the highway it seemed to by
the second.”

“Yes, well, it’s not that it doesn’t run but it appears to be truly slow, I meant when we were here for a day and got back
in the clocks only passed an hour, but normally it doesn’t last that much as to make any changes.”

“Umm… (Eh?! The clouds again… that’s…)”

“Kyrie! Watch out!”

I almost fell in the head of a gatherer one but I manage to dodge it stabbing my finger-swords into the floor of the
edifice I had barely jumped off that almost crumble due to its deteriorate state.

“Sorry, I got a bit distracted.” If it weren’t for this smell… damn it.

“How rare, ha, ha, I could see other side of you; guess is thanks to the smell. Then let’s go” she said getting off my
back, standing on the roof and starting to sing.

Since there was only a monster it only stop moving and stare at Julie in a trance so I ripped its head off.

“Your power is convenient for mines, especially on this world; I think I'm going to throw up. There are just 7 monsters
left right?” I said.

“Ha, ha, yes at least so far it’s like that and if they hadn’t encountered the rest. Let’s get going, we merely have to past
these two buildings to get to the hospital.”


On the last roof we could saw Zeth and Mariey crossing the highway so I jumped to be in front of them.

“Wow! You surprised me, so at the end you both came, you could just fight with yours fours at the university you
know?” Mariey said.

“Maybe but I wanted to know your power, had any of you seen one of them?” I said.

“Nah, we were about to go search, can you hear or smell any.” Zeth said.

“We already kill one of the gatherers, but I can’t hear any right now, let me try with the smell it’s more exact than

“Eh?! But weren’t you…” Julie started to say but stopped when I interrupted her throwing up. “As I thought.”

“Ugh, it’s really disgusting my head hurts, but I could found a faint scent coming from the east down , I will leave
them to you I think I'm going to throw up again.” I said to Zeth.

“Really you are… Haa…” he sighed. “We are going, convert to normal, I will carry you.”

“Ok, I will rest a bit.” I'm feeling dizzy so I won’t argue.

“He… different sides of two people on a row, ha, ha.” Julie said.

“Like a good senior eh? Puff.” Mariey mocked him.

~ 23 ~
“Shut up, you both” he answered.

Chapter eight: a

*Zeth side*

This girl is crazy, I already know that she was insane but, does her really trust us that much as to voluntary get out of
combat getting ill, well whatever.

“Ah, I can hear them already.”

“Yes, but it doesn’t sound like seventh, at least that there are some ones without mouth.” Mariey said.

“Is she okay?” Julie asked.

“Yeah, I think she’s awake but trying to not throw up again.” I said.

“Barely” Kyrie added.

“Keep resisting, you will feel well soon.” Mariey told her.

“I would have to leave one alive then.” I said.

We continue walking approaching to the monsters, Kyrie is kind of light. Does she eat well? Or is only because of her

“I see, tree killer monsters it seems, (they are still a bit far away) here hold her. Hide in the building while I fight.” I
said to Mariey and started to approach to them.

I need to pick the order of my attack, as always they are huge, is annoying that my ability can be used only in one by
one; it can burn everything but just until a monster or something is already ashes I can use it again, there is a mud-like
one, its attack must be suffocate its target, it would take turn it into ashes a hell of time, so I will leave that one alive.

Behind that one is another that looks like… a knight-like machine?! Definitely not my day, it isn’t that slow as water
but the metal is bothersome too, and for last at the right side of the other finally a fast burning flesh one though, a raven
harpy-like monster would be hard to aim to, it would be nice have Kyrie’s agility on this cases.

I started to run at them, the mud one launched a piece of him at me, I barely dodge it and launched a ball of fire at the
harpy but it was quick so it could avoid it, and the knight-machine tossed its sword at me so I had to throw me on the floor
and roll, the fire ball burned a rotten timber so I could use it in no time, the harpy was flying to high so I decided to burn
the machine, it started to melt but since the fire didn’t hurt him it still could move freely, the mud one keep launched
pieces of it and I had to dodge it at the same time that the sword of the other and the harpy that got down from time to
time to attack.

The machine began to slow down at the time that was gotten melted and finally covert it to ashes, I dodged the mud
attack as the harpy came back to try to rip me with its left claws which I grabbed with my right hand and set it on fire, and
it used its right claws to slash my left arm when I was releasing it and falling down.

~ 24 ~
Mariey and Julie were watching all from the entrance of the building so as soon as the harpy started to burn Julie,
followed for Mariey with Kyrie on her back, got out, began to sing and like that the mud-like monster didn’t attacked me
as I landed.

“That’s some quite wound you got in your arm, Lightwhite.” Mariey said with a derisive tone.

“Start to use your ability, Santé.” I replied her.

“Ha, ha, I will but I will start by curing her.”


*Kyrie side*

Ugh, my head is going to break, It’s as if hundreds of knifes were stabbing it and pressing, it looks like Zeth nailed it
and finish them. And now Mariey and Julie are up to something, ugh, I can’t even think without it hurts.

Mariey stood up making no moves staring at the monster left, pointing her right arm at it with her palm open and her
left arm at me and at around 10 seconds later a red thing that looked like fog began to flow from the monster to her right
palm and by her left palm a green fog got out at me.

“It feels warm, and a bit sticky, even if I'm dry.” I said, starting to feel way better.

“This is Mariey’s power; she can steal the vital force of her target with her right hand and given it to someone else
with the left, basically she can health anything since headaches to deadly wounds, but as Julie she cannot move and her
target and patient has to be still for at least ten seconds, after that they can move and the fog will keep flowing and
following them respectively” Zeth said.

“Now is your turn Zeth, be sure of hold your breathing carefully now Kyrie.” Mariey said, pointing her left hand to
Zeth and repeating what she did before. Zeth arm cured in no time. “It seems that the monster has a bit of vitality left, but
you two are already full, so kill it as it’s normally done.”

“That’s not a problem at all.” Zeth said and tossed his fire at it. Normally I would want to be who kills it but, been
mud, slice it wouldn’t work.

“Your powers go nice together.” I said

“Maybe but, they are inconvenient too because we have to be almost motionless for them to work.” Julie said when the
monster was already ashes so she could stop singing.

“Also we can’t be alone or we are done, and like this time if we want to use them it has to be when there is only one
left, so the ones fighting would have to hold until the end if they are hurt badly, that, or we have to be in a high place out
of the range of the monsters, if there aren’t flyers ones, to use them in the middle of a fight.” Mariey added.

“At least you can talk when you are doing that, like that you can warn they, and if I had luck I can make them kill each
other hopping that one don’t survive.” Julie said smiling.

“In other matter, there are yet four more to kill you now?” Zeth said. “They must be at the northwest close to the
college since you were first there, maybe the harpy was from your lot with its velocity it wouldn’t be hard get here in a
short time.”

“If that’s so, then by here must be one of yours gatherers left around.” I said. “I have a doubt, it has happen that the
world got normal without all the monsters killed?”

“No, I think that’s why we were trapped by a day or so, we were waiting to see if we could go back without fight and
also we were exploring, that’s when we found the red gems, when we were on what we called “Ancient Time” it was one
of the first I visit, like the third one.” Mariey said.

~ 25 ~
“Got it.”

We went back to the roof of the 6 floors hospital; I had to take them up there on my back because the stairs inside it
could collapse, also I couldn’t use my nose to find the others, they forbidden it, only hear, so we decided to search around
here. We saw the remained gatherer eating thrash behind the building so Julie and I did the same.

After that we went back to the college and the three killers were coming our way by the road in front of it so I take us
to the roof of a building close by and Julie started to sing, as the other time the monsters fight with each other, there was
another black harpy, a huge leech-like one and a… thing that looks like an human that had its inners taken outside so you
could see from the brain, the lungs, the intestines… all of it. So to make things faster, (and have fun) I joined to the
bloodbath been aware to get their blood far from me when I was stabbing them, since I could control it as long that at that
moment they were scarcely alive.

“That’s always something quite impressive to see Julie. By the way, I didn’t tell you before but your skill is
remarkable, pure attack power, your definitely are going to be an interesting addition to us Kyrie.” Mariey commented.

“Thanks, that’s pleasant to hear, well we are finished; I wonder how the other group is doing” I said.

“They must be okay; we should get back to the hospital close to the now corroded car and wait the change of the
world.” Zeth said.

“You got a point; thankfully our teachers are in a meeting right now.” Julie said.

“We should get going then.” Mariey said.

*Clover side*

Of course why not, it had to be now of all the times, the only day that I have class at first hour, well anyhow, I already
ended so it’s ok I guess, what do I do now?

“Excuse me professor I'm feeling bad, can I go already?”

“What are you saying; you are in the middle of a test, if you were feeling bad why did you come? If you go now you
will have zero, you can’t repair this.” Professor David Said.

“I now, I already finish but since you told us to wait for the end of the hour to give them to you, I wanted to know if
was possible to go now.”

“Is that so? If you weren’t my best student I wouldn’t allow it, you can give it to me and go now, ask your classmates
about the lesson that I will give after the test.”

“Thank you professor” now I will go to the parking lot, he must be there already.

“Get well.”

As I thought he is already on the car ready to go.

“How was the test with David? Does he still snore awake in the middle of a class?” Royck said as I closed the door and
he started to drive.

“Yes, it’s a bit bothersome but his tests of work sheet are fast and easy.”

“Talk for yourself, I had saw people sweating and pale during them, but well, I weren’t one of those anyway.”

“Whatever, I know that I passed this one but really, in the middle of a test this thing had to shine, I'm going to turn the
radio on even if there its only time for one song, do you have something else to say?”

“Nop, go ahead, I need to focus in drive in any case.”

~ 26 ~
*Royck side*

I drove the white Jeep renegade to Lush school given that it was our point of reunion; the house was closer to it so trick
got there first than us on the gray blue Nissan titan warrior. We barely got there before the car was corroded.

“Dump Yard, as always disgusting, Kyrie must be suffering right now.” Clover said.

“Hey! Clover! How was your test?” lush said, he and trick were in front of the entrance of the school.

“Easy and fast, he used the same model of the exercise 5 from the book that he recommended.”

“Worm book.” I told her.


“Getting as nice as ever eh? Love birds?” trick mocked.

“Shut up.” We said.

And then we heard the roars.

“There they come.” Clover said “here, GOOD LUCK ORB” she said on a grave voice and a sphere like a light blue
burble got out her right palm with a seven floating in the center.

“Aim well.” I mocked.

“Stupid.” She said and tossed the sphere to me, she did the same twice more to Lush and Trick.

“This smell is comfortable, especially on this world, lavender was it?” trick told her and she nodded.

“Too bad that it only last 10 minutes and that after that you have to wait 20 minutes to receive it again.” Lush added.

“Listen, the sounds are coming from that street crossing the highway in front of the school.”

“That’s the Frey Street that leads to the Azazel neighborhood.”

~ 27 ~

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