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Silent or Love?

Chapter 1

The day of school has come, Hotaru is nervous because it is his first time entering college, a new
classmate and a new system. Hotaru is looking for his room that he should enter, he has already seen
and is still innovating. Almost all the students were silent because they did not know each other yet. The
teacher came, introduced himself and told the student "Find your partner, identify and find out what
their hobby is and put all the details on 1/4 paper" The teacher said.

Hotaru is quiet and doesn't know who he/she will choose, a classmate approached Hotaru and
partnered with him. After they wrote in detail they went to the front and introduced themselves. After
class Hotaru was still quiet and thinking about what to do, he didn't know very well or want to close his
classmates so he decided to be alone first, he went to the court to hang out, he listened to music for
fun, suddenly his partner earlier in the class approach Hotaru. Talked to Hotaru and made friends with

A month later they became close, they always go home together sometimes they play mobile games
that are trendy now. After a few months, Hotaru almost knew all his classmates, he was no longer
nervous or afraid.

The teacher suddenly started an activity and formed a group. After they formed a group, Hotaru noticed
something in his group, there was a Girl in a mirrored and in a ponytail hair. Hotaru suddenly stared at
Girl to observe what kind of person she is. The Girl name is Priscilla.

Priscilla was very active at school, she is good at activity and always got a higher grades. Hotaru wants to
talk at Priscilla but he was shy and nervous. Hotaru start talking but he had a hard time talking to
A few days later, Priscilla suddenly approached Hotaru, talked to Hotaru about what to do in the activity
but Hotaru couldn't speak because he’s nervous so he just said "yes". Hotaru was happy because
Priscilla talked to him so the next day he had the courage to talk and meet Priscilla.

After class, Hotaru approached Priscilla, he talked to her but she was hesitant, he took courage and he
talked to Priscila, Hotaru didn't know what to say so Priscilla just made a topic so that Hotaru would not
be nervous.

They enjoy talking to each other. Since then they have been close, they always play, talk and share
memes. Priscilla leaned on Hotaru whenever he had a problem. Hotaru is always for her when she needs

In the morning, Priscilla approached Hotaru and she said "I'll tell you something when our class is over,
lets meet in the court" Hotaru said "okay no problem". Priscilla was happy with what Hotaru said.

The class is over, Hotaru tell his close friend to go home first, and his close friend said “Okay see you
tomorrow”. Priscilla was waiting in the court. Hotaru has arrived, Priscilla is in the corner.

When Hotaru approached Priscilla, Priscilla was gradually became nervous and she had a hard time
saying what she wanted to say. Hotaru is ready to listen, Priscilla said something, Hotaru is surprised by
what Priscilla said.

(Shocks happen ~~)

End of Chapter 1.

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