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VOCAB. 2-1
字 中意 英意 句子/用法
keen 熱衷的;熱心的 very interested, eager, or wanting (to do) They were very keen to start work as
something very much soon as possible.
all the 整段時間;一直 for all of a period of time There I was thinking you were hard at
while work and you were upstairs in bed all the
sharpness 銳利;敏銳
contrasting 截然不同的 very different contrasting colours
blinking 閃光的
tune into to make more precise, intense, or effective


字 中意 英意 句子/用法
millennium 一千年
millennia 千年(複數)
coliseum 競技場 a large sports stadium
stadium 體育場
chariot 雙輪馬車 a two-wheeled vehicle that was used in ancient
times for racing and fighting and was pulled by
a horse or horses
gladiator (古羅馬)鬥劍者
marble 大理石 a type of very hard rock that has a pattern of a marble floor/statue
lines going through it
jester 逗樂小丑,弄臣 a court jester
mime 默劇表演 The first scene was performed in mime.
stunt 特技動作
acrobat 雜技演員
slapstick 打鬧劇,粗俗滑稽劇
stumble 絆腳 Running along the beach, she stumbled on
a log and fell on the sand.


字 中意 英意 句子/用法
expend 花費,消費,耗費 to use or spend time, effort, or money Governments expend a lot of resources on
sort out 解決,整治 I'll leave you to sort this problem out.
stimulus 刺激(物) 複數型態stimuli
span 一段時間 the period of time that sometimes exists or He has a short attention/concentration
happens span.
as a matter (作為)理所當然的事 If something is done as a matter of course, it is Safety precautions(預防措施) are observed
of course a usual part of the way in which things are as a matter of course.
done and is not special.
pave 鋪 to cover an area of ground with a hard, flat
surface of pieces of stone, concrete, or bricks
epidemic (疾病的)流行,傳染 a flu epidemic/Poverty is epidemic in the
/盛行的 city.
pandemic 大規模流行的/大流行疾 a pandemic disease

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