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Received: 13 December 2019 Revised: 12 May 2020 Accepted: 25 May 2020

DOI: 10.1002/smr.2296


Metrics in automotive software development: A systematic

literature review

Martin Vogel1 | Peter Knapik2 | Moritz Cohrs2 | Bernd Szyperrek2 |

Winfried Pueschel2 | Haiko Etzel2 | Daniel Fiebig1 | Andreas Rausch1 |
Marco Kuhrmann3

Institute for Applied Software Systems
Engineering, Clausthal University of Abstract
Technology, Goslar, Germany Software is an integrated part of new features within the automotive sector, car
Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg, Germany
manufacturers, the Hersteller Initiative Software (HIS) consortium defined metrics to
Faculty of Computer Science and
Mathematics, University of Passau, Passau, determine software quality. Yet, problems with assigning metrics to quality attributes
Germany often occur in practice. The specified boundary values lead to discussions between
Correspondence contractors and clients as different standards and metric sets are used. This paper
Marco Kuhrmann, Faculty of Computer studies metrics used in the automotive sector and the quality attributes they address.
Science and Mathematics, University of
Passau, Passau, Germany. The HIS, ISO/IEC 25010:2011, and ISO/IEC 26262:2018 are utilized to draw a big
Email: picture illustrating (i) which metrics and boundary values are reported in literature,
(ii) how the metrics match the standards, (iii) which quality attributes are addressed,
and (iv) how the metrics are supported by tools. Our findings from analyzing 38 papers
include a catalog of 112 metrics of which 17 define boundary values and 48 are
supported by tools. Most of the metrics are concerned with source code, are generic,
and not specifically designed for automotive software development. We conclude that
many metrics exist, but a clear definition of the metrics' context, notably regarding the
construction of flexible and efficient measurement suites, is missing.


automotive software development, quality attributes, software metrics, systematic literature


1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N

Software has become key in the automotive industry and is an important driver for innovation, which is shown by approximately 80% of in-car
functions that are realized through software.1 It has become the norm that different software components communicate with each other within a
car, across cars, and between cars and the environment. So-called in-car functions, such as the adaptive cruise control, as well as cross-vehicle
functions, such as cooperative driver assistance systems or autonomous driving, are mainly realized through software.1 However, the innovation
and production life cycles of “classic” engineering components and software differ. Whereas the development of a new car takes on average 4
years, and it takes on average 7 years1 until the launch, software evolves much faster.1,2 That is, whereas the overall design of a new car matures
relatively slow, software, like infotainment features, evolves much faster, thus resulting in a growing number of requirements and customer

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
© 2020 The Authors. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

J Softw Evol Proc. 2021;33:e2296. 1 of 39
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expectations. Having an appropriate software design, it is also possible to deploy new functionality (e.g., over-the-air or online remote updates)
after launch—even after features have been deployed. Because many vehicle functions are realized through software, quality of automotive
software is key to participate in ensuring the reliability of a car.
Automotive software development is also challenged by the way software is developed today. Many software components are no longer
developed in-house but outsourced to third parties.1,3 Hence, car manufacturers have partly established procedures to efficiently and
effectively assess such software components in the development process. Standards and norms like the ISO/IEC 26262:20184 and the
ISO/IEC 25010:20115 provide support by defining development and quality assurance procedures. However, such standards are generic,
thus requiring an adaptation and embodiment to the internal software development process. That is, generic quality requirements must be
adapted to the actual software system measurement procedures, metrics must be mapped to quality attributes, and the boundary values
have to be defined to fulfill these quality attributes. The characterization of software properties and the measurement of software quality can
be done with the help of (software) metrics.6,7 A multitude of metrics is available covering processes or products as a whole.4,8-11 Many
metrics are generic to allow for broad applicability and, to a certain extent, to support comparability of software components and systems.
Metrics are available for different programming languages, models, and development activities, and a number of tools provide support for data
collection and analysis.

1.1 | Problem statement and objective

Different definitions and a different understanding of quality attributes and metrics to assess relevant quality attributes lead to situations in which
project parties (manufacturers, suppliers, and contractors) risk misunderstandings and costly renegotiations of qualities. An agreed, modern, and
harmonized metric suite for automotive software development is not available, and moreover, a recommendation system that helps practitioners
define the qualities of interest and to select metrics aligned with the available development tool chain is missing.
Our overall objective is to capture the current state of the art and practice of metrics and their use in automotive software development
to support the improvement of quality management systems. We aim to provide views on metrics and quality standards that help consolidate
metrics applied to automotive software projects and, thus, to reduce the necessity of deviations from defined qualities.

1.2 | Contribution

In this article, we present a systematic literature review on the use of software metrics in the automotive software sector. On the basis of
38 selected primary studies, we extracted 112 metrics for which we provide a detailed description and a categorization using the HIS*metric
catalog, 31 selected quality attributes of the ISO/IEC 25010:20115 quality model, and the ISO/IEC 26262:2018 Part 64 as references. In the
systematic review, we found only 17 metrics defining boundary values, yet, no general boundary values or recommendations were found. The
metrics obtained from the systematic review were also analyzed in the context of 20 selected tools used to collect data and compute metrics. From
the 112 metrics, 48 are supported by the selected tools. Our findings include that there is neither an agreement in literature on the practical
relevance of specific metrics nor an agreed mapping between metrics and quality categories. Furthermore, our findings show that the metrics found
are not specific for automotive software development. Metrics are of general nature and are used to assess software (as part of a safety-critical
system) in general. Specific characterizations of metrics for automotive software development, notably a precise definition of the context of use, are
not available. We contribute views proposing such mappings and characterizations that include the 112 metrics from the systematic review and
the three selected standards as well as a mapping to 20 selected tools supporting these metrics. The mappings aim to help practitioners select
appropriate metrics that cover desired quality attributes and that reduce the number of exceptions from the agreed quality requirements. Our results
lay the foundation for constructing a recommendation system that helps practitioners develop adaptable measurement systems.

1.3 | Outline

The remainder of this article is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses background and related work. Section 3 presents the research design
including the research goals, research questions, and the different steps performed to conduct our study. Section 4 presents the study results,
which are discussed in Section 5, before we conclude the paper in Section 6. The appendix of this article includes detailed information about the
study, detailed data tables of the study results, visual mappings, and the metric catalog.

*HIS stands for the “Herstellerinitiative Software” (OEM Software Initiative), a consortium composed of the German car manufacturers targeting automotive software development. This initiative,
however, was closed in 2008. Information is partially available here: https://www.autosar.organd here:
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F I G U R E 1 Overview of the software product quality attributes as defined by the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard, which have been selected
for the analysis (see Figure 4)


We introduce the background regarding metrics and measurement systems in automotive software development before discussing related work.

2.1 | Metrics in automotive software development

In automotive software development, a number of quality standards, notably the ISO/IEC 26262:20184 (including the Automotive Safety Integrity
Levels, ASIL) have to be applied. Quality norms and standards also refer to metrics, which are supposed to help assess software quality
(e.g., Table C3). However, a clear understanding of which metrics in software development address a specific quality attribute (e.g., standard
attributes as shown in Figure 1) is often missing. It is often unclear what a reasonable set of metrics addressing a specific quality attribute looks
like. For instance, depending on different ASIL levels, metrics can be interpreted differently with regards to value ranges and boundary values.
As a result, automotive software projects often struggle with inappropriate metrics, which need to be adapted, and deviations from initially
defined target values have to be carefully documented.† This situation challenges company- and/or product-wide quality management systems in
establishing standards and providing a notion of what is considered a high-quality software.
In response to the situation outlined above, in automotive software development, a standardized set of metrics was developed by the HIS
consortium. The HIS metrics target the C programming language and provide no further categorization, for example, for project size, project type,
and safety level. A definition of boundary values to be applied to the different project types is not provided. HIS does not include mappings of
metrics to quality attributes of interest. Furthermore, as other languages than C are also used in automotive software development today, for
example, C++ and Java, the applicability of the HIS metrics is limited. In practice, this situation leads to constant negotiations of boundary values
and quality numbers that car manufacturers, integrators, and (external) software vendors have to agree upon. Because there is no standard set of
metrics available for automotive software development, software quality is hard to compare across different projects and even within projects
that include different software components.
Another perspective on software quality is given by the ISO/IEC 25010:2011.5 This standard, among other things, provides a holistic
perspective on general product quality. ISO/IEC 25010:2011 evolves the quality attributes from the ISO/IEC 9126 to allow for a better
characterization of the different qualities to be considered in software and system development projects. Figure 1 provides an overview of
the quality criteria, notably of those criteria that have been selected for analysis in the article at hand (Section 3.1). For all quality
attributes, the complementing ISO/IEC 25023:20169 recommends metrics (note the standard also uses the term “measure”), including
simple formulae and basic boundary values as baselines. The quality criteria illustrated in Figure 1 also show that the ISO/IEC 25010:2011
is meant to be applicable to any software-intensive system. Hence, in this article, these general quality criteria serve as a baseline for the
literature analysis.
As the different standards for automotive software (ISO/IEC 26262:2018) and general software product quality (ISO/IEC 25010:2011)
evolve, automotive software companies are nowadays challenged by different, in parts competing and inconsistent, metric sets, the one provided
by the ISO/IEC 26262:2018 and the one provided by the ISO/IEC 25023:2016. Hence, for each automotive software project, these different
metric sets have to be analyzed and implemented in projects carefully to avoid inconsistencies and the risk of misunderstanding due to deviating
quality baselines. The article at hand specifically addresses this issue by providing mappings using the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes as a
reference to integrate and map the different standards and the metrics found in the systematic review.

A car as such is a dependable system, i.e., reliability is a key requirement of the system. Consequently, the software of a car must also fulfill the quality attributes related to reliability,
e.g., availability, safety, and security for which dependability is the umbrella (see also Avizienis et al.27).
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2.2 | Related work

Metrics are an important topic in software engineering research,6,8 and, therefore, metrics are constantly reported in literature. For instance,
El-Sharkawy et al.10 study the current state of practice regarding deployment metrics in software product lines (SPL). They point out that there are
very few metrics that can assess quality in the context of SPLs. It was further pointed out that many metric definitions are rather inaccurate and
reuse of metrics across (sub-)products has barely taken place. Furthermore, authors found that the information from the SPLs combined with the
code artifacts received little attention. Authors conclude that it would be valuable to combine the information from the variability model and the
code artifacts. In a similar direction, Wagner et al.12 propose the Quamoco approach, which is a meta-quality model aiming at closing the gap
between abstract quality attributes and concrete quality assessments. There exists a number of quality models,13 and a number of them are
(partially) implemented in tools that support collection of metric data and analyzing quality attributes of interest. For instance, Tsuda et al.14
provide a measurement and quality evaluation framework based on the SQuaRE model, that is, the ISO/IEC 25000 standard series. However,
most quality models are focused on specific aspects leaving out the big picture of the “product.” Quamoco's base model is based on the ISO/IEC 25010
quality attributes (Figure 1) and includes more than 300 factors and 500 measures for software products developed in Java and C#.15
Besides secondary studies, quality models, and meta-quality models providing a big picture, several publications deal with the actual application
of metrics to practice. For instance, Selvarani et al.16 developed a model to examine and evaluate the Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) metrics for their
predictive capability for errors and degeneration. The model was developed based on the “Shannon entropy.” The result shows that the
NASA/Rosenberg threshold16 risk categorization allows for a high level of forecasting. Also in the Space domain, the European Cooperation for Space
Standardization (ECSS) standards17 provide guidelines and examples of software metrics. These metrics can be used in space system development
with respect to the requirements18 and to provide a coherent view of the software metrication program definition and implementation. In this
article, we also use the ECSS standard to fill gaps in the details of metrics obtained from the systematic review (see also Section 3.3.2).
An analysis of complexity measures in practice was provided by Antinyan et al.19 Authors found that the current measures for code quality and
complexity measures are barely known in practice and rarely used by software engineers; also supported by Sloss et al.11 Antinyan et al.19 showed
that the lack of knowledge has a negative impact on the internal quality of a software. Furthermore, they analyzed how software metrics integrate
with the goals of an organization and conclude that it is important to capture well-designed metrics with documented goals in a catalog. This helps
to measure progress and achieve the defined goals. A practical and systematic start-to-finish method for selecting, designing, and implementing
metrics is considered a valuable aid in further improving software products, processes, and services. Such catalogs, however, require metrics to be
“universal.” In this regard, Hoffman et al.20 investigated how metrics can be used universally. For this, authors analyzed the properties of metrics in
detail and proposed a schema to assess metrics for their universal applicability. At the other end of the spectrum, Alves et al.21 present a method
that can be used to create boundary values for software metrics using benchmarks. Authors propose a method that weights software metrics
and evaluated their proposal using 100 software projects. They conclude that their method can better reflect the boundary values of metrics,
because essential metric properties have been taken into account. Similarly, Schroeder et al.22 studied how software metrics combined with expert
knowledge can be used to evaluate models for specific quality criteria. They analyzed 65 000 software revisions and showed that the predictive
quality of models can be improved using expert knowledge and software metrics together. Finally, Schroeder et al.23 studied how machine learning
methods and software metrics can predict the development of models (Matlab/Simulink) in the automotive industry. Authors analyzed a project with
in total 4547 revisions. They could show that metrics provide an important input to support the machine learning methods.
The article at hand contributes an analysis of metrics as reported to be used in automotive software development. We aim at developing
a catalog of metrics for this domain to lay the foundation to develop recommendation systems that improve the usability of metric-based
measurement systems in industrial contexts. Furthermore, we aim at consolidating the variety of metrics available to help practitioners select
proper metrics also taking into account the available tool infrastructure. That is, practitioners shall be enabled to select metrics and tune the
selected metrics, such that they can implement these metrics with those tools that are available in the company's tool chain.


Figure 2 shows the overall research methodology applied, which we describe in detail in Section 3.1. Section 3.2 presents the research objectives
and research questions, before we describe the data collection procedures (Section 3.3) and the data analysis procedures (Section 3.4). Finally, we
describe the procedures implemented to increase the validity (Section 3.5) of our study.

3.1 | Overall methodology

This study was conducted following a multistaged research approach in which we used a systematic mapping study24 to scope the research and
a systematic literature review25 to perform the detailed analysis. To organize the literature studies, we followed the pragmatic guidelines defined in
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F I G U R E 2 Overview of the multistaged research method (five main phases) and the three substudies implemented (a mapping study to scope
the work and to develop search strings, a systematic review to collect the main data, and a collection and analysis of tools to evaluate the
practical availability of the metrics)

Kuhrmann et al.26 and adopted the “three-researcher voting model.” In addition to the plain literature studies, different mappings and complementing
analyses of 20 selected tools have been performed to drive the collection and structuring of the metrics obtained from the systematic review.
That is, the study at hand consists of three substudies that are integrated with each other to provide a big picture. The overall research
method applied, including the different analysis steps (Section 3.4), is illustrated in Figure 2 and will be explained in detail in subsequent sections.

3.2 | Research objectives and research questions

Our overall objective is to develop a catalog of metrics used in automotive software development. In this context, the quality attributes addressed
by metrics, the practical use of metrics, and respective boundary values are of particular interest. To address our research objective, we defined
the following research questions:RQ1: Which metrics are reported as being used in automotive software development to evaluate quality? Numerous
metrics exist to measure software systems and help determine software quality. With this research question, we aim to collect metrics reported
in literature that are (specifically) used in the field of automotive software development.
RQ2: Which quality attributes are addressed by the metrics? As metrics are used to support determining software quality, we are interested in the
relation of the different metrics to the quality attributes of a software system. That is, we aim at answering the question if there are metrics
specifically addressing certain quality attributes. For this, we utilize the three norms and standards HIS, ISO/IEC 25010:2011, and ISO/IEC 26262:2018,
and we provide a mapping between metrics and these standards.
RQ3: Which boundary values exist for the different metrics? Basically, a metric is a function mapping a software characteristic to a number, which is
used to evaluate the characteristic of interest.6,7 However, quite often, it remains unclear when a measurement outcome of a specific metric can
be considered good or bad. In this research question, we analyze the metrics obtained from the systematic review for boundary values and study
the contexts in which such boundary values are defined.
RQ4: How are metrics implemented and supported in software development practice? Finally, we are interested in the applicability of metrics, notably
the tools and the language families for which the metrics provide support. The goal of studying this research question is to investigate how far
metrics described in scientific literature are practically implemented in tools at the market and how the availability of tool-supported metrics
impacts the selection of proper metric sets in projects.

3.3 | Data collection procedures

To collect and select the papers of interest, we adopted the “three-researcher voting model.”26 Figure 3 refines the first phase of our study
(Phase 1; two-staged literature search, Figure 2) and illustrates the overall data collection approach, which consists of a manual keyword-based
web search for reference papers, which are listed in Table B1, and an automated search in the Web of Science (WoS; core collection), which
yielded another 26 papers listed in Table B2. The subsequent sections provide details on the search procedure.
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FIGURE 3 Data collection method implemented in the literature review

3.3.1 | Query string construction and automated search

As the purpose of the study was to collect and systematize metrics for automotive software development, we opted for an opportunistic
query construction approach. Initially, we defined the search string (“safety” OR “automotive”) AND (“software metrics” OR “software metric”),
which was the basis for the query construction. The goal of this search string was to get a set of publications dealing with metrics in
automotive software development or, at least, general metrics applied to safety-critical system development. To test and refine the search,26
we used the initial search string and several variants with Google Scholar (executed on June 29, 2018) to generate “test” result sets, which
we analyzed for suitability, that is, if they contain previously defined reference papers (Table B1). To analyze the suitability of a search string,
we used the keywords of the returned papers to create word clouds,26 which we visually inspected for a sufficient coverage of the topics of
interest and an acceptable overhead (papers outside the area of interest). The word clouds provided the frequency of the keywords, and
we collected those keywords that had a minimum frequency of three and were in scope of the study. The resulting list of keywords was
consolidated, and the consolidated keyword list was used to create keyword groups, which were used to derive the final search strings
shown in Table 1.
Eventually, we concluded the search strings listed in Table 1, which were constructed to generate overlapping result sets in order to minimize
losses as described by Kuhrmann et al.26 The expected multiple occurrences of papers have been resolved in the dataset cleaning and the final
paper selection procedures (Section 3.3.2). To avoid the need of implementing extra activities to resolve “cross-database-cross-search” issues,
that is, multiple occurrences of papers in the dataset due to the overlapping search strings applied to multiple digital libraries, we opted for a
meta-search engine to execute the search. The search was designed as a topic-based search, which already includes the fields title, abstract,
author keywords, and keywords plus, using the WoS (core collection). The search using the WoS was executed on July 27, 2018 and yielded
143 papers in total. As Table 1 shows, 14 duplicates (<10% overhead) have been removed from the result set such that 129 papers remained
for evaluation. For each hit in the WoS database, the full reference (including author list, title, abstract, and so forth, see Table A1) was exported
into a spreadsheet file.

T A B L E 1 Final search strings for the automated search in the Web of Science and the number of papers returned by the respective strings
including duplicates among all the different search strings in the whole result set

ID Search string Papers found Duplicates

1 TOPIC: automotive AND software AND metric$ 29 1
2 TOPIC: safety AND automotive AND software AND metric$ 5 5
3 TOPIC: introductiona AND software AND metric$ 102 1
4 TOPIC: framework AND automotive AND software AND metric$ 5 5
5 TOPIC: (ISO 26262 OR ISO26262) AND software AND metric$ 2 2
Total (including duplicates): 143 14
Total (cleaned): 129

The term “introduction” was included to get basic literature on (general) software metrics into the result set. The purpose of looking for introductory work

was to obtain definitions of metrics in case special literature only names a metric but provides insufficient details.
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TABLE 2 Overview of the inclusion criteria (IC) and the exclusion criteria (EC)

ID Criterion
IC1 Paper is on automotive software and metrics
IC2 Paper is on metrics in dependable systems domain (as defined by Avizienis et al.,27 not necessarily automotive)
IC3 Paper is a secondary study on metrics in dependable or automotive software development
IC4 Paper contains quality models or a general measurement approach but in relation to dependable systems
EC1 The paper is not on the domain of automotive softwarea
EC2 The paper is a workshop summary, a guest editor introduction etc., i.e., the paper is not an original research article
EC3 The topic of interest is only mentioned in the introduction or related work, but is not a key contribution of the paper
EC4 The paper is not available for download
Note that the exclusion of nonautomotive software papers was part of the cleaning procedure. However, if papers were identified that describe metrics
outside the field of interest, usually, such papers have been considered for complementing data extraction and completion of data points.

3.3.2 | Inclusion and exclusion criteria, search execution, data collection and extraction, and evaluation

To select the papers for the study, we defined the inclusion and exclusion criteria shown in Table 2. The evaluation of the result set using the
inclusion and exclusion criteria was independently performed by two researchers. A third researcher evaluated the two votes and created a new
dataset from the results of the individual votes.26 Using the inclusion and exclusion criteria, all papers were evaluated for inclusion or exclusion in
the study, and if a paper was accepted, the required data for the analyses were extracted. Finally, an integrated spreadsheet file was created that
included all individual reviewer votes and extracted (meta) data. The integrated spreadsheet consisting of 36 candidate papers was re-evaluated by
the whole team for finally selecting the papers to be included in the study. Eventually, 26 papers from the automated search have been selected for
inclusion (Table B2). Together with the 12 handpicked reference papers (Table B1), the final dataset for the study consisted of 38 papers.
Besides the metadata (Table A1), for each paper, the data extraction (Figure 2; Phase 2) was performed using the structure shown in
Table A4. In the course of executing the different data collection, extraction, and analysis steps, the data structure evolved, for example, by adding
extra attributes and scores. Specifically, in the first iteration, we extracted all metrics mentioned in the respective papers (Table D1). In further
iterations, we completed and extended the data, before, in the final iteration, we cleaned up and checked the extracted data to ensure that a
metric is present in the dataset only once and all information regarding a specific metric was consolidated. Furthermore, during the data
extraction, we learned that detailed information, for example, about the formulae used to compute the metrics, was available for few metrics
only. Specifically, the papers obtained in the search yielded 39 formulae, 51 metric descriptions, 12 boundary values, and 19 mappings between
metrics and quality attributes. Therefore, we used the European Space Agency's (ESA) ECSS standard17 and further gray literature28 (focused
search for content in other literature that was not included in the 38 papers) obtained in a snowballing procedure as described by Badampudi
et al.29 to complement our data (Table A4) with detailed information. This extra literature increased the quality of the information, such that—after
integrating it—in total, 112 metrics and their descriptions were available for analysis, that is, for the extraction of formulae, the identification of
boundary values, and for performing the various mappings.

3.4 | Analysis procedures

To analyze the papers, we defined a basic data structure that includes the attributes of interest (Table A4). On the basis of the extracted data, we
performed the analyses using the analysis model shown in Figure 4. The analyses included a number of mappings and comparisons of the data
extracted from the systematic review with different standards relevant to the field of interest (cf. Figure 2; Phases 3 and 4). Specifically, we
investigated the coverage and application of metrics found in the systematic review in the context of the standards introduced in Section 2.1.
All analysis steps were initially conducted by the academic researchers in the team, who presented the (tentative) findings in workshops and
weekly phone calls to the practitioners in the team. In these workshops and calls, results have been discussed and next steps for the analysis
were defined. Finally, as illustrated in Figure 2 (Phase 5), all results were checked again. These final checks also included an update of the
standards to their latest versions‡and a re-evaluation of the study's findings in the context of the new standards before executing the synthesis.

During the data analysis steps, the standard ISO/IEC 26262 was updated, and the industry partners made the new version available to the team. After a discussion on how to treat the new
version, the actual analysis was paused, the new standard was analyzed, and, eventually, the analysis steps executed so far were repeated with the new standard version ISO/IEC 26262:2018 as
a new baseline.
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FIGURE 4 Analysis model applied to the


The starting point in our analysis model from Figure 4 are the 112 metrics identified in the dataset (in the following, we just speak of SLR-metrics,
see Table D1). In the next step, the 15 metrics defined by HIS metric catalog were mapped to the 112 SLR-metrics (the metrics either matched
directly or the description of the metrics matched to a large extent), which created a unidirectional link between the HIS metrics and the
112 SLR-metrics. After linking the HIS metrics and the SLR-metrics, every SLR-metric and every HIS-metric was mapped to one or more of the
31 subcategories in ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (Figure 1). In the next step, the ISO/IEC 26262:20184 (Part 6) was analyzed for metrics, which were
mapped to the SLR-metrics as well. In case a mapping was not straightforward, the problematic metric was discussed in the team workshops.
To round out the picture, in the last step, the ISO/IEC 25023:20169 was mapped to the SLR-metrics. Because the ISO/IEC 25023:2016 provides a
mapping to ISO/IEC 25010:2011, the finally developed mappings allow for putting metrics into context, such that a metric from the HIS metric
catalog can be positioned in the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard and so forth.
Finally, to study the practical relevance of the metrics, in the team workshops, it was decided to also include tools used for collecting and
analyzing metric data (Section 3.4.2). The procedure to link metrics to tools was implemented the same way the metrics' mapping was performed.
That is, the HIS-metrics and the SLR-metrics were mapped to tools to study which metrics are supported by the tools.
In the following, we describe the two core analysis steps: (i) the mapping of the metrics with the quality attributes as defined in the
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and (ii) the mapping of the metrics with selected tools.

3.4.1 | Analyzing and mapping metrics with quality attributes

Because the HIS metric catalog is still frequently used in the article's industrial context, we started with analyzing how many of the HIS-metrics
(Section 2.1) were found in the systematic review and which parts of the HIS metric catalog are covered. To link the HIS-metrics and the
SLR-metrics, we developed a mapping from the HIS-metrics to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes, before we performed a mapping from the
SLR-metrics obtained from the systematic review to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes and the associated metrics defined in the ISO/-
IEC 25023:2016.§As for some metrics an appropriate mapping was provided in the respective papers (Appendix C1), we collected this information
and completed the mapping ourselves where necessary. Finally, we analyzed all metrics for their level of support through tools (see Section 3.4.2).

3.4.2 | Analyzing and mapping metrics with tools

To analyze the tool support for metrics, we selected 20 tools that we analyzed for the metrics they support and for the coverage of the
SLR-metrics. Specifically, we analyzed if a specific metric is fully supported by tools, that is, if data collection and evaluation is fully automated, if

Please note that the ISO/IEC 25023:20169 covers more metrics than defined in ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Furthermore, as we were interested in analyzing the coverage of metrics in detail, our
analyses were performed using the 31 detail-level criteria form ISO/IEC 25010:2011, see Figure 1. Also, the ISO/IEC 25023:2016 also provides basic formulae and thresholds. These were,
however, not used in the article at hand as we were explicitly interested in the practically defined/used thresholds reported in literature.
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T A B L E 3 Search strings applied to the web search for tools that support software measurement and overview of the resulting tools after
applying the exclusion criteria from Table 4

ID Search string Initially selected tools

1 “simulink” and “metric” Simulink Check
2 (“tools” OR “tools * code”) AND (“analyzer” OR “analysis”) Gamma, Sonargraph, NDepend, Frama-C, PMD, SourceMeter, Blu Age Analyzer,
Parasoft C/C++test, Resource Standard Metrics (RSM), Designite
3 “Eclipse * code” AND (“analyzer” OR “analysis”) Eclipse Metrics
4 “software code” AND (“analytics” OR “analysis”) –
5 “code metrics” AND (“analytics” OR “analysis”) –
6 “software code” AND (“metrics tool” OR “metric tool”) –
Total: 12

TABLE 4 Overview of the exclusion criteria for tools (ECT) that were used to reject tools returned by the web search

ID Criterion
ECT1 The tool is in the status “support canceled”
ECT2 The tool's documentation does not contain any information about the implemented/supported metrics
ECT3 There is no publicly accessible documentation for the tool available
ECT4 There is no test/evaluation version of the tool available

there is a partial support, that is, at least some steps in the data collection and evaluation are automated, or if the metric has no tool support, that
is, all steps in the data collection and evaluation have to be done manually. To find relevant tools, we conducted a web-based manual search using
the search criteria summarized in Table 3. The purpose of this search conducted by the researchers in the team was to create an initial set of tools
to be discussed in the whole team. After applying the exclusion criteria shown in Table 4, 12 tools were initially selected (Table 3). Note that the
resulting tools are counted including their language variants, that is, SourceMeter is available for Java, C++, and so forth, but generates only one
hit in Table 3. However, during the analysis, the language variants have been analyzed as well. The tools were used as additional input for
assessing the practical relevance. It has been assumed that metrics found in the SLR and supported by many tools are of more practical relevance.
To confirm the practical relevance of the selected tools, the initial set of 12 tools was presented to the practitioners in the team who were not
involved in the search for tools. On the basis of the discussion, the tool set was extended to include the tools Development Assistant for C (DAC),
Klocwork, and Polyspace Code Prover (QA-C), which are frequently used in the company's tool chain but were not present in the initial list of tools in
Table 3. After extending the list of tools, the whole team discussed the extended list again and agreed on the appropriateness for the analysis. The
finally analyzed 20 tools (including variants) are listed in Table 6, which also shows the different metrics found in the systematic review and how these
metrics are supported by the selected tools. However, it has to be noted that this search is scoped to general tools that are available for analysis and
those tools specific to the industrial context of the practitioners in our team. This introduces a threat to validity, which is discussed in Section 5.3.

3.5 | Validity procedures

To constructively improve the validity of our findings, we implemented several procedures. First, we rely on available standard procedures to
define the study and collect and analyze the data. We framed the study by analyzing the input material (HIS, Section 2.1) and discussing the
findings in workshops (academic and industrial partners). Finally, we conducted a mapping study according to Petersen et al.24 using a limited set
of the 12 handpicked papers that serve as reference papers (cf. Figures 2 and 3). After analyzing the reference papers, a full systematic review
according to Kitchenham et al.25 was conducted following the work mode as described in Kuhrmann et al.26
To ensure the rigor of the individual steps and to improve the validity of the results, we established a team-based working style. That is, the
team of researchers was split such that at least two researchers performed an actual activity, for example, collecting the data, analyzing the data,
and so forth. From the remaining researchers, at least one not involved in the respective activity conducted a quality assurance. In case of
stalemates during evaluation processes, a researcher not involved in the decision-making was called in to evaluate the critical object and to decide.
In general, evaluations were independently performed by at least two researchers, and a third researcher integrated the results. As illustrated in
Figure 2, all activities were continuously quality assured. For this, we defined a work mode in which the academic researchers involved in the study
were mainly concerned with analysis and synthesis tasks whereas the practitioners participating in the study performed continuous quality
assurance. In workshops and in weekly phone calls, tentative results, problems, and issues were discussed, and further study activities were defined.
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This section presents the findings of our study. We start with a result set overview in Section 4.1 before we present the findings structured
according to our research questions as presented in Section 3.2.

4.1 | Overview of the result set

As described in Section 3.3.2, our study finally included 38 papers in total. Figure 5 shows the publication frequency of the papers analyzed.
Detailed information about the papers included in the study can be taken from Appendix B1.
To better characterize the analyzed papers, we classified the papers according to the research type facet (RTF; Wieringa et al.30) and the
contribution type facet (CTF; Shaw31), which is illustrated in Figure 6. The categorization in Figure 6 shows our result set providing a considerable
share of solution proposals and lessons learned. Yet, we also find models and theories proposed in the result set. In summary, approximately two
thirds of the papers propose solutions (Figure 6, dimension RTF) and approximately one third of the papers reports on lessons learned (Figure 6,
dimension CTF). Also, the result set contains only one paper describing a tool-based solution.
An evaluation of the papers according to the rigor-relevance model by Ivarsson and Gorschek32 is illustrated in Figure 7. The evaluation shows
that 13 out of the 38 selected papers (upper right quadrant of Figure 7) are evaluated to be of high to very high relevance (score ≥3 ) and of high
rigor (score ≥2.5 ). Only seven papers received an evaluation of rigor ≤1.0, and 12 papers in total received an evaluation for the relevance ≤1 of
which six papers are in the lower left quadrant. Hence, we consider the overall result set of sufficient practical relevance, and we consider the
included papers as having undergone a research procedure of sufficient rigor.

4.2 | RQ1: Which metrics are reported as being used in automotive software development to evaluate

The first research question is concerned with identifying the metrics used in automotive software development as reported in literature. In total,
the 38 analyzed articles provided 112 metrics that address various artifacts and that can be applied to various programming languages. The
complete catalog of metrics identified in the systematic review can be taken from Table D1. To categorize the metrics, in a team workshop, we
reviewed all metrics and agreed on the following three categories (adapted from Kan8):

FIGURE 5 Publication frequency of the papers in the result set

F I G U R E 6 Categorization of the papers according the research type

facet and the contribution type facet
VOGEL ET AL. 11 of 39

FIGURE 7 Categorization of the papers according the rigor-relevance


1. Process metrics. This category includes metrics to quantify properties of the software development process.
2. Product metrics. This category includes metrics to quantify properties of the product as such, for example, represented by models and
architecture documentation.
3. Code metrics. This category includes metrics to quantify properties of source code.

Figure 8 shows the assignments of the 112 SLR-metrics to the three metric categories. In total, we made 124 assignments for the 112 metrics.
The figure shows that the majority of the found metrics is concerned with source code, models, and architecture. Metrics applied to the
measurement of binaries are not present in the result set. Also, most metrics are categorized as code metrics and product metrics, which is in
line with previous studies.13,15
Because we were interested in the information provided alongside the metrics' naming, we analyzed the papers for the availability of
formulae used to compute the metrics. In total, for 54 out of the 112 SLR-metrics, we could find formulae or algorithms, for instance, simple
formulae, for example, Lines of Code (LoC; Metric ID 2 in Table D1), complex formulae, such as the Component Input Complexity33 (Metric ID 27 in
Table D1), or algorithms, for example, the Fault Coverage34 (Metric ID 60 in Table D1). For another eight metrics, we utilized “gray literature” to
add formulae to the metrics (e.g., the Classified Attributes Inheritance (CAIW), named in Mumtaz et al.35 and a formula found in Alshammari et al.36;
Metric ID 19 in Table D1). Finally, for 50 out of 112 metrics, we could not find proper information regarding the metrics' structure or their

Finding 1: Most of the metrics found in the systematic review are concerned with source code (e.g., McCabe, Lines of Code, Henry and
Kafura, Halstead). Product metrics as the second-ranked category are mainly concerned with models and architecture descriptions
(e.g., Ease of function learning, Function points, Traced Components per Requirement). Metrics applied to binaries are not contained in the
result set. Another finding is that only a few metrics have been found explicitly addressing automotive software development. It was
found in the analysis that there are many cross-sectional relationships to the dependable systems domain. In total, only 54 formulae
could be extracted from the papers included in the systematic review, and another eight formulae have been added through studying
“grey literature”. That is, 50 metrics were mentioned in the text only without further details (e.g., Number of Statements).

4.3 | RQ2: Which quality attributes are addressed by the metrics?

A key question in our research is concerned with the quality attributes addressed by specific metrics. That is, we analyzed which metric or set of
metrics shall/can be applied to assess a specific quality attribute of a software system.
According to our analysis model from Figure 4, we initially mapped the metrics to the different standards as described in Section 3.4. Figure 9
provides an integrated perspective on the mappings for which the detailed mapping tables can be taken from Appendix C1. We mapped the metrics
to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 to check the general coverage of the quality attributes addressed by the SLR-metrics found in the systematic review.
Specifically, we studied the mappings provided by the two ISO standards 25010:2011 and 25023:2016, which is illustrated in Appendix C1
(Figure C1). The ISO/IEC 25023:2016 provides 86 metrics for which a mapping to the 31 subcategories of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 product quality
model (Figure 1) is provided. We used this standard mapping as a baseline for mapping the SLR-metrics to the different standards. We mapped the
SLR-metrics to the HIS metric catalog and to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes to assess the coverage. The mapping to the HIS-metrics is
provided in Table C1, and the mapping to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality criteria is provided in Table C2.
12 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

F I G U R E 8 Categorization of the metrics according to the artifacts addressed.

Note that a metric can address more than one artifact, i.e., all numbers refer to the
112 SLR-metrics

The mapping to the HIS metric catalog shows that all but one metric defined in the HIS metric catalog could be found in our result set. Only
for the HIS-metric Number of Recursions could no proper mapping be found. The mapping to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 in Table C2 shows that
we found a good coverage but that there is a specific focus on the quality attributes of the top-level category Maintainability (Figure 1),
which contains the quality attributes Modularity, Reusability, Analyzability, Modifiability, and Testability. The third standard of interest is the
ISO/IEC 26262:2018, which is specifically designed to support the development of safe road vehicles. To provide a big picture in which we
combine the mappings of the HIS metrics and the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes with the ISO/IEC 26262:2018, Figure 9 provides an
integrated perspective. This mapping shows that the majority of the metrics addresses the category Maintainability. Also note that Figure 9 is a
reduced presentation based on available mappings of the metrics found in the systematic review and their assignment to quality attributes to
allow for providing an integrated perspective. The full mapping of the ISO/IEC 26262:2018 to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes can be
taken from Appendix C1 (Figure C2). Further detailed assignments from the considered standards and the metrics obtained from the systematic
review can be found in Tables C3 and C4.

Finding 2: Most of the SLR-metrics address the ISO 25010 top-level category Maintainability, which contains Modularity, Reusability,
Analyzability, Modifiability, and Testability. For some quality attributes, our study did not provide metrics to cover all subcategories of the
ISO 25010. The different mappings in Appendix C also reveal that certain system characteristics are emphasized while others have no
proper metrics defined.

4.4 | RQ3: Which boundary values exist for the different metrics?

A software metric is a function whose inputs are software data and whose output is a numerical value that can be interpreted as the degree to
which software possesses a given attribute that affects its quality.37 However, quite often, it remains unclear when a measurement outcome of a
specific metric can be considered good or bad. For this, boundary values are introduced that support the interpretation of a metric.
Our third research question is concerned with such boundary values and if/how they are defined in the found metrics from the system-
atic review and in the standards included in the study. Table 5 shows that 17 out of the 112 SLR-metrics define boundary values. Of these
17 metrics, 11 boundary values were found in the result set of the systematic review, and six have been added by studying the external
ECSS-Q-HB-80-04A standard.17 The external ECSS standard was included in the study, because this standard also addresses dependable
systems and provides a set of metrics including boundary values and application scenarios comparable to the ASIL levels defined in the
ISO/IEC 26262:2018.4 Please also note that the extraction of boundary values did not include the boundary values as defined in the
ISO/IEC 25023:20169 as these focus on product quality in general. Yet, as the primary goal was to analyze the state of practice as reported
by the papers on automotive software development or safety-critical systems in general, the ISO/IEC 25023:2016 thresholds have not been
included (see also Section 3.4.1).
VOGEL ET AL. 13 of 39

T A B L E 5 Thresholds of metrics obtained from the systematic review and extended by the ECSS standard; note that the minimum and
maximum values found only indicate boundary values, which are, however, specific to the actual context and, thus, do not allow for absolute

MetricID Paper ID Metric Min Max From SLR From ECSS

1 38-42
McCabe cyclomatic complexity number 1 X ✓
2 39-43
Lines of Code (LOC) 0 75 ✓
10 39
Belady's bandwidth (nesting levels) 1 T ✓
11 38
depth of nesting-DON 1 T ✓
12 35
Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM) 40 108 ✓
26 33
complexity of a single component >0 ✓
35 35,42
Coupling between objects (CBO) 0 25 ✓
51 35
Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT) 2 6 ✓
53 44
Ease of function learning 0 D ✓
55 45
Error-detection 0 1 ✓
69 44
Interface appearance customizability 0 1 ✓
85 35
Number of Children (NOC) 0 6 ✓
98 35
Response for a Class (RFC) 34 74 ✓
99 44
Self-explanatory error messages 0 1 ✓
109 44
Understandable input and output 0 1 ✓
110 44
Usability compliance 0 1 ✓
111 35
Weight Methods for Class (WMC) 0 26 ✓

Note: X = maximum number of paths (natural number); T = number of maximum nesting; D = mean time taken to learn use a function correctly (can not
represent the maximum); MetricID 26: >0 copy from text; explicit specification.

Finding 3: Only 17 out of 112 analyzed SLR-metrics define boundary values. From these 17 boundary values, only 11 could be found in
the result set of the systematic review and another six were added by the external ECSS standard. If available, boundary values are
also defined for different application scenarios, i.e., boundary values are specific to particular contexts and project setups or even for
different ASIL levels. This fact makes it dicult to define uniform and comparable boundary values for a domain.

4.5 | RQ4: How are metrics implemented and supported in software development practice?

Finally, we are interested in the applicability of the metrics in the software life cycle. In this regard and in the context of the study at hand, we
define applicability as the availability of a software tool that helps collecting data and computing a metric. As most of the metrics found in the
systematic review are categorized as code metrics (Figure 8), we analyzed the result set for these code metrics. Specifically, we analyzed 20 free
and commercial tools used in the automotive sector investigating which of the metrics obtained from the systematic review are supported by the
tools (cf. Section 3.4.2). The analysis was conducted in two steps. The first step was concerned with extracting the programming languages for
which the metrics provide support, and the second step was concerned with studying the tool support for the metrics.
Figure 10 summarizes the findings of the first analysis step. Assignments were made (i) by categorizing a metric whether it is a code-related
metric or not and (ii) by categorizing a metric according to (programming) language families. Figure 10 shows that 128 assignments¶in total were
made in the category for code-related metrics of which 21 assignments are not bound to a specific programming or modeling language. As the
figure shows, the most assignments were made for object-oriented programming languages (52 assignments), followed by the procedural
programming languages (28 assignments), which are still very popular in automotive software development. Our result set also includes metrics
that can be applied to modeling languages such as VHDL and Simulink. As the number of assignments shows, several metrics can be applied to

Note that a metric could have multiple assignments. The 128 assignments are based on the initial classification from Figure 8. Yet, in the detailed analysis, further assignments have been made
on the basis of available information about documented use in supported programming languages. That is, if the documentation of a metric states that, e.g., this metric is applicable to Java and C
++, this generates two assignments in Figure 10.
14 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

F I G U R E 9 Integrated perspective on the metrics defined in the HIS (top) and the ISO/IEC 26262:2018 phases (bottom; only those phases
that include the metrics of interest) and their coverage of the quality attributes as defined by the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. The mapping is shown
through the blue boxes, which illustrate that a metric is assigned to a quality attribute

multiple categories. For instance, the metrics Directed Dependency between Software Components (52) or Number of Statements (91) can be applied
to numerous programming languages, which could also be a reason for lacking boundary values for these metrics as stated in Section 4.4.
The second step of the analysis was focused on the selected tools as such. Table 6 lists the 20 tools we analyzed and presents the number of
metrics these tools already include (built-in metrics). In the context of our study, we studied which of the metrics from the systematic review are
supported by the tools listed in Table 6. For this, Table 6 provides two assignments: the first assignment is between the tools and the SLR-metrics.
The second assignment is between the HIS-metrics and the tools studied.
Figure 11 provides a visual representation of the tools' coverage of the SLR-metrics. The figure shows that the tools provide a variety of
metrics and that over 40% of the SLR-metrics are supported by these tools. In total, we found 48 SLR-metrics supported by the selected tools,

FIGURE 10 Language families (modeling, programming, etc.) supported by the metrics obtained from the systematic review
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T A B L E 6 Tools analyzed and assignment of tool-supported SLR-metrics and HIS-metrics (note that the metric IDs refer to the unique metric
ID for the SLR-metrics (Table D1) and, for the HIS-metrics, to the HIS-index from Table C1)


ID Tool Ref Built-in From SLR (Table D1) HIS-metrics supported (Table C1)
1 Eclipse Metrics 14 1, 2, 10, 12, 18, 91, 111 4,9
2 Simulink Check 26 1,2,3,48,14,95,102 3, 4, 6, 10
3 Blu Age Analyzer 5 2, 1, 74 4, 7
4 Gamma 22 1,35,51,24,98,2,4,12,111,52,17 1, 4, 5, 8, 11, 12
5 Parasoft C/C++test Professional 49 35,1,4,12,2,98,52 1, 4, 8, 11, 12
6 Resource Standard Metrics (RSM) 5 2
7 Sonargraph 109 1,3,2,91,30,31,33,34,13,92,37,46,40,39 6, 7
8 DesigniteJava 13 2, 1, 111, 85, 51, 12 4
9 Designite 19 2, 1, 111, 85, 51, 12 4
10 SourceMeter 8.2 for Java 98 4, 1, 111, 35, 98, 51, 85, 2, 91, 11, 52 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 , 9 , 11, 12
11 SourceMeter 8.2 for C/C++ 88 4, 1, 111, 35, 98, 51, 85, 2, 91, 52, 70, 104 1, 4, 5, 6, 8 , 9 , 11, 12
12 SourceMeter 8.2 for Python 41 111, 35, 98, 51, 85, 2, 91, 11, 52 5, 6, 9
13 SourceMeter 8.2 for RPG 34 35, 2, 91, 11, 52 5, 6, 9
14 nDepend 18 2, 4, 60, 80, 82, 36, 37 1, 8, 11, 12
15 PMD 10 1, 2, 111, 17 2,4
16 Frama-C (Metrics plug-in) 12 1, 2, 4 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12
17 Development Assistant for C (DAC) 11 2, 91, 64, 1, 4, 81 1, 4, 8, 11, 12
18 Klocwork 118 2, 20, 4, 1, 91, 56, 49, 38, 57, 11, 50 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12
19 Polyspace Code Prover 35 1,2, 35, 52, 74, 109, 14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15
20 QA-C 69 1,98,4,14,3,2,64,10,112, 35, 109, 74 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15

FIGURE 11 Number of the supported metrics from the systematic review in relation to the total number of metrics provided by the analyzed tools

yet not a single tool supports all of these metrics. To study which metrics are supported the most, Figure 12 provides an overview of the 48 out
of 112 SLR-metrics that are supported by at least one of the selected tools. The detailed information on which tool provides support for which
metrics can be taken from Table 6.
16 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

FIGURE 12 Overview of the 48 tool-supported SLR-metrics and their quantified support by the analyzed tools (how many tools support a metric)

Finding 4: Our study shows that there are metrics for which language-specific interpretations exist, i.e., that are available for different
programming languages. However, only 48 out of 112 SLR-metrics are supported by the tools analyzed in this study. Even tools that
provide about 100 or more built-in metrics, support a maximum 14 of the SLR-metrics. The most supported metrics are Lines Of Code
(20 tools) and McCabe (15 tools). Other metrics are supported by few tools only, often by only one (specialized) tool.


In this section, we discuss the findings and provide a synthesis as well as discussion of the results. Furthermore, we discuss the threats to validity
of our study.

5.1 | Answering the research questions

In Section 3.2, we posed four research questions. To start the discussion of the findings of the study at hand, we wrap up the key findings and
answer the research questions as follows:RQ1: The first research question is about the number of metrics reported in literature for the use in
automotive software development. Our systematic review of 38 papers yielded 112 different metrics of which 61 (54.5%, e.g., McCabe, LoC,
Henry and Kafura, and Halstead) were categorized as code-related metric and 43 (38.4%) were categorized as (general) product metric. Product
metrics, notably, are mainly concerned with models and architecture descriptions. Also, the analyzed papers provided formulae for 54 metrics
only, another eight formulae were extracted from “gray literature,” but for 50 metrics, no detailed information was made available, for example,
regarding the structure of the metric or a formula used to compute the metric. Among all the found metrics, however, few metrics only are
explicitly mentioned in the context of automotive software development (the HIS metrics). That is, the majority of the metrics reported in
practice is of generic nature, and these metrics are only interpreted for and applied to automotive software development. Table D1 provides the
full catalog of metrics resulting from our systematic review.
RQ2: An assignment of the metrics obtained from the systematic review shows that most of the metrics address the category Maintainability of
the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 standard (Figure 1). Our findings show that all subcategories as defined by the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 are covered by the
SLR-metrics. Furthermore, the SLR-metrics provide an almost full coverage (only one metric was not present in the result set) of the HIS metric
catalog, which is used in the German automotive software development business. Finally, our findings reveal that certain focal points are set by
the SLR-metrics. For instance, whereas the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 category Maintainability is well-covered, other categories are not well-represented.
All detailed mappings can be taken from Appendix C1.
RQ3: The third research question was concerned with the boundary values defined for the different SLR-metrics. In total, boundary values were
defined for only 17 out of 112 SLR-metrics (approximately 16%). Of these 17 boundary values, 11 were defined by papers included in the
systematic review, and the another six boundary values were added by including further literature in the analysis. Also, if boundary values have
been found, they are mostly defined as specific to a particular project setup, that is, a set of general boundary values was not identified. Detailed
information is provided in Table 5.
RQ4: Our study shows a number of metrics that exist for different modeling and programming languages. However, for only 48 out of the
112 SLR-metrics, tools that support these metrics have been found. Even those tools that support a variety of metrics support only 14 of the
SLR-metrics at maximum. Whereas there are “standard” metrics like LoC that are supported by (almost) all tools, other metrics are, if at all,
supported by only one tool. Details are presented in Section 4.5.
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5.2 | Discussion

Our findings provide building blocks to discuss the use of metrics in automotive software development. Specifically, we are interested in developing
proper views to help practitioners selecting subsets of metrics that provide a maximum coverage of quality attributes and that, at the same time, help
in establishing a compliant measurement tool support. For this, we did not only analyze literature for the purpose of collecting metrics but also put
the found metrics into context. In total, we identified 112 metrics (Table D1) in our result set. These metrics were mapped to established standards
(see Appendix C1 for further details) and a number of tools used in automotive software development to collect and evaluate metrics (Section 4.5).
Our findings as summarized in Section 5.1 indicate that handling metrics with the focus on value ranges, quality attributes, and context
in practice is challenging. Value ranges were defined for only 17 metrics, and no agreed (standardized) association with quality attributes was
found, which is in line with findings found in related literature.12-15,66,67 However, when performing a mapping procedure (Section 4.3), our
findings show a focus on maintainability-related quality attributes. Metrics addressing quality attributes like those related to functional suitability
or security (Figure 1) were not found in the studied literature. Moreover, few studies only provided information about an exact mapping between
a particular metric and the quality attributes addressed. This indicates an often observed challenge in practice: misunderstandings among clients
and contractors about required qualities, acceptable value ranges (including boundary values),66,67 and what is considered good or bad, and how
this perception is reflected by a metric or a metric set.13
As many metrics in software development are focused on code (Figure 8), using tools to evaluate software using metrics is the straightforward
approach. Table 6 shows that a number of tools is available, and each tool supports numerous metrics. A finding from our study is that only 48 out
of 112 SLR-metrics are supported by the selected tools. Besides the standard metrics LoC and McCabe, only few tools support the metrics found in
our study, whereas many tools provide support for metrics that are not included in our metric catalog. This raises the question of whether the
metrics reported in the literature we analyzed are relevant at all. However, this question has to be answered in the light of the standards applied to
automotive software development (Section 2.1). The mappings performed (Section 4.3 and Appendix C1) show the found metrics properly
addressing the relevant standards. This potential disparity could be caused by the way metrics and measurements are implemented in practice using
a tool or a tool set as facilitator. That is, we argue that when a tool is deployed to a company, those metrics from the tool's built-in catalog that can
be implemented with the least possible effort will be chosen to implement the measurement processes. Other metrics or a measurement program
that puts quality attributes (from which the metrics of interest have to be derived) in the spotlight challenge the companies, which might be a reason
for the difficulties companies have to adapt more comprehensive quality models.15,67 On the basis of our results, we further argue that metrics are
used because tools provide them rather than because of implementing a sound metric catalog or quality model designed to properly address the
quality attributes of interest. We argue that this is also a reason for the obvious absence of metrics specific to automotive software development,
because most metrics used in automotive software development projects are selected from such standard—often unadjusted—metric catalogs. The
missing explicit links between metrics and quality attributes that have become obvious in the study at hand also support this statement. The various
mappings and the links between metrics and quality attributes (including different standards) constitute a first step toward such an integrated
perspective yet require further research. As a major outcome of our study, we created a large structured dataset that links together

• A set of 112 metrics collected from a systematic literature review (SLR),

• Two standards/metric catalogs used in the automotive industries (ISO/IEC 26262:2018 and HIS),
• A general standard on product quality (ISO/IEC 25010:2011, including ISO/IEC 25023:2016), and
• A set of 20 selected tools used to assess and monitor software quality.

Our findings lay the foundation for creating a knowledge base that helps practitioners select appropriate metric sets to measure quality
attributes of interest. Instead of defining a new comprehensive quality model, which would however be the most straightforward solution, we
propose using the different available information blocks and to combine them in a pragmatic way. That is, we propose to use all relevant standards
for automotive software development and to provide mappings and clearly defined characteristics (as, for instance, described in the Quamoco
approach15). Together with detailed information about the actual tool chain in a company or a project, a recommender system can compute
proper metric sets that (i) provide the required coverage of standards and (ii) align the tools available or show gaps that need to be filled.
Figure 13 illustrates the resulting model from a bird's-eye perspective. The figure illustrates how a respectively designed future knowledge system
can be asked, for example, for quality attributes of interest and returns proper metric sets (including alternative metrics) and can also recommend
tools that can handle the proposed metric sets. The bidirectional arrows mean that there is a relationship between the records about properties
and IDs in the datasets. The unidirectional arrows describe a possible mapping into the dataset. All records can be linked together: for instance,
by mapping HIS-metrics to the SLR-metrics, the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and the supporting tools can be used to select those tools that support
HIS-metrics while fulfilling the quality criteria of ISO/IEC 25023:2016. The connection can be established through the findings of our systematic
literature review. The output generates a table with the corresponding information from ISO/IEC 25023:2016, ISO/IEC 25010:2011, and
18 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

FIGURE 13 Overview of the result model and outline of future work

ISO/IEC 26262:2018. Metrics that fulfill all three ISO standards and that are supported by tools thus provide valuable information. However, as
this study provides the data basis only, implementation and evaluation of such a knowledge system remains subject to future work, but recent
research, for example, Tsuda et al.,14 shows the relevance of flexible and more precise measurement and evaluation frameworks.

5.3 | Threats to validity

We discuss the threats to validity of our study following the categorization by Wohlin et al.68 A general threat to be discussed is the publication
bias, that is, the phenomenon that positive results of a study are more likely published than negative ones.26,69 As a literature study, the study at
hand is affected by this particular threat, for example, by suffering from potential incompleteness of the search results and the general publication
bias. Furthermore, we decided to ground our study in the WoS meta-search engine only. The analyzed articles from the literature might not
include publications reporting failed experiments and the lessons learned from such experiences, and, besides the handpicked papers, our result
set does not contain papers published in venues not indexed by the WoS. Whereas the first issue cannot be resolved in the context of the study
at hand, the second issue (meta-search engine) can be mitigated by other researchers reimplementing the research design described in Section 3
while considering the subsequently discussed specific threats to validity.

5.3.1 | Internal validity

The internal validity could be threatened by personal ratings of the researchers involved in the paper selection (selection bias). To address this risk,
we followed a proven procedure24-26 that, among other things, includes researcher triangulation to support dataset cleaning, study selection,
study classification, and content analysis. For this, at least three researchers of the author team were not involved in actual analysis tasks but
focused on the quality assurance only. The internal validity could also be affected by the limited data (only 38 papers resulting from the study
selection). We mitigated this threat by applying a combined search strategy that includes manual selection, automated search, and a snowballing
approach. Furthermore, information that was considered relevant in the study but was not available form the study's result set was collected by
including external and “gray” literature, for example, the ECSS standard,17 which was used to fill gaps in the dataset. Finally, the tools selected for
the analysis of the applicability of the metrics have been selected in an opportunistic approach, which was influenced by the industrial context
of the practitioners in the team. To mitigate this threat, the academic researchers initially provided a tool selection, which was evaluated and
completed by the practitioners.

5.3.2 | External validity

The external validity is threatened by the missing knowledge about the generalizability of the results. Notably, the scope of the research could
limit the generalizability as the field of application does not provide further information about the practical use of metrics. To mitigate this threat,
we also analyzed papers at the borders of the field of interest, such as avionics, which also is a safety-critical industry sector. Furthermore, we also
used the ECSS standard17 as an external source of evidence complementing the general ISO-norms and thresholds. However, still, the findings of
the study at hand need further independently conducted studies for cross-checking as our findings purely rely on literature, which suffers
VOGEL ET AL. 19 of 39

from the selection bias.26,69 Also, we only included peer-reviewed papers. That is, gray literature was excluded from the result set as well as PhD
theses, white papers, and any other literature not fulfilling the quality assessment criteria outlined in Section 3.3.2. Gray literature was only
included if gaps in the result set had to be closed, for example, by adding definitions or formulae.

5.3.3 | Conclusion validity

The conclusion validity might be impacted by the data included in the study. Specifically, the conclusions drawn from the systematic review could
be too positive (publication bias) and grounded in an incomplete dataset (selection bias). To improve the conclusion validity, we included external
standards, even outside the actual field of interest, into our study. Furthermore, conclusions drawn from the systematic review have been
double-checked by researchers and practitioners not involved in the initial analysis.

6 | C O N CL U S I O N

In this paper, we report findings from a systematic literature review in which we analyzed 38 papers for metrics used in automotive software
development. Our study yielded 112 metrics of which 48 are supported by tools commonly used in automotive software development. A mapping
of these metrics to the standards ISO/IEC 26262:2018 and ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and to the German HIS metric catalog showed a good coverage.
The metrics defined in the HIS catalog and the SLR-metrics put emphasis on the Maintainability category of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011. Our analysis
was focused on the quality attributes defined by the ISO/IEC 25010:2011; notably, we focused on the 31 subcategories to provide a proper
categorization of the metrics. We developed a catalog of 112 metrics including a harmonized description/definition for these metrics, indication
for tool support, and, where possible, formulae to illustrate how a metric is computed.
The findings from our study provide an extensive data basis to be used for the development of a knowledge-based support tool that will help
practitioners select proper metrics in response to the quality attributes defined for a software product under consideration. Users of such a tool will
be able to characterize a software product through the desired qualities. In response, users will be provided with a set of metrics properly addressing
the quality attributes and a number of tools that support the measurement. Furthermore, users will be provided with “alternative” metrics; that is, if
a specific metric is only supported by one tool, but another tool providing a better coverage of other metrics offers one or more substitutes, users
can fine-tune their metric sets based on a tool configuration. However, to implement such a recommendation system, in the first step, further
studies are required to fill those gaps that we identified in the study at hand. That is, our study revealed that several quality attributes are not (yet)
well-covered by metrics found in our result set. Further studies with the purpose of identifying appropriate metrics are thus required. Moreover,
the metric catalog developed in the study at hand needs to be checked with practitioners not involved in this study, notably regarding the practical
relevance of a metric. The second step will include the development and the evaluation of a recommendation system as outlined above.

Marco Kuhrmann

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How to cite this article: Vogel M, Knapik P, Cohrs M, et al. Metrics in automotive software development: A systematic literature review.
J Softw Evol Proc. 2021;33:e2296.
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This appendix shows the data structures used for extracting the information in the systematic review as described in Section 3.3. The data
structures were used for the first two phases shown in Figure 2, that is, the systematic mapping study for scoping the research as well as the
actual systematic literature review for collecting, structuring, and analyzing the data. Table A1 shows all metadata that was collected for every
paper included in the analysis. Besides collecting the metadata of the respective papers, we applied three standard classification schemas to
characterize the dataset. Although we fully applied the rigor-relevance model as defined by Ivarsson and Gorschek,32 the two classification
schemas RTF and CTF were tailored for application in the study. Table A2 lists the categories used for the application of the RTF schema, and
Table A3 shows the categories for the application of the CTF schema.

TABLE A1 Metadata collected for each paper

Field Description
No. Running number of the paper
Title Title of the paper
Authors Author list of the paper
Year Year of publication
Keywords/tags List of keywords/tags as provided by the authors and publishers
Abstract The full abstract of the paper (if available)
Venue The conference, journal, etc. of the paper
DOI The paper's Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Database The database that generated the item in the paper list (source for manually selected paper or WoS)
General Paper exclusion, voting model for the evaluation of the exclusion criteria (Table 2)
General Paper inclusion, voting model for the evaluation of the inclusion criteria (Table 2)
RTF Evaluation of a paper according to the research type facets according to Wieringa et al.30
CTF Evaluation of a paper according to the contribution type facets according to Shaw31
Rigor/relevance Evaluation of a paper according to the rigor/relevance model according to Ivarsson and Gorschek32

TABLE A2 Applied research type facets as proposed by Wieringa et al.30

Criteria Description
Evaluation research Implemented in practice, evaluation of implementation conducted; requires more than just one demonstrating case study
Solution proposal Solution for a problem is proposed, benefits/application is demonstrated by example, experiments, or student labs; also
includes proposals complemented by one demonstrating case study for which no long-term evaluation/dissemination
plan is obvious
Philosophical paper New way of thinking, structuring a field in form of a taxonomy or a framework, secondary studies like SLR25 or SMS24
Opinion paper Personal opinion, not grounded in related work and research methodology
Experience paper Personal experience, how are things done in practice

TABLE A3 Applied contribution type facets, adopted from Shaw31

Criteria Description
Model Representation of observed reality by concepts after conceptualization
Theory Construct of cause–effect relationships
Framework Frameworks/methods related to SPI
Guideline List of advices
Lessons learned set of outcomes from obtained results
Advice Recommendation (from opinion)
Tool A tool to support SPI
VOGEL ET AL. 23 of 39

TABLE A4 Overview of the data extracted for each metric found in the dataset

Field Description
PaperID Paper ID (field No. from Table A1) to identify the paper that contains a specific metric
MetricID Unique ID of a metric (used to harmonize the metric sets)
Name (Synonym) Name of a metric. In case of multiple occurrences or different naming, synonyms are also collected
Description (Paper) The actual description of a metric as provided by the respective paper
Description (TUC) After the harmonization, this field contains a harmonized description of a specific metric, which also includes the
particularities of the different sources. This harmonization is done by the researchers from the Clausthal University
of Technology (TUC) and aims at providing one agreed description of a metric
Formula Available An indicator to evaluate if a formula was provided by the source that introduced a metric or if the formula was
obtained from other sources in case the paper from the result set does not provide a formula
Formula The formula used to compute the metric (if available)
Metric Type The type of the metric, e.g., code metric or process metric
Artifact The artifact that is addressed by the metric, e.g., code or models
Language In case the metric is a code metric, this field lists the languages for which the metric is available
Assignment Indicates whether the assignment of a specific metric to one or more of the 31 sub-categories has been made by the
authors of a paper (value: 1) or if the assignment was made in the course of this study (value: 0)
ISO/IEC 25010 This group of Boolean fields assigns a metric to the eight top-level and, if possible, to the 31 subcategories of the
ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Product Quality Model
Relevance 25010 This field scores how the metric fulfills the selected criteria from the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 in a classification 1 to 05:
1. The metric fulfills the criterion completely.
2. The metric fulfills the criterion partially (mostly if a criterion is assigned to multiple top-level and
3. The metric fulfills the criterion conditionally (e.g., if a measure provides results that required expert knowledge
for interpretation).
4. The metric does not really fulfill the criterion (e.g., if a measure provides results that require further results
provided by other metrics to come up with an interpretation).
5. The metric does not fulfill the criterion (in this case, the assignment has to be re-checked).
Relevance Practice Evaluation of the (practical) use reported for a metric in a classification 1 to 5:
1. The metric is used in real-world systems, i.e., the metric is established and considered a standard metric.
2. The metric is reported to be used in industry projects (without further context information).
3. The metric is used in field studies, e.g., studies on open source software, GitHub mining studies.
4. The metric is used in lab environments, e.g., in research projects.
5. The metric is used in student projects/toy examples only, e.g., a Java project with only five classes.
Threshold If available, boundary values (thresholds), i.e., limits for a metric and its specific application context are collected
Value Ranges If available, value ranges for a metric and its specific application context are collected
Value Type If available, the type of the values is collected, i.e., discrete or continuous
Tool Support If available, if the metric is supported by a tool, this field indicates the tool support

For the data extraction, the data structure shown in Table A4 was used. As outlined in Section 3.3.2, the data structure was initially
developed, but we evolved the data structure in the course of conducting the study. For instance, the field Tool Support was added when we
agreed in the team that tools should be included in the study to improve the understanding of practical relevance (data field Relevance Practice).
Table A4 also includes explanations for value ranges, classification categories, and grades.
Of special importance was the evaluation of the relevance of specific metrics in the context of the different standards and the relevance to
practice. The different mappings and relevance ratings—as agreed in the study team—are in detail: ISO/IEC 25010. This mapping describes which
of the 31 subcategories of the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (Figure 1) are covered by a specific metric. Each metric was analyzed for its application to the
elements needed for the calculation. Additionally, in workshops with the industrial partner, we discussed which quality criteria are met by a
specific metric and which further quality criteria a metric might also fulfill. The assignment was made to the subcategories on the basis of the
classification from the literature, practical experience from projects of the past, and current best practices. We also discussed if an evaluation of a
fulfillment of the top-level categories was necessary. However, we decided to remain on the level of subcategories as, if necessary, the fulfillment
of the top-level categories can be computed from the respective degree of fulfillment of the subcategories.
Relevance 25010. This rating describes to what extent a metric helps fulfill a subcategory. For this, the descriptions of the individual subcategories
were analyzed in terms of their satisfiability. This satisfiability was discussed and graded in workshops with our industry partner and using
24 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

literature. Notably, for completed and ongoing projects, we discussed to which extent a specific metric can help fulfill a subcategory. On the basis
of all these aspects, a metric was “graded” on the scale shown in Table A4.
Relevance Practice. This rating describes how widespread and therefore practically relevant a metric is. For this, in the workshops with the
industry partners, we interviewed the industry partners and discussed their experience. Notably, we discussed which metrics were already known
and even in use in the practitioner's day-to-day business. To get more input, it was agreed that tools be added to the study. Hence, a search for
tools that support data collected and data analysis to provide metrics for software development projects was conducted (Section 4.5). The
results of this extra search were used in addition to the main analyses, that is, the number of tool-supported SLR-metrics, to assess the (perceived)
practical relevance.


This appendix contains the list of papers obtained in the different stages of the paper selection process as outlined in Section 3.3, that is, the
papers obtained in the first two phases shown in Figure 2. Table B1 lists the 12 reference papers selected during the manual search process, and
Table B2 lists the 26 finally selected papers obtained from the automatic search.

TABLE B1 Overview of the 12 reference papers selected in the manual search process

Reference Paper title

Functional safety measurement in the automotive domain: adaptation of PSM
Traceability metrics as early predictors of software defects?
Measuring the constraint complexity of automotive embedded software systems
Service-oriented software and systems engineering—a vision for the automotive domain
Developing measurement systems: an industrial case study
Construction of membership function for software metrics
Software metrics: introduction
Software metrics: successes, failures and new directions
Software metrics: Progress after 25 years?
A framework for software defect prediction and metric selection
On error-class distribution in automotive model-based software
Metrics for verification and validation of architecture in powertrain software development

TABLE B2 Overview of the 26 selected papers from the automated search process

Reference Paper title

Hardware/software codesign of aerospace and automotive systems
Design space extension for secure implementation of block ciphers
Partitioning of hardware–software embedded systems: a metrics-based approach
Metrics for requirements engineering
A measurement framework for improving verification processes
Measuring the impact of changes to the complexity and coupling properties of automotive software systems
Reliability growth by failure mode removal
Test sequence generation for controller verification and test with high coverage
Scheduling real-time systems with cyclic dependence using data criticality
Mining requirements from closed-loop control models
Reasonability of MC/DC for safety-relevant software implemented in programming languages with short-circuit evaluation
Parallelizing highly complex engine management systems
A practical approach to size estimation of embedded software components
VOGEL ET AL. 25 of 39

TABLE B2 (Continued)

Reference Paper title

Metrics design for safety assessment
Software metrics for the Boeing 777: a case study
An empirical study to improve software security through the application of code refactoring
Calibration of software quality: fuzzy neural and rough neural computing approaches
Introduction of a new metric “Project Health Index” (PHI) to successfully manage IT projects
Using metrics to monitor concurrent product development
Information system architecture for developing reusable testplans for embedded software
Usability evaluation based on international standards for software quality evaluation
A strategy to verify chassis controller software-dynamics, hardware, and automation
Cyber-physical codesign at the functional level for multidomain automotive systems
Examination of the software architecture change characterization scheme using three empirical studies
Considering fault removal efficiency in software reliability assessment


In this appendix, we present the detailed mappings performed following the procedures described in Section 3.4 and in Appendix A1. At first,
Table C1 and the following ones provide the detailed mappings performed in the course of studying RQ2 (Section 4.3).
The next public standard of relevance in the studied domain is the ISO/IEC 26262:2018. For the different development phases defined for
road vehicles, ISO/IEC 26262:2018 provides 85 metrics. Table C3 provides a summary of these metrics and links these metrics to the ones found
in the systematic review (including references to the papers that mention these metrics). Table C3 provides the input for the mapping of metrics
to quality attributes as presented in Section 4.
As a baseline to analyze the different quality attributes, we opted for the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 (see also Sections 2.1 and 3.4). For this
standard, the ISO/IEC 25023:2016 already provides a mapping of selected metrics to the quality attributes and also to the subcharacteristics.
Figure C1provides an overview of this mapping with the quality attributes and subcharacteristics in the columns and the assigned metrics in the
rows. Table C4 provides the mapping of the metrics defined in the ISO/IEC 25023:2016 with the metrics found in the systematic literature
review. Finally, Figure C2 provides the mapping between the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and the ISO/IEC 26262:2018.

T A B L E C 1 Mapping of the metrics extracted from the systematic review to the metrics provided by HIS metric catalog (the column
“MetricID” refers to the unique ID of a metric used in Table D1)

HIS-Index Name (HIS) Abbreviation Paper reference MetricID QTY

1 Density of comments COMF 4 4
2 Number of paths PATH 112 1
3 Number of jumps GOTO 14 1
4 Cyclomatic complexity v(G) 1 5
5 Number of calling functions CALLING 3, 35 2
6 Number of called functions CALLS 3, 11 2
7 Number function parameters PARAM 109, 74 2
8 Number of instructions per functions STMT 4 4
9 Number all call levels LEVEL 10, 11 2
10 Number of return points RETURN 14 1
11 Stability index Si 4 1
12 Language complexity VOC 4 3
13 Number of MISRA HIS Subset violations NOMV 78 1
14 Number of MISRA violations per rule NOMVPR 78 1
15 Number of recursions ap_cg_cycle – – 0
26 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

T A B L E C 2 Mapping of the metrics found in the systematic review to ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes; the table also shows if a metric
was assigned to a category by the authors of the respective paper or if it was done manually in the course of this study

ISO/IEC 25010:2011 In paper Manual MetricID, see Table D1

Functional appropriateness – 40,70,74,80,88,90
6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 31, 64, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89,
90, 94, 97, 106
Functional correctness – 40,70,84,88
6, 7, 8, 9, 64, 100
Functional completeness – 88
83, 90
Availability – 39,82,88,94
7, 33, 54, 103
Fault tolerance – 34,39,94
34, 54, 60
Recoverability – 39
54, 95
45,71,80 38,39
Maturity 48, 49, 54, 58, 80, 82, 91, 95, 107, 108
86 78,80,94
Time behavior 30, 42, 56, 57, 63, 68, 76, 79, 112
86 42,80,94
Resource utilization 15, 32, 38, 41, 48, 49, 62, 75, 77, 105
70 80
Capacity 6, 48, 49, 62, 105
Appropriateness recogn. 44
– 109
Learnability 44
– 53
Operability – – –
User error protection 44
– 99
User interface aesthetics 44
– 69, 110
Accessibility – – –
Confidentiality – 35
17, 20, 21, 25
Integrity – 35,88
7, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 36, 43, 44, 45, 65, 66
Non-repudiation – 35,45
18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 36, 51, 55
Accountability – 35,88
7, 51
Authenticity – 35
19, 21
Co-existence 35
– 74
Interoperability 35
– 104
Modularity – 33,35,38,39,42,45,72,77,80
1, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 24, 22, 26, 27, 29, 35, 36, 37, 38,
39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 74, 80, 85, 95, 102, 111
39,85 33,35,38,41,42,45,72,77,80,83
Reusabillity 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 35, 37, 44,
45, 47, 51, 52, 58, 74, 80, 81, 85, 93, 85, 101, 111
39 33,35,38-43,45,71,72,80,84
Analyzability 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 24, 26, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39,
40, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 61, 63, 70, 71, 74, 80,
82, 85, 91, 95, 96, 98, 104, 107, 108, 111
Modifyability – 33,35,38,39,42,45,72,83
3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 29, 35, 37, 38, 51, 52,
74, 80, 85, 95, 98, 111
77 33-35,38-40,42,45,83
Testability 1, 3, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 27, 35, 44, 45, 51, 52, 55, 30, 74, 78,
80, 82, 85, 95, 98, 104, 111
Replaceability – 33,35,42
35, 37, 52, 98
Adaptability – 33,35,77,80,84
12, 13, 27, 59, 61, 96, 106
Installability – 80
VOGEL ET AL. 27 of 39

T A B L E C 3 Identified metrics from the ISO/IEC 26262:2018 including a mapping to the metrics found in the systematic review (cf. Table D1)
and the papers that refer to these metrics (the degree of recommendation to use corresponding methods depends on the ASIL: ++, method is
highly recommended for the identified ASIL; +, method is recommended for the identified ASIL; o, method has no recommendation for or against
usage for the identified ASIL; the ASIL integrity requirements are categorized into the categories A = lowest to D = highest)


ID Phase Name A B C D Paper Metric ID

1 6.4.7 Suitability for software development
2 6.4.7 Compliance and consistency with the technical safety requirements 87, 8, 9
3 6.4.7 Compliance with the system design 110
4 6.4.7 Consistency with the hardware-software interface
5 7.4.1 Natural language ++ ++ ++ ++
6 7.4.1 Informal notations ++ ++ + +
7 7.4.1 Semi-formal notations + ++ ++ ++
8 7.4.1 Formal notations + + + +
9 7.4.3 Appropriate hierarchical structure of software components ++ ++ ++ ++ 85, 51
10 7.4.3 Restricted size and complexity of software components ++ ++ ++ ++ 81, 27, 26
11 7.4.3 Restricted size of interfaces + + + + 104, 74
12 7.4.3 Strong cohesion within each software component + ++ ++ ++ 12
13 7.4.3 Loose coupling between software components + ++ ++ ++ 35
14 7.4.3 Appropriate scheduling properties ++ ++ ++ ++ 5
15 7.4.3 Restricted use of interrupts + + + ++ 55
16 7.4.3 Appropriate spatial isolation of the software components + + + ++
17 7.4.3 Appropriate management of shared resources ++ ++ ++ ++
18 7.4.14 Walk-through of the design ++ + o o 97
19 7.4.14 Inspection of the design + ++ ++ ++ 60
20 7.4.14 Simulation of dynamic parts of the design + + + ++
21 7.4.14 Prototype generation o o + ++
22 7.4.14 Formal verification o o + + 60
23 7.4.14 Control flow analysis + + ++ ++ 10
24 7.4.14 Data flow analysis + + ++ ++ 5
25 7.4.14 Schedule analysis + + ++ ++
26 8.4.3 Natural language ++ ++ ++ ++
27 8.4.3 Informal notations ++ ++ + +
28 8.4.3 Semi-formal notations + ++ ++ ++
29 8.4.3 Formal notations + + + +
30 8.4.4 One entry and one exit point in sub-programs and functions ++ ++ ++ ++ 74, 1
31 8.4.4 No dynamic objects or variables, or else online test during their creation + ++ ++ ++
32 8.4.4 Initialization of variables ++ ++ ++ ++ 50
33 8.4.4 No multiple use of variable names + ++ ++ ++ 4
34 8.4.4 Avoid global variables or else justify their usage + + ++ ++ 50
35 8.4.4 Restricted use of pointers o + + ++ 50
36 8.4.4 No implicit type conversions + ++ ++ ++
37 8.4.4 No hidden data flow or control flow + ++ ++ ++ 55
38 8.4.4 No unconditional jumps ++ ++ ++ ++ 14
39 8.4.4 No recursions + + ++ ++
40 9.4.2 Walk-through ++ + o o 97
41 9.4.2 Pair-programming + + + +
42 9.4.2 Inspection + ++ ++ ++ 60
43 9.4.2 Semi-formal verification + + ++ ++

28 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

TABLE C3 (Continued)


ID Phase Name A B C D Paper Metric ID

44 9.4.2 Formal verification o o + + 60
45 9.4.2 Control flow analysis + + ++ ++ 10
46 9.4.2 Data flow analysis + + ++ ++ 5
47 9.4.2 Static code analysis + ++ ++ ++ 1
48 9.4.2 Static analyses based on abstract interpretation + + + + 59
49 9.4.2 Requirements-based test ++ ++ ++ ++ 96, 108
50 9.4.2 Interface test ++ ++ ++ ++ 110
51 9.4.2 Fault injection test + + + ++
52 9.4.2 Resource usage test + + + ++
53 9.4.2 Back-to-back comparison test between model and code, if applicable + + ++ ++ 97
54 9.4.3 Analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ 65
55 9.4.3 Generation and analysis of equivalence classes + ++ ++ ++
56 9.4.3 Analysis of boundary values + ++ ++ ++
57 9.4.3 Error guessing based on knowledge or experience + + + + 55
58 9.4.4 Statement coverage ++ ++ + + 38
59 9.4.4 Branch coverage + ++ ++ ++ 14
60 9.4.4 MC/DC (Modified Condition/Decision Coverage) + + + ++ 80
61 10.4.2 Requirements-based test ++ ++ ++ ++ 96, 108
62 10.4.2 Interface test ++ ++ ++ ++ 110
63 10.4.2 Fault injection test + + + ++
64 10.4.2 Resource usage evaluation + + + ++
65 10.4.2 Back-to-back comparison test between model and code, if applicable + + ++ ++ 97
66 10.4.2 Verification of the control flow and data flow + + ++ ++
67 10.4.2 Static code analysis + ++ ++ ++ 1
68 10.4.2 Static analyses based on abstract interpretation + + + +
69 10.4.3 Analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ 65
70 10.4.3 Generation and analysis of equivalence classes + ++ ++ ++
71 10.4.3 Analysis of boundary values + ++ ++ ++
72 10.4.3 Error guessing based on knowledge or experience + + + + 55
73 10.4.5 Function coverage + + ++ ++ 82
74 10.4.5 Call coverage + + ++ ++ 13
75 11.4.1 Hardware-in-the-loop + + ++ ++
76 11.4.1 Electronic control unit network environments ++ ++ ++ ++
77 11.4.1 Vehicles ++ ++ ++ ++
78 11.4.2 Requirements-based test ++ ++ ++ ++ 96, 108
79 11.4.2 Fault injection test + + + ++
80 11.4.3 Analysis of requirements ++ ++ ++ ++ 65
81 11.4.3 Generation and analysis of equivalence classes + ++ ++ ++
82 11.4.3 Analysis of boundary values + ++ ++ ++
83 11.4.3 Error guessing based on knowledge or experience + + + + 55
84 11.4.3 Analysis of functional dependencies + + ++ ++ 82
85 11.4.3 Analysis of operational use cases + ++ ++ ++
VOGEL ET AL. 29 of 39

FIGURE C1 Mapping of quality attributes and metrics as provided by the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and ISO/IEC 25023:2016
30 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

T A B L E C 4 Metrics from the ISO/IEC 25023:2016 including a mapping to the metrics found in the systematic review (cf. Table D1) and the
papers that refer to these metrics

ID ID ISO 25023 Name Paper Metric ID

2 FCr-1-G Functional correctness 55
3 FAp-1-G Functional appropriateness of usage objective 65, 83
4 FAp-2-G Functional appropriateness of system 66, 84
5 PTb-1-G Mean response time 76
6 PTb-2-G Response time adequacy 56
7 PTb-3-G Mean turnaround time 63
8 PTb-4-G Turnaround time adequacy 57
9 PTb-5-G Mean throughput 68
10 PRu-1-G Mean processor utilization 42
11 PRu-2-G Mean memory utilization 15
13 PRu-4-S Bandwidth utilization 112
20 CIn-3-S External interface adequacy 74, 104
21 UAp-1-G Description completeness 110
22 UAp-2-S Demonstration coverage 110
23 UAp-3-S Entry point self-descriptiveness 69
24 ULe-1-G User guidance completeness 110
26 ULe-3-S Error message understandability 99
27 ULe-4-S Self-explanatory user interface 53
43 RAv-1-G System availability 54, 103
44 RAv-2-G Mean down time 103
45 RFt-1-G Failure avoidance 7, 60
46 RFt-2-S Redundancy of components 52
47 RFt-3-S Mean fault notification 60
48 RRe-1-G Mean recovery time 103
50 RMa-1-G Fault correction 60
51 RMa-2-G Mean time between failure (MTBF) 33
52 RMa-3-G Failure rate 103
53 RMa-4-S Test coverage 80
54 SCo-1-G Access controllability 17, 20, 21, 25
58 SIn-2-G Internal data corruption prevention 20
61 SAc-1-G User audit trail completeness 7
63 SAu-1-G Authentication mechanisms sufficiency 19
65 MMo-1-G Coupling of components 35, 37, 39, 40
66 MMo-2-S Cycolmatic complexity adequacy 1, 95
67 MRe-1-G Reusability of assets 93
69 MAn-1-G System log completeness 74
70 MAn-2-S Diagnosis function effectiveness 98, 104
71 MAn-3-S Diagnosis function sufficiency 71
72 MMd-1-G Modification efficiency 12, 19, 20, 22, 26, 25, 37, 51, 52, 85, 111
73 MMd-2-G Modification correctness 12, 19, 20, 22, 26, 25, 37, 51, 52, 85, 111
74 MMd-3-S Modification capability 12, 19, 20, 22, 26, 25, 37, 51, 52, 85, 111
75 MTe-1-G Test function completeness 55,60, 74, 80, 82
76 MTe-2-S Autonomous testability 80, 82, 104
78 PAd-1-G Hardware environmental adaptability 106
79 PAd-2-G System software environmental adaptability 12, 27, 92

VOGEL ET AL. 31 of 39

TABLE C4 (Continued)

ID ID ISO 25023 Name Paper Metric ID

80 PAd-3-S Operational environment adapatability 96
84 PRe-2-S Product quality equivalence 77
85 PRe-3-S Functional inclusiveness 52
86 PRe-4-S Data reusability / import capability 92

FIGURE C2 Mapping of quality attributes and metrics as provided by the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 and ISO/IEC 26262:2018
32 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.


This appendix provides a compact overview of the metrics found in the systematic review. Table D1 provides this summary of the full dataset,
which includes the metric's name, a short description, references to papers mentioning the metrics, values ranges (thresholds; where available)
Table 5, equations, and the mapping to the ISO/IEC 25010:2011 quality attributes. The table also introduces the Metric ID, which is a unique
identifier throughout the whole study; that is, whenever a metric is referred through its ID, this identifier refers to the unique metric ID presented
in Table D1 (and also in the study's data).

TABLE D1 Overview of all metrics including full description, references, and formulae

ID and Metric Name Description References

1 Cyclomatic complexity number (McCabe) Description: This metric provides an indication of code
complexity based on the number of branches in control flows.
Forumla: VG=#Edges−#Nodes+2
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Reusability
2 Lines of Code (LoC) Description: This is a very basic software metric, that includes
the number of executable source instructions excluding
comments, blank lines, and any non-executable lines.
Formula: LoC=#CodeLines−#CmtsBlks
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Analyzability
3 Henry and Kafura Description: Fan-in represents the number of modules that are
(Fan In/Out) calling a given module, whereas fan-out represents the
number of modules that are called by the given module.
Formula: CðiÞ = ð f in ðiÞ × f out ðiÞÞ2
4 Halstead Metrics Halstead considers some primitive parameters of the
implemented software product or program to measure its
length, effort, development time, and other factors.
n1 = the number of operators (distinct)
n2 = the number of operands (distinct)
N1 = the total number of operators
N2 = the total number of operands
Program vocabulary: n=n1×n2
Program length: N=N1×N2
Estimated program length: NO=n1log2(n1)+n2log2(n2)
Program volume : V=N×log2(n)
Program difficulty: D = n21 × Nn22

Programming effort: E=D×V

Estimated time: T = ES
5 Error Propagation Approach (EPA) Description: This metric measures the rate of error propagation
of a scheduling real-time system.
Formula: SysCrit = maxðCEPðtx ÞÞ
6 Actual Cost of Work Description: This metric measures the staff costs of the entire
Performed (ACWP) ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Capacity
7 Audit findings regarding ASIL Description: This metric measures how many hazards are
identified for each ASIL.
8 Audits on the details captured in functional requirements Description: This metric is an indicator for all relevant details
discussed for the functional safety requirements.
9 Audits on the relation between the ASIL of hazards and Description: This metric is an indicator if the associated ASIL of
the derived safety goals the functional safety requirements comply with the safety
goals addressed.
10 Belady's bandwidth (nesting levels) Description: This metric indicates the average level of nesting or
width of the control flow graph representation of the program.
Formula: BW = 1n iLi
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Reusability
Threshold: Table 5

VOGEL ET AL. 33 of 39

TABLE D1 (Continued)

ID and Metric Name Description References

11 Depth of Nesting (DoN) Description: This metric indicates the nesting level (NL) of a
single routine (function or procedure).
Formula: NL = maxðstmtnested Þ

According to17, the number of nested statements includes

simple or multiple-choice decisions, and loops in a routine.
Then, the nesting level (X) of a module is defined as:
X = maxðNLÞ for all routines in the module.

Threshold: Table 5
12 Lack of Cohesion in Methods (LCOM) Description: The LCOM value provides a measure of the
relative disparate nature of methods in the class.
Formula: LCOM = number of disjoint subsets
13 Cohesion Number of requirements associated with a Description: This metric provides an indication of the functions
software component, Number of functions per software assigned to a single software module.P
component, Average function interaction within Formula: Average function interaction = NF
14 Branch count Description: The branch count is virtually identical to
“cyclomatic complexity”. Branches are anything that jumps
out of the current method.
15 Buffer Size Description: The BufferSize metric quantifies the additional
(BufferSize) required memory in bits needed to enforce data consistency
by a buffering technique.
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Resource utilization
16 Certification costs Description: This metric indicates what are the overhead costs
for developing an item.
17 Classified Accessor Attribute Interactions (CAAI) Description: This metric measures the interactions of accessors
with classified attributes P
in caa class.
βðCA j Þ
Formula from84: CAAIðCÞ = j=1
jAMj × jCAj
18 Classified Attributes Inheritance (CAI) Description: Classified Attributes Inheritance (CAI) is the ratio
of the number of classified attributes that can be inherited
in a hierarchy to the total number of classified attributes in
this hierarchy.
Formula from84: CAIðHÞ = jCAj
19 Classified Attributes Interaction Weight (CAIW) Description: This metric is defined to measure the interactions
with classified attributes by
Pcaall methods of a given class.
γðCA j Þ
Formula from36: CAIWðCÞ = Pj =a 1
δðAI Þ
20 Classified Class Data Accessibility (CCDA) Description: This metric measures the direct accessibility of
classified class attributes of a particular class and aims to
protect the classified internal representations of a class, i.e.,
class attributes, from direct access.
Formula from36: CCDAðCÞ = jCCPAj
21 Classified Instance Data Accessibility (CIDA) Description: This metric measures the direct accessibility of
classified instance attributes of a particular class and helps
to protect the classified internal representations of a class,
i.e., instance attributes, from direct access.
Formula from36: CIDAðCÞ = jCIPAj
22 Classified Methods Inheritance (CMI) Description: This metric measures the ratio of the number of
classified methods that can be inherited in a hierarchy to the
total number of classified methods in that hierarchy.
Formula from84: CMIðHÞ = jCMj
23 Classified Methods Weight (CMW) Description: This metric is defined to determine the weight of
methods in a class that potentially interact with other
Formula: CMWðHÞ = jCMjjMj
24 Classified Mutator Attribute Interactions (CMAI) Description: This metric measures the interaction of mutators
with classified attributes in
Paca class.
αðCA j Þ
Formula from36: CMAIðCÞ = j=1
jMMj × jCAj

34 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

TABLE D1 (Continued)

ID and Metric Name Description References

25 Classified Operation Accessibility (COA) Description: This metric measures the ratio of access possibilities
to publicly classified methods of a particular class.
Formula from36: COAðCÞ = jCPMj
26 Single Component Description: This metric based on the logic of fan-in and
fan-out and measures input and output complexities of one
software component based on complexity attributes such as
hierarchical level.
Formula: C(i)=cin(i)×cout(i)
Threshold: Table 5
27 Component Complexity Description: This metric measures the input and output
complexity for each software component in the system.
n X
m X
m X
Formula: CoupðPal ,Pbl Þ = rðeil + 1 ,ejl + 1 Þ + rðejl = 1 , eil = 1 Þ
i=1 j=1 j=1 i=1
28 Composite-Part Critical Classes (CPCC) Description: The metric is the ratio of the number of critical
component classes tothetotal number of critical classes.
Formula: CPCCðDÞ = 1 − jCCj
29 Constraint Complexity Measurement Method Description: This metric count the occurrences of each of the
group of standard OCL clause contributing to the constraint
complexity in terms
Xpof X usage.
Formula: VðGCx Þ = i=1 j=1
VðGEij Þ
30 Cost of the architecture (performance) Description: This metric measures based on the execution time
of the control tasks on the specific controllers, and the
reaction time of the physical process and calculates the total
delay of each path in the graph of the architecture.
Formula: Costarch
perf = max τ i , τ i
ci 2path0 ci 2pathn

31 Cost of the architecture (perspective) Description: Selection of a specific architecture for an
automotive design depends on various nonfunctional
requirements and/or associated design costs. Therefore, the
synthesis algorithm needs to automatically validate the system
from different perspectives. Each perspective is mapped to
the user requirements. For any valid design, the cost from any
perspective must not violate the corresponding requirement.
Formula: Costarch
perf = f pes ðCÞ
32 Cost of the architecture (power) Description: This metric is calculated using the power
efficiency, defined as the total output power divided by the
total input power.
Formula: Costarch
power = Powerϵ
33 Cost of the architecture (reliability) Description: This metric measures the failure rate of each
component in the architecture model (MTBF).
Formula: Costarch
rel = ð1 − FRi ðMTBFÞÞ
cI 2arch
34 Cost of the architecture (robustness) Description: This metric indicates the quality of the whole
architecture under different environments.
rel ðEharsh Þ
Formula: Costarch
robust = Costarch ðE Þ
rel norm
35 Coupling between objects (CBO) Description: This metric measures the number of classes used
by another class.
36 Critical Classes Coupling (CCC) Description: The Critical Classes Coupling (CCC) metric aims to
determine the degree of coupling between classes and
classified attributes
Pcain a given design.
αðCA j Þ
Formula: CCCðDÞ = ðjCj − 1Þ × jCAj
37 Data abstraction coupling (DAC) Description: This metric is defined as the total number of other
class types need as an attribute in a class.
Formula: DAC=number of ADTs defined in a class
38 Message passing coupling (MPC) Description: This metric is define as the total number of call
statements identified in a class or the number of messages
passed between objects within the local method of a class.
Formula: MPC=number of send statements defined in a class

VOGEL ET AL. 35 of 39

TABLE D1 (Continued)

ID and Metric Name Description References

39 Package Coupling Coup Description: This metric calculates the strengths of
dependencies between software components belonging to
different sub-systems/domains.
40 Package Coupling Metrics (PCM) Description: This metric calculates the number of dependencies
between software components contained inside the
Formula: PCMðPla Þ = tb = 1^b6¼a CoupðPla ,Plb Þ
41 Communication Only mentioned in text without further description
42 CPU Load (CPULoad) Description: The metric quantifies the average load of a
processor or individual core over the complete time span
covered by the simulation.
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Time Behavior
43 Critical Design Proportion (CDP) Description: The metric simply takes into account the size, i.e.,
the number of classes, in a given program.
44 Critical Superclasses Inheritance (CSI) Description: The metric is defined as the ratio of the sum of
classes that can inherit from each critical superclass to the
number of possible inheritances from all critical classes in a
class hierarchy.
45 Critical Superclasses Proportion (CSP) Description: This metric is the ratio of the number of critical
superclasses to the total number of critical classes in an
inheritance hierarchy.
46 Data Dependencies among Data Declarations Description: This metric is part of the TOSCA environment.97 80

47 Data-DC Complexity Only mentioned in text without further description
48 DataMem(B) This metric calculates the space for data of a basic block by
considering the memory occupation.
Formula: DataMemðBÞ = n × Byteðdec − 1Þ

ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Maturity

49 DataMem(M) This metric calculates the data space for a software module.
DataMemðMÞ = DataMemðm −iÞ + n × Byteðdec − 1Þ

ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Maturity

50 Declarations Count Description: This metric is part of the TOSCA environment.97 80

51 Depth of Inheritance Tree (DIT) Description: This metric calculates the degree of complexity
caused by the inheritance.
52 Directed Dependency between Software Components Description: This metric measures the number of exchanged
signals betweenX software components and their type.
Formula: wðs,s Þ = i=1
typeðsigs!s0 ðiÞÞ
53 Ease of Function Learning Description: This metric uses user tests to calculate how
quickly a user can learn a program.
Formula: T is the mean time to learn to use a function correctly;
with 0<T meaning, the shorter the time to learn, the better
Threshold: Table 5
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Learnability
54 Entropy Measure Description: The entropy measure is defined as information
flows in a complex class, the inter-object complexity
between objects and the program complexity ((class
complexity, inter-object complexity).It is expected that the
quality, maintainability and understandability will increase
throughout lifetime
XNof a system.
Formula: HðXÞ = − i=1 i
p log2 pi
55 Error-detection Description: This metric calculates for a given set of M distinct
tests, the probability of detecting an error in an incorrect
implementation ofh a Boolean i expression.
ð2N − MÞ
Formula: PðN,MÞ = 1 − 2 2N − 1

Threshold: Table 5

36 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

TABLE D1 (Continued)

ID and Metric Name Description References

56 Event-Chain Duration (ECDuration) Description: The metric quantifies the time span between a
stimulus and response event of an Event-Chain. Thus, the
reaction time of critical processing paths in the system, e.g.,
across multiple REs of different tasks can be evaluated.
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Time Behavior
57 Execution Time (TimeEx) Description: This metric measures the execution time of a
given macro node M having N child nodes.
Formula: TimeExðMÞ = FreqðChildi Þ × TimeExðChildi Þ
58 Expression-EC Only mentioned in text without further description
59 FALSIFYALGO Algorithm Description: This metric measures weighted STL semantics that
associate a weight with each predicate to normalize the
numerical difference and improve the expressiveness.
Formula: Metric is computed using a complex algorithm that
can be obtained from.84
60 Fault Coverage Description: This metric measures the number of mutation of
an FSM implementation that is incompatible with the FSM
Formula: Metric is computed using a complex algorithm that
can be obtained from.34
61 FINDPARAM Description: This metric is an indicator for the falsification
Algorithm problem: instead of minimizing the satisfaction function in
an attempt to make it negative, we can try to maximize it in
an attempt to make it positive.
Formula: Metric is computed using a complex algorithm that
can be obtained from.84
62 FixThrMetric Description: This metric is an indicator for additional
performance with respect to the design requirements in
data-intensive applications.
Formula: FixThrMetric = throughput ≈ operation
63 Frequency Execution (Freq) Description: This metric measures the number frequency of
execution of the nodes.
Formula: FreqðN j Þ = i=1
FreqðNi Þ × Probðeij Þ
64 Function Points (FP) Description: Function points are used in software development
as a basis for cost estimation, benchmarking and generally
for the derivation of productivity and quality metrics. A
function-point rating is independent of the underlying
technology of the application.
65 Functional Safety Requirements and Safety Goals Description: This metric measures how many functional safety
requirements are derived.
66 Impacts met by the safety plan and its activities Description: This metric is an indicator if all results from the
impact analysis incorporated in the safety plan and it
67 In-Service-Performance (ISP) Description: This metric is an indicator for a current situation in
a company to predict required reactive measurements
systems to support changing metric programs.
68 Inter-Core Communication Rate (ICCrate) Description: The metric quantifies the amount of data in bits
per time unit, which is exchanged between the cores. It is an
indicator for the expected cross-core communication
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Time Behavior
69 Interface Appearance Customizability This metric is an indicator for user behavior.
Formula: X = AB

A denotes the number of interfaces and B the number of

interface elements. For 0 ≤ X ≤ 1 holds: the closer X is to 1.0,
the better the result.
Threshold: Table 5
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: User interface aesthetics

VOGEL ET AL. 37 of 39

TABLE D1 (Continued)

ID and Metric Name Description References

70 Interfacing Only mentioned in text without further description
71 Jensen's estimator of program length Description: This metric is an extension of the Halstead
estimator for real time application programs.
72 Legal costs Description: This metric is an indicator for the overhead costs
for developing an item.
73 Licensing costs Description: This metric is an indicator for the overhead costs
for developing an item.
74 Maintainability (average output interface size) Description: This metric is an indicator for the average size of
the component's output interface is a measure of the
maintainability of the system for model-based development.
Formula: Average output interface size of the component = nNo
75 Maximum Load Distance (MaxLoadDist) Description: The MaxLoadDist metric quantifies to what extent
the overall load is equally distributed to the individual cores.
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Resource Utilization
76 Maximum Normalized Response Time (mNRT) Description: The mNRT metric quantifies the relative
worst-case response time that occurred in a simulation.
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Time Behavior
77 MaxThrMetric Description: This metric is an indicator for the maximum
throughput case, where the main goal is to maximize the
speed, as typically happens in real-time systems.
Formula: MaxThrMetric = throughput MAX
≈ throughput

78 Metrics relating to defect counts Only mentioned in text without further description
79 Microstate Count(MS) Description: This metric count the number of micro-states in an
time multiplexing model.
Formula: MS = MAXop dndop op
e ClockDelayop
80 Modified Condition/ Decision Coverage (MC/DC) This metric is used to ensure adequate testing of critical
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Maturity
81 Module Use Description: This metric is part of the TOSCA environment.97 80

82 Multiple condition coverage (MCC) Description: This metric is used to ensure adequate testing of
critical software.
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Maturity
83 Number of audit findings regarding hazards Description: This metric is an indicator if the identified hazards
84 Number of audit findings regarding process Description: This metric is an indicator how well does the work
comply with the standard requirements on the process.
85 Number of Children (NOC) Description: This metric is an indicator for assessment the
degree of complexity caused by inheritance.
86 Number of documents requiring rework Description: This metric is an indicator for how much rework is
required for redefining an item.
87 Number of functional safety requirements Description: This metric count how many functional safety
requirements are derived.
88 Number of hazards per ASIL Description: This metric count how many safety goals are
identified for each ASIL.
89 Number of hazards without a safety goal Description: This metric is an indicator if all hazards
transformed to safety goals.
90 Number of safety goals not covered by requirements Description: This metric is an indicator if all safety goals
covered by the functional safety requirements.
91 Number of Statements (NS) Only mentioned in text without further description
92 Portability Dependency on basic software Description: This metric is an indicator to determine the
dependency of interfaces of the basic software on
third-party software and the effects of a change in the
underlying basic software platform.
Formula: Dependency on basic software = niBSW ni × 100

38 of 39 VOGEL ET AL.

TABLE D1 (Continued)

ID and Metric Name Description References

93 Process-Family-Points (PFP) Description: This metric is an indicator for software system
families to support a structured reuse of components and a
high degree of automation based on a common
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Reusability
94 Project Health Index (PHI) Description: This metric is an indicator for the relative
importance of the various project management factors.
Formula: Metric is computed using a experienced-based
equation that can be obtained from.90
95 Reachability Measure Description: This metric is an extension of McCabe and Halstead
by Cobbs and measures graph-oriented length- and
width-type that could defined one could formulate a meaning
of “area”, as a function of the length- and width-type
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Reusability
96 Requirement Mining Algorithm (STL, PSTL) Description: The algorithm determines requirements from
closed-loop models with the help of a requirements template
expressed in parametric signal temporal logic: a logical formula
in which concrete signal or time values are replaced with
Formula: Metric is computed using a complex algorithm that can
be obtained from.84
97 Requirements met by Scenarios Description: This metric is an indicator for how well does the
work comply with the standard requirements on the
98 Response for a Class (RFC) Description: This metric count the number of all possible
methods to be executed. It evaluates all possible direct and
indirect method calls that can be reached via associations.
Formula: RFC of a class is defined as the sum of the number of
methods in the class and the number of external methods
directly called by those methods.
Threshold: Table 5
99 Self-explanatory Error Messages Description: This metric is an indicator for observe user
Formula: X = AB

A denotes the number of error conditions and B the number of

error conditions tested. For 0 ≤ X ≤ 1 holds: the closer X is to
1.0, the better the result.
Threshold: Table 5
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: User error protection
100 Signal Temporal Logic Description: This metric is an indicator for the temporal
behaviors of reactive systems; originally input-output
systems with Boolean and discrete-time signals.
Formula: Metric is computed using a complex algorithm that
can be obtained from.84
101 Statement (SC) Only mentioned in text without further description
97 80
102 Structure of Module Description: This metric is part of the TOSCA environment.
103 System Reliability Growth Description: This metric is an indicator to assess system
reliability growth.
Formula: Metric is computed using a complex algorithm that
can be obtained from.82
104 Testability (average input Description: This metric is an indicator for how can the
interface size) testability of an individual software component be
determined at the architecture level based on the number of
Formula: Average input interface size of the component = nNi

ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Testability

VOGEL ET AL. 39 of 39

TABLE D1 (Continued)

ID and Metric Name Description References

105 Throughput Description: This metric is an indicator for design purposes by
analyze the system at the macro-node level, by considering
its through-put depending on the number of operations to
be completed and the delay under the general assumption
of resources limitation.
second ≈
Formula: throughput = operations concurrency
106 Total Area Description: This metric is an indicator for the space of a target
architecture on a silicon area.
Formula: n X 
Total Area = ACPU + AmemO:S: + Amemðdata, swÞ + AI=O + Adatapath + Amem + Acontrol
107 Traced Components per Requirement (CR) Description: This metric measures how many components are
traced to a requirement.
Formula: CR = 8Ri : j=1
IsLinked C j ,Ri

ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Maturity

108 Traced Requirements per Component (RC) Description: This metric measures how many requirements are
traced to a component.
Formula: RC = 8Ci : j=1
IsLinked Ci ,R j

ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Maturity

109 Understandable input and output Description: This metric is an indicator for the number of input
and output items understood by a user.
Formula: X = AB

A denotes the number of input and output data and B the

number of input and output available from the interface. For
0 ≤ X ≤ 1 holds: the closer X is to 1.0, the better the result.
Threshold: Table 5
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: Appropriateness Recognizability
110 Usability Compliance Description: This metric is an indicator for the specify required
compliance items based on standards, conventions, style
guides or regulations relating to usability.
Formula: X = 1−B A

A denotes the number of usability compliance items that have

not been implemented during testing and B the total
number of usability compliance items specified. For 0 ≤ X ≤ 1
holds: the closer X is to 1.0, the better the result.
Threshold: Table 5
ISO/IEC 25010 Category: User interface aesthetics
111 Weight Methods for Class (WMC) This metric corresponds to the number of all complexities of
all methods of aXclass.
Formula: WMC = c
i=1 I

Threshold: Table 5
112 Worst Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET) Description: This metric is an indicator estimation determines
the actual worst case based upon the facts derived in the
earlier phases.

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