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Life in Makkah

Sub-Topics which are to be covered for Life in Makkah

(i)Condition of Arabia(ii)Ancestor(iii)Birth and Early life(iv)Journey to Syria(v)Harb-ul-
Fijar(vi)Half-al-Fadul(vii)Youth of the Prophet (pbuh)(viii)Al-Sadiq and Al-
Amin(ix)Marriage with H. Khadija(x) Arbitration or Fixing of Black Stone(xi)Call to
Prophethood(xii)Preaching by the Prophet (pbuh)(xiii)Opposition & Persecution(xiv)Reasons
for Opposition(xv)Reaction of early Muslims towards persecution(xvi)Migration to
Abyssinia(xvii)Second migration to Abyssinia(xviii)Significance of migration to
Abyssinia(xix)Boycott of Banu Hashim(xx)Year of Sorrow & grief(xxi)Marriage with H.
Sawdah and H. Aisha(xxii) Visit to Ta’if (xxiii) Isra & Miraj (xxiii) Pledges of Aqabah (xxiv)
Migration to Madinah (xxv) Importance of Hijrah (xxvi) The Propht’s (pbuh) experiences in

Past Paper Questions of Life in Makkah:(P.I/Q.3/4/5)

(Nov.2019) (11) (Outside Pakistan)
(a) Some Muslims travelled to Abyssinia. Describe what happened to the
groups that migrated. [10]
(b) In your opinion, was this migration similar to Muslim migrations
today? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
(Nov.2019) (12)
No Question

1. (May.2019) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) Describe the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension (al-isra wal miraj). [10]
(b) Why do you think it was important for God to take the Prophet
(pbuh) on this journey? [4]

(a) Describe the main events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from his childhood
until he received revelation. [10]
(b) The Prophet (pbuh) faced challenges in his early years but maintained his good character.
How can Muslims learn from this today? [4]

2. (May.2019) (12)
(a) Give an account of the Prophet’s migration (hijra) from Makka to Madina. [10]
(b) Why was it significant that one of the Prophet’s first task was to
construct mosques at Quba and Madina? [4]

3. (Nov.2018) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) The Prophet had different experiences in the Caves of Hira and Thawr. Give an account of
his experiences in both caves. [10]
(b) How did the events in the cave of Thawr help strengthen the Prophet’s relationship with
God? [4]
4. (a) The Prophet Muhammad brought the message of Islam to Makka. Describe the ways
the main clans treated him after hearing his message. [10]
(b) Why did the Quraysh fear the Prophet and his message even though he was not violent or
aggressive towards them? [4]

Life in Makkah

(Nov.2018) (12)
No Question

5. (May.2018) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) How did Islam grow in the years between the Prophet’s first revelation
and his first public preaching in Makka? [10]
(b) How can the behaviour of the first converts to Islam provide an
example for Muslims today? [4]
6. (a) Describe in detail the roles of Halima and Abu Talib in the early years
of the Prophet’s life. [10]
(b) From these relationships, what can be learnt about keeping family ties? [4]

7. (May.2018) (12)
(a) The Prophet’s relationship with the Quraysh changed after he began to receive
revelations. Describe the differences in the way the Quraysh treated him after this event.[10]
(b) The Prophet did not change his character despite the way the Quraysh changed towards
him. What can Muslims learn from this? [4]

8. (a) ‘Uthman and Ja’far were among the companions who migrated to Abyssinia. Write an
account of this migration and the events in it. [10]
(b) How does this migration compare to recent migrations of Muslims to
other countries? [4]

9. (Nov.2017) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) The Prophet exercised a lot of self-restraint and patience when preaching Islam in Makka.
Write about at least three events from this period of time that show these virtues. [10]
(b) Giving examples, say how in your opinion Muslims can show self-restraint and patience
in their everyday lives. [4]

10. (a) Give a detailed account of the Prophet’s journey from Makka to Madina in 622. [10]
(b) How is the migration of the Prophet like the migration of some Muslims now? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]

11. (Nov.2017) (12)

(a) The Prophet went to Ta’if to teach the people there about one God. Write about his
experience of this event. [10]
(b) The Prophet showed great forgiveness despite the cruelty of the people of Ta’if. Do you
think Muslims now can follow this example? [4]
(May.2017) (11) (Outside Pakistan)
No Question
12. (May.2017) (12)
(a) The Pledges of Aqaba were made in the Prophet’s last years in Makka. Outline the
reasons for these pledges and write about the details in them. [10]
(b) In your view, why should Muslims provide a safe haven for others? Give reasons for your
answer. [4]
13. (a) The Muslims in Makka faced a lot of hostility after the Prophet began preaching
openly. Describe the persecutions against the followers of the Prophet at this time. [10]

Life in Makkah

(b) In today’s world how practical are the reactions of the Prophet’s followers to these
persecutions? [4]

14. (Nov.2016) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) Give an account of the difficulties experienced by the early Muslim community in
Makka. [10]
(b) Drawing from this account, what advice could be given to Muslims now living in fear of
persecution? [4]
15. (Nov.2016) (12)
(a) The Prophet Muhammad was taken on a night journey and ascent to the heavens
(al-‘isra wa-l-mi’raj). Write an account of this journey. [10]
(b) What was the significance of this journey to the Prophet? [4]
16. (May.2016) (11) (Outside Pakistan)
(a) The Prophet allowed some of the early Muslims to move to Abyssinia. Write about the
events of this migration. [10]
(b) Can this migration be compared to the migration of some Muslims today? Give
reasons for your answer. [4]

17. (May.2016) (12)

(a) Describe the main events in the Prophet’s life before he was granted prophethood. [10]
(b) ‘The Prophet’s family was important in preparing him for prophethood.’ Agree or
disagree, giving reasons for your answer. [4]

(Nov.2015) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

No Question
18. (Nov.2015) (12)
(a) Outline the difficulties the Prophet faced between receiving his first revelation and the
boycott of Banu Hashim. [10]
(b) Why did the people fear the message that the Prophet had brought? [4]

19. (May.2015) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) Write about the changes in the relationship between the Prophet and the Quraysh in
the years between his marriage to Khadija and the death of Abu Talib. [10]
(b) Why is it significant that the Quraysh were still willing to keep their belongings with
the Prophet after he started to preach Islam? [4]

20. (May.2015) (12)

(a) Give an account of the way in which the Prophet started to preach Islam in the first
few years after he began to receive the revelation. [10]
(b) Was it significant that the Prophet began preaching the message in secret? [4]
21. (Nov.2014) (11) (Outside Pakistan)
(a) Describe the events of the Prophet’s visit to Ta’if. [10]
(b) How can Muslims apply in practice the lessons learnt from the Prophet’s behaviour in
this situation? [4]
22. (a) Give an account of the Prophet’s life up to the time the revelations began. [10]
(b) Despite living through the days of ignorance, the Prophet remained true to his

Life in Makkah

mission. What lessons can Muslims learn from this today? [4]

23. (Nov.2014) (12)

(a) Write about the Prophet’s activities in spreading Islam outside Makka, before the
migration to Madina. [10]
(b) Choose one quality shown by the Prophet in these activities and explain how Muslims
today can learn from it. [4]
24. (a) Outline the Prophet’s experiences in the caves of Hira and Thawr. [10]
(b) In what respects were the Prophet’s experiences in the cave of Thawr important for his
prophethood? [4]
25. (May.2014) (11) (Outside Pakistan)
(a) The Prophet Muhammad is said to have been patient and trustworthy. Write about
events in his life that illustrate these qualities. [10]
(b) Choose one of these qualities and explain why it was important for the Prophet to
possess it. [4]

26. (May.2014) (12)

(a) Give an account of the hijra of the Prophet from Makka to Madina. [10]
(b) What is the significance of the Prophet establishing mosques as a first task after the
hijra? [4]
No Question.
27. (Nov.2013)(11) (Outside Pakistan)
(a) Write about the Prophet’s night journey and ascension [al-‘isra wa-mi’raj]. [10]
(b) How did this journey help the Prophet in his mission? [4]

28. (a) Give an account of the migration of the early Muslims to Abyssinia. [10]
(b) What was the significance of this migration for the early Muslim community? [4]
29. (May.2013 (41) Reset)
(a) Abu Talib died in 619. Describe the events following this that led to the Prophet’s
migration (hijra) to Madina. [10]
(b) Why was this migration important for the Muslim community? [4]

30. (a) Give an account of the persecutions faced by the early converts to Islam in Makka.
(b) How are these accounts relevant to Muslims now? [4]

31. (Nov. 2012) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) Write about the Prophet’s relationship with the following figures: Aminah, Halimah
Sa’adiah and Abu Talib. [10]
(b) What can these relationships teach Muslims today about family ties? [4]
32. (Nov. 2012) (12)
(a) Give an account of the events surrounding the Pledges of ‘Aqaba and the main details
in them. [10]

Life in Makkah

(b) How were these pledges important for the future community of Muslims? [4]

(a) Describe the persecution faced by the first Muslims in Makka. [10]
(b) What can Muslims in modern times learn from these stories? [4]

(May. 2012)
(a) Describe the main events relating to the first migration (hijrah) of Muslims to
Abyssinia. [10]
(b) What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4]

33. (Nov. 2011)

(a) Write about the Prophet Muhammad’s interaction with the Quraysh while he lived in Makka,
before and after revelation. [10]
(b) Why did the Quraysh feel they needed to reject the Prophet’s message? [4]

(May. 2011)
(a) Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension (‘Isra wa-mi’raj).
(b) Explain the importance of this event to the Prophet himself. [4]
(May. 2011)
(a) Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makka. [10]
(b) What can these stories teach Muslims in their everyday lives today? [4]

34. (Nov. 2010)

(a) Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet (pbuh) himself during
his time inMakkah after his call to prophethood. [10]
(b) How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for Muslims today?
(Nov. 2010)
(a) Outline the main events of the Prophet’s (pbuh) journey from Makkah to Madinah. [10]
(b) What was the significance of this journey for the Muslims? [4]

(May. 2010)
(a) Write about the life of the Prophet up until the first revelation. [10]
(b) Why was his relationship with his wife Khadija important for him? [4]

(May. 2010)
(a) Describe the events relating to the Prophet’s experiences in caves. [10]
(b) Explain the significance of one of these experiences for the development of Islam. [4]

35. (Nov. 2009)

(a) Trace the events that led up to the Prophet’s migration (hijra). [10]
(b) Explain the importance of the Pledges of Aqabah to the Prophet in the period leading up
to the migration. [4]
(May. 2009)
(a) Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims to Abyssinia. [10]
(b) Why did the people of Makka pursue these Muslims? [4]

Life in Makkah

36. (Specimen.P. 2009)

(a) Give an account of the Prophet's first experience of receiving revelation. [10]
(b) Explain the meaning of the title ‘Seal of the Prophets’. [4]
(May. 2008)
(a) Describe the main events of the Prophet’s migration from Makka to Madina. [10]
(b) Explain why he thought it important to make this journey. [4]
(Nov. 2007)
(a) Give a brief description of the Prophet’s experiences in caves. [10]
(b) Explain why one of these experiences was important in the history of Islam. [4]
(May. 2007)
(a) Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by:
(i) the Prophet [5]
and (ii) his followers [5]
during the years when they lived in Makka.
(b) Explain how their reaction to these difficulties can set an example for Muslims
today. [4]
(Nov. 2005)
(a) Describe the events that immediately led up to the Prophet’s migration, the hijra. [10]
(b) Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Mecca to Medina. [4]
37. (May. 2005)
(a) Write brief accounts of the following two incidents in the life of the Prophet:
(i) his attempt to preach to the people of al-Ta’if [5]
(ii) his conquest of Mecca. [5]
(b) What lessons can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s conduct in each of these
incidents? [2 x 3]

38. (Nov. 2004)

(a) Give an account of the Prophet’s first experience of receiving revelation. [10]
(b) Explain the significance of the actions of the angel and Waraqa Ibn Nawfal in this event.
[2 x 3]
(May. 2003)
(a) Write an account of the major difficulties encountered by the Prophet and his followers in
the years when they lived in Mecca. [10]
(b) Explain how their reaction to these difficulties sets an example for Muslims today. [4]
(Nov. 2002)
(a) Briefly describe the Prophet’s experiences in caves. [10]
(b) Explain why each of these experiences was important in the history of Islam. [6]
(May. 2002)
(a) Describe the events that immediately led up the Prophet Muhammad’s migration, the
hijra. [10]
(b) Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Makkah to Madinah. [4]
39. (Nov. 2001)
(a) Say briefly why the people of Madinah invited the Prophet (pbuh) to their town. [4]
(b) Say briefly why the Prophet (pbuh) accepted their invitation. [4]
(c) Describe the main events of the Prophet’s departure from Makkah and journey to
Madinah. [6]

Life in Makkah

Condition of Arabia:-

1. Religious Conditions:
 The Arabs were idol worshippers. Al-Habal was the chief of the idols. Al-Lat, Al-
Uzzah and Al-Manat were female idols and were considered as the “Daughters of
Allah.” There were 360 idols in Ka’abah.
 Arabs were also nature worshippers. They worshipped the sun, the moon, and the
 Some other religions were also being practiced at that time. E.g. Christianity, Judaism
and Zoroastrianism (Fire worshipping).
 Jews and Christians had modified their books.

2. Social Conditions:-
 Arabs were involved in gambling, drinking, stealing and adultery.
 Slaves were treated badly.
 Women were considered as an article of trade. Step-mother could be made legal
 The birth of a daughter was regarded as a matter of shame and she used to be buried

3. Cultural Conditions:-
 Arabs were proud of their language and their poetry; even they regarded all other
people as dumb and mute.
 They had excellent memories.
 They were very brave and fond of war.
 They were hospitable.

4. Political Conditions:-
 Arabs had no organized government and there was no law in the land.
 The affairs of each tribe were governed by its own chief.
 There were rivalries among them and they would fight for generations on the slightest
 Battle of Basus (initiated over a camel) continued for ten years and 70 thousand
people were killed.
 Battle of Dahis (initiated over horse racing) continued for 40 years and thousands of
people were killed.

Life in Makkah

This period is known as the age of Ignorance in Arab history.

Q.1 Describe the condition of Arabia or the period of ignorance at the time of the
birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). [10]

Ans: The pre-Islamic period of history of Arabia is known as the Jahiliya or the period of
ignorance. At the time of the Prophet’s birth, the world had completely forgotten the
message of the Creator and was lost in the wilderness of polytheism. The Arabs were mostly
idol worshippers, with the exception of the Jews and the Christian. Every tribe had its own
deity; there were about 360 idols in Ka’abah at the time of the conquest of Makkah. People
from different parts of Arabia used to come to pay their homage here. Al Hubal was the
chief of these idols. Al-Lat, Al-Uzzah and Al-Manat were female idols and were referred
to as the ‘Daughters of Allah’. Animals were sacrificed in the honour of these idols.

Beside these idols the Arabs were nature worshippers. They worshipped the sun, the
moon and the stars. They regarded trees, stones, caves and other objects of nature as
holy. They believed in ghosts and jinns. They were steeped in superstition and resorted to the
process of divination through arrows.

Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism (fire worshipping) were also practiced. The
Jews and the Christians had distorted their religions. The Christians believed that Hz. Isa
(A.S) was the son of God. The Jews believed that Hz. Uzair (A.S) was the son of God.
They had distorted and modified their books. Some people were devoted to fire-worship.
They built altars and shrines to fire.

There was no moral code. Arabs were involved in gambling, drinking, stealing, usury
(interest) and other unfair trade practices were common. They indulged in fornication and
adultery. The society was morally corrupt. Slavery was common and the master enjoyed
the right of life and death over his slaves. Widows and orphans were quite helpless.
Raiding the trading caravans as well as highway robbery was common. Women were
looked upon as property without having any right to inheritance. They were treated as
articles of trade. They could be bought or sold at will. A man could marry and keep as
many women as he could afford. When a man died, his son inherited his wives. Step
mother could be made legal wives. Daughters used to be buried alive and children were
murdered because their parents feared the poverty.

Arabs had excellent memories and were proud of their language, poetry and eloquence
and regarded all other people as dumb and mute. They had the qualities of heroism, love
for liberty, hospitality and eloquence.

There was no settled government and no law in the land. The affairs of each tribe were
governed by its own chief. There were rivalries among them and people would fight for
generations on the slightest excuse. One such dispute Harb-Al-Basus that was initiated
over a camel continued for ten years and 70 thousand people were killed. One another
battle named ‘Dahis’ that was initiated over horse racing lasted for 40 years and thousands
of people were killed.

Life in Makkah

 The Holy Prophet PBUH was a direct descendant of Hz. Ismail.
 Hz. Ismail had twelve sons, one of them had settled permanently in Hijaz-Arabia.
 One of his descendants, Fihr, known by his title of Quraish. His descendant, Qussai, had
the custody of the key of Ka’abah. He was responsible for entertaining pilgrims.
 Hashim was the richest and the most important of Qussai’s descendants, from whom the
Prophet pbuh belonged.
 Hashim and his brothers organized trade caravans, and established trade links with foreign
 With the passage of time the Prophet’s grandfather, Abdul Muttalib became very
prominent among the Quraish.

His Grandfather, Abdul Muttalib:-

 Three incidents of his life are very important. (i) The restoration of the fountain of
Zamzam (ii) the dialogue with Abraha(the Christian Viceroy of Yemen) and (iii) the
upbringing of his orphan grandson Muhammad, the last Prophet of Allah.

Birth and Early Life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH):-

Life of the Holy Prophet PBUH can be divided into three stages.
(i) Life in Makkah from birth till prophethood (570 AD to 610 AD)
(ii) Life in Makkah from prophethood till migration (610 AD to 622 AD)
(iii) Life in Madinah from migration till death. (622 AD to 632 AD)

 The Holy Prophet PBUH was born on 22nd April, 570 AD in Makkah.
 This is the same year that Abraha attacked Makkah and which is also known as the year
of the elephant.
 His father, Abdullah had died two months before his birth. So he was born as an orphan.
 His mother (Hz. Aminah) named him ‘Ahmed’ and his grandfather (Abdul Muttalib)
named him ‘Muhammad’.
 He was brought up by his mother and initially nursed by ‘Thubiyah’, the slave girl of his
uncle Abu Lahab.

Miracles at the time of the birth of the Holy Prophet PBUH: -

 At the time of his birth three great miracles took place. (i) Fourteen minarets of the royal
palace of Chrosroes of Iran cracked and fell down.
 (ii) The Persians’ sacred fire went out.
 (iii) River ‘Sawah’ ran dry.

His Foster Mother, Hazrat Halima Saadia: -

Life in Makkah

 According to the custom of Arabia he was given in charge of Hz. Halima Saadia who
belonged to the tribe of Banu Saad (Hawazin tribe).
 Arab used to give their children to the Bedouin women for their good health and pure
 Later the Prophet pbuh used to say: “I am the most eloquent of you all as I belong to the
Quraish and my accent is that of Banu Sa’d.”
 The donkey that she rode when she came to Makkah was lean; it recovered speed much
to the amazement that she was ahead of other women.
 By the time she reached her home she found the scales of fortune turned in her favour.
 Her barren land sprouted forth luxuriant grass and her beasts came back to her
satisfied and full of milk.
 Her she-camel did not use to give enough milk but now she found plenty of milk in it.
 At the age of 2according to the custom, she brought him back to his mother but she and
her husband requested Hz. Aminah to allow him to stay with them another two years
which she accepted.
 When he was four years old, Hazrat Jibriel came to him, cut his chest, took out his
heart, extracted a blood-clot (part of Satan) out of it and washed it.
 After this incident she was scared then she returned him back to his mother.
 The Prophet pbuh loved her very much and he used to call Hz. Halima “My mother”.
 Hz. Halima used to visit him in Makkah after his marriage to Hz. Khadijah. Once at the
time of drought in Makkah she visited Hz. Khadijah who gave her a camel and a flock
of forty sheep.
 The Prophet pbuh welcomed her and spread out his cloak for her to sit upon as a token
of special respect.

Death of Hazrat Amina: -

 At the age of 6 Hz. Aminah took him to Yathrib to visit the grave of his father, Abdullah
and to meet her relatives.
 She spent a month there. On her return journey from Yathrib she had a severe illness and
died and was buried at Abwa.
 Muhammad pbuh was brought back to Makkah by Umm-e-Aiman.
 When the Prophet’s mother died he was 6 years old.
 After prophethood he wept at her grave.

His Upbringing by his Grandfather, Abdul Muttalib: -

 Abdul Muttalib then took over the charge of his grandson.
 He showered on him all his love and affection.
 Unfortunately, Abdul Muttalib also died when he was only 8 years old.

His Uncle, Abu Talib: -

Life in Makkah

 Then his uncle, Abu Talib took over the responsibility of bringing him up.
 He loved his nephew more than his own sons.
 Muhammad (pbuh) was nurtured by Allah himself from his birth. The Quran says:“Did
He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?”(Surah Duha 93:6)

Journey to Syria: -
 At the age of 12, he accompanied Abu Talib on a trade journey to Syria.
 There they met a Christian monk, Bahira, (Jurjais) who recognized in Hz. Muhammad
(PBUH) the signs of the Prophet. (i) Clouds were putting shade on him. (ii) Trees and
stones were prostrating him. And (iii) There was stamp of prophethood on his back.

 When the Prophet (PBUH) was 15 years old a sacrilegious war or Harb-ul-Fijar broke out
between the Quraish and Hawazin tribes.
 The war was so called because it was fought during the sacred months when fighting
was forbidden.
 He participated in this battle with his uncles but he did not take an active part and only
collected the arrows thrown by the enemy.
 His indirect participation in the war gave him a military experience.

 As a result of Fijar war thousands of lives were lost. So the leaders of Makkah formed a
league called Half-ul-Fazul with the object of maintaining peace in the region.
 This alliance was called al-Fazul because three of the main participants each of them
was called al-Fazl. May be it was so called because it was made for a noble cause.
 The Hashimites under the leadership of Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib along with some other
tribes assembled in the house of Abdullah bin Judan.
 Muhammad (PBUH) was present on the occasion of the oath and was greatly happy with its
aim. He said in later years: “If I would have been offered red camels not to support that
league I would have rejected it.”

Youth (Al-Sadiq&Al-Amin): -
 The Prophet (PBUH) was dissatisfied with the things around him. He led a righteous life.
 He never involved in gambling, drinking and other vices.
 He was given the titles of ‘Al-Sadiq’ and ‘Al-Amin’ because of his truthfulness and
 On the occasion of the annual pilgrimage (festival) he used to supply water to the pilgrims
(idol worshippers) and looked after their comforts.
 He started to trade, and he was extremely honest and fair in his dealings.
 He worked as a shepherd and took care of the family’s and neighbours’ herds, which
afforded him opportunity for thought and meditation.
 He said about that “Allah sent no messenger who was not a shepherd, Musa was
shepherd, Dawud was also a shepherd.”

Life in Makkah

Marriage with Hazrat Khadijah:-

 At that time Khadija bint Khuwalid, a wealthy merchant widow, was very impressed by the
honesty and goodness of Hz. Muhammad (PBUH).
 She requested Muhammad (PBUH) to take her merchandise to Syria and she sent her slave
Maisara with him.
 He returned from Syria with good profits. Maisara also spoke of his fair dealings to Hz.
 She was so pleased that she made an offer of marriage to him through her friend, Nafisa.
 Abu Talib accepted the proposal on behalf of the Prophet (PBUH) and he married Hz.
Khadija at the age of 25 while she was 40.
 Their marriage proved successful and through it they were blessed with 4 daughters
namely Zainab, Ruqayyah, Umm-e-Kulsum and Fatima as well as 2 sons (Qasim&
Abdullah) who both died in infancy.
 The marriage freed him from financial worries and now he could devote time to a life of
meditation and retirement.

Arbitration or Fixing of Black Stone :-

 The Ka’abah is situated at the lowest part in the valley of Faran and was always flooded by
rain water.
 Quraish decided to repair Ka’abah that had been damaged due to floods but were scared of
the snake and it was taken away by a bird with the leave of Allah.
 When the time came to place the Black Stone, a dispute arose among the chiefs of Makkah.
Everyone wanted the honour of placing it in its proper place.
 Then a proposal came from a wise, old man (Abu Umayyah bin Mughirah) who said that
the first person to enter the Ka’abah the following morning, should decide the issue. It was
accepted by all.
 Next morning, the first person to enter the Ka’abah was Hz. Muhammad (PBUH) who at
that time was 35 years old.
 He placed the Black Stone in a sheet and asked the leaders of all the tribes to lift it to the
level where it was to be placed.
 Thus, and explosive situation was resolved peacefully by the wisdom and foresight of
Hz. Muhammad (PBUH).
(May. 2010)
Q.2 (a)Write about the life of the Prophet PBUH up until the first revelation. [10]
(b) Why was his relationship with his wife Hazrat Khadija important for him?[4]

(Nov.2014) (11) (Outside Pakistan)

(a) Give an account of the Prophet’s life up to the time the revelations began. [10]
(b) Despite living through the days of ignorance, the Prophet remained true to his
mission. What lessons can Muslims learn from this today? [4]

Ans: (a) Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was born in 570 AD in Makkah. His mother was
Amina Bint Wahab and father was Abdullah Bin Abdul Muttalib .His father had died
before his birth. He was initially nursed by Thubia, and then according to the custom of
Arabia, he was given in charge of Hazrat Halima Saadia. When he was four years old, one
day he was grazing cattle with the children, Hazrat Jibriel came to him, took out his heart
Life in Makkah

and washed it. His mother died when he was six years old. Abdul Muttalib then took
over the charge of his grandson. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib also died when he was
eight years old. Then his uncle Abu Talib, who was a leader of the Quraish, became his
guardian. Abu Talib loved him very much. Muhammad (pbuh) was nurtured by Allah
himself from his birth. The Quran says:“Did He not find you orphan and give you
shelter?”(Surah Duha 93:6). At the age of twelve, he accompanied Abu Talib on a trade
journey to Syria. In Basra they met a Christian monk, Bahira, who recognized in
Muhammad (pbuh) the sings of the prophet, He advised Abu Talib not to take his nephew
into Syria where Jews may harm him.
When Muhammad (pbuh) was 15 years old, a sacrilegious war Harb-ul-Fijar broke out
between the Quraish and Hawazin tribes in which he participated but did not take an
active part and only collected the arrows thrown by the enemy. Then a league was formed
called Half-ul-Fazul with the object of maintaining peace in the region. He supported this

Muhammad (pbuh) led a righteous life. He never involved in gambling, drinking and other
vices. He was very particular in helping the poor, the widows and the orphans. He worked
as a shepherd. He started to trade, and he was extremely honest and fair in his dealings. He
was given two titles of ‘Al-Sadiq’ and ‘Al-Amin’ because of his truthfulness and

Hazrat Khadija was very impressed by his honesty .So she requested him to take her
merchandise to Syria. He returned with good profits. Maisara also spoke of his fair
dealings to H. Khadija. She was so pleased that she herself made an offer of marriage to him.
Abu Talib accepted the proposal on behalf of Muhammad (pbuh). Then he married H.
Khadija. At that time he was 25 and she was 40 years old.

When Muhammad (pbuh) was 35 years old, Ka’abah was rebuilt. When the time came to
fix the Black Stone in its proper place, a dispute arose among the chiefs of Makkah. There
was fear of bloodshed. After the suggestion of Abu Umayyah bin Mughirah, he was the
first person to enter the Ka’abah. Therefore, people agreed to accept his decision. He asked
the leaders of the Quraish to hold the four corners of a sheet of cloth which he spread on the
ground. Thus, an explosive situation was resolved peacefully by his wisdom and
foresight. A few years before prophet hood, he became more and more fond of solitude.
He started retiring for days into the cave of Hira. These spells of loneliness and meditation
became more frequent as he approached the age of forty.

Ans: (b) The Holy Prophet’s relationship with his wife Hazrat Khadija was very
important for him because she was a great supporter for him. When he proclaimed
prophethood, there was no one to respond to his call. In that condition she showed her
support by being the first to accept Islam. She was the one who consoled him, after he had
returned home shaken from the experience of the first revelation. Her maturity allowed her to
console and believes in the Prophet (pbuh). She placed all her wealth at his disposal and
freed him from his financial worries. The Quran says: “And He found you in need, and
made more you independent.” (Surah Duha 93:8)Her support allowed him to spend
more time in isolation to meditate and work for his mission. And his isolation prepared

Life in Makkah

him for receiving revelation. She always stood by his side through all difficult times (in
Sh’ib Abi Talib at the time of boycott of Banu Hashim) which helped to strengthen his stand
against opposition. She was the first person to enter the fold of Islam. This helped to
strengthen Islam in its early years.

Q.3 (a) Write about the Prophet Muhammad’s interaction with the Quraish before
revelation and the people of Yathrib after revelation, while he lived in Makkah. (10)

Ans:- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born in Makkah and belonged to the noble family
of Quraish. At the age of 8 when his grandfather Abdul Muttalib died, he was then entrusted
to the care of his uncle Abu Talib.

Muhammad (pbuh) was about 15 years old when a sacrilegious war or Harb-ul-Fijar broke
out at the fair of Akaz between the Quraish and Hawazin tribes in which he accompanied
his uncles and helped the Quraish only by collecting the arrows thrown by the enemy and
handing them over to his uncles. This was the first interaction of the Prophet (pbuh) with
the Quraish before revelation in Makkah.

As a result of Harb-ul-Fijar thousands of lives were lost. Therefore, the leaders of Makkah
under the leadership of Zubair bin Abdul Muttalib assembled in the house of Abdullah
bin Judan and formed a league called Hilf-al-Fadul with the object of maintaining peace
in the region and for suppressing any violence and injustice. Muhammad (pbuh) was among
those who attended the meeting and was so impressed by its noble objectives that he
remained loyal to it.

In his early life, the Prophet (pbuh) worked as a shepherd and took care of the family’s and
neighbour’s herds. When he grew up, he started to trade. Unlike other businessmen of the
time, he was extremely honest and fair in his dealings. His honesty and truthfulness
impressed the Quraish to such an extent that they gave him the titles of Al-Sadiq (The
Truthful) and Al-Amin (The Trustworthy).They would also entrust their valuables to
him for safekeeping. Even after the declaration of prophethood, they had so much faith in
his honesty and trustworthiness that they continued to leave their valuables with him for safe
custody. On the other hand Quraish used to consult him in all important matters which
also show their trust in him.

Quraish decided to repair Ka’abah that had been damaged due to floods. When the question
of placing the Black Stone arose, a dispute arose among the chiefs of Makkah. In the end it
was decided that the arbitration of the first person, who entered the mosque, would be
accepted. Next morning, the first person to enter the Ka’abah was Muhammad (pbuh) who at
that time was 35 years old. Quraish agreed to accept his decision. He placed the Black
Stone in a sheet and asked the leaders of all the tribes to lift it to the level where it was to be
placed. Then he himself laid it in its place. Thus, an explosive situation was resolved

Life in Makkah

peacefully by his wisdom and foresight. These were the interaction of Muhammad
(pbuh) with the Quraish before revelation in Makkah.

In 11th year of prophethood, during the season of Hajj, the Prophet (pbuh) invited a group
of 6people who had come from Yathrib (Madinah). They embraced Islam. The people of
Yathrib had heard the Jews saying, according to their scripture, that this was the time when a
prophet was to appear in Arabia. These people on their return to Madinah spread the news of
the advent of the prophet and invited their fellow tribes to the new faith.

Next year, in 12th year of prophethood, 12 people from Yathrib met the Prophet (pbuh) at
Aqabah, accepted the faith and took an oath at his hand that they would not worship
anyone but Allah, would neither steal, nor commit adultery or kill their children and would
abstain from falsehood and obey the Prophet in every way. This is called the first pledge of
Aqabah. He sent Mus’ab bin Omair to preach Islam in Madinah.

In 13th year of prophethood, 73 men and 2 women came from Yathrib to take the same
pledge. This is called the second pledge of Aqabah. They also invited the Prophet (pbuh) to
Yathrib as the leader of the community and pledged full support for him and his
followers. These were the interaction of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with the people
of Yathrib after revelation in Makkah.

Call to Prophethood :-
 A few years before the prophethood, Muhammad (pbuh) became more and more fond of
solitude as he did not like the corrupt society of Makkah.
 He used to spend much of his time in the cave of Hira on the Mount of Light (Jabl-e-Noor)
three miles away from Makkah. There he pondered and meditated over the condition of his
 At the age of 40, when he was in the cave of Hira during the month of Ramazan, angel Jibrael
came before him and asked him to read.
 About revelation of Quran in Ramazan Allah says: “We have indeed sent down this message
in the night of Power.” (Al-Qadr 97: 1)
 When angel Jibrael hugged him and squeezed him third time, so he asked ‘what shall I read?’
 The angel then recited first five verses of Surah Alaq: “Read in the name of your Lord,
Who created. Created man out of a clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord is
Most Bountiful. He who taught (the use of) the pen. Taught man what he did not know.”
 Muhammad (PBUH) was greatly shaken by this experience and he ran out of the cave.
 On the way, he saw the same angel sitting on a chair, filling the whole horizon and saying: “O
Muhammad, you are the messenger of Allah and I am angel Jibrael.”
 He rushed to his home a bit shaken and asked Hz. Khadija to cover him.
 When he recovered, he narrated this incident to her and said that he would die if it will happen
with him again.
 She consoled him and said:“Allah will not forsake and let you down because you have
never done anything wrong to any one and you always help the poor and you are kind to
your relatives.”
 Then she took him to her cousin, Warqa bin Nawfal who was a Christian scholar and had
become blind due to old age.
Life in Makkah

 He said that the angel was Jibrael who brought revelations to previous messengers of God. He
also predicted that Muhammad (PBUH) would be later driven out of the city by the Makkans.
Q. 4 Write brief description of the following events in Prophet’s life:
(a) His call to be a Prophet. [5]
Q. 4 Briefly describes the Prophet’s experience in caves. [10]

Q. 4 Give a brief description of Muhammad’s call to be Prophet. [8]
Q. 4 (a) Give an account of the Prophet’s first experience of receiving revelation. [10]
(b) Explain the significance of the actions of the angel and Warqa Ibn Nawfal in this
event. [2x3]

Ans: A few years before the prophethood, Muhammad (pbuh) became more and
more fond of solitude as he did not like the corrupt society of Makkah. He used to spend
much of his time in the cave of Hira on the Mount of Light (Jabl-e-Noor) three miles away
from Makkah. There he pondered and meditated over the condition of his people.

When he approached the age of forty, one day towards the end of Ramazan, he was at the
mount of Hira, when angel Jibrael appeared before him and asked him to read. About
revelation of Quran in Ramazan Allah says: “We have indeed sent down this message in
the night of Power.”(Al-Qadr 97: 1) He answered: “I cannot read” Then angel Jibrael
hugged him and squeezed him so hard that he thought that he would die of suffocation.
When angel did it third time, so he asked “what shall I read?” The angel then recited first
five verses of Surah Alaq:
“Read in the name of your Lord and Cherisher, who created. Created man out of a clot
of congealed blood. Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful, He who taught (the use
of) the pen. Taught man which he did not know.” (96:1-5)

This was the first revelation and the beginning of prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).
He was greatly shaken by this experience and he ran out of the cave. Suddenly, he heard a
voice and raising his head in the sky, he saw the same angel sitting on a chair, filling the
whole horizon and saying: “O Muhammad (pbuh), you are the messenger of Allah and I
am angel Jibrael.”

After that experience, he rushed to his home a bit shaken and asked Hz. Khadija to cover him.
When he recovered, he narrated this incident to her and said that he would die if it will
happen with him again. She consoled him and said: “Allah will not forsake and let you
down because you have never done anything wrong to any one and you always help the
poor and you are kind to your relatives.”Then she took him to her cousin Warqa Bin
Nawfal who was a Christian scholar and had become blind due to old age. He said that it
was angle Jibrael who brought revelations to previous messenger of God. He also predicted
that his enemies would turn that new prophet out of his city.

Life in Makkah

Ans: (b) Significance of Angel Jibrael in this incident is that he was the first to alert the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) to his new mission as the Prophet of Allah, then he was performing
his duty given to him by Allah as the conveyer of Allah’s message to his Prophets and this
time it was the Holy Prophet. His appearance further was a sign that all this was truly
happening through divine command because of Allah’s will, and there was no doubt in
this message.

Significance of warqa Bin Nawfal: Warqa Bin Nawfal was the first person to explain the
Holy Prophet (pbuh) the importance of the experience he had in the cave of Hira. As he
had the knowledge of the previous books, he helped him realize that it was the same angel
who had brought the message of Allah to the previous prophets. Now this helped the Holy
Prophet (pbuh) to understand his further mission and his responsibilities as a messenger of

Preaching by the Holy Prophet (PBUH) :-

 The revelation stopped for some time. One day, the Prophet PBUH saw angel Jibrael again.
He rushed home and asked Hz. Khadija to cover him up, after which he received the second
revelation of Surah Mudassir : “O you wrapped up (in a mantle)! Arise and deliver thy
warning! And thy Lord do thou magnify.” (74: 1-3)
 After this Surah Duha was revealed to cosole the Prophet PBUH.
 He started preaching secretly to his family and friends. The first people to accept Islam were
his wife Hz. Khadija, his cousin Ali bin Abu Talib, his friend Abu Bakr and his slave Zaid bin
 Within a period of 3 years, about 40 people accepted Islam. Among them were Uthman,
Talh, Zubair, Abul Rehman bin Auf, Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA) etc.
 Then another revelation came, “And warn your nearest relatives.” (Ash-Shuara 26:214) He
invited his relatives twice to his house and after the dinner he asked them, “who amongst you
will help me and be my advisor and my deputy?” No one responded to the message except
Abu Talib and Ali who said: “I am the youngest of you, my feet may not be strong but O
Muhammad! I shall be your helper, whoever opposes you I shall fight him as mortal
enemy.” All the people laughed and went away.
 Soon another revelation came in which he was ordered to make his message public,
“Therefore, declare openly to them, what you are commanded and turn away from the
pagans.” (Al-Hijr 15:94). Then he assembled the people of Makkah at Safa hill and asked
them that if he told them that an army was at the back of the hill would they believe him…
they became angry. The Prophet’s uncle Abu Lahab ill-prayed for him and said, “May you
perish forever. Did you call us for this?”
 Allah showed His anger and comforted His Prophet PBUH through Surah Lahab.
 He now started to address the people in public and private gatherings.

Opposition and Persecution by the Quraish to the Prophet (PBUH)

Mental Torture: -
 Quraish launched a campaign against the Prophet (pbuh) calling him a mad man, a fortune
teller, a poet and a magician.

Life in Makkah

 They abused him and insulted him.

 When he recited the Holy Quran before the Quraish they kept their fingers into their ears and
made lot of noises.
 Abu Lahab forced his two sons to divorce their wives, Ruqayya and Umm-e-Kulsum, the
Prophet’s (pbuh) daughters.
 When his two sons (Qasim and Abullah) died in infancy, they started taunting him by
calling ‘Abtar’ (a man cut off with no male offspring).

Physical Torture: -
 Rubbish and thorny bushes were thrown on the Prophet (pbuh) and abuses were hurled at him.
Abu Lahab’s wife (Umm-e-Jamil) used to put thorns on his path to cause physical injury.
 An old lady used to throw garbage on the Holy Prophet PBUH.
 Once, when he was praying in the Ka’abah, Uqba bin Muit rolled his sheet round his neck
and tried to drag him.
 Another time when he was prostrating during prayers, Uqba bin Muit threw the entrails of
camel on his back.

Quraish’s Proposal: -
 Quraish went to Abu Talib and asked him to withdraw his protection and stop his nephew
from preaching or be prepared for violence against Muhammad (pbuh).
 When Abu Talib appealed he remained firm and replied, “O my uncle! Even if they place
the sun on my right hand and the moon on my left to force me to renounce my mission, I
would not stop until God fulfills my mission or destroys me in the process.”
 Then Abu Talib told his nephew to continue with his mission and pledged to support him and
asked Banu Hashim to protect Muhammad (pbuh) against the Quraish.
 Quraish sent Utbah bin Rabi’ah with offers of great wealth or marriage to a beautiful
woman of his choice or kingship of Makkah, but he rejected these offers.
 The leaders of Quraish came up with another proposal; that he should worship their gods and
they in return would worship his God. Allah reveled to them that there could be no
compromise on this and declared, “You have your religion and I have my religion.” (Al-
Kafirun 109:6)

More Physical Torture: -

 He suffered the difficulties of hunger and thirst at the time of boycott which continued for
three years.
 Stones were thrown at him in Tai’f. Therefore, he was so badly wounded that his shoes were
filled with blood.
 In 13th year of prophethood Quraish even planned to kill him.

Opposition and Persecution by the Quraish to the Prophet’s Followers

(Poor Muslims)

Hazrat Harith bin Abi Hala(RA): -

Life in Makkah

 He was the first martyr of Islam. Once he was attacked by the Quraish while defending the
Holy Prophet PBUH and was martyred in front of Ka’abah.

Hazrat Bilal (RA):-

 He was tortured and beaten with sticks by his master, Umayyah bin Khalf. He would
make him lie on the scorching sand of the desert with a huge stone on his chest. He would
then ask him to leave Islam. But he would say: ‘Ahad, Ahad’-‘Allah is one, Allah is one’.
When he remained firm his master tied a rope around his neck and handed him over to a
crowd of teenagers who used to drag him through the streets.
Hazrat Summayya (RA): -
 She was the wife of Hz. Yasir and was the first martyr of Islam. She was tortured to death
by Abu Jahl.
Hazrat Yasir (RA): -
 He was also tortured to death by the Quraish.
Hazrat Ammar (RA): -
 He was the son of Hz. Yasir (RA) and Hz. Sumayyah (RA). He was also tortured by the
Hazrat Suhaib Rumi (RA): -
 He was tortured to the extent that he lost control over what he said, and repeated anything
that his tormenter asked him.
Hazrat Zunairah (RA): -
 She was a Roman slave of Umar bin Khattab who tortured her before Islam and she was also
tortured by Abu Jahl till she turned blind.
Hazrat Khabab bin Arrat (RA): -
 He was a blacksmith who was branded on the back with his own tools. They would throw
him on burning coal and tie a heavy rock on him so that he would not move.
Hazrat Abu Zarr Ghaffari (RA): -
 After accepting Islam he went to Ka’abah and recited the Kalimah loudly. A mob of Quraish
attacked him and beat him in such a way that he was covered with blood.
Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha (RA): -
 Stones were thrown at him with the Prophet PBUH by the teenagers of Taif and his head was
badly injured while defending last messenger of Allah.

(Rich/Respectable Muslims)

Hazrat Uthman (RA): -

He used to be beaten by his uncle, named Hakam. Once his uncle wrapped him up tightly
in a mat and burned incense from below.

Hazrat Zubair bin Awwam (RA): -

Hz. Zubair’s uncle, named Nawfil would wrap him in a mattress and light a fire around him.

Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) and Hz. Talha (RA): -

They were also persecuted. Once they were tied up by the same rope, when they were
praying, but fortunately the rope was untied.
Life in Makkah

Q: 5(Nov. 2010)
(a) Describe the main difficulties encountered by the Prophet (pbuh) himself during
his time inMakkah after his call to prophethood. [10]
(b) How does his conduct in one of these difficulties provide an example for Muslims today?

Ans: (a) After three years of secret preaching Prophet PBUH received the following
revelation, “Therefore, declare openly to them, what you are commanded and turn away
from the pagans.” (Al-Hijr 15:94). Thereafter, he assembled the people of Makkah at Safa
hill and asked them that if he told them that an army was at the back of the hill would they
believe him… they became angry. The Prophet’s uncle Abu Lahab ill-prayed for him and
said, “May you perish forever. Did you call us for this?” Allah showed His anger and
comforted His Prophet PBUH through Surah Lahab. He now started to address the people in
public and private gatherings.

When the Prophet PBUH started preaching Islam the Quraish became his enemies,
started persecuting the Muslims and opposing the Prophet PBUH. They launched a
campaign against him calling him a mad man, a fortune teller, a poet and a magician.
They abused him and insulted him. When he recited the Holy Quran before the Quraish they
kept their fingers into their ears and made lot of noises. Abu Lahab forced his two sons to
divorce their wives, Ruqayya and Umm-e-Kulsum, the Prophet’s PBUH daughters. When
his two sons (Qasim and Abullah) died in infancy, they started taunting him by calling
‘Abtar’ (a man cut off with no male offspring). It was a mental torture.

Rubbish and thorny bushes were also thrown on the Prophet PBUH and abuses were hurled at
him. Abu Lahab’s wife (Umm-e-Jamil) used to put thorns on his path to cause physical
injury. An old lady used to throw garbage on him. Once, when he was praying in Ka’abah,
Uqba bin Muit rolled his sheet round his neck and tried to drag him. Another time when
he was prostrating during prayers, Uqba bin Muit threw the entrails of camel on his back.
Quraish went to Abu Talib and asked him to withdraw his protection and stop his nephew
from preaching or be prepared for violence against Muhammad PBUH. When Abu Talib
appealed he remained firm and replied, “O my uncle! Even if they place the sun on my
right hand and the moon on my left to force me to renounce my mission, I would not
stop until God fulfills my mission or destroys me in the process.”Then Abu Talib told his
nephew to continue with his mission and pledged to support him and asked Banu Hashim to
protect his nephew against the Quraish.

Life in Makkah

Quraish sent Utbah bin Rabi’ah with offers of great wealth or marriage to a beautiful
woman of his choice or kingship of Makkah, but he rejected these offers. The leaders of
Quraish came up with another proposal; that he should worship their gods and they in return
would worship his God. Allah reveled to them that there could be no compromise on this and
declared, “You have your religion and I have my religion.” (Al-Kafirun 109:6)

In the 7th year of prophethood, all the tribes of Quraish made a joint agreement that enforced
a total social and economic boycott of the Banu Hashim in which he suffered the
difficulties of hunger and thirst for three years. In the 10th year of prophethood,his uncle
and wife died leaving him defenseless in Makkah. In the same year, he went to Ta’if
where he was tortured mercilessly and he was so badly wounded that his shoes were filled
with blood.

When the Quraish redoubled their persecution, he advised his followers to migrate to Madinah
secretly. Quraish held a meeting in Dar-un-Nadwa and planned to kill him. These were
the difficulties encountered by the Prophet PBUH when he lived in Makkah.

(May. 2011)
Q.6 (a) Describe the difficulties faced by the followers of the Prophet in Makka. [10]

When the Holy Prophet PBUH started preaching Islam the Quraish became his enemies, they
started persecuting the Muslims and opposing the Prophet PBUH. The poor and the weak
converts to Islam, like Hazrat Bilal, Yasir and his wife Sumayyah, Ammar, Suhaib
Rumi, Zunairah, Khabab Ibn Arat and others like them suffered severe torture at the
Hands of the chiefs of Makkah. They were thrown into prison and then beaten with sticks.
Hazrat Bilal was tortured by his master, Umayyah bin Khalf. He would make him lie on
the scorching sand of the desert with a huge stone on his chest. He would then ask him to
leave Islam. But he would say: ‘Ahad, Ahad’-‘Allah is one, Allah is one’.

Hazrat Harith bin Abi Hala was the first martyr of Islam. Once he was attacked by the
Quraish while defending the Holy Prophet PBUH and was martyred in front of Ka’abah. Hz.
Summayya, the wife of Hz. Yasir, was the first martyr of Islam. She was tortured to
death by Abu Jahl. Hz. Suhaib Rumi was tortured to the extent that he lost control over
what he said, and repeated anything that his tormenter asked him. Hz. Zunairah was a
Roman slave of Umar bin Khattab who tortured her before Islam and she was also tortured
by Abu Jahl till she turned blind. Hz. Khabab bin Arrat was a blacksmith who was
branded on the back with his own tools. They would throw him on burning coal and tie a
heavy rock on him so that he would not move.
Even rich people like Hz. Talha, Hz. Abu Bakr Hz. Zubair and Hz. Uthman etc were not
spared. Each family was held responsible for punishing its members who turned Muslim,
thus Hz. Uthman used to be beaten by his uncle, named Hakam. Once his uncle wrapped
him up tightly in a mat and burned incense from below. Hz. Zubair’s uncle, named Nawfil
would wrap him in a mattress and light a fire around him. Hz.Abu Bakr and Hz. Talha
were also persecuted. Once they were tied up by the same rope, when they were
praying, but fortunately the rope was untied.

Life in Makkah

When the persecution increased and it became unbearable for the followers of the Prophet
PBUH to stay in Makkah, the Prophet PBUH therefore, gave permission to a group of
Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia. In the 5th year of prophethood (615 AD), a group of 12
men and 4 women secretly left for Abyssinia. These include Hazrat Usman and his wife
Hazrat Raqyyah. Then followed another group of 83 men and 19 women including
Hazrat Jafar. In the 7th year of prophethood, when the people of Banu Hashim were
boycotted by the Quraish and were shifted in Shib-e- Abi Talib, the followers of the
Prophet PBUH faced extreme difficulty. Their condition became so bad that they had to eat
boiled leather and leaves of trees. It continued for 3 years. In the10th year of prophethood,
the Prophet PBUH took Hz. Zaid bin Haritha with him while visiting to Taif. Hz. Zaid
bin Haritha was thrown stones at him with the Prophet PBUH by the teenagers of Taif and
his head was badly injured while saving the Prophet PBUH. These were the difficulties faced
by the followers of the Prophet PBUH while living in Makkah.

Reasons for Oppositions

Religious Reasons: -
 Quraish were not ready to leave idol worshipping, their forefathers’ religion.
 They were also very angry when they heard the Prophet (pbuh) saying that their forefathers,
who died as idol worshipper would suffer in Hell.
 They did not believe in life after death and the Day of Judgement.
Economic Reasons: -
 As Quraish were the custodian of Ka’abah so it was a source of income for them, particularly
for the leaders, as the pilgrims to the Ka’abah would bring rich gifs for their idols.
 Besides their caravans enjoyed a safe passage in a society where looting and plundering was
a common practice.
Social Reasons: -
 Quraish were class-conscious people and after accepting Islam they did not want to be held
equal to slaves.
 They were involved in gambling, drinking, stealing, adultery and they did not want to leave
their ways of life.
 They also had strange ideas about prophethood as they thought that the prophet should not be
a human being, he should be an angel and should perform miracles. Allah says, “They say,
We shall not believe in you until you cause spring to gush forth for us from the earth.”
(Al-Isra 17:90)
 They believed that Allah should have chosen His prophet from amongst the rich and powerful
chiefs of Makkah or Ta’if. Allah says, “Also they say, Why is not this Quran sent down to
some leading man in either of the two (Chief) cities?” (Al-Zukhruf 43:31)
Reaction of Early Muslims towards Persecution: -
 Muslims remained patient.
 They also showed courage and discipline.
 They did not take revenge.
 They remained steadfast in their religion.
 They had firm faith in Allah and asked only His help.
 They waited patiently for Allah’s help.
Life in Makkah

Migration to Abyssinia
5 Year of Prophethood(615 A.D)

Causes: -
 The Quraish were very angry at the open preaching of Islam by the Prophet (PBUH).
 The people who converted to Islam were tortured even the Prophet (pbuh) was not spared.
 In spite of that the numbers of Muslims were increasing day by day.
 Therefore, Quraish increased the persecution of his weaker followers.
 When the hardships increased, the Prophet (pbuh) therefore, gave permission to a group of
Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia after receiving this revelation:
 “Good is for those who do good in this world, And Allah’s earth is spacious, only those
who are patient receive the reward fully, without reckoning. (Az-Zumr 39:10)

Event: -
 In the 5th year of prophethood (615 AD), a group of 12 men and 4 women secretly left for
Abyssinia. These include Hazrat Usman and his wife Hazrat Raqyyah.
 About which the Prophet said: “It is the first couple to migrate in the way of Allah after
Hz. Ibrahim and his wife.”
 Rumour spread that Quraish had accepted Islam.
 Then followed another group of 83 men and 19 women including Hazrat Jafar.
 When the Quraish came to know of this, Abu Sufyan sent Amr bin Al-Aas and Abdullah
bin Rabiah with some gifts to the king to request him to hand over the emigrants to them.
 After presenting gifts Quraish demanded Negus to hand over their runaway slaves to them
which he agreed but when they demanded to hand over free men as well Negus hesitated and
called the Muslims to his court because he was a kind and just man.
 Muslims were called in Negus’ court; among them were Hz. Uthman (RA)and Hz. Jafar
 When Negus entered his court Muslims didn’t bow in his respect; he inquired the Muslims
why didn’t they bow? Didn’t they bow to their Prophet Muhammad PBUH?
 Hz. Jafar (RA) replied that they only bow to their God not Muhammad PBUH as he is a man.
 Initially the king wanted to hand over the Muslims to Quraish but Hz. Jafar (RA) said that
Muhammad PBUH had sent them to him because of his justice and belief in one God.
 Then Hz.Jafar (RA) delivered the following speech, “O king! We were ignorant people….
 Negus asked them to recite a portion of the Quran. Hz. Jafar recited some verses (16-21) of
Surah Mariam. Upon hearing Najashi became so emotional that tears began to roll out from
his eyes. He said, “By God this and the Gospel are the two lights of one candle.”
 Amr bin Al-Aas tried to provoke the King against Muslims and told him that Muslims do not
believe in the divinity of Jesus and they don’t respect him.
 Negus asked the Muslims about their belief in Hz. Isa (AS). On this Hz. Jafar (RA) said:
“Our Prophet PBUH taught us that Jesus is the servant of Allah and His Messenger and
the word of Allah.”
 The king came forward, drew a line on the ground and said: “The difference between us
and you is no bigger than this line.”
 Thereafter Negus refused to hand over the Muslims to them, returned their gifts and allowed
the Muslims to live in Abyssinia as long as they wanted.
Significance: -
Life in Makkah

 After this migration, Muslims found a place where they could seek shelter and live in peace.
 Now they were safe from the persecution of Quraish.
 Islam spread outside Makkah.
 They found a place where they implemented Islamic teachings freely and established an
Islamic society.
 The success of this migration ultimately gave the idea of a greater migration from Makkah to

(May. 2012)
Q.7(a) Describe the main events relating to the first migration (hijrah) of Muslims to
Abyssinia. [10]
(b) What was the importance of making this migration at that time? [4]
Q. 7 (a) Write an account of the first migration (hijra) of the Muslims
to Abyssinia. [10]
(b) Why did the people of Makkah pursue these Muslims? [4]

Ans: (a) The Quraish were very angry at the open preaching of Islam by the
Holy Prophet (pbuh). The people who converted to Islam were tortured even the Prophet
(pbuh) was not spared. In spite of that the numbers of Muslims were increasing day by day.
Quraish offered him money and to make him their leader, but he rejected all such offers. Once
the Quraish realized that they could not stop him from his mission, they decided to
increase the persecution of his weaker followers. Hazrat Bilal was tortured by his
master, Umayyah bin Khalf. He would make him lie on the scorching sand of the desert
with a huge stone on his chest. He would then ask him to leave Islam. But he would say:
‘Ahad, Ahad’-‘Allah is one, Allah is one’.

When the hardships increased and it became unbearable for the Muslims to live in Makkah,
the Prophet (pbuh) therefore, gave permission to a group of Muslims to migrate to
Abyssinia after receiving this revelation: “Good is for those who do good in this world,
And Allah’s earth is spacious, only those who are patient receive the reward fully,
without reckoning. (Az-Zumr 39:10)

So in the 5th year of prophethood (615 AD), a group of 12 men and 4 women secretly left
for Abyssinia. These include Hazrat Usman and his wife Hazrat Raqyyah. Rumour
spread that Quraish had accepted Islam. Then followed another group of 83 men and 19
women including Hazrat Jafar.
When the Quraish came to know of this, Abu Sufyan sent Amr bin Al-Aas and Abdullah
bin Rabiah with some gifts to the king to request him to hand over the emigrants to
them. After presenting gifts Quraish demanded Negus to hand over their runaway slaves to
them which he agreed but when they demanded to hand over free men as well Negus
hesitated and called the Muslims to his court because he was a kind and just man.

Life in Makkah

Muslims were called in Negus’ court; among them were Hz. Uthman (RA) and Hz. Jafar
(RA). When Negus entered his court Muslims didn’t bow in his respect; he inquired the
Muslims why didn’t they bow? Didn’t they bow to their Prophet Muhammad PBUH? Hz.
Jafar (RA) replied that they only bow to their God not Muhammad PBUH as he is a man.
Initially the king wanted to hand over the Muslims to Quraish but Hz. Jafar (RA) said that
Muhammad PBUH had sent them to him because of his justice and belief in one God.

Then Hz. Jafar (RA) delivered the following speech, “O king! We were ignorant people,
we worshipped idols…among us a man was born who called us to Islam, taught us to
leave idol worshipping and ordered us not to associate partners with Allah… We renounced
all evils. For this our own people became our enemies. Negus asked him to recite a portion of
the Quran. Hz. Jafar recited some verses (16-21) of Surah Mariam. Upon hearing Najashi
became so emotional that tears began to roll out from his eyes. He said, “By God this and
the Gospel are the two lights of one candle.”

Amr bin Al-Aas tried to provoke the King against Muslims and told him that Muslims do not
believe in the divinity of Jesus and they don’t respect him. Negus asked the Muslims about
their belief in Hz. Isa (AS). On this Hz. Jafar (RA) said: “Our Prophet PBUH taught us
that Jesus is the servant of Allah and His Messenger and the word of Allah.”The king
came forward, drew a line on the ground and said: “The difference between us and you is
no bigger than this line.”Thereafter Negus refused to hand over the Muslims to them,
returned their gifts and allowed the Muslims to live in Abyssinia as long as they wanted.

After this migration, Muslims found a place where they could seek shelter and live in
peace. Islam spread outside Makkah and the success of this migration ultimately gave
the idea of a greater migration from Makkah to Madinah.

(b) Why did the people of Makkah pursue these Muslims? [4]

Ans: (b) The people of Makkah chased these Muslims because they did not
want the Muslims to escape and for Islam to flourish. The Makkans wanted to destroy
Muslims because they were a threat to their religion, culture and economics. The
Makkans did not want to leave idol worshipping; So Muslims threatened their religion
with their belief in only one God. Ka’abah was a source of income for the Makkans, as the
pilgrims to the Kaabah would bring gifts for their idols. In the rise of Islam, they saw the
danger to their dignity and prestige and the loss of the important position which they
had held for centuries. They considered Islam as a threat to their leadership in Arabia.
They also had fears due to the increasing number of Muslims. That’s why the people of
Makkah pursued these Muslims.
Boycott of Banu Hashim
7thtill 10thYear of Prophethood
Causes: -
 The acceptance of Islam by Hz. Hamza and Hz. Umar greatly upset and enraged the
 They also saw the respect with which Negus had treated the Muslims and so they began to fear
for themselves.

Life in Makkah

 Thereafter, in the 7th year of prophethood the Quraish demanded Abu Talib, the chief of the
clan of Banu Hashim that he should withdraw his protection from the Prophet (PBUH) and
hand him over to them. But when he refused they decided to boycott Banu Hashim.

Event: -
 All the tribes of Quraish gathered in Khaif Banu Kinanah and drew up a joint agreement that
no one would hold conversation with any member of the Prophet’s family, or send them food
or drink, or intermarry with the Hashimites or trade with them.
 The agreement was written by Mansoor bin Ikramah and was signed by around 40 leaders of
Quraish. It was hung on Ka’abah. After this, miraculously Mansoor’s fingers were useless
and he was not able to write any more.
 The two clans of Banu Hashim and Banu Al-Muttalib (Muslims as well as non-Muslims)
except Abu Lahab, were forced to live in a secluded valley, known as Shib Abi Talib, in the
outskirts of Makkah.
 The boycott lasted for 3 years during which they suffered a lot. Children cried with hunger,
adults fed on boiled leather and leaves of trees and the valley echoed with the cries of
helpless people which could be heard outside the gorge.
 Hz. Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA) reported that once, they found a dry leather at night. They
washed it with water, roasted it on fire and they ate it after mixing it with water.
 Sometimes some relatives would defy the ban and smuggle food inside the gorge. Among
them were: Hisham, Hakim ibn Hizam, the nephew of Hz. Khadijah, Abul Bukhtari etc.
 The besieged were allowed to buy food during the 4 sacred months from the caravans passing
by the valley but they couldn’t buy it due to high prices.
 The besieged could leave the gorge in the season of Hajj.
 Prophet PBUH tried to preach Islam at the famous fair of Ukaz but Abu Lahab made it
useless by abusing his nephew.
 These conditions continued for 3 years, until a group of five leaders moved by pity and
pressurized Abu Jahl and other leaders to break the cruel and unjust agreement.
 Negotiations started between Abu Talib and Quraish, meanwhile he told them that Prophet
PBUH had been divinely informed that the parchment, on which the agreement was written,
had been eaten by termites except the word of ‘Allah’.
 Abu Talib challenged that if that proved wrong he would hand over his nephew to them.
 Finally, they decided to lift the ban when they went to take out the document they found that it
had already been eaten up by the termites and only the name of Allah was left on it.

Result: -
 The boycott strengthened the faith of the Muslims.
 Despite the boycott number of Muslims increased although on a very limited scale.
 Companions’ zeal to obey their leader and to work for his success intensified.

Year of Sorrow & grief: - (10th year of Prophethood)

 In the 10th year of prophethood soon after the lifting of the ban Abu Talib and Hz. Khadija
(RA) died.
 The Prophet (PBUH) was deeply grieved by their death that this year was called ‘Am-ul-
Huzn’ (the Year of Sorrow).

Life in Makkah

 After the death of Abu Talib the leadership of Quraish passed on to Abu Lahab who was
hostile to the Prophet (PBUH).
 His uncle’s death provided an opportunity to the Quraish to harm him physically. So he
became defenseless in Makkah.
 Hz. Khadija had been a source of comfort and moral support for him.
Marriage with H.Sawdah and H.Aisha: - (10th year of Prophethood)
 In the 10th year of prophethood , the Prophet(PBUH) married Hz. Sawdah, widow of a
companion who had migrated to Abyssinia.
 Later in the same year he married Hz. Aisha, daughter of Hz. Abu Bakr (RA). The marriage
was solemnized in Madinah.

Visit to Ta’if: - (10th year of Prophethood)

Causes: -
 In the 10th year of prophethood soon after the lifting of the ban Abu Talib and Hz. Khadija
(RA) died.
 The Prophet (PBUH) was deeply grieved by their death that this year was called ‘Am-ul-
Huzn’ (the Year of Sorrow).
 After the death of Abu Talib the leadership of Quraish passed on to Abu Lahab who was
hostile to the Prophet (PBUH).
 His uncle’s death provided an opportunity to the Quraish to harm him physically. So he
became defenseless in Makkah.
 Hz. Khadija had been a source of comfort and moral support for him.

Event: -
 The hostility of the Quraish increased with the death of Abu Talib.
 Therefore, Prophet (PBUH) decided to try his luck with the people of Taif, a town 60 miles
away from Makkah.
 People of Ta’if belonged to Banu Thaqeef which was the second largest tribe of Arabia.
 He was accompanied by his adopted son, Zaid bin Haritha (RA).
 When he approached the chiefs of Ta’if who were three brothers, Abd Ya Lail, Masud and
Habib, inviting them to accept Islam they proved worsen than the Makkans.
 They set upon him a crowd of teenagers to follow him and shout abuses at him. They even
threw stones at him.
 In this extreme difficult condition Prophet PBUH stayed in Ta’if for 10 days and kept
preaching the message of Islam to all noble people but nobody gave positive response.
 The street boys surrounded him, standing in two rows on either side or when he passed on the
road they rained stones on his feet from both sides on such a level that his shoes were filled
with blood.
 Hz. Zaid tried hard to defend and protect him but his own head was badly wounded.
 They took refuge in an orchard of Utba bin Rabia to relax. Utba sent a bunch of grapes by his
Christian slave, Adas who belonged to the city of Hz. Yunus (A.S)
 On hearing about Hz. Yunus (A.S) from Muhammad PBUH Adas was surprised and kissed
his head, hands and feet and he accepted Islam.
 Then at Qarn-ul-Tha’alib the angle of mountains offered the Holy Prophet (PBUH), that the
entire population of Taif be destroyed by squeezing between the two mountains, but he
Life in Makkah

forgave them and said “I was sent as a blessing to the worlds” He Also said “ Why should I
pray for the destruction to these people? I hope that their descendants will certainly be
among the believers in one Allah.” In 9th year of Hijra whole people of Ta’if embraced

 On his way back to Makkah he stayed at Nakhlah at night where some jinns heard the Holy
Prophet (PBUH) reciting the Holy Quran in prayer. They accepted Islam. This incident of
Prophet’s meeting with them is mentioned in the Holy Quran (Surah Jinn 72)

 Then Muhammad PBUH entered Makkah under the protection of Mut’im bin Adi. He never
forgot Mut’im’s favour as at the end of the Battle of Badr he said: “If Mut’im were living
and had asked me to release these rotten people, then I would have given them to him.”
Pledges of Aqabah:-
 In the 11th year of prophethood during the Hajj season, 6 pilgrims from Yathrib
(Madinah) came to Makkah, after hearing the teachings of Islam by the Prophet pbuh, they
embraced Islam.
 They had heard the Jews saying that according to their scripture, it was the time when a
prophet was to appear in Arabia.
 In the 12th year of prophethood 12 people from Yathrib met the Prophet pbuh at Aqabah,
accepted the faith and they took an oath at the hand of the Prophet pbuh that they would not
worship anyone but Allah, would neither steal, nor commit adultery or kill their children and
would obey the Prophet pbuh in every way. This is called the first pledge of Aqabah.
 On their request, the Prophet pbuh sent Hz. Mus’ab bin Omair to preach Islam in Yathrib.
 Next year in 13th of prophethood, 73 men and 2 women came from Yasrib to take the same
pledge. This is called the second pledge of Aqabah. They also invited the Prophet pbuh to
Yasrib and pledged full support for him and his followers.

Reasons for Migration to Madinah

Q: 8 (a) Describe the events that immediately led up to the Prophet’s migration, the
hijra. [10]
(b) Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Makkah to Madinah. [4]
Q: 8 (a) Trace the events that led up to the Prophet’s migration, (hijra). [10]
(b) Explain the importance of the pledges of ‘Aqabah’ to the Prophet in the
period leading up to the migration. [4]

Ans (a) When the Holy Prophet (pbuh) started preaching Islam, the opposition by the
Quraish also increased. They launched a campaign against him calling him a mad man, a
fortune teller, a poet and a magician. They abused him and insulted him. Abu Lahab
forced his two sons to divorce their wives, Ruqayya and Umm-e-Kulsum, the Prophet’s
PBUH daughters. When his two sons (Qasim and Abullah) died in infancy, they started
taunting him by calling ‘Abtar’ (a man cut off with no male offspring). It was a mental

Life in Makkah

Rubbish and thorny bushes were also thrown on the Prophet PBUH and abuses were hurled at
him. Abu Lahab’s wife (Umm-e-Jamil) used to put thorns on his path to cause physical
injury. An old lady used to throw garbage on him. Once, when he was praying in Ka’abah,
Uqba bin Muit rolled his sheet round his neck and tried to drag him. Another time when
he was prostrating during prayers, Uqba bin Muit threw the entrails of camel on his back.
In the 7th year of prophethood all the tribes of Quraish drew up a joint agreement that
enforced a total social and economic boycott of the Banu Hashim. In the 10th year of
prophethood his wife, Hazrat Khadija and his uncle Abu Talib died leaving him
defenseless in Makkah. In the same year, he went to Ta’if to preach Islam but he was
thrown stones at him and even his shoes were filled with blood. When the opposition of
Quraish increased he decided to preach Islam outside Makkah.

In the 11th year of prophethood 6 pilgrims from Yasrib (Madinah) came to Makkah, after
hearing the teachings of Islam by the Prophet (pbuh), they embraced Islam. In the 12thyear
of prophethood 12 people from Yasrib met the Prophet (pbuh) at Aqabah, accepted the
faith and agreed to abstain from idol worshipping. This is called the first pledge of Aqabah.
Next year in 13th of prophethood, 75 people came from Yasrib to take the same pledge.
This is called the second pledge of Aqabah, They also invited the Prophet (pbuh) to
Yasrib and pledged full support for him and his followers.

Muhammad (pbuh) gradually sent Makkan Muslims north to Yasrib. He himself went on the
same night when the Quraish planned to murder him and he received the revelation,
“Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you, to keep you in bonds, or slay you,
or get you out (of your home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans, But the best of
planners is Allah.” (Al-Anfal 8:30). He asked Hazrat Ali to sleep in his bed as a decoy
and return the valuable items of the People. The Prophet (pbuh) received a divine
instruction to migrate and he departed with Hazrat Abu Bakar(RA). These were the
events that led up to the Prophet’s (pbuh) migration to Madinah.

(b) Suggest three reasons why he decided to move from Makkah to Madinah. [4]

With the passing of Abu Talib the leadership of Quraish passed on to Abu Lahab who
was hostile to the Holy Prophet (pbuh). At this stage the Holy Prophet (pbuh) lost the
protection of his own tribe. The death of Abu Talib and Hz. Khadija was a great loss
for him because after that he was defenseless at Makkah. The Prophet’s (pbuh) attempts at
persuading the people of Makkah to accept his teachings had met with little success,
except for a few small groups of his followers. These followers were under threat and
some had experience long persecution. The people of Madinah were ready to welcome
him. They recognized his mission and accepted him as a religious leader. They also
offered him and his followers’ complete protection.

(b) Explain the importance of the pledges of ‘Aqabah’ to the Prophet in the period
leading up to the migration. [4]

Life in Makkah

Ans: As a matter of fact it was after the pledges of Aqabah that the idea of migrating to
the Yasrib was born in the heart of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), but there were also strong
reasons, which forced him to leave Makkah for Yasrib. Actually the pledges gave hope to
the Muslims and the Prophet (pbuh) as they found support, protection and they realized that
the people of Yasrib were ready to welcome them and there was a place where they could
seek refuge. Before this pledge he had attempted to gain support from the people of Ta’if
where he was tortured and persecuted so badly that his shoes were filled with blood. After
the death of his uncle Abu Talib the leadership of his tribe was given to Abu Lahab.
Therefore, he lost the support and protection of his tribe and faced many difficulties.

Isra and Mi’raj

11 Year of Prophethood(620 A.D)

(May. 2011)
Q.9 (a) Give an account of the events of the Prophet’s night journey and ascension
(‘Isra wa-mi’raj ). [10]
(b) Explain the importance of this event to the Prophet (PBUH) himself. [4]

Ans: (a)
(First Paragraph Introduction)
(i) In the eleventh year of prophethood(620 A.D) on 27th Rajab, the Prophet (PBUH)
was taken for Isra and M’iraj. It was shortly after the incident of Ta’if.
(ii) The first part of this journey is described in (Surah Al-Isra 17:1) “Glory to Him who
carried His servant by night from the sacred Mosque to the distant Mosque……. in
order that We might show him some of our signs.”
(iii) Allah wanted to console and comfort His Prophet (PBUH) by this journey because he was
very upset due to the experience of boycott of Banu Hashim, the death of his uncle and wife
and the cruel treatment of the people of Ta’if.

(Second Paragraph Main Events)

(iv) There are many authentic traditions in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim in which the Prophet
(PBUH) himself described the whole journey.
(v) He was asleep in the house of his cousin Hz. Umm-e-Hani, the daughter of Abu Talib.
Angel Jibrael came, took him to Ka’abah, opened his chest, took out his heart, and
washed it with water of Zamzam, put belief and the ability of this journey to see Allah
and His signs.
(vi) He was taken from Makkah to Jerusalem by angel Jibrael on a white animal smaller
than a mule bigger than a donkey, which was called Burraq.
(vii) On his way he heard a voice from his right side and the other from his left, and a
lady was also shown to him but he did not pay any attention to these voices and that
lady. On the way he offered two Rakk’ats at three places. Yasrib, where he migrated
Life in Makkah

later, Mount of Tu’r where Hz.Musa talked to Allah and Bait-ul-Ham, where H. Isa
was born.
(viii) Then He reached Jerusalem, tied the animal to the same ring on the door of Masjid
Aqsa used by the other prophets and offered two Rakk’ats.
(ix) Then Hz. Jibrael brought two vessels of wine and milk to him. He chose the vessel
of milk and drank from it, and then Hz. Jibrael said: “You have been guided to the

M’iraj (Third Paragraph)

(x) The Prophet (PBUH) again rode the Burraq, soon they reached the lowest heaven,
after the confirmation, the door of heaven was opened and the guardian of angel said:
“Welcome, his coming is good.”There he saw a man sitting with a large group of
people on his both sides. When the man looked at those on his right he smiled, when he
looked at his left he wept. The Prophet (PBUH) was told that he was Hz. Adam (A.S)
and later greeting was exchanged between them.
(xi) Then the Prophet (PBUH) was taken to all heavens one by one, where he met the
Prophets Hz. Isa and Hz. Yahya, Hz. Yousuf, Hz. Idrees, Hz. Haroon, Hz.
Musa(A.S) In the seventh heaven he met Hz. Ibrahim (A.S). Greeting was exchanged
between the Prophet (PBUH) and all these Prophets.
(xii) On the fourth heaven he also met the angel Izrael and asked him some questions. On
the sixth heaven he also met the guardian of hell, named Maalik and asked him about
the hell. On the seventh heaven he also met the guardian of Paradise, named
(xiii) Then Hz. Jibrael led him to the Lote Tree (sidrat-ul-muntaha) beyond which Jibrael
could not go but the Prophet (PBUH) was permitted to go beyond it and Allah spoke to
him directly. Here the last verses of Surah Baqarah were revealed, and Allah
promised that the major sins of his Ummah would be forgiven, if they did not
commit shirk. Salah was also made obligatory fifty times a day.
(xiv) On his return he was asked by Hz. Musa to go back to Allah and get the number of
prayers reduced. He went back to Allah and the numbers were reduced by five.
Even then H. Musa wanted him to go back and get further reduction but he refused
saying, “I have asked my Lord till I am ashamed to face Him.” (Bukhari)
(xv) He was shown the Paradise and the Hell. After he came back from Heaven, he led
all the Prophets at Al-Quds (Masjid Aqsa) and then he was taken to his bed where
he was sleeping.

(Fourth paragraph Reaction of Makkans)

(xvi) Next day when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) informed the people of Makkah about his
journey they started making fun of him, particularly Abu Jahl declared the Prophet
(PBUH) as a liar. They did not believe that how the journey of three months could
be possible in one night. When he informed them about all the details of their
caravan, which he saw on the way back to Makkah, they became silent. On the other
hand, when the Prophet (PBUH) told Hz. Abu Bakr about his journey he asked
something about Jerusalem and accepted it without any hesitation for which the
Prophet (PBUH) gave him the title of ‘Siddique’ i.e. ‘Testifier to the Truth’.
Life in Makkah

Ans: (b)
(i) The Prophet (PBUH) was comforted, consoled and pleased by Allah through
this event because he was very upset due to the experience of boycott of Banu Hashim, the
death of his uncle and wife (closest supporters) and the cruel treatment of the people of Ta’if.
(ii) Allah gave him spiritual support through this event by reassuring him of his
closenesswith God and by showing his superiority over other prophets, when he led
them in prayer.
(iii) Allah also gave him physical support by his companions who believed it same as it
was told by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
(iv) He received the gift of prayers for himself and for his Ummah as well, which is the
way of communicating with Allah.

Q: 10 (a) Briefly describe the Prophet’s experience in caves. [10]
(b) Explain why each of these experience was important in the history of Islam.[4]
Q:10 (a) Describe the events relating to the Prophet’s experience in caves. [10]
(b)Explain the signification of one of these experiences for the development of
Islam. [4]

Ans : (a) Cave of Hira

A few years before the prophethood, Muhammad (pbuh) used to spend much of his time
in the cave of Hira, where he used to ponder over the condition of his people. When he
approached the age of forty, one day, he was at the mount of Hira, when angel Jibrael
appeared before him and asked him to read. He answered: “I cannot read.” The angel
hugged him and squeezed him. When angel did it third time, so he asked “what shall I read?”
The angel then recitedfirst five verses of Surah Alaq:“Read in the name of your Lord
Who created, created man out of a clot of congealed blood. Proclaim! And your Lord is
Most Bountiful, He Who taught (the use of) the pen. Taught man which he did not
know.” (96:1-5)

Muhammad (pbuh) was greatly shaken by this experience and he ran out of the cave. On
the way he saw the same angel filling the whole horizon and saying: “O Muhammad! you
are the messenger of Allah and I am angel Jibrael.” He reached home a bit shaken and
narrated the incident to Hazrat Khadija.

Cave of Saur (Thawr)

Life in Makkah

In 622 AD, when some Muslims started migrating to Yasrib (Madinah) the Quraish held
a meeting in Dar-un-Nadwa and planned to kill the Prophet (pbuh). He was informed of
this plan of his enemies by Allah and was told to leave Makkah that same night.
Accompanied by Hz. Abu Bakr, he left for Yasrib. As his enemies were looking for him
everywhere; he stayed in the cave of Saur for three days and nights.

Quraish went out in search of the Prophet (pbuh) and came close to the cave. Hz. Abu
Bakr trembled with fear and expected them to enter the cave. He said to the Prophet (pbuh),
“If anyone of them looks down, he will find us.”…..”This incident is mentioned in the
Quran in these words: “….For Allah indeed help him, when the unbelievers drove him
out: he had no more than one companion: the two were in the cave, and he said to his
companion, ‘Have no fear, for Allah is with us.” (9:40)
The cave’s entrance was covered with cobwebs and there was a pair of wild pigeons. So,
the Quraish were convinced that the cave was empty. During their brief stay Abdullah,
son of Hz. Abu Bakr brought news of the Quraish, Asma, daughter of Hz. Abu Bakr
brought them food and Amir bin Fahirah, Hz. Abu Bakr’s freed slave brought cattle to
remove their footsteps and to provide fresh milk to the Prophet PBUH and Hz. Abu Bakr.
On the 3rd day when they were sure that the Quraish had given up their search, they
continued their journey to Yasrib with Abdullah bin Areeqat who was their guide.

(b) Importance of the experience in the cave of Hira:

Prophet Muhammad’s experience on the Mount of Hira marked the beginning of his
prophethood. It was during this experience that the first revelation of the Holy Quran was
received by the Prophet (pbuh), which is the most important book for Muslims to get
guidance. He first met Angle Jibrael in the cave of Hira. It was after the experience of the
first revelation that a new community came into light which was based on the concept of
Allah. After the first revelation Arabia came out of the Age of Ignorance.

Importance of the experience in the cave of Saur:

The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was protected through a miracle by Allah. This was a clear
exhibition of the fact that he was under Divine Protection, and that Allah’s help was with him
at all times. His safety at the cave of Saur meant the beginning of the Muslims era, and
the growth of Islamic influence. If he had been captured by the Quraish Islam would
not have developed. When Hz.Abu Bakar got worried after hearing the approaching
footsteps of the enemy he assured him of Allah’s security. This showed the firm faith of the
Prophet in Allah. Hz.Abu Bakar proved by his conduct and actions, loyalty to Prophet

Event of Migration to Madinah

Q:11 (a) Describe the main events of the Prophet’s migration from Makkah to
Madinah. [10]
(b) Explain why he thought it important to make this journey. [4]

Life in Makkah

Ans: (a) In 13th year of prophethood, 75 people came from Yasrib (Madinah) and
after hearing the Prophet’s teachings, they embraced Islam. They invited the Prophet
(pbuh) to Yasrib and pledged full support for him and his followers. The Prophet (pbuh)
asked his followers to migrate to Yasrib secretly. All the companions of the Prophet
(pbuh) migrated except Hazrat Abu Bakar and Hazrat Ali. The Quraish held a meeting in
Dar-un-Nadwa and planned to kill the Prophet (pbuh). He was informed of this plan of
his enemies by Allah and received a revelation to leave Makkah that same night in these
words: “Remember how the unbelievers plotted against you, to keep you in bonds, or
slay you, or get you out (of your home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans, But the
best of planners is Allah.” (Al-Anfal 8:30).

The Prophet (pbuh) escaped secretly at night with Hz. Abu Baker, leaving behind Hz.
Ali to sleep in his bed and to return the valuables entrusted to him by many people. The
Quraish offered a huge reward of one hundred camels for his capture, dead or alive.
They sent riders to capture them. As their enemies were looking for them everywhere; they
stayed in the cave of Saur for three days and nights. The Quran says: “…. They were two
in the cave ……”(9:40)
When the Quraish came close to the cave, Hazrat Abu Bakar Trembled with fear. The
Prophet (pbuh) said: “have no fear, Allah is with us.”He allowed himself to be bitten
rather than shout and wake the sleeping Prophet (pbuh). The cave’s entrance was
covered with cobwebs and there was a pair of wild pigeons. So, the Quraish were
convinced that the cave was empty. During their brief stay in cave of Saur Abdullah, son of
Hz. Abu Bakr brought news of the Quraish, Asma, daughter of Hz. Abu Bakr brought
them food and Amir bin Fahirah, Hz. Abu Bakr’s freed slave brought cattle to remove
their footsteps and to provide fresh milk to the Prophet PBUH and Hz. Abu Bakr.

On the 3rd day the Prophet (pbuh) and Hazrat Abu Bakar continued their journey to Yasrib
with Abullah bin Areeqat who was their guide. After 6 days he stopped and stayed at
Quba for 14 days, where he was joined by Hazrat Ali. Hear he built the first mosque of
Islam, which is known as Masjid-e-Quba. On his way from Quba to Madinah he offered
his first Friday prayers at the quarters of Banu Salim, and delivered his first Friday
sermon. The people of Madinah welcomed the Prophet (pbuh) publicly. Everyone was
eager that he should stay with him. He built a mosque with his companions, during which
he stayed in the house of Hazrat Abu Ayub Ansari.

(b) Explain why he thought it important to make this journey. (4)

Ans: (b) The Holy Prophet (pbuh) was in danger of his life in Makkah when the
Quraish held a meeting in Dar-un-Nadwa and planned to kill him. On the other hand he
received the divine instruction to leave Makkah that same night. That’s why he thought it
important to make this journey. There were also many reasons, Such as, the aggressive
attitude of the Quraish and their persecution was an important factor in the migration to
Yasrib, specially the death of Abu Talib who had been his protector from the beginning.
After his death the Prophet (pbuh) lost the protection of his own tribe. His preaching met
with little success in Makkah. The people of Madinah invited him to their city and
pledged full support for him and his followers. He also found easier to preach Islamic
teachings in Madinah. He migrated to Madinah to save Islam.

Life in Makkah


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