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Nama : Thufail Qolba Aufar

NIM : 1907421025
Kelas : TMJ 6

Present Tense

A. Choose the correct form of the verb.

1. A : June is looking for some new office furniture.
B : I don’t know why. Her furniture looks new to me.
2. A : I don’t have any success in getting this printer to work.
B : Oh, that printer doesn’t work when the paper supply is low. We are having
some in the supply room.
3. A : Jim always enjoys trade fairs.
B : Well, he really is enjoying the year’s fair.
4. A : I am thinking about quitting my job.
B : Really? I don’t think that is a good idea.
5. A : I am seeing that we need to reserve a place in the exhibition hall.
B : Yes, we do. I see one of the trade fair organizer about a place today.

B. Read this passage and choose the correct verb.

Power People announced that it (releases) its annual survey of how the world of work (\is
changing). This year’s survey (is examining) how the new generation of workers that is
entering the job market today (compares) to their parents’ generation, the baby boomers.
The most recent findings (are showing) what these young professionals, fresh from
college, are thinking as they move into the world of work.
It (appears) that a significant proportion (65%) of those interviewed (expect) to have better
job prospects than their parents. Their optimism, however, is not always shared by
employers, and while the majority (agrees) that the new generation (posseses) the technical
skills that (are becoming) essential in the modern hi-tech work ebvironment, they also
(suggest) that they (are not having) some of the other equally important skills, especially
in communication.
C. Make a writing using simple present and present continuous
My name is Afar. My full name is Thufail Qolba Aufar. I am now 21 years old and
currently in my 6th semester of college. My major is network engineering. Here we learn
about many things of course about the network. Such as the security of a network, network
infrastructure, protocols in the network, and much more.
Today I'm learning to get to know various tools in the network. Such as NMAP, Wireshark,
and many more. Not only knowing I also learned how to use it. After the class ended, my
friends and I were given an assignment to deepen the network tools that we had tried. Now
that the class is over, we decided to set up another online meeting to do the assignment.

Past Tense

A. Fill the blanks with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in parantheses.
While I was reading the flight information board, I noticed that my flight left from a
different terminal. I ran through the departure lounge to catch the airport shuttle bus when
I tripped over someone’s luggage and dropped my handbag. All the contents of handbag
fell out onto the floor.
While I picked up my things, I saw a passport under a chair in the lounge. I reached for
the passport when I heard an upset passenger talking to an airport official. I quickly went
over to them with the passport. But, while I talked to the airport official and the passenger,
the shuttle bus left. The airport official arranging for me to ride with some pilots and
flight attendants who went to the other terminal. And that is how I met the pilot I married.

B. Underline the correct verbs

A : Did you used to have any problems with the job when you were a flight attendant?
B : Well, I used to find it almost impossible to sleep in strange hotel rooms. That was a
real problem for me.
A : Is that why you changed carreers?
B : I suppose. Well, I was used to enjoy the traveling a lot but eventually I became a bit
tired of the long haul flight. It was difficult to give up the regular trips to exotic
locations, but now I am used to staying at home more.
A : Is there anything you miss?
B : Yes. I am not used to pay very much for perfume and things like that because I bought
them in the duty free stores during layovers, but now I have to pay normal prices

C. Write about something you were doing when something else happened. 5 (five) sentences.
I saw a cat while walking towards the market
I received your email when you just arrived
The task collection link was closed when I just finished the task
My sister tore my assignment paper while working on it
The policeman came to me while cycling

D. Write 5 (five) sentences about things you used to do but do not do anymore and 5 (five)
sentences about things that you are used to doing now.
I wasn’t used to playing games with friends
I didn’t get used to sleeping at midnight
I wasn’t used to buy a lot of garlic
My mom didn’t use to buy a lot of garlic
They aren’t get used to work under pressure

I was used to playing games with friends
I got used to sleeping at midnight
I was used to talking with my girl friends
My mom used to buy a lot of garlic
They are getting used to work under pressure

E. Make a writing using simple past and past continuous

Last year, my friend and I made an embedded project. We did this project to meet the
graduation criteria for the Embedded Technology course.
In this project we made a temperature, humidity, and light detector. I got the task of making
software programs from the tools we made, while my friend was in charge of assembling
the tools. We are so excited to make that project

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