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RPPI Assignment

Hania Ariane
Case 1: Dissolved Solids
Seorang mahasiswa ITP yang magang di PT. CBA diminta untuk menguji
bahan baku tomat untuk memproduksi produk saus andalan mereka.
Padatan terlarut dari ketiga tomat yang dibeli dari suplier A, B dan C
dapat dilihat pada Tabel.

Padatan terlarut (g/100 mL)

Tomat A Tomat B Tomat C

25.4 28.6 27.6

28.6 30.2 28.9

29.5 24.5 30.6

30.5 32.5 26.8

Case 1: Dissolved solids

The results of data processing using the SPSS application state

that the significance value between groups of tomato species is
0.956, which is >0.05, so it can be interpreted that the types of
tomatoes have no significantly difference at the 0.05
significance level.

If the Post Hoc further test is carried out, it can be seen that all
types of tomatoes are in one subset.
Case 2
Seorang alumni ITP yang bekerja di PT. Q-Drink diminta menganalisis
flavor strawberri yang berasal dari 3 flavor house untuk pengembangan
minuman rasa strawberry. Analisis sensori dengan panelis terlatih
terhadap parameter RASA, AROMA dan WARNA dapat dilihat pada
Case 2: Flavor

The results of data processing using the SPSS

application state that the significance value between
groups of tomato species is 0.956, which is >0.05, so it
can be interpreted that the types of tomatoes have no
real difference at the 0.05 significance level.

If the Post Hoc further test is carried out, it can be

seen that all types of tomatoes are in one subset.
Case 2: Aroma

The results of processing the aroma variable data with

SPSS showed that the significance value of panelists and
flavor house were 0.233 and 0.004, respectively. Because
the flavor significance value <0.05, the flavor house has a
significant effect on aroma at the 0.05 significance level.
Followed by the Duncan test on aroma to find out
whether there is a significant difference between the
flavor houses
The result of the Duncan test resulted in 3 flavor
houses in 3 different subsets. This shows that the
aroma of each flavor house is significantly different at
the 0.05 significance level
Case 2: Color

The results of processing the color variable data

using SPSS showed that the significance value of
panelists and flavor house were 0.647 and 0.000,
respectively. Because the flavor significance value
<0.05, the flavor house has a significant effect on
color at the 0.05 significance level. Followed by
the Duncan test on color to find out whether
there is a significant difference between the flavor
The results of the Duncan test resulted in 3 flavor
houses in 3 different subsets. This shows that the
color of each flavor house is significantly different
at the 0.05 significance level
Case 3
Seorang mahasiswa ITP dalam penelitiannya, ingin menguji apakah
terdapat pengaruh yang nyata dari penggunaan nanopartikel ZnO
sebagai nano filler untuk bioplastik pektin dari aspek kuat tarik film
(MPa), % Elongasi, dan % opacity.
Case 3
The results of variable data processing of the
percentage of addition of ZnO nanoparticles
as Nano-fillers for bio plastic pectin with SPSS
found that the significance value of film
tensile strength,% Elongation, and% Opacity
were 0.003 respectively; 0,000; and 0.100.
This shows that the use of ZnO nanoparticles
as a nano filler for pectin bio plastics has no
significant effect on% opacity due to the level
of signification (0.100 > 0.05). However, it has
a significant effect on the tensile strength of
the film and the% Elongation of plastics.
Case 3
Duncan test results showed that 0.0% NPZ
concentration had a significantly different effect
on the tensile strength of the film to 1.0%
concentration; 2.0%; and 5.0%. But it was not
significantly different with a concentration of
0.5%. The NPZ concentration of 0.5% was
significantly different from the concentration of
0.0%; 2.0%; and 5.0%, but not significantly
different with a concentration of 1.0%. The 1%
concentration was not significantly different
from the 2% and 5% concentrations.
Case 3
The results of the Duncan test showed that
the NPZ concentration of 2.0% had a
significantly different effect on plastic
elongation with a concentration of 1.0%;
0.5%; and 0.0%. But not significantly
different with a concentration of 5.0%. The
NPZ concentration of 1.0% was also
significantly different from the concentration
of 0.0%, but not significantly different from
the concentrations of 2.0% and 5.0%. The 0%
concentration is different real with a
concentration of 0.5%; 1.0%; 2.0%; and 5.0%
Case 3
The results of the Duncan test showed that the NPZ
concentration of 2.0% had a significantly different
effect on the% opacity of the plastic to the
concentration of 5.0%. But not significantly different
with a concentration of 0.0%; 0.5%; and 1.0%. The
0.0% and 0.5% NPZ concentrations were not
significantly different from other concentrations. The
concentration of 5.0% was significantly different from
the concentration of 1.0% and 2.0%. But not
significantly different with a concentration of 0.0%
and 0.5%.
Case 4
Sebuah penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh bahan pengemas terhadap persentase
kerusakan buah salak selama penyimpanan. Bahan pengemas yang diteliti adalah kotak bambu
(besek), kotak karton, dan kotak styrofoam. Hasil pengamatan persentase kerusakan buah adalah
sebagai berikut:

Ulangan Besek Karton Styrofoam

1 59.5 55.0 7.0

2 78.5 67.0 16.0

3 32.0 28.5 9.0

4 27.5 40.5 9.5

Case 4: Packaging
• The results of data processing using the SPSS
application state that the significance value between
groups of packaging types is 0.017, which is <0.05, so
it can be interpreted that the type of packaging has a
significant effect on the percentage of salak fruit
damage at the 0.05 significance level.

• If the Post Hoc follow-up test is carried out, it can be

seen that the Styrofoam packaging is a subset
different from the carton packs and baskets. This
means that Styrofoam packaging is significantly
different from cardboard packaging and baskets.
Case 5
Sebuah perusahaan teh hitam memiliki 4 buah Oven dengan bahan bakar yang berbeda yaitu
minyak, batubara, listrik dan kayu. Seorang mahasiswa yang magang diminta mengamati lama
waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk pengeringan teh. Pengamatan dilakukan selama satu minggu kerja
dari Senin s/d Jumat

Hari Pengamatan Oven Solar Oven Listrik Oven Batu Bara Oven Kayu

Senin 150 165 160 165

Selasa 160 155 160 175

Rabu 143 160 150 175

Kamis 155 165 170 165

Jumat 145 170 160 165

Case 5
The results of data processing with SPSS found
that the significance values ​of the day and type
of oven were 0.666 and 0.007, respectively.
Because the significance value of the type of
oven <0.05, the type of oven used has a
significant effect on time at the 0.05 significance
level. Followed by the Duncan test to find out
whether there is a significant difference
between types of ovens
The results of the Duncan test yielded 2 different
subsets. Solar ovens are in subset 1, so solar ovens
are significantly different from other types of ovens.
While coal ovens, electric ovens, and wood ovens
are in subset 2, so the three types of ovens are not
significantly different at the 0.05 significance level.
Case 6
Produksi susu (Liter/ekor) dari sapi perah yang diperah pada Pagi, Sore dan Malam hari pada
peternakan Koperasi Susu Ciampelang, Bogor adalah seperti pada tabel (data pengamatan
merupakan rata-rata per shift dalam satu minggu). Koperasi ini memiliki tiga varietas sapi perah:
Holstein, Brown Swiss dan Jersey. Adakah perbedaan produktivitas susu dari ketiga varietas sapi
perah tersebut? Apakah waktu pemerahan juga berpengaruh nyata pada produksi susu?

Waktu Pemerahan Holstein Brown Swiss Jersey

Pagi 5.42 7.10 8.48

Sore 2.80 3.49 6.39

Malam 1.56 1.75 2.76

Case 6
Data processing of cow variety variables and
milking time on productivity was carried out
using SPSS. It was found that the significance
value of dairy cow varieties was 0.027, smaller
than the significance level of 0.05, so it is
known that dairy cow varieties have a
significant effect on milk productivity.
Likewise, the significance of the milking time is
0.003 which value is smaller than the
significance level of 0.05, so that the milking
time has a significant effect on milk
Case 6
The results of the duncan test showed that the
Holstein cow variety had a significantly different
effect on milk productivity when compared to the
Jersey variety, but not significantly different from
the Brown Swiss variety. The Jersey variety is
significantly different from the Holstein and Swiss
Brown varieties because they are in a different
subset from the other two varieties.
Case 6
The results of the Duncan test
showed that the milking time for
cows at night, afternoon, and
morning had a significant effect on
milk productivity. The differences
that can be observed from the
three milking times are in three
different subsets.
Case 7
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana efektifitas penggunaan asam askorbat
dalam pengawetan dangke (produk olahan susu tradisional dari Sulawesi) berdasarkan tingkat
ketengikan yang terjadi yang diukur berdasarkan nilai TBA dangke yang telah disimpan selama 7 hari
pada suhu chilling (5oC).
Case 7
The results of data processing using the
SPSS application stated that the
significance value between groups of
ascorbic acid concentration was 0.220
which was >0.05 so it could be
interpreted that the ascorbic acid
concentration had no significant
difference at the 0.05 significance level.

If the Post Hoc further test is carried

out, it can be seen that all types of
tomatoes are in one subset.
Case 8
Dalam satu penelitian, peneliti ingin mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan
jenis ransum yang mengandung sumber protein berbeda (prot A, B, C,
D) terhadap bobot akhir kelinci. Data (kg/ekor) yang diperoleh dari
penelitian adalah sbb:

Tikus Ransum A Ransum B Ransum C Ransum D

1 5.113 5.398 5.307 4.678

2 5.346 5.952 4.719 4.264

3 5.272 5.713 5.483 4.749

4 5.164 4.831 4.986 4.410

5 4.804 4.848 4.432 4.748

6 5.254 4.542 4.919 4.098

Case 8
The results of data processing on the weight of
rats using SPSS showed that the significance
values ​for the types of mice and rations were
0.113 and 0.007, respectively. Because the
significance value of the type of ration <0.05, the
type of ration used had a significant effect on the
weight of the rats at the 0.05 significance level.
Followed by the Duncan test to find out whether
there was a significant difference between types
of rations
Duncan's test results yielded 2 different subsets. Ration
D was in subset 1, so ration D was significantly different
from other types of rations. Meanwhile, rations C, A, and
B were in subset 2, so the three types of rations were not
significantly different at the 0.05 significance level.
Case 9
Seorang peneliti ingin meneliti pengaruh kadar air bahan pada kacang tanah yang sdh dibumbui terhadap
kadar protein terlarut kacang bawang rendah lemak yang dihasilkan dari pemanasan microwave selama 6
menit . Dalam penelitian tersebut digunakan dua jenis varietas kacang (var 1 & var 2).
Case 9
Data processing of variable moisture
content of peanuts and peanut varieties
on dissolved protein content of low-fat
onion beans was carried out using SPSS.
It was found that the water content
significance value was 0.000, which is
smaller than the 0.05 significance level,
so it is known that the water content of
the peanuts had a significant effect on
the dissolved protein content. The
significance value of the peanut variety
was 0.099, the value was greater than the
0.05 significance level, so it was known
that the peanut variety had no significant
effect on the dissolved protein content of
the peanut.
Case 9

The results of the Duncan test showed that

the moisture content of the peanuts was 15%
significantly different from its effect on milk
productivity when compared to the moisture
content of 12.5% ​and 10%. Water content of
12.5% ​and 10.0% were not significantly
different from the two.
Case 10
Di bawah ini adalah tabulasi hasil dari sebuah percobaan. Silahkan identifikasi hal-hal berikut dari riset
tersebut: jenis/klasifikasi rancangan percobaan, variable bebas, variable terikat, jumlah faktor perlakuan,
jumlah taraf perlakuan, jumlah ulangan, jumlah unit percobaan, perkiraan metode/jenis pengolahan data, dan
interpretasi hasil dari faktor perlakuan.
-Jenis/klasifikasi rancangan percobaan: RAKL
- Variable bebas: roasting level
- Variable terikat: soluble solid, 5-QCA, caffeine, TPC, and melanoidins
- Jumlah factor perlakuan: 5
- Jumlah taraf perlakuan: 0.05
- Jumlah ulangan: 8
- Jumlah unit percobaan: 40

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