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Class: 11 Full Marks: 75
Subject: Economics (303) Time: 3hr Pass Marks: 30
Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as
The figures in  the margin indicate full marks.
Group ‘A’ (Very short Answer Questions)

Attempt all Questions (;a} k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .) (5 ꓫ 2 =

1. Define micro economics.
z'Id cy{zf:qnfO{ kl/eflift ug'{xf];\ .
2. Define substitute goods.
Kf|lt:yflkt j:t'nfO{ kl/eflift ug'{xf];\ .
3. Point out any four features of organization.
;+u7gsf s'g} rf/j6f ljz]iftfx?sf] ;"rL agfpg'xf];\ .
4. Define demand function.
Dffu kmgngnfO{ kl/eflift ug'{xf];\ .
5. Point out any two differences between demand and desire.
Dffu / O{R5f aLrsf b'O leGgtfx? n]Vg'xf];\ .

Group ‘B’ (Short Answer Questions)

Attempt all Questions (;a} k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .) (9 ꓫ 5 = 45)

6. Explain the features of land.
e"dLsf ljz]iftfx?sf] AofVof ug'{xf];\ .
7. Describe the main points of wealth definition of economics.
cy{zf:qsf] wg ;DalGwkl/efiffsf] d'Vo j'bfx? AofVof
ug'{xf];\ .
8. Explain the exceptions of law of demand.
Dffusf] lgodsf ckjfbx? AofVof ug'{xf];\ .
9. Describe the determinants of demand.
Dffusf lgwf{/s tTjx?sf] AofVof ug'{xf];\ .
10.Explain the causes of deforestation.
jg ljgf;sf sf/0fx? AofVof ug'{xf];\ .
11.Describe the problems of water resources development in Nepal.
g]kfndf hn>f]t ljsf;sf ;d:ofx? AofVof ug'{xf];\ .
12.Explain the consequences of deforestation.
jg ljgf;sf kl/0ffdx? AofVof ug'{xf];\ .
OR (cyjf)
Describe the importance of water resources in Nepal.

g]kfndf hn>f]tsf] dxTj AofVof ug'{xf];\ .

13.Find the equation of a straight line joining the points (3, 3) and (-5, 4).
ljGb' (3, 3) / (-5, 4) hf]8\g] l;wf /]vfsf] ;lds/0f kQfnufpg'xf];\ .
14.Find the slope and y-intercept of the line 2x + 3y = 15.
/]vf 2x + 3y = 15 sf] ´'sfj / y cIf kQfnufpg'xf];\ .

Group ‘B’ (Long Answer Questions)

Attempt all Questions (;a} k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ lbg'xf];\ .) (2 ꓫ 10 =

15.Critically explain the welfare definition of economics.
cy{zf:qsf] sNof0f ;DalGwkl/efiffsf] cfnf]rgfTds AofVof
ug'{xf];\ .
16.Explain the law of demand.
Dffusf] lgodsf] AofVof ug'{xf];\ .
OR (cyjf)
Explain the types of demand. Dffusf] k|sf/x? AofVof ug'{xf];\ .

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