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Bread- toast,breakfast,butter,food

Dinner- eat,evening,food,table

House- roof,live,protection,building.

Pilot- airplane,airport,fly,jet

Window- glass, door,outside,open


Final Rounds:

Set 1:

Dark- light, night, see, sleep

Animal- Living, Jungle, Zoo, Wild

Pen- Write, Pencil, Ink, Use

Battery- Energy, Power, Charge, Phone

Advertising- Commercial, Marketing, Promote, Product  

Retire- Work, Old, Security, Pension

Resign- Quit, Notice, Work, Letter            

Education- school, degree, learn, classroom

Discover- research, scientist, find, new

Human Resource- Hire, Workforce, People, Resume

SET 2:

Pig- Curly tail, Loves mud, Pink, Smelly

Decision- Make, Opinion, Idea, Choose

Password- secret, type, open, key

Salary- payment, wage, work, employer

Deadline- Submit, Finish, Extension, Task

Mushroom- White, Eat, Fungus, Sauce   

Lawyer- Court, Sue, Trial, Judge

CEO- Leader, Board, Directors, Executive

Reception- Lobby, Entrance, Greet, Visitor

Customs- Import, Export, Trade, Agency

SET 3:

Entrepreneur - own, business, independent, owner

Sneeze - Allergy, Bless you, Cold & Cough, Nose

Clown - Circus, Funny, Red nose, Make up

Refrigerator - Food, Kitchen, Cold, Freezer

Pay - Money, Price, Buy, Sell

Bonus - Money, Reward, Perk, Payment

Agenda - Schedule, Plan, Meeting, Do

Label - Product, Logo, Information, Brand

Corruption - Politicians, Bribe, Government, Scandal

Workout - Gym, Weight, Train, Exercise

SET 4:

Tea - Drink, Cup, Addiction, Morning

Weak - Strong, Muscle, Small, Break

Watermelon - Red, Water, Song, Seeds

Exercise - Heartbeat, Fit, Healthy, Morning

Debt - Money, Owe, Loan, Borrow

Stress - Angry, Tired, Tension, Pressure

Resume - Job Interview, CV, Place COMM, After

Dinosaur - Jurassic Park, Extinct, Lizard, Huge

Museum - Art, Display, The Louvre, Mona Lisa

Recruiter - Hire, Find, Candidate, Job

SET 5:

 Wish - Want, Desire, Hope, Dream

 Cactus - Plant, Needle, Desert, Cute

 Mickey Mouse - Cartoon, Red, Any character name, Walt Disney

 Ball - Circle, Bounce, Foot, Basket

Asset - Balance Sheet, Liability, Future Benefit,

 Evaluate - Judge, Analysis, Assessment, Check

 Innovation - Transformation, Idea, Change, Make

Negotiate - Agreement, Compromise, Convince, Discussion

Confidential - Private, Secret, Disclose, Business

Milestone - Achievement, Breakthrough, Landmark, Turning point

SET 6:

 Shopping - Buy, Clothes, Friends, Store

 Fire - Hot, Burn, Dangerous, Smoke

 Cheese - Mouse, Milk, Pizza, Tom & Jerry

 Enemy - Hate, People, War, Friends

Promotion - Advancement, Position, Demotion, raise

Pillow - Head, Sleep, Soft, Bed

 Yearbook - Student, Picture, Statement, Write

Stakeholder - Investment, Interest, Party, company

Sponsor - Fundraiser, Support, Finance, Club

Agenda - Schedule, plan, meet, goal

SET 7:

Salad - Healthy, Dressing, Tomato, Green

Battery - Energy, Power, Charge, Phone

Sneeze - Allergy, Bless you, Cold & Cough, Nose

Invest - Money, Profit, Stock, Real Estate

Weird - Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Different

Style - Fashion, Clothe, Wear, Way

Challenger - Competitor, IPL, Rival, opposition 

Consensus - agreement, everyone, vote, decision

Cousin - Family, Child, Aunt, Uncle

Compass - Direction, Golden, Travel, Lost

SET 8:


Wish - Want, Desire, Hope, Dream

Mickey Mouse - Cartoon, Disney, Minnie, Walt

Taboo - banned, playing, old, game

Snowflake - Frozen, Winter, Snow, Elsa

Surat - City, Face, Place, Gujarat

Historical - Old, Building, Memory, Ancestors

Wednesday - Week, Day, Tuesday, Thursday

Virus - Corona, Disease, Computer, Bug

DVD - Film, Movie, Watch, Old

Storm - Lightning, Thunder, Hurricane, Weather

SET 9:

Resume - Job Interview, CV, Placecomm, After

Negotiate - Agreement, Compromise, Convince, Discussion

Confidential - Private, Secret, Disclose, Business

Label - Product, Logo, Information, Brand

Taboo - banned, playing, old, game

Island - Sea, Ocean, Water, Land

Sushi - Food, Fish, Rice, Japan

Raise - Salary, Wage, Performance, Price

Relocation - Move, New, Place, Home

Human Resource- Hire, Workforce, People, Resume

SET 10:

Tea - Drink, Cup, Addiction, Morning

Weak - Strong, Muscle, Small, Break

Watermelon - Red, Water, Song, Seeds

Exercise - Heart beat, Fit, Healthy, Morning

Snowflake - Frozen, Winter, Snow, Elsa

Profit - Loss, Revenue, Expenses, Money

CEO - Leader, Board, Directors, Executive

Reception - Lobby, Entrance, Greet, Visitor

Customs - Import, Export, Trade, Agency

Storm - Lightning, Thunder, Hurricane, Weather

SET 11:

Asset - Balance Sheet, Liability, Future Benefit, Machine

Evaluate - Judge, Analysis, Assessment, Check

Innovation - Transformation, Idea, Change, Make

Education - school, degree, learn, classroom

Eagle- fly, bird, wings, prey, 

Lawn- grass, green, garden, grow, 

Fog- cloud, mist, weather, see,

Corruption - Politicians, Bribe, Government, Scandal

Workout - Gym, Weight, Train, Exercise

Dinosaur - Jurassic Park, Extinct, Lizard, Huge

SET 12:

Discover - research, scientist, find, new

Entrepreneur - own, business, independent, owner

Sneeze - Allergy, Bless you, Cold & Cough, Nose

Clown - Circus, Funny, Red nose, Make up

Garage- car, petrol, fill, vehicle

Snore- sleep, noise, sound, nose

Field- land, country, farm, animals

Museum - Art, Display, The Louvre, Mona Lisa

Recruiter - Hire, Find, Candidate, Job

Negotiate - Agreement, Compromise, Convince, Discussion

SET 13:

Refrigerator - Food, Kitchen, Cold, Freezer

Tea - Drink, Cup, Addiction, Morning

Watermelon - Red, Water, Song, Seeds

Weak - Strong, Muscle, Small, Break

Mars- planet, red, sky, life,

Prescription- doctor, chemist, pharmacy, medicine

Confidential - Private, Secret, Disclose, Business

Milestone - Achievement, Breakthrough, Landmark, Turning Point

Stakeholder - Investment, Interest, Party, Responsibility

Sponsor- Fundraiser, Support, Finance, Club

SET 14:

Wish - Want, Desire, Hope, Dream

Fire- Hot, Burn, Dangerous, Smoke

Cheese- Mouse, Milk, Pizza, Tom & Jerry

Ball - Circle, Bounce, Foot, Basket

Historical - Old, Building, Memory, Ancestors

Wednesday - Week, Day, Tuesday, Thursday

Style - Fashion, Clothe, Wear, Way

Agenda- Schedule, plan, meet, to-do list

Consensus- agreement, everyone, vote, decision

Cousin - Family, Child, Aunt, Uncle

SET 15:

Taboo - banned, playing, old, game

Label - Product, Logo, Information, Brand

Salad - Healthy, Dressing, Tomato, Green

Snowflake - Frozen, Winter, Snow, Elsa

Promotion- Advancement, Position, Demotion, Bonus

Pillow - Head, Sleep, Soft, Bed

Yearbook - Student, Picture, Statement, Write

Compass - Direction, Golden, Travel, Lost

Virus - Corona, Disease, Computer, Bug

DVD - Film, Movie, Watch, Old

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