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***Seitan (Oil)***

1 cup gluten
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt (the purple one in drawer, not sure if 1/2 teaspoon)
1/4 teaspoon pepper (see above)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 cup water

preheat oven to 450

mix and fold the above, add more gluten after mixing until dry
put baking parchment paper in pan
bake for 45 minutes

***Seitan (Oilless)***

1 cup gluten
1 tablespoon nutritional yeast
1/2 teaspoon salt (the purple one in drawer, not sure if 1/2 teaspoon)
1/4 teaspoon pepper (see above)
1 cup coconut water

see above for cooking

Add spices
Set on parchment paper
425 degrees
15 minutes

***Chicken Breast***
Apply oil/butter on both sides
Add spices
Wrap in parchment paper
400 degrees
40 minutes

Slice 3~4 potatos not too thin
Set on parchment paper
400 degrees
35 minutes

The best way to degrade the anti-nutrients present in nuts is to boil them for
several minutes in a salt (sea salt) water solution. Once complete, strain the
nuts and place on a baking sheet in the oven. Bake at 350 F for 20 minutes or
until all moisture is removed.

4 cups of “raw” cashews
1 tablespoon sea salt
filtered water

“Some care must be taken in preparing cashews. They will become slimy and develop a
disagreeable taste if allowed to soak too long or dry out too slowly, perhaps
because they come to us not truly raw but having already undergone two separate
heatings. You may dry them in a 200 to 250 degree oven-the enzymes have already
been destroyed during processing. “

Soaking time: 6 hours, no longer

Dehydrate at 200 degrees F: 12-24 hours
Store in an airtight container

4 cups almonds, preferably skinless- SF notes “Skinless almonds will still sprout,
indicating that the process of removing their skins has not destroyed the enzymes
[they] are easier to digest and more satisfactory in many recipes. However, you may
also use almonds with the skins on. “
1 tablespoon sea salt
filtered water

Soaking time: At least 7 hours, or overnight

Dehydrating Time:12 -24 hours, until completely dry and crisp

* You can also use almond sivers

3. You can do one of two things: refrigerate the soaked nuts and consume within 24
hours OR dry in a dehydrator (or in oven set on the lowest temperature). Store in
an airtight container.

Important note: The soak water should always be discarded and never used as water
in a recipe or given to your animals.

***Drying Nuts***

Spread nuts thinly on trays or screens and allow them to dry gradually from
exposure to a gentle but steady air flow. A clean, cool, dry porch or attic is
ideal. Nuts dried this way will not mold. Drying times varies with nut variety.
Most varieties will need several weeks for proper drying.

All nuts except chestnuts contain a large amount of oil which prevents them from
drying out completely. Because of their high water and carbohydrate content,
chestnuts dry in 3 to 7 days. Drying for longer will cause chestnuts to become
hard and inedible.

Cacao Powder = 6.6mg of caffeine per 1 teaspoon of powder
Cacao Nibs = 4.6mg of caffeine per 1 teaspoon of nibs
And for a little perspective:
Coffee; 1 cup brewed: 80-135mg
Coffee; 1 cup drip: 115-175mg
Coffee; 1 shot espresso: 75-100mg
Black tea; 1 cup steeped: 49-90mg
Matcha tea; 1 cup brewed: 45-60mg
Green tea; 1 cup steeped: 20-45mg

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