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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education- Region X

Division of Valencia City
S.Y. 2021-2022

Computer 10
Learning Modules- 3 and 4
1st Quarter

Learner’s Name

Parent’s Name & Signature

James Enoveno
Cellphone Number: 09552747135
Facebook: AL Munir
Weeks 3 and 4: Word Processing
Memory Text: “It is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his
understanding stretched out the heavens. Jeremiah 10:12:”  

Enabling Outcomes: (MELC)

 Determine different parts of Microsoft Word interface;
 Create a word document;
 Use standard toolbar icons and their functions: new, open, save, copy, cut, paste, zoom, undo, redo,
search, spelling, etc;
 Use formatting toolbar and its functions: bold, italic, underline, font type, size,font color, alignment,
bullets, numbering, indent, etc;

Concepts (Generalization)

Create a Document
Create a blank document

Begin with a Blank document to get right to work or start with a template to save yourself time and steps. Just
select File > New, and then select or search for the template you want.

1. Open Word. Or, if Word is already open, select File > New.
2. Select Blank document.
3. You can also add a new document by pressing (Ctrl + N).

Create a document using template

1. Open Word. Or, if Word is already open, select File > New.
2. Choose a desired template and double-click a template to open it.

Search for a template

1. Open Word. Or, if Word is already open, select File > New.
2. In the Search for online templates box, enter a search word like letter, resume, or invoice.
3. Click a template to see a preview. Click the arrows on the side of the preview to see more templates.
4. Select Create.

Write and Edit

Add text

1. Place the cursor where you want to add the text.

2. Start typing.

These steps explain how to add, replace, and format text in Word.

Replace Text
1. Select the text you want to replace.
2. To select a single word, double-click it.
3. To select multiple words, click and highlight the words.
4. Start typing.
5. You can also use (backspace) key to delete letters or words mistakenly written.

Find and Replace Text

1. Go to Home > Replace or press Ctrl+H.
2. Enter the word or phrase you want to locate in the Find box.
3. Enter your new text in the Replace box.
4. Select Find Next until you come to the word you want to update.
5. Choose Replace. To update all instances at once, choose Replace All.
6. To specify only upper or lowercase in your search, select More > Match case. Other options are
available for a more specific case.

Check spelling, grammar, and clarity

1. Word autocorrects a lot of mistakes for you, and if it is not autocorrected, you will see colored
underlines appear under words to check for spelling, grammar, and clarity.
2. To check each item that Word highlighted, right-click the underlined text and learn more about the issue.
Accept the change that Word suggests or ignore it.
3. To check the whole document, moving to each issue Word finds, press F7.

Word Count
1. For a partial word count, select the words you want to count. The status bar shows the word count for
that selection and for the entire document.
2. When you need to know how many words, pages, characters, paragraphs, or lines are in a document,
check and click word count in the status bar. A dialog box will appear.

Insert hyperlinks
Word automatically turns a web address into a link when you press Spacebar or Enter, if you typed "http://" at
the beginning.
If you want to link from a "friendly text" in your document, the fastest way is to start by copying the address to
the clipboard: (e.g.
1. Copy the address from your browser's address bar.
2. Go to your document in Word and select the text that you want to be the link.
3. Press Ctrl+K.
4. Paste the address and press Enter.
5. Later, if you want to change the link, right-click it and choose Edit Hyperlink.

Be Active (Exercises/Activities)
Identify the parts of Microsoft Word.

Ignite (Evaluation)
1. Type the paragraph below, with errors included, using word wrap (Do not hit enter at end of line). The
computer may automatically correct some of your errors. That’s ok. Hit ENTER when you are all done
with the paragraph.

2. Use the spell checker to check for errors. Every red underlined word shows a potential error. Place the
cursor on the word and right click. The computer will give you suggestions for changes. Click on the
correct change. Another way to spell check is to click on the ABC icon on the Menu Bar with the
checkmark OR click on Tools-Spelling and Grammar from the Menu Bar. Put cursor at end of
paragraph. Hit ENTER twice.

Did you spel this correctly? The spell checker may notice double
words. Proper names such as as George, Tom, and Leessa may
cause the spell checkr to display a message. You may be able to
use a suggest buton so that you do not have to type each corection

IFL (Integration of Faith & Learning)

Technology cannot be simply rejected, demonized, or even mindlessly accepted and used. For your
technological usage, you need to do so discerningly, and with an open hand knowing that technology
is not the solution to every problem—but it is a vehicle to share the gospel and do good for others.


EDUCODE _ PowerPoint Lesson Grade 10

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