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The Schools of Psychology plays a vital role on the teaching and
learning process. It aids the teachers to know the approach towards each
student’s needs, wants, beliefs and interests. In addition, it helps with the
learner’s behavior towards classroom activities.

II. Outcome
There are several schools of psychology that has been established
and is still being use in a classroom setting. My learnings on the
differences of each type open up new insights on how I will be an effective
teacher inside the classroom.
In Structuralism, it enlightened me to dig deeper on why a student
behaves the way they do inside the classroom. To be more considerate of
their feelings and emotions than to be judgmental.
In Functionalism, there is an objective method of observing
behavior rather than introspective method. All learners have their own way
of understanding and processing the knowledge and skills that we are
teaching them.
In Psycho-analysis, it believes that most of the mind is unconscious
and it helps teachers to understand how the learners behave differently.
Lastly, the SR Psychology helped me to understand the importance
of positive reinforcement especially now that we are facing a difficult
phase in learning.
These schools of psychology will help me to be more mindful of the
behaviors of my students and to have a more effective approach in
dealing with them.

III. Growth
Each individual has their unique behavior. We have various ways
of expressing our thoughts, emotions and feelings. With the
knowledge of the schools of psychology, I will be able to apply these
learnings in the future. One good example is not to be judgmental of
the learner if he/she is a showing a negative behavior toward learning.
Another thing I realized is during the distance learning approach,
positive reinforcement is a must and it is still working even through
virtual learning.

IV. Conclusion
To sum it up, these learnings are ways to cope with the negative
behavior of the students and how to encourage positive reinforcement in
the classroom. It really encourages me to be more objective in dealing
with the learners.

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