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Developing Web Applications

Tutorial – 11

March 2022
ITAP3012 Tutorial 11


1. What are the principles of layering for a good web application design? Discuss the common layering
schemes with examples.

2. What is the importance of software design patterns in the web context?

3. Explain different data and domain patterns with examples?

4. Name a few Presentation patterns and give examples?

5. Security becomes a very important aspect in web development due to ever-changing threat scenarios.
Discuss the difference between Information security and information assurance?

6. What are the main components of the CIA triad and explain each in detail?

7. Risk assessment is a very important step to improve the security of the system. Discuss the concepts used
in risk assessment.

8. Explain usage, authentication and legal policies and their importance.

9. In a web application, what are the different strategies are used for authentication. Briefly explain each of
the authentication strategies.

10. What are the common threat vectors for web applications? Briefly explain each threat vector and how
we can defend against them.

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