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Questão Alternativa

01 E
02 C
03 D
04 B
05 D
New dimension for digital cities

The way we use and view our cities is changing. No longer can systems and buildings be
designed with no awareness of their ramifications; every single aspect must be sustainable and

Even today, many city dwellers pay little attention to the consequence of something as simple
as throwing away a bottle of water. Little do they know that one bottle could travel thousands
of miles before it reaches its destination, ending up joining tonnes of other unrecycled rubbish
for an indefinite period of time.

But imagine a future where this immense rubbish heap didn’t exist, and the journey that our
rubbish took was no longer out of sight and out of mind. Inhabitants would understand the
‘removalchain’ as much as the ‘supply-chain’, and this could help change bad habits.

This idea was tested by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s SENSEable City Lab in 2009
with a project called Trash Track, which sought to expose the challenges of waste management
and sustainability to help make 100% recycling a reality. It used hundreds of small, smart,
location aware tags to track the journeys of different types of rubbish. The results were then
revealed in a series of real-time computer visualizations.

The team has since focused on international waste flows, in particular related to e-waste.
“With a small number of tags we have been able to detect suspicious shipments of non-
working electronic devices from the US to Asia,” says Professor Carlo Ratti, director of the MIT
SENSEseable City Laboratory. Results are not complete yet, but Ratti says the team plans to
publish them soon.

( – acesso em

Uma solução ecológica para o lixo tem sido um dos grandes desafios para o desenvolvimento
sustentável. O texto “New dimension for digital cities” nos mostra a necessidade da remoção
responsável e nos informa que
A) ainda é comum a aceitação da elaboração de projetos sem levar em conta as
conseqüências de suas ramificações.
B) nem todos os aspectos dos novos sistemas precisam ser sustentáveis.
C) moradores das cidades grandes já têm consciência das conseqüências do mau uso do lixo.
D) a jornada que o lixo atravessa já é, em alguns lugares, tão importante quanto à cadeia
seguida pelos suprimentos.
E) a ideia testada pelos especialistas procurou expor os desafios do gerenciamento da remoção
e da sustentabilidade a fim de tornar a reciclagem total uma realidade.


My Way (by Paul Anka / Jacques Reveaux / Claude François)

And now the end is near
So I face the final curtain
My friend, I'll say it clear
I'll state my case of which I'm certain
I've lived a life that's full
I've traveled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
Regrets, I've had a few
But then again, too few to mention
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exception
I've loved, I've laughed and cried
I've had my fails, my share of losing
And now as tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think I did all that
And may I say, not in a shy way
Oh, no, no not me
I did it my way
For what is a man, what has he got
If not himself, then he has not
To say the words he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way

A Canção “My Way” ficou eternizada na voz de dois grandes cantores da musica
internacional:Elvis Presley e Frank Sinatra. Sua poesia expressa os sentimentos de alguém que
A) teve uma vida sofrida e lamenta não ter vivido de maneira mais intensa.
B) se orgulha da vida que levou e se gaba por não ter tido lamentações.
C) teve uma vida plena e que, apesar de algumas dificuldades, fez tudo da forma que desejou.
D) apesar de ter amado, rido e chorado ainda esperava mais da vida.
E) acredita que a maior herança de um homem é ele mesmo e por isso não precisa dizer o que
Britain doesn’t have a great culinary reputation, but in recent years London has seen a boom in
farmer’s and other food markets. These are places that sell fresh food, as opposed to the pre-
packaged frozen variety in supermarkets. At St Pancras Station, for example, you will find
Sourced Market, which now boasts 12,000 customers a week. Sourced Market’s co-founder,
Ben O’Brien, got involved in the project after a career in the music industry. We asked him
about the popularity of food markets:
Ben O’Brien:
I think there is a certain homogenisation going on, in the sense that, certainly over the last few
decades, small food businesses were put out of business by the supermarkets. I mean, it’s well-
documented that high streets were dying off, as all the butchers and bakers closed, and people
were being almost forced to have to go to the out-of-town shopping centre. Now, London’s
obviously slightly different because people drive less, and so I think that helps keep the high
street alive, but also the... you know, the cost of transport’s going up and people are, I think,
more interested in shopping regularly for smaller amount.
( – acesso em 08/08/14)

A Inglaterra não tem uma grande reputação alimentar, entretanto algumas tendências estão
sendo modificadas mais uma vez. Segundo o texto anterior
A) há uma busca por grandes supermercados em função da facilidade e da possibilidade de se
encontrar muita coisa em um único lugar.
B) Visto que os britânicos estão dirigindo cada vez mais e não há lugar para estacionar, os
pequenos mercados estão tendo dificuldade de manter a clientela.
C) açougueiros e padeiros estão perdendo espaço para os grandes varejistas.
D) as pessoas hoje em dia estão buscando alimentos frescos ao invés dos congelados
encontrados nos supermercados.
E) Ben O’Brien acredita que, entre outras coisas, o custo do transporte faz com que as pessoas
façam compras maiores evitando assim a necessidade de muitas idas para os mercados.

Caught Red-Handed
Meaning: To be caught doing something wrong.
History: This saying originated because of a law. If someone butchered an animal that didn’t
belong to him, he had to be caught with the animal’s blood on his hands to be convicted. Being
caught with freshly cut meat did not make the person guilty.
Cat Got Your Tongue?
Meaning: Something said when a person is at a loss for words.
History: There are two possible sources for this common saying. The first refers to the cat-o’-
nine-tails – a whip used by the English Navy for flogging. The whip caused so much pain that
the victims were left speechless. The second refers to the practice of cutting out the tongues of
liars and blasphemers and feeding them to cats.
Break the Ice
Meaning: To commence a project or initiate a friendship.
History: Before the days of trains or cars, port cities that thrived on trade suffered during the
winter because frozen rivers prevented commercial ships from entering the city. Small ships
known as “icebreakers” would rescue the icebound ships by breaking the ice and creating a
path for them to follow. Before any type of business arrangement today, it is now customary
“break the ice” before beginning a project.
( – acesso em 10/08/14)

Um provérbio é uma expressão curta, inteligente, que geralmente contém conselhos ou

expressa uma verdade óbvia. Segundo os provérbios expostos acima
A) a mão vermelha é sinal de mentira.
B) para ser culpado de crime contra animais, o agressor deveria ser flagrado com as mãos sujas
com o sangue do animal.
C) uma possível explicação para “o Gato Comeu Sua Língua” está associada ao fato dos
marinheiros ingleses cortarem as línguas dos mentirosos para dar aos gatos.
D) quebrar o gelo significa iniciar um relacionamento de verão.
E) a origem do ditado “quebrar o gelo” refere-se ao fato dos grandes navios de antigamente
abrirem caminho no gelo para que pequenas embarcações pudessem passar.

QUESTÂO 05 - Read the text and choose the CORRECT alternative:

(UFJF) The title of the text indicates:

a) the way to find only liturgical lyrics.

b) the way to discover information about singers’ experiences.
c) the way to find resources for studying music.
d) the way to find lyrics of songs

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