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Written By Primal Thriv



© Primal Thrive

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“When your testosterone is high

the world is your oyster. When your

testosterone is low, you become

everyone else’s oyster, sprinkled

with lemon and cocktail sauce”


Most men are hypogonadal without even knowing

what this word means. Also most men don’t even

care, they are stuck in their comfort-zone filled with

fast food, addictions and other things that make them

weak. Just like the Bible described the fall of men, we

can objectively see that there is a devolution instead

of an evolution.

The state of men is in a horrendous state. High

testosterone has become scarce.

Low testosterone levels effect most men in the

Western world nowadays.

To be more precise, testosterone levels have been

drastically declining since 1987 with an average of

1.4% every year.

This means that an average man in 2021 has about

47,6 % less testosterone than a man in the eighties.

Besides a drop in T, men become more and more

infertile and suffer earlier from prostate disease.

Never allow the thought to come in your mind that

you cannot increase your levels naturally.

With the right principles applied it becomes possible

for every man of any age.

My intention is to guide as many men towards

barbarian levels of testosterone above 1000 ng/dL so

they can conquer their inner battles and be leaders of

their own life. I personally developed a program for

Men to max their T levels in the top tier percentage,

however it starts with basic steps which I condensed

in 10 applicable principles.


Sleep is the pillar and foundation for good health. It is

even so important that those who sleep less live
shorter lives.

The time between you closing your eyes and waking

up the next day is used for building hormones,
detoxification and cleansing the central nervous
system (CNS) via the glymphatic system.

During night time the pineal gland releases

melatonin, a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free

Just remember that melatonin is your number one

antioxidant at night keeping your brains and nerves

When sleep is impaired you will see 10 years later

mental decline as a result.

The message is clear: prioritize your sleep.

Adding to this, if you have troubles sleeping in and

sleeping through the night I do NOT advise taking

There are better solutions to this and taking

melatonin will make you only produce less of your

Consider these things to optimize melatonin below.


Fluoride (Tan et al., 2018).

Stress/Cortisol (Jensen et al., 2016).

Artificial light (Gooley et al., 2011).

EMF exposure (Halgamuge et al., 2013).

Short-term fasting reduces blood melatonin levels by

20% (Peuhkuri et al., 2012).

Folate, magnesium, and zinc deficiencies.

Caffeine intake (Dragicevic et al., 2012).

Vitamin D before Sleep (Primal et al. 2021)



Number #1 Tip is to go as early possible to bed

Rise with the sun and go to bed with the sunset for
optimal circadian rhythm.

Black-out lights during sleep and minimize light

exposure in the evening.

Wear blue-blocking glasses (Lichtblock Shop)

Sufficient Vitamin D during the day.

Sufficient protein in the diet.

Earthing/grounding during the day.

Sufficient magnesium.

Pineapple consumption raises melatonin levels, so

have pineapple before bed.


Once your melatonin levels start dropping your

testosterone levels start rising (melatonin actually
suppresses testosterone). Something else should rise
as well in the morning, you know what I mean.

In the early mornings the hormones cortisol and

testosterone will wake you up and your T levels will

If you feel tires or lethargic in the morning you could

probably have low adrenal function and most likely
low T.

Testosterone actually helps with falling asleep and

with deep restorative sleep, whereas low test levels
can cause insomnia and other sleep related problems.


Quantity is as important as quality.

Most people sleep 8 hours but don’t get quality

sleep. Overtime this can cause chronic elevated
cortisol levels and a decrease in metabolic rate and
androgen hormones.


Many take the supplement glycine as it is advised to

improve sleep quality. However, glycine improves
vivid/lucid dreaming which is REM sleep. When REM
sleep is excessive, DEEP sleep or non-REM sleep will
become impaired.

The message is to sleep deep, and not have (many)

dreams. It is during DEEP sleep that the body
recovers. Take taurine instead of glycine.


All three macronutrient must be included in the diet.

Restricting one of these can lead to major
consequences for your physiology and androgen
levels. Including all three macro’s within one meal will
also balance blood sugar levels longterm.


Don’t avoid carbs and fruit, just get the right ones.
Carbs decrease stress & SHBG, while increasing free
testosterone and DHT.

Fructose is the preferred fuel of the liver, restoring

glycogen stores faster than any other carb. The liver
needs energy to convert inactive thyroid into active
thyroid hormone which favors testosterone.

Carbs also increase carbon dioxide, a key chemical

that regulates oxygen into the cell. Without carbs we
"suffocate" and we see this in those who do
extended periods of keto, losing their hair.

The hair follicles are extremely sensitive to low

oxygen saturation, which causes them to fall out as
they cannot use ketones as fuel.


Restricting carbs will cause a decrease in testosterone

levels and an increase in stress hormones. Carbs
restriction is now popular in carnivore and ketogenic
diets, however most people aren’t aware what the
long-term consequences are.

Be aware that too much fiber increases SHBG or sex
hormone binding globulin and hence decreases free

Also fiber damages the gut, which leads to systemic

inflammation and a drop in T levels.



This macro is perhaps the most vital one in our

modern Western world as we lack the good saturated
fats and are bombarded with cheap processed
unsaturated fats (PUFA’s) that turn instantaneously
rancid in the body when consumed.

Cholesterol is the building block for (vitamin)

hormone D and all the steroidal hormones such as
progesterone, DHEA, estrogen, testosterone, DHT
and cortisol to mention a few. If you don’t get enough
cholesterol in, your liver starts synthesizing its own,
which is actually a stressful event as it lacks the most
vital nutrient.


For most people bout 20% of the cholesterol comes

from the diet and 80% is made by the liver. This
means that the ONLY cholesterol low diet is a diet
HIGH in cholesterol.

Eating a high cholesterol diet (4-6 raw yolks)

decreases the workload on the liver which has to
perform to keep up with the body’s needs.

When you are training, lifting weights or you are out

in the sun you will need MORE cholesterol as both
lifting and sunlight lower cholesterol levels in.

More stress requires more cholesterol for hormone




Our meat-suits require protein for all kinds of reasons.

Protein are pretty important to maintain the organs
and muscles but protein are also used to make brain-
chemicals aka neurotransmitters.

Daily protein intake should be around 1.5-2g/kg body

weight. I personally do better on a diet with more
protein in it. Moderate protein diets were associated
with higher testosterone levels, however too much
will lower T levels. When protein intake exceeds carb
intake testosterone levels will decrease.

One specific protein found in animal flesh and

products has a pro testosterone effect. Taurine
increases the conversion on cholesterol into the
steroidal hormones.


Something that is overlooked is to have a caloric

surplus (extra calories) in the diet.

This caloric surplus gives message to our physiology

in saying that there is enough energy and reserves.

Have enough calories to compensate for your
physical activity AND add to that 300 calories more as
your surplus.

Chronic caloric restriction, like for instance long-term

IMF, will increase stress hormones making your body
making tap into its own reserves.



Quotations from:

Blood serotonin levels and male infertility

“When blood serotonin increased from 50 to 90 ng/

ml (normal range), there was an increase in the
percentage of spermatozoa with excellent motility.
However, when serotonin was above 90 ng/ml the
percentage of sperm with excellent motility
decreased. An inverse exponential relationship was
observed between blood serotonin and sperm

We don’t want serotonin to be elevated…


Elevated serotonin levels are associated with certain

behavior traits & physical symptoms such as:

- Obedience

- Passive Aggressive

- Low Testosterone

- Infertility

- Reduced Metabolic Function

- Elevated Stress & Estrogen Levels

- Cognitive Decline

- Reoccurring Headaches

- Learned Helplessness

Serotonin suppresses testosterone production directly

in the testes! This is not common knowledge, so I’m
charing it with you. Serotonin in EXCESS can make
you depressed, feeling down, and Low T.


We can solve elevated serotonin by increasing

dopamine naturally. Dopamine is a serotonin
antagonist, suppressing serotonin production and
signaling more testosterone synthesis.

Dopamine is our friend and ally. However, most things

that we come in contact with have the sole purpose
of lowering our dopamine reserves. These things that
deplete dopamine in the long run are:

- Notifications and Social Media

- TV and Screens in General
- Excessive Coffee/Tobacco Use
- Porn/Masturbation/Excessive Sex
- Fast food
- Drugs and Alcohol



Dopamine is the antidote to high serotonin levels.

This neurotransmitter is what gives men the DRIVE to
go out and accomplish things.

This is what we call the High Dopamine &

Testosterone personality.

Why HIGH Dopamine?

Approaching a woman = dopamine

Going to the gym and lifting weights = dopamine

Starting a business from scratch = dopamine

Being content with life = dopamine

Testosterone production = dopamine

Being in control of oneself = dopamine



Stress hormones suppress metabolism and

androgens. The more stress you experience the less
testosterone will be produced. Stress is very
catabolic, meaning that stress cannabilizes tissues,
causing it to breakdown, leading to inflammation

Increasing your testosterone levels will make you

become more stress resilient. Testosterone itself
decreases glucocorticoid/ stress hormone output by
the adrenals which makes it basically an anti-stress
hormone. It is also known that men with high
testosterone levels get higher paying jobs as these
often require a high stress tolerance.



1) Don’t Overtrain

Physical activity is mandatory, however overtraining is

often overlooked. Training too hard or too long
decreases testosterone and elevates stress hormones
cortisol and prolactin, which return to baseline days
after that training. Respect the stress threshold and
gradually progress to new limits.

2) Avoid Stimulation

Stimulation in the sense of caffeine, nicotine, refined

sugar, drugs, blue lights, etc. We can agree that for
some life is already too stressful, thus stimulating your
nervous system doesn’t make any sense. Decrease
the unnecessary stress load.


3) Quit Your Draining Job

This can be a very hard one, however build an escape

plan. Shift towards a job that is less stressful for a
while, prevent commuting and invest in a mentor that
can guide you towards financial freedom.

4) Connect with Nature

Men needs nature as men is part of nature. I’m talking

about grounding, sun gazing, plunges and deep
breathing - all which will reduce stress.

5) Take Adaptogens

Adaptogens are a class of herbs that help modulate

the endocrine system. These include herbs like
Ashwagandha KSM66, Tulsi (holy basil), Gingko
Biloba, Black Maca Root, Siberian Ginseng,
Jiaogulan, Rhodiola Rosea, and Astragalus to cope
with stress and to build stress tolerance.

Did you know that testosterone is able to suppress

stress hormone release at the level of the adrenals?
Indeed, having high T levels allows you to be calm
during stressful situations or more chill just in general.

The best adaptogen is testosterone.

Under stress, a man with high T will perceive the

stressor as a challenge whereas a man with low T will
succumb under the stress.

I can give you a lot more ways to mitigate stress, but

these above are the very basic.

Here is another one: Primal Thrive approves

mandatory vacations.

So go and explore - it will do you good.



Our environment floods us with man made estrogenic

substances. Xenoestrogens are man made estrogenic
substances and these come mostly in the form of a
plastic, pesticide and some sort of preservative.

They are similar in structure as the hormone estrogen,

however these have more of an aggressive and
stronger effect, causing the body to be in an estrogen
dominant state with health complications both for
men and women.

Once xenoestrogens are ingested, they disrupt the

endocrine system. As you know or you don’t,
hormones can oppose each other and in the case
with estrogen dominance the (xeno)estrogens oppose
androgen and thyroid hormones.

They disrupt other hormones in three major ways:

1. They mimic natural hormones that are produced

by the endocrine glands in the body.

2. These xeno’s bind to those hormonal receptors,

blocking the natural hormone of binding and
doing its job.

3. They interfere with the natural cells metabolism

thus other hormones.

These chemicals have a much more aggressive

effect than the naturally estrogens occurring
estrogens. They not only lower T levels, these
chemicals damage organs and glands like the
brain, thyroid and liver.


Here are some tips you can do to help cleanse/

prevent xenoestrogens:

Consume frequently citrus fruits for their acids

that help clear these estrogens from the liver.

Avoid xenoestrogen exposure on the skin at all

costs. Once applied on the skin they go straight
into the bloodstream causing instant damage,
while when you ingest these estrogens they go
first to the liver.

Consume regularly binders that bind to these

estrogens. Binders like the carrot salad or
something more potent like activated charcoal
will help you safely eliminate these endocrine-


If you don’t do anything about xeno’s = Low T my




I believe strongly that "free balling” or not wearing

underwear will benefit men on a huge scale.

You see, the testicles are meant to be outside the

body for the mere reason of temperature regulation.

What did the Romans, Scotsmen, Spartans Bushmen,

and men from the East wear?

No underwear indeed.

Underwear causes two things:

1) A rise in temperature
2) Enables the testes to move

Both aren’t in favor of testosterone production.



Sounds cliché but it works.

Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, spoke

about the sun and how it restored the humors.
Ancient Greeks even had solariums where they
practiced heliotherapy and color therapy.

Because of our indoor lifestyle we need more full

body sun exposure. High vitamin D levels were
related with higher testosterone and more free
testosterone. However too much sunlight can actually
lower testosterone so keep in mind to gradually build
up sun tolerance and to not overexpose yourself to
the sun.


Sunlight lowers cholesterol levels, so you might add a

little bit more cholesterol both for your Vit D and T

Never put that on your skin again. Sunscreens block
vitamin D production as they block UV-B light
spectrums, the very light spectrum that protects the
more aggressive UVA sun rays. We want ultraviolet B.

UVA = A of Aggressive
UVB = B of Brown

UVB rays are the ones you want in combination with

some UVA, meaning the full spectrum of sunlight.
Besides that, sunscreens are xenoestrogenic in
nature. A natural alternative would be to spray some
caffeine mixed in water on your skin, or applying an
oil like olive or coconut oil for extra protection.


Feeling that you won your day at the end of the day
is an amazing feeling. It sets the drive to win the next
and the next day. Men need a purpose, a North star,
without purpose men just dwell around. Make the day
your purpose if you haven’t a purpose already.

Just observe what needs to be done, and then just

do it. Life exists of small battles, choices,
improvements, circumstances,… these will never
change and will just come at you at random. What is
variable is the way you are and how you are going to
handle what comes at you.


Facing what comes at you, improve in the things you

have to improve - those are all small victories, and
with every victory testosterone rises.

Set a to do list of three things (not too easy, but also

not too hard) that you can accomplish within a day. If
you can accomplish those things, you will be
rewarded with a burst of natural dopamine &
testosterone release.

You want to suffer as suffering is part of every men’s


Suffer more, conquer, and set new objectives to be

conquered. This will eventually lead to a snowball-
Consistency is key. Having the stamina and will to live
like this, you will transmute your small victories in big
ones. Now imagine how your life would look like…


My intention is to guide as many men towards the top tier
% of testosterone levels above 1000 ng/dL. This is because
I understand that more testosterone equals a higher quality
of life, and low levels correlate with the opposite.

This Free Bible covered just a few principles from my

bestseller The Testosterone Bible, a written course that
contains more than 10 guides on maxing testosterone
levels and quality of life.

Imagine what other gems lie inside these other 10 guides

which cover everything from Blood Work, Nutrition, Fitness,
Attracting Women, Aesthetics, Deeper Voice, Bio Hacks,
Optimize Brain Chemistry, The Archetypes, Mindset &
Success, More Testosterone,…

Have a look at The Testosterone Bible for more details and

discover how it can help you revive your masculine essence.


Let’s Go

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