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Part 1

In community pharmacy or any pharmacy always used this called WHAM the W stand Who or what?
symptoms that the patient has where the migraine, sickness, disease and many things every
pharmacy must know the patient problem first before making action and to whom. Furthermore, H
stand for How long? sometime patient has their own medication but with date pharmacy need to
know the date and the problem. A stand for action pharmacy has to take action when patient having
a problem lastly M for medication give the patient the proper medication for their own.

Part 2

When counselling the patient pharmacy must talk or inform them let start with I stand for indication
in medicine, an indication is a valid reason to use a certain test, medication, procedure, or surgery.
There can be multiple indications to use a procedure or medication. Furthermore, H is known for
how to take or how long teach the patient how to take and tell how long it last for example "take 2
pill before eating" S the side effect and storage side effect is any effect of a drug, chemical, or other
medicine that is in addition to its intended effect also pharmacy need to know about the patient
allergies and so on also pharmacy need to check the storage do we have enough or are we out?
Moving on, A stand for avoid when counsel the patient tell the patient thing to avoid or maybe tell
the consequences of action Lastly N is for when the patient is need to take or when is the expiry date
and so on.

Part 3

Community pharmacy, also known as retail pharmacy, is the most common type of pharmacy that
allows the public access to their medications and advice about their health. Futhermore, There are
several different types of community pharmacies. They range from small, individually owned
pharmacies in the isolated rural towns to large chains in main shopping malls and supermarkets.
Nether the less, Most community pharmacies have a commercial store with a combination of
medicinal goods only available with a prescription and those with that can be purchased over-the-
counter. Moving along, Traditionally, the role of the community pharmacist is to provide
medications to patients based on a prescription from their doctor which is processing prescription,
checking for drug interaction, dispensing medications and most importantly providing advice. Lastly,
with the internet people can find pharmacy nearby can shortened the time for going to hospital. 

Part 4

a) Poison B Group is antibiotic is an example of Group B medicine that is controlled under the
Poisons Act 1952. Buying controlled medicine like antibiotic without prescription can lead to
antibiotic resistance for poison C example of Group C medicines are antacids and decongestants the
list of substance for example acyclovir in medicine that is controlled as poison and their classes can
be checked under the Poisons for Non-poison group is medication for over the counter and retails.

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