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Five steps for a wedding

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Category: F/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Character: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Ron
Weasley, Dean Thomas, Molly Weasley, Angelina Johnson, George
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-14 Words: 1280

Five steps for a wedding

by ellef_dakota


Hermione since she was a little girl looked at films like a my best friend's wedding, ...Now
your best friend was getting married!

Would she be the bride on top?!

Everything she ever saw and dreamed of comes true. Harry has always suffered so much,
and now she could help him to the best wedding ever!

Except with a part of the plan...

That the groom wanted her...


Voluntary union between two people, under conditions sanctioned by law, so that a natural family
is established.

Hermione has been to several weddings since she was little. To this day she remembered seeing a
beautiful bride walking out of the church doors. Since the Hogwarts days she had been waiting for
the day she would get married. Underneath her bed were countless bridal magazines. Bill and
Fleur's wedding was the icing on the cake. She remembers Fleur's beautiful white dress, and how
in love she and Bill were. She could still hear the expanse around her. The smell of fresh
strawberry pie. Your comfortable sandals. As bridesmaids. A beautiful song...
She woke up from her dreams when she heard Ginny calling for dinner. She took the pumpkin pie
Molly made, and took it to the center of the table. Soon she sat down next to her boyfriend and
Harry. They heard Jorge's story about his adventure with Angelina in the Muggle world. Would
they ever get married? She could already imagine Angelina with a beautiful white slit and Jorge
with a haircut and...

--- I wanted to get everyone's attention! --- Harry caught their attention. He looked nervous, she
realized. --- Ginny we've been together for two years. I'm practically a Weasley at that point! ---
everyone laughed except Hermione. She noticed something different and peculiar about Harry that
night. --- You are the most amazing, beautiful and good quadribol player I have ever met...After
Angelina! --- he laughed at the brunette. Who waved positively at him .--- Ginny Weasley wants to
marry me? --- he finally knelt down and took a beautiful ring out of his pocket. Ginny looked at
him in wonder. Molly had paired eyes.

--- Yes! -- Ginny euphorically jumped in her arms. So he put the ring on his finger. Soon Ron came
to congratulate them, after being able to take Molly out of the arms of the most recent bride and
groom. Harry suddenly looked at Hermione. She was smiling radiantly. So the bride and groom
spent hours giving details of what they would do.

Hermione went to get some air. The burrow seemed too full for her. She looked at one of her bridal
magazines. Were they so beautiful and happy would Ginny be like that? Hermione thought of her
two best friends getting married. But before continuing these thoughts she heard Harry's breath.

--- You know until today I don't know how it was not caught, under the cover of invisibility with
that super high breath! -- Hermione said mockery. Harry laughed and joined her. They were on the

--- Do you think I asked you too early? --- Harry asked trying to sound subtle. But Hermione felt his

--- Of course not, Harry. You guys have been dating for two whole years! --- Hermione hurried. ---
I know it will be all right, you will be a great husband!--- Hermione said with a radiant smile on her
face. Harry blushed a little.

--- Seriously Hermione, I didn't even know the gift to give to Ginny in three months of dating! ---
Harry played.

--- Harry, believe me. Any girl would love to be your wife --- she said affectionately. She touched
his hand.

--- Anyone? - - he raised an eyebrow. --- You know Hermione, if I didn't know you I would say
that this is a flirtation ... --- he said comical.

--- It's Harry, you're very irresistible! --- she rolled her eyes.

--- You know I'm rethinking asking you to the wedding! --- he played again, taking a huge laugh
from her.
--- But where are the ring? --- she pretended rigidity.

--- Here! --- he took a piece of rope in his pocket. It's curled up on her finger. --- That's our promise.
--- Harry said smiling.

--- We better get back! --- Hermione reminded them.

--- As soon as we speak, do you want to give up? --- Harry joked. Hermione slapped him on the
shoulder while laughing.

--- What are you doing? - asked Ron looking at them narrowly.

--- Nothing! - they said in the middle of laughter.


Hermione helped Ginny put the towel on the table while Ron and Harry took the dough from the
oven. It was the annual lunch at Ginny and Harry's house since they moved. Both Ginny and Harry
were looking nervous and excited. Ron looked confusedly at his girlfriend. That he also had no
idea what they were thinking at the time.

--- We want them to be our brides ! --- they said in unison. It was practically more Ginny screaming
in animation.

Hermione already thought of as many decorations as possible! She had even taken a notebook to
plan the wedding!

Ginny looked so happy, thought Harry. Which brought him more pressure. What if she failed as a
husband? Is it if Ginny left him? But he remembered but talked about time to fix everything and be
the best husband in the world. He will not fail Ginny. Or the Weasley's!


Hermione arranged her magazines. She badly focused on Ron complaining about the last quadribol
game that was a disaster. She just laughed and agreed with her head. She had ministry work and
...Wedding magazines!

--- What are you doing? - - Ron asked.

--- Seeing the styles for Ginny and Harry's wedding. I even thought about ... - - But it was quiet
with a kiss from Ron. She reciprocated. Ron started kissing her neck and collarbone. And soon
they had sex, in the middle of the night she let go of his hug. Yeah, he went to the living room and
turned on the television. It is put your favorite movie. The brilliance of a brilliant mind. It was so
special for her. She loved old romance movies. She imagined herself in the protagonist's place.
Imagining what it would be like...Having such a romance. Intense. Romantic. Memorable. But she
knew it was silly in her head. Wasn't that right?

Hermione and Harry were in the diagonal alley. They were going to buy Luna a birthday present.
He asked Mione for help who seemed to be loving shopping. They stopped to eat ice cream. Until
Hermione ran across the street. Harry just followed her. They entered a small jewelry store.
Hermione pointed to two pairs of rings.

--- Harry, you have to take it. Ginny will love it! -- Hermione said jumping excitedly.

--- I don't know the size of her finger .--- he said .--- It must be more or less yours, right?--- Harry
by the ring and put it on Hermione's finger. That served well. It was more than perfect. The curly
looked fascinated at the ring.

--- It's perfect! --- Hermione looked at him in wonder. --- I've never seen anything so beautiful ... -
Harry looked at Hermione. He never saw Hermione like that. She was so sensitive and smooth.
Hermione was always responsible, who was ready for anything. It was here the eleven-year-old
girl, looking at a simple ring. Sometimes it was impressive for Harry how Hermione saw beauty in
simple things.

--- I'll take it!

--- Harry, Ginny will love it! --- Hermione got excited.

--- No, that earring is for Ginny. This ring is for you. --- Harry said paying the attendant.

--- Harry doesn't have to...

--- Yes, you do. Please accept! --- they left the store. Hermione was still looking at her newest ring.

--- Thanks, but you didn't need to ... --- Harry turned to her.

--- It looked beautiful on you. --- Harry smiled naughty at her.

--- Are you flirting? --- she scoffed.

--- Look who's talking! -- Harry shrugged at her.

--- Ha ha! --- she messed up his rebellious black hair. Both spent the afternoon laughing and
playing. Hermione was still looking at Harry's beautiful gift. But Harry was looking at his best
friend. Did he stop doing that for some reason?

Next week planning for the engagement would begin!

It would be incredible right?

Hermione planned of everything to make the best wedding for her friends...

Like, why wouldn't she?

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