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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 9

Word List with Definitions

1. admonish (v) to criticize or rebuke gently for a fault

2. apathy (n) a lack of emotion or caring

3. bemoan (v) to complain

4. caricature (n) a representation, often a drawing that exaggerates or distorts features of the subject

5. cower (v) to cringe or crouch fearfully

6. cranium (n) a skull, especially the case of the brain

7. desist (v) to stop; to discontinue an action

8. duplicity (n) purposeful misrepresentation to deceive or defraud

9. extravagant (adj) immoderate and excessive in spending money

10. gullible (adj) easily fooled or tricked

11. impugn (v) to challenge or attack an idea or statement as being untrue, especially to bring up arguments or facts
against an idea or statement

12. liberate (v) to put at liberty; to set free

13. meager (adj) a small amount, often less than what is needed

14. melodious (adj) similar to or characterized by a pleasing and musical succession of sounds

15. opinion (n) a belief or judgment; something held to be true but without conclusive knowledge

16. paralyze (v) to make incapable of motion or movement

17. petrify (v) to cause to become hardened or stone like

18. priggish (adj) excessively conceited or snobbish

19. rebuff (n) a refusal or rejection, especially one that is unexpected, harsh, or abrupt

20. rhapsody (n) an expression of exaltation or elation in writing or speech

21. skepticism (n) an attitude of doubt or questioning that maintains a need for proof

22. teem (v) to be excessively or abundantly filled with things

23. turgid (adj) enlarged by fluid; swollen or engorged

24. veracity (n) honesty; the quality of keeping to the truth

25. zephyr (n) a gentle, low wind

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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 9 (cont’d)

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that means the same or about the
same as the word given.

1. cartoon 6. complain

2. scold 7. truthfulness

3. breeze 8. harden

4. release 9. detachment

5. bloated 10. belief

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that means opposite of the word

11. discordant 16. mobilize

12. acceptance 17. frugal

13. fact 18. humble

14. skeptical 19. plentiful

15. gullibility 20. honesty

Choose the word from the list that best completes the analogy, creating the same
relationship between the second set of words as exists between the first set of words.

21. support : agree :: : disagree

22. applaud : enjoyment :: : fear

23. delicious : taste :: : sound

24. brake : vehicle :: : action

25. ripple : tsunami :: : hurricane

26. wail : sad :: : happy

27. dishonesty : falsehood :: : truth

28. femur : thigh :: : head

29. nag : criticize :: : contain

30. photograph : replication :: : parody

Copyright 2008 InstructorWeb

Name__________________________ Date_________________

SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 9 (cont’d)

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that best completes each given

31. I wish you'd that noisy drum playing; I'm trying to concentrate.

32. A gentle blew through the field, just barely bending back the tall blades of grass.

33. I don't doubt your ; I know you're telling the truth.

34. That's a really purchase; how are you going to pay for it?

35. After a rain, the canal would with swift water, up to its very brink.

36. An injury to the spine can you, preventing movement below the waist.

37. He delivered a sharp ; there was no way he was taking the offer.

38. Your disturbs me; you don't seem to care about anything.

39. In Greek mythology, Medusa would anyone who looked at her, so if you tried to
kill her, you'd turn to stone.

40. The opposing lawyer, knowing the testimony was untrue, attempted to it.

41. The prisoners were gleeful when rescuers came to them.

42. His allowed him to defraud many unsuspecting people.

43. Because of his attitude, he looked down on people who might otherwise have
been his friends.

44. She could him a dozen times, but he'd still take cookies when she wasn't looking.

45. Her letter was a about the fabulous, amazing vacation she'd just taken.

46. She knew something was wrong when she saw the , swollen condition of his hand.

47. He served a portion of food, and his guest was still hungry at the end of the meal.

48. My sister is extremely ; she'll believe anything I tell her.

49. In my , love is better than money.

50. He was so afraid that he could no nothing but in the corner.

51. Her lead her to research the article's statements, and she found some of them to be

52. The sounds of birds chirping in the early morning is .

53. After being rejected by her first choice college, she would the fact day and night.

54. The street artist sketched a of him with a distorted nose and ears.

55. In order to do the brain surgery, doctors had to drill a hole in her .

Copyright 2008 InstructorWeb

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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 9 Answer Key

Synonyms 20. duplicity 39. petrify

1. caricature 40. impugn

2. admonish 21. impugn 41. liberate

3. zephyr 22. cower 42. duplicity

4. liberate 23. melodious 43. priggish

5. turgid 24. desist 44. admonish

6. bemoan 25. zephyr 45. rhapsody

7. veracity 26. rhapsody 46. turgid

8. petrify 27. veracity 47. meager

9. apathy 28. cranium 48. gullible

10. opinion 29. teem 49. opinion

30. caricature 50. cower

11. melodious 51. skepticism
Sentence Usage
12. rebuff 52. melodious
31. desist
13. opinion 53. bemoan
32. zephyr
14. gullible 54. caricature
33. veracity
15. skepticism 55. cranium
34. extravagant
16. paralyze 35. teem
17. extravagant 36. paralyze
18. priggish 37. rebuff
19. meager 38. apathy

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