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Set 01A Set 01B Set 01C Set 01D Set 01E Set 01F
1.abjure 1. anathema 1. adumbrated 1. anathema 1. acerbic 1. abrogate
2. abrogate 2. Acerbic 2. abjured 2. Abrogation 2. antipathy 2. antipathy
3. acrimony 3. Antipathy 3. acumen 3. acrimony 3. approbation 3. acumen
4. antipathy 4.alacrity 4. abrogate 4. alacrity 4. adumbrated 4. adumbrated
5. adumbrate 5. abrogates 5. antipathy 5. adumbrated 5. abjure 5. acerbic
6.alacrity 6. Acrimony 6. acrimony 6. abjure 6. acrimony 6. acrimonious
7. acumen 7. Acumen 7. anathema 7. acumen 7. acumen 7. abjure
8.approbation 8. Approbation 8. alacrity. 8. approbation 8. abrogate 8. anathema.
9. acerbic 9. To adumbrate 9. approbation 9. antipathies 9. alacrity 9. approbation.
10. anathema 10. abjure 10. acerbic 10. acerbic 10. anathema. 10.alacrity

Set 02A Set 02B Set 02C Set 02D Set 02E Set 02F
1. burnish 1. boon 1. buttress 1. ascetic 1. arrogated 1. ascetic
2. aspersion 2. buttress 2. aspersions 2. assiduous 2. blandishments 2. blandishment
3. assiduous 3. ascetic 3. assiduous 3. boon 3. ascetic 3. buffet
4. brusque 4. Aspersion 4. buffeted 4. burnish 4. buttress 4. boon.
5. arrogate 5. assiduous 5. brusque 5. buttress 5. burnished 5. assiduous
6. blandish 6. burnish 6. boon 6. aspersions 6. aspersion. 6. buttress
7. boon 7. blandish 7. blandish 7. brusque 7. assiduous 7. brusque
8. buffet 8. arrogates 8. ascetic 8. buffet 8. boon 8. aspersions
9. ascetic 9. buffeted 9. arrogate 9. Blandishment 9. brusque 9. arrogated
10. buttress 10. brusque 10. burnished 10. arrogate 10. buffeted 10. burnished

Set 03A Set 03B Set 03C Set 03D Set 03E Set 03F
1. cajole 1. conflagration 1. conundrum 1. conflagration 1. conflagration 1. cajole
2. conundrum 2. cogent 2. capricious 2. cajole 2. calumny 2. caprice
3.calumny 3. cajole 3. contrite 3. cacophonous 3. clemency 3. conflagration
4. clemency 4. capricious 4. conflagration 4. contrite 4. cajole 4. cogent
5. cogent 5. clemency 5. concomitant 5. cogent 5. caprice 5. concomitant
6. capricious 6. contrite 6. cogent 6. clemency 6. cogent 6. conundrum
7. concomitant 7. Concomitant 7. clemency. 7. conundrum. 7. contrition 7. clemency
8. cacophony 8. cacophonous 8. cacophony 8. capricious 8. concomitant 8. contrite
9. conflagration 9. calumny 9. calumny 9. concomitant 9. cacophony 9. cacophony
10. contrite 10. conundrum 10. cajole 10. calumny 10. conundrum. 10. calumny
Set 04A Set 04B Set 04C Set 04D Set 04E Set 04F
1. cursory 1. deride 1. deprecated 1. deleterious 1. deprecating 1. credulity
2. cupidity 2. Cupidity 2. deleterious 2. desecrated 2. demure 2. derision
3.decry 3. cursory 3. credulity 3. credulity 3. cursory 3. desecrate
4. demure 4. deprecate 4. derided 4. demure 4. deriding 4. deprecated
5. deride 5. desecrates 5. defiled 5. deprecated 5. credulity 5. defile
6. desecrate 6. demure 6. demure 6. cursory 6. deleterious 6. demure
7. deleterious 7. Credulity 7. cupidity 7. cupidity 7. defiled 7. cupidity
8. credulity 8. defile 8. decries 8. defile 8. decry 8. cursory
9. deprecate 9. decries 9. cursory 9. decry 9. cupidity 9. deleterious
10. defile 10. deleterious 10. desecrate 10. derided 10. desecrated 10. decry

Set 05A Set 05B Set 05C Set 05D Set 05E Set 05F
1. egregious 1. dissemble 1. discursive 1. effulgent 1. diaphanous 1. dither
2. diffident 2. egregious 2. ebullient 2. effrontery 2. diffident 2. effulgent
3. discursive 3. Effrontery 3. dithered 3. dithering 3. desiccated 3. ebullient
4. diaphanous 4. dithers 4. desiccate 4. diaphanous 4. dither 4. effrontery
5. ebullient 5. ebullient 5. egregious 5. diffident 5. discursive 5. diaphanous
6. dither 6. discursive 6. diffident 6. dessicated 6. egregious 6. discursive
7. effulgent 7. Diaphanous 7. dissembled 7. ebullient 7. effulgent 7. dissemble
8. effrontery 8. effulgent 8. diaphanous 8. dissembling 8. effrontery 8. egregious
9. desiccated 9. diffident 9. effulgent 9. discursive 9. dissemble 9. desiccated
10. dissemble 10. Desiccated 10. effrontery 10. egregious 10. ebullient country
10. diffidence

Review of Sets 1 – 5
1. (d) decry 11. (a) contrite 21. (c) dither 31. (a) arrogate 41. (c) conflagration

2. (b) defile 12. (d) ebullient 22. (a) anathema 32. (c) alacrity 42. (b) deleterious

3. (c) diffident 13. (a) approbation 23. (b) ascetic 33. (d) egregious 43. (a) desiccated

4. (b) buffet 14. (c) abjure 24. (a) credulity 34. (b) dissemble 44. (a) antipathy

5. (a) abrogate 15. (d) brusque 25. (b) cursory 35. (b) diaphanous 45. (c) cacophony

6. (b) clemency 16. (d) discursive 26. (b) blandishment 36. (d) cajole 46. (b) cogent

7. (b) conundrums 17. (d) capricious 27. (d) cupidity 37. (a) deride 47. (c) demure

8. (a) effulgent 18. (c) acerbic 28. (b) acumen 38. (c) aspersion 48. (c) assiduous

9. (c) burnish 19. (d) deprecate 29. (a) effrontery 39. (c) defile 49. (c) calumny

10. (c) acrimony 20. (d) concomitant 30. (d) adumbrate 40. (a) boon 50. (b) buttress

1. ephemeral 1. eschew 1. ephemeral 1. exculpated 1. eschew 1. expunge
2. expiate 2. expiate 2. extant 2. ephemeral 2. exculpate 2. extant
3. enervate 3. expunge 3. eschews 3. extant 3. expiate 3. eschew
4. eschew 4. ephemeral 4. evince 4. expiating 4. ephemeral 4. execrable
5. exigent 5. extant 5. exculpated 5. eschew 5. enervated 5. expiate
6. evince 6. exigent 6. exigent 6. execrable 6. expunge 6. exculpate
7. exculpate 7. exculpated 7. enervates 7. exigency 7. extant 7. Enervated
8. execrable 8. execrable 8. execrable 8. evince 8. exigent 8. exigent
9. expunge 9. evinces 9. expiate 9. expunged 9. evince 9. evince
10. extant 10. enervated 10. expunge 10. enervated 10. execrable 10. ephemeral

1. fecund 1. fastidious 1. fastidious 1. fallacious 1. evanescent 1. evanescent
2. extol 2. fecund 2. fetid 2. fatuous 2. fecund 2. fetid
3. fetid 3. fractious 3. florid 3. fastidious 3. feral 3. feral
4. fastidious 4. florid 4. fractious 4. evanescent 4. fetid 4. fecund
5. fallacious 5. feral 5. extolled 5. fractious 5. fractious 5. florid
6. evanescent 6. fatuous 6. fecund 6. fetid 6. extol 6. extol
7. fatuous 7. fallacious 7. evanescent 7. fecundity 7. fastidious 7. fastidious
8. feral 8. evanescent 8. fallacious 8. florid 8. fallacious 8. fractious
9. fractious 9. Fetid 9. fatuous 9. extolled 9. fatuous 9. fallacious
10. florid 10. extol 10. feral 10. feral 10. florid 10. fatuous

1. grandiloquence 1. Grandiloquent 1. gregarious 1. impassive 1. gregarious 1. hapless
2. harangue 2. hackneyed 2. iconoclast 2. grandiloquence 2. ignominious 2. grandiloquence
3. hackneyed 3. gregarious 3. impassive 3. hegemony 3. grandiloquent 3. hackneyed
4. iconoclast 4. garrulous 4. ignominious 4. garrulous 4. garrulous 4. ignominious
5. hegemony 5. hapless 5. hegemony 5. Hackneyed 5. hapless 5. hegemony
6. ignominious 6. Hegemony 6. harangue 6. harangue 6. hackneyed 6. gregarious
7. hapless 7. iconoclast 7. hackneyed 7. iconoclastic 7. hegemony 7. impassive
8. garrulous 8. impassive 8. grandiloquent 8. hapless 8. harangue 8. iconoclasts
9. gregarious 9. ignominious 9. hapless 9. gregarious 9. impassive 9. garrulous
10. impassive 10. harangues 10. garrulous 10. ignominy 10. iconoclast 10. harangued

1. impertinent 1. impervious 1. impertinent 1. impertinent 1. impertinent 1. ineffable
2. indefatigable 2. impertinent 2. impinge 2. imperious 2. impetuous 2. impertinent
3. impetuous 3. Incontrovertible 3. implacable 3. indefatigable 3. indefatigable 3. indefatigably
4. impinge 4. indefatigable 4. ineffable 4. implacable 4. incontrovertible 4. incontrovertible
5. impervious 5. inchoate 5. impetuous 5. ineffable 5. ineffable 5. imperious
6. implacable 6. implacable 6. impervious 6. inchoate 6. impinge 6. inchoate
7. incontrovertible 7. impinges 7. imperious 7. impervious 7. implacable 7. impinge
8. ineffable 8. imperious 8. incontrovertible 8. impetuous 8. imperious 8. implacable
9. inchoate 9. ineffable 9. inchoate 9. impinge 9. impervious 9. impetuous
10. imperious 10. impetuous 10. indefatigable 10. incontrovertible 10. inchoate 10. impervious
SET 10
1. inexorable 1. inimical 1. invective 1. iniquity 1. inveterate 1. impudent
2. inure 2. inexorable 2. intransigent 2. inured 2. invective 2. ingenuous
3. inimical 3. inured 3. iniquitous 3. inexorable 3. inexorable 3. insidious
4. inveterate 4. iniquitous 4. inveterate 4. insidious 4. intransigence 4. inexorable
5. iniquity 5. impudent 5. insidious 5. inimical 5. ingenuous 5. inveterate
6. insidious 6. Invective 6. inimical 6. inveterate 6. insidious 6. iniquitous
7. intransigent 7. ingenuous 7. ingenuous 7. impudent 7. impudent 7. inimical
8. invective 8. intransigent 8. inexorability 8. invective 8. inimical 8. intransigent
9. ingenuous 9. insidious 9. impudent 9. intransigence 9. iniquitous 9. invective
10. impudent 10. inveterate 10. inured 10. ingenuous 10. inured 10. inured

Review of Sets 6 – 10
1. (b) iconoclasts 11. (a) inimical 21. (b) exigent 31. (c) florid 41. (d) intransigent
2. (d) exculpate 12. (b) expunge 22. (a) feral 32. (b) ingenuous 42. (d) invective
3. (b) imperious 13. (c) evanescent 23. (a) garrulous 33. (d) fastidious 43. (d) hapless
4. (c) fetid 14. (b) expiate 24. (b) extol 34. (a) execrable 44. (b) ephemeral
5. (b) inveterate 15. (a) eschew 25. (c) inexorable 35. (a) ignominious 45. (a) extant
6. (b) gregarious 16. (b) impertinent 26. (a) impervious 36. (a) fractious 46. (c) fatuous
7. (a) hackneyed 17. (c) implacable 27. (d) impudent 37. (c) fallacious 47. (d) insidious
8. (b) enervate 18. (b) indefatigable 28. (b) iniquity 38. (d) hegemony 48. (c) impassive
9. (b) grandiloquence 19. (d) inured 29. (c) impetuous 39. (a) incontrovertible 49. (d) harangues
10. (d) ineffable 20. (d) inchoate 30. (d) fecund 40. (b) impinge 50. (d) evince

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